warning; be careful guys, I have a very bad feeling; market will go down sharply from now (2008 July 31) on, and we will see below 2000 point before end of this year ;Please be prepared;
2008 is for sure not a good year for investment;1) 基本面 decide the stock market; now it's bad; subprime cause almost all major banks to shrink or control the loan; that means the money is flow out of stock market;
2) 八月市场接受2400亿解禁股大考 ; if you only have enough water for a cup, what if I give you a empty swimming pool; the level of water will go down;
3) inflation this high in china, interest hike will make the bleeding of stock market even worse; but sometime control the inflation is still important than the stock market;
though I don't like 熊市, but the above fact leave me no choice but to stay away from stock market this and next year; until the 基本面 changed;keep your cash flow, you will see gold all over the ground in next few years;
lets wait and see it; hope it is 今天大盘将收阳线 by end of today; Have a nice sleep; and I didn't think the market is at "最悲观的时候", it is just not there yet,
haha, now is short term buying point; if you are a pro and a gambler; (ShanHai Time , 2008 Aug 06 9:47AM;though long term still very bad;
601898 11.99 , 600188 16.59, 600088 19.30 etc.
but I won't do anything, just too risk now;
"今天大盘将收阳线,不要忘了行情始于最悲观的时候", this might be valid for today (aug 6)a successful olympic game should match with a red stock market; be positive;
short term Zhen4Cang1 (shake off) done;
new stock 中国南车 at this weak market; sigh; crash;
Ding; I am crying for any investers that put there money in this kind of market; <as per my calculation, you may see around 2000 points at end of Auguest if ZF still do nothing> ;
why are you crying for others ? lots of us are still making good money there.
ok; not for you; for the people who still locked in the market;
ding! another 5% down on SH index; 20080818
be strong, Fan3Tan2 should happening in any minutes start from now on (but don't expect too much in bear market);buy somthing dropped less may be a good idea in short term if you are a brave gambler;
dropped less means somebody (usually the big money holder) disagree with the market;
电力 section can be considered;
don't need to rush so far, market is just too weak now; wait and hold cash is the best strategy now; within next 2 years you will see plenty of stocks fell well below 3 yuan;By that time, you can pick up any gold you want and wait for next wave to start; just be patient; don't rush; I still don't think we already see the bottom of the vally so far;
Due to the Hong2Guan1 ecnomics cycle for China won't be strong in next few years, the stock market will follow and reflect it (I mean stock market should be very weak and cool in at least next 1 to 2 years, don't exepct too much) ;
Let wait and see it;
so far still feel very bad; just no money there; volume is too low to make anything happen;
sigh, I didn't expect 2000 point this soon can be reached; if this is the case, 1500 point at Dec, 2008
Chinese stocks are worthless. It's a tool used by the badly managed companies and government to suck money out of ordinary people without giving them anything back.
Even 1000 points is too high. Don't forget the Nortel story, 140 to 10 within weeks and never rise again.