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相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 请问现在申请探亲延期还需要提前一个月吗?
Sorry, Help! Today when I fill the form, I found the document still require 30 days before the expiry. That day has passed. Anybody know what I can do now?Sorry, when I checked the online eligible question at that time, the information shows me that I can submit before the visa expiry. So I did not hurry.
You may need to pay some money to restore the situation. I remember there is an option there. Look at the website again.
For my understand, I only need submit restore when visa is expired in last 90 days.
Can I apply online now?
You should still can apply online. Have you tried? There are a lots questions, one of them related to whether your visa will expried within a month, as I remember. Sorry, there is a while ago, I don't remember all the details now.
Thanks for your information. I called the CIC. And two persons (one is regular, another one is online) told me that I can apply now. 30 days is recommend.
I mean one person answer regular question, another one answer the online process question.
No problem. I applied the extension 7 days before the expiry and got approved. So 30 days rule is only recommendation. But it's good to follow.
as long as CPC_V receives your extension application before the expiry date, even just one day before it, you are OK, no matter online or mail-in.Only pay restoration fees if CPC_V receives your application AFTER the expiry date, but not more than 90 days. Good luck.