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我会说, 你还是没有找到适合自己的教会~~~


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 星期天总免不了想教会的事,先谈一谈华人教会。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛其实华人教会分得很细,有台湾人教会,香港人教会,还有清一色大陆人的教会。台湾人和香港人的教会有相融的可能,即一个教会可能一半台湾人一半香港人。大陆人有不少加入台湾人或香港人的教会,但基本上是陪衬,不太容易进入教会的实际核心层。而大陆人的教会100%都是大陆人,台湾人和香港人绝不会加入。区分一个教会是台湾人还是香港人还是大陆人,只要看牧师是哪个地方人就能判断,因为牧师的收入是教会的主要开支之一,雇佣谁当牧师是教会最大的决定。



    是不是我的想法出了偏差?谁有同感?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 外行问个问题:所有的人类,不都该是 MESSENGER 么?如果是的话,为什么要对 MESSENGERS 的要求这么高呢?
      • 毛主席教导,榜样的力量是无穷的。
        “我虽然自由,不受任何人管辖,但我自愿成为众人的奴仆… 所以我奔跑,不是没有目标的;我斗拳,不是打空气的。我要克制自己的身体,叫身体服我,免得我传了给别人,自己反而落选了。”

    • 哈哈,你去教会是看牧师去了,看来一个也没看中。
      • 还好没有去看漂亮妹妹:)
        • 漂亮妹妹做牧师,您一看就满意了,哈哈
    • interesting。按理去教会是因为信神,又不是信牧师,牧师俗不俗和信徒应该没关系。不过,这心理完全可以理解
      • 对,这话不少人说过。人都是俗人,没有一个教会是完美的。可以开玩笑地说,教会最不虔诚的恐怕就是牧师,因为星期天教会里只有他一人是来赚钱的。但是我一直认为牧师的一举一动代表着教会的形象。如果你不喜欢一个牧师,你能坚持去他的教堂听他讲道,你不会觉得这样很虚伪吗
        • 牧师的年收入怎么算的? 不知道有多少? 有一个新移民,没有收入、没有信用记录要租房子,我的经纪说要担保人,她教堂的牧师愿意做她当担保人,我的经纪说要看牧师的收入文件,那个牧师拒绝给她担保了。
          • 牧师的收入跟教会的实力和他的资历有关。据说有个实力雄厚的台湾人教会,牧师的职称是高级牧师,收入不比一个senior programmer低,还有benefit,每年培训(去美国),国外考察出差等等等等。那还是若干年前的事,现在收入应该还会增加吧。

            • 牧师的 JOB DESCRIPTION 是什么?DUTIES 都有哪些?
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是我放狗找到的。

              Personal Spirituality
              1. An intentional, daily devotional experience.
              2. Demonstrate an intentional plan for spiritual growth.

              Family Life
              1. Average one day off each week.
              2. Take a Sabbath away with family two or three times a year, in addition to vacation, to visit another church, pastoral family, or to simply get away.
              3. Schedule time each day for interaction with your family in worship, recreation and meals.
              4. Take annual vacations according to policy.
              5. Recognize the influence of a supportive family as a significant impact in the success of ministry, even though members of the family are not responsible for ministry.
              6. Enroll children in a Seventh-day Adventist denominational school. Other alternatives need consultation with Conference administration.

              Personal and Professional Growth
              1. Take a minimum of two CEU’s (20 hours) annually.
              2. Devote several hours of study each month on material not specifically directed to sermon preparation.
              3. Read a minimum of ten books each year. It is suggested that some Spirit of Prophecy books be included.
              4. Participate in a local ministerium and, if possible, in a local area professional group.
              5. Spend one-half hour in vigorous exercise at least three times a week. Demonstrate an integrated understanding of the health principles of the church.

              1. The proclamation of God’s Word, centered in Jesus Christ, should be the main focus.
              2. Maintain doctrinal and hermeneutical soundness in all sermons.
              3. Preach up-building rather than destructive or judgmental sermons, feeding the flock.
              4. Deliver sermons in an interesting, creative and motivating manner.
              5. Spend adequate study and preparation time each week to ensure an appropriate worship experience.
              6. Plan a preaching schedule at least one quarter in advance with varied styles of sermons, meeting the congregation’s felt needs, and with the pastor preaching regularly.
              7. Invite into the pulpit loyal, Seventh-day Adventist members known to be in regular standing. Exception is made for government officials who may, on special occasions, be invited. Other exceptions, or clarification, are handled in consultation with Conference administration.

              Pastoral Services
              1. Maintain a regular and systematic program of member visitation both by the pastor and through people who care and have skills to visit in homes.
              2. Maintain scheduled and published office hours.
              3. Provide spiritual counseling and/or referral for members’ crisis situations.
              4. Be available for crisis situations at any time of the day; however, reasonable limitations must be maintained on routine matters to protect pastors and their family from inordinate intrusions into their private lives.
              5. Develop a plan, in consultation with local church leadership, for reclaiming inactive members.
              6. Process redemptive discipline following Church Manual guidelines.
              7. Nurture youth involvement and assimilation in the church.
              8. Maintain sensitivity to groups with special needs, e.g. elderly, disabled, single parents.

              Church Growth
              A personal involvement in soul winning will model a passion for people, not because of being paid for a job, but out of love for Christ.

              1. Provide leadership toward church growth.
              2. Involve members in spiritual gifts identification, equipping, training, organizing, and discipling, including an on-going program of personal Bible studies.
              3. Provide some form of “sowing/reaping/discipling” cycle, which gives people the opportunity to accept Christ and join the Seventh-day Adventist Church, carried out perpetually in each church. The duration of the cycle is decided by the pastor and the local church.
              4. Track Sabbath morning attendance giving special emphasis to keeping in touch with people rather than just numbers, watching the trends and understanding the reasons for significant changes.
              5. Plan regular, baptismal Sabbaths as a focus of your evangelistic outreach.
              6. Maintain a current, active interest list.

              1. Lead the church in establishing short term and long-range objectives.
              2. Plan a yearly calendar including boards, harvest focus, programs and other important events.
              3. Lead the local church in establishing an annual budget.
              4. Work in harmony with the actions of the local church board, school board, and the Conference Executive Committee. If any conflict arises, counsel with Conference administration is urged.
              5. Maintain awareness of information contained in communications from the Conference, implementing the necessary items in an appropriate manner in the local church.
              6. Report to the Conference through whatever systems of accountability is established. Insure that the clerk and treasurer’s reports are submitted in a timely manner.
              7. Negotiate role expectations with local church board annually; utilize an evaluation process periodically.

              Professional Ethics
              1. Live in harmony with the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
              2. Be faithful in returning tithe. NAD Working Policy states: “Because of its importance as a principle and the spiritual experience it represents, tithing, like other basic beliefs and practices of the church, becomes a condition of employment for all credentialed/licensed employees.” -D 55 05
              3. Avoid borrowing money from church members and/or accepting large gratuities from individual church members.
              4. Be honest and fair in all business relationships.
              5. In harmony with Biblical principles, be loyal, in word and action, to colleagues, leadership and the policies of the Seventh-day Adventist church at all levels. If problems arise, follow the Biblical and church-established conflict resolution procedures.
              6. Attend the ministerial meetings called by Conference leadership.
              7. Give full energy to the ministry. NAD Working Policy states: “Conference and institutional employees shall refrain from any side lines, or activity, either denominational or extra-denominational, which has the effect of diminishing their influence and/or infringing on the time and efficiency of the work to which they are assigned. –Y 06 06更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 呵呵,较真了,这种问题我在教堂里是不敢问的。
                • 牧师拿 PAYROLL 的,得有 JOB DUTIES 吧?
                  • 这是教会董事会的事,他们有一套程序来招聘牧师。但我认为,这个招聘不会太公开。在北美,牧师是个令人尊敬的好职位,但是竞争也很厉害。但我希望是公开竞争。
                    • 每年那么多人从神学院毕业,不知道都在从事什么工作,牧师的职位很有限
              • 估计得背下全本圣经,会希语
            • 牧师还帮人操办婚礼和葬礼, 葬礼好像收 $300 - $500
            • 我有两个朋友是牧师,都是本地神学院毕业的,一个是中学同学,老外,一个是一个华人女士
              • 感觉上西人教会比较完善些,很类似私人非营利机构,很多程序比较公开、公平。华人教会给我的感觉,这类敏感的事会比较躲躲藏藏,反而让人起疑心。
                • 讲广东话牧师有失庄重感///
          • 牧师的收入,是不透明的。CRA,也没有他们的办法。
            • Are you sure?
        • 据我理解,牧师是仆人,对神,他是神的仆人,传神的道(with Bible),接待信徒;对人,他服事信徒or future 信徒(在信仰上);教会的行政由理事管理。我认识的牧师,有些以前是医生,工程师,受聖灵感动,去读神学,然后做牧师。
      • 如果你嫌牧师讲得不好,你有圣灵感动,你就自己上去讲。
        • Are you sure?
        • 教会绝不会随便让人上台发言!
          • 圣灵感动,他们拦你不住
    • 惟喜爱耶和华的律法,昼夜思想,这人便为有福。他要像一棵树栽在溪水旁,按时候结果子,叶子也不枯干。凡他所作的尽都顺利。”  
    • 一直不理解怎么相信上帝?
      • 想信了,自然就信了。
        • 太唯心,所以我信不来
          • 我觉得你得有自己解释不了的现象,或者觉得有超自然的感觉,或者疑惑自己解释/解决不了的时候,或者是需要寻求人类无法解释不须解释的事情/现象,再去求外力。
            • 问题是人类解决不了,不等于宗教给的答案就自动是对的。许多人劝教的逻辑是:喏,看XX是科学就解释不了的,所以必定有神的。多顺溜啊。
              • 有解释就比没解释强,偏见也是见啊。庞大的信仰系统,真的是很 AMAZE 人呐。
            • 人有时并非真的需要一个答案,其实是需要一个安慰。所以答案正确与否并不重要,重要的是有人和你想得一样。
              • Why would someone look for company?
                • It's not necessarily looking for company. Maybe just want to confirm what you have thought was right.
    • 谢谢分享你的观察和思想!
    • 据说入教受洗都要签十一协议(收入10%捐给教堂),跑别的教堂不就是生意跑掉了。
      • 据说的可能不是真的~~
        • 拿收入10%给教堂是普遍行情吧。
          • 都要签十一协议?
            • 你要较真,那就不叫协议,是主要求的。
              • 我不叫真, 我只 说我看到的~
              • 您上错教会了,那个不是基督教。
          • 真要这样教堂早关门了。我去过的数个教会按收入估算的话,大概信徒们贡献了自己工资的2%-3%之间,估计严格1/10的人数在5%左右。
            • 做抗踹的应该扣除成本。
      • 十一协议带来的疑问。这是独立于政府税收之外的第二个税收,但是在实行上很不公平。


        疑问3,既然是收入的十一,不仅仅是工资,其他如房产增值算不算?譬如,一个人的房产每年增值10万,他是不是该奉献1万?牧师眼睛整天盯着教徒的工资收入,但从来不提自己的房产增值。每当牧师满面红光的时候,我们知道无非这几种情况:1- 他家刚换了大房,很不错的deal,尤其过一段时间他的房产又涨了;2- 他的子女进了医学院;3- 他自己被提升了senior pastor,或者contract被renew了。呵呵,我小心眼了一把,但这些都没逃过我的眼睛。


        • 我看到的都是自愿奉献, 没有强迫~~
          • 如果你成为教会的会员,很多华人教会是非常强调这点的。当然如果你只是visitor,他们不会push你。
            • 其实人们一旦真的相信上帝, 做这一切都很自然~~~不需要别人PUSH ~~ 另外我觉得 你还是没有找到适合自己的教会~~~ -littlebird09(小小鸟); 16:50 (#9201346@0) reply more
              • 我的原则是,牢骚没法控制,自己看到什么总忍不住,但教会还是要去。
                • 大家都理解, 每个人都有这个 过程~~~
          • +1
        • 教会不是CRA,不会audit你的收入,capital gain of your properties.
        • 如果你真正明白 “施比受有福”这句话,你才刚刚开始明白一点“信徒”们自愿奉献的意义。
        • 如果你确信你的财产都是属于GOD的。。。只不过TA把MONEY交给你来管理。。。你就不会纠结10:1奉献了。。。
      • 没有10-1的说法,一般大陆教会每人每星期捐20,香港人捐的多点。
        • 捐款都是匿名。。。一切都是自愿。。。你可以都捐了,也可以。。。跟什么地方的人无关。。。不过,老外很大方,香港台湾人其次,大陆来的最纠结的就是捐款。。。
    • 我会说, 你还是没有找到适合自己的教会~~~
      • 我觉得还没有。现在去西人教会,有一点好就是只是听道而已,不会有各种想法。
        • 我刚来时去过一个西人教会, 太PUSH, 很不喜欢~~~ 所以找到一个让自己觉得舒服和RELAX 的 环境很重要~~
          • 看来教会跟西人华人无关,跟它本身的运作和牧师有关。
            • 绝对的~
      • 哦,原来你也是信教的。
    • 基督教所有分支都规定信主都必须去教堂吗?有木有可以在家自修的?
      • “因为无论在哪里,有两三个人奉我的名聚会,那里就有我在他们中间”。 努力自“修”是一直要做的,但完全“自”修是无效的。
      • “”你們不可停止聚會,好像那些停止慣了的人,倒要彼此勸勉;既知道那日子臨近,就更當如此“”(來十25)。
    • 教会有你喜欢的,有你不喜欢的,很正常,找适合你的也没什么可责备的。但是,每一个教会都不完美,尤其是你已经深入进去,参与侍奉了,总有你不喜欢的人或事,如果太挑剔,就没办法了,也许这就是主的心意呢,让我们在一个教会扎根,委身,磨练。



      • 不错,财务很透明
      • 谢谢分享。你们教会应该属于大陆人的教会。我的感觉是,华人教会中的纯大陆人的教会是最适合我们的,只是还没机会碰到这样一家。
      • 如果方便的话,有没有可能把你的教会PM我?将来有机会可能会光顾。
        • pm already
    • 国外这么多年,仍旧生活在教会之外,被拉去过,但终是不能心安理得说违心的话,鄙夷那些以主的名义求着私欲的人。
      • 以主的名义求着私欲的人毕竟很少,许多教徒包括牧师都是很虔诚的。我个人对牧师有点过于关注,觉得他们是神派来的,是教会的形象代表,如果一旦发现他们没有我想象得那么圣洁,心里就会不舒服,呵呵。
        • 别对牧师是要求太高,他们不是神,人都是不完美的,不管他有多好。。。
    • 没关系,很正常。。。找一间离家不太远的,华人教会是首选。。。然后融入进去,你会发现他们都很可爱。。。不想得到帮助,你可以帮助别人。。。
      • 昨天有些杂念,其实这些都是几年前的想法。后来一直在西人教会听道。也在找一个合适的华人教会。我住的地方不是华人区。
        • 那就选家门口的西人教会。。。除了worship,还要参加bible study和小组聚会。。。慢慢的,你就了解他们了。。。
          • 一直在去家附近的西人教会,好几年了。所以在考虑找一家华人教会。
            • 华人间还是好交流的。。。有很多共同语言。。。
            • 基督教中福音派、灵恩派、浸信派等等, 所以要找到你舒服的~~
              • 你有没有想过从基督教转天主教?
                • 没想过~~
    • 有一个朋友几个月前问我愿不愿意给她们教堂捐款,据说是为一个教堂项目, 我答应了她,第二天她家有急事她离开了多伦多,
      • 一个月后她回来了马上打电话给我,叫我不用捐了, 他们已经超额完成了募捐任务,他们的目标是90 万, 一个月内已经收到超过一百万
        • thanks for sharing ~~:)
          • 小小鸟早!
        • 真好。。。我们教会有一年财务状况不好。。。