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A Romantic Story

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛When I was a young girl, I deeply believed that romance was a large and heavy basket, full of pink flowers, red roses, a big diamond ring, and many many expensive gifts. The basket must be very large, and heavy that my heart can’t help, but melt down. My Prince Charming will hold my hand and walk me to the wedding ceremony. And then we can live happy every after.

But in reality, when I felt in love with a young guy in college, things were much simple. We went to library together, we went to movie together, we played badminton together, and our lives didn’t change much. But I did taste the sweetness of romance. For me, romance was pink.

After graduation, I got a very good job offer in a company in my hometown, a city 400 kilometers away from our school. My boy friend was sad, but my parents are happy. “We finally have you home; you can have an easy life in our city.” That’s true, my job was better paid, and I was back to my old friends. I had an easy life style in my hometown.

My boy friend did not give up our love. He started to visit me bi-weekly or monthly depending on his schedule. To save both time and money, he took the night train. On 10 pm, he took the train and arrived at my city at 6 am. My neighbours still remembered that a tall and handsome guy with a small luggage and a bunch of flowers knocking at my door. On Sunday afternoon, 5 pm, he would take another train back to his hometown. We also called each other after 9 pm every night, because the longer distance call is half priced after 9 o’clock between cities. Two years past, I thought my romance was unique; it was a combination of bitterness and sweetness, like chocolate. But my mom started to worry about me. She said: “he is a really good guy, but stay with us; you’ll have a better future.” But my boy friend said, let’s go to Canada, we can have a better future together. I said “Yes!” we wanted to be together; we wanted to have a future together!

After two more years, we landed on Pearson Airport. As new immigrants, our lives had totally changed! For a better future, we decided to go back to school. I studied for my specialized honoured degree, and my husband applied Master degree in computer science. When the day his offer came, we both became silent, because the city he would go is 400 kilometers away from Toronto. Where is my romance basket, I don’t like it any more! My hubby, one of the most positive guys in the world, said, “This is the last time!”

We were both at school, he came back biweekly or monthly, and we chatted on Yahoo messenger daily. All the summer time was our Valentine ’s Day! After graduation, we both got professional jobs and started to save money. On the seventh year of immigration, we had our dreaming house together; we then had two beautiful and smart kids together; we had our home in Toronto together!

This summer, my parents come to visit us; my big family went to the Erin dale Park for a picnic. The weather was beautiful, full of sunshine. My hubby was playing ball with my daughter, and she made all those happy giggling. Finally I saw the big smile on my parents’ face. The happy family picture, which could happen easily in my hometown, took us 10 years to realize in Toronto! Touching my son’s hair, I suddenly remembered my romance basket. I believed my romance is a perfect 10 : I got all those pink flowers, red roses, a big diamond ring, and I finally understand those expensive gifts, they are self-discipline, they are persistence, they are responsibilities, they are promise, they are hard-work and they are respect. And my romance basket is large and heavy, because my heart can never expect a second romance for the rest of life.

*Copy right is reserved by the author.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / A Romantic Story
    • It's such a touchy and sweet story! Thanks for sharing!
      • Thank you. :)
    • happily ever after
      • (#8928347@0)
        • 我这个comment是about整个故事的结局。and they lived happily ever after.
          • 辩(变)得很好。赞一个。
        • 写文原则简单:满足了5 W + H ,而且 根据证据和事实得出结论,不是无中生有。
          • 探长是在找我的茬。你的文章写得真好
            • Please read "Love Story" —— by the same author @:(3777 bytes. #8935296@0) or just click the LINK:
            • please come in:
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛please come in

              softface (探长)
              <本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/f >
              工作学习 / 外语学习 / Love Story -qingqingshuil(清清水); 11:39 (3970 bytes. #8936351@0) more
              Touching. 这坛子里除了美帝苏修时候有过几篇精华,多数是插科打诨。这样的文章贴这儿,太可惜了。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 16:50 (#8936731@0) reply more
              你的专辑里不是有一模一样的篇子吗? -redneck(Cracker); 17:09 (#8936747@0) reply more
              这么无忌~~) -minitoy(粉韩少ing); 17:12 (#8936749@0) reply more
              返老还童吗。 除非清清水是马甲, 否则有剽窃之嫌吧? -redneck(Cracker); 18:29 (35 bytes. #8936754@0) more
              两篇一模一样的文章?那就是同一个人! -softface(探长); 18:30 (#8936823@0) reply more
              To be, or not to be, that will be TWO questions! -softface(探长); 19:15 (#8936916@0) reply more
              啊? 不带这么赤果果的嘛! -softface(探长); 18:29 (#8936821@0) reply more
              童心未泯也 -redneck(Cracker); 18:33 (#8936833@0) reply more
              我脚得你是看到说咱们天天不学习插科打诨而反击了。 -meisuowei(混混); 18:34 (18 bytes. #8936835@0) more
              嗯,难怪没给加浆,这版主也算是英明啊,呵呵 -dandelion1(蒲公英哥); 8.13 19:06 (#8929366@0) -softface(探长); 18:58 (#8936870@0) reply more
              Sorry,俺说的是作者。 -softface(探长); 18:35 (#8936836@0) reply more
              童心不泯 -qingqingshuil (qiu niao) Page Link -softface(探长); 19:24 (#8936937@0) reply more
              睿智!哦。原来是有典故的。 -softface(探长); 19:25 (#8936939@0) reply more
              真是让人想不明白啊!这是一个外语学习的分坛,不让指出语句的错误,怎么相互交流共同提高啊? 那就会变成让满屏的错误在翩翩起舞。 -softface(探长); 18:37 (#8936839@0) reply more
              我就让你找“满篇的错误”,我看你找的全不全? -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:36 (#8936957@0) reply more
              俺那是感慨本坛的新规定的,是说你的吗? 你既然受去了,那就也包括你的这篇习作。你这是invite吗? -softface(探长); 19:48 (#8936972@0) reply more
              不会下蛋的母鸡,会学鸡啄人,也是好鸡! -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:39 (#8936961@0) reply more
              居然搞人身攻击来了,你接下来要不要去最大的法语省啊? -softface(探长); 19:44 (14 bytes. #8936970@0) more
              No dish suits all tastes!The new concept of English language "health" of us Chinese immigrants nowadays is one can not take too much cream or high protein but need all kinds of grains (even rough-in) to make our list full and scientific. -softface(探长); 18:41 (#8936841@0) reply more
              What's more, regarding the method of English learning, drip irrigation means is much more efficient than cats and dogs pouring means. -softface(探长); 18:44 (#8936846@0) reply more
              And the last point which plays the most important role is the content --You notice that some of us here have been jesting and making gags. -softface(探长); 18:45 (#8936848@0) reply more
              That is the meaning of this forum's being here —— to combine entertainment into learning! -softface(探长); 18:45 (#8936850@0) reply more
              In one post. -softface(探长); 19:05 (623 bytes. #8936895@0) more
              Thanks for sharing your moving story, bless you. -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 18:49 (#8936852@0) reply more
              qingqingshuil(ybaby,Jasmine),if you invite me to make corrections to any of your two pieces of writing(or just this piece),I will show you how you can improve your English. -softface(探长); 18:57(#8936856@0) reply more
              LZ 的伎俩,有点让我恶心着了。俺就算是插科打诨,也觉得自己高尚好几倍。 -meisuowei(混混); 18:59 (#8936871@0) reply more
              ? -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 19:01 (#8936883@0) reply more
              (35 bytes. #8936754@0) -softface(探长); 19:02 (#8936887@0) reply more
              You can be moved by your own article sometimes -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 19:04 (#8936891@0) reply more
              LOL 想拍桌子! -meisuowei(混混); 19:06 (#8936899@0) reply more
              Can't you? -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 19:07 (#8936902@0) reply more
              so far, i have very good memory. don't plan on losing it in any way. -meisuowei(混混); 19:07 (#8936904@0) reply more
              她是自我感觉太好了。 -softface(探长); 19:02 (#8936885@0) reply more
              what's up? 楼主用新马甲发贴,然后再用老马甲把自己夸一顿? -sarah649(Sarah); 19:16 (#8936919@0) reply more
              顺便,还便一大堆出来,恶心所有人(单独放"美帝苏修"时期的精华一条生路)。 -softface(探长); 19:27 (#8936922@0) reply more
              承认是抄袭? 还是承认是马甲自吹并且一竿子打翻一坛的人?—— 那将会是两个问题!To be, or not to be, that will be TWO questions! -softface(探长); 19:21 (#8936927@0) reply more
              是后者,自吹自擂 -sarah649(Sarah); 19:22 (#8936931@0) reply more
              可惜。里面的错误在翩翩起舞。 -softface(探长); 19:26 (#8936940@0) reply more
              明人不做暗事。文笔就是再好,又如何。 -meisuowei(混混); 19:27 (#8936944@0) reply more
              好哪儿去哦。扫几眼头两段之后就看不下去了。 -softface(探长); 19:29 (#8936948@0) reply more
              Her story is positive energy, I think she wanted to share her story, which is a good thing -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 19:33 (#8936953@0) reply more
              这里被某些人搞成了“文革时候", 一个人披着4,5件马甲这这里称”王霸“,看看他7,8个月一个像样的文章也没有,看见'别人的文章吧,酸! 她就是个大肚婆,咱没空和她蘑菇, -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:45 (#8936973@0) reply more
              <本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/f >更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Very ridiculous!!!Pls come in again:
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛工作学习 / 外语学习 / Love Story -ybaby(茉莉花); 20:42 (3956 bytes. #8937035@0) more
              是不是给大家做一个说明? -softface(探长); 20:44 (#8937038@0) reply more
              你用不着操心版权。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 20:46 (#8937041@0) reply more
              谁理你的版权! -softface(探长); 21:23 (#8937055@0) reply more
              Love Story -qingqingshuil(清清水); 11:39 (3970 bytes. #8936351@0) more Touching. 这坛子里除了美帝苏修时候有过几篇精华,多数是插科打诨。这样的文章贴这儿,太可惜了。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 16:50 (#8936731@0) -softface(探长); 21:23 (#8937085@0) reply more
              大家看看!她先是在11:39 (3970 bytes. #8936351@0)以 -qingqingshuil(清清水) 的ID发帖《 Love Story》, -softface(探长); 21:26 (#8937086@0) reply more
              然后用自己的另一个ID力捧自己,并且污蔑坛友:【Touching. 这坛子里除了美帝苏修时候有过几篇精华,多数是插科打诨。这样的文章贴这儿,太可惜了。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 16:50 (#8936731@0) 】 -softface(探长); 21:26 (#8937087@0) reply more
              楼主!!!!你欠俺一个道歉!!!! -softface(探长); 21:31 (#8937096@0) reply more
              大家看看,她的嘴巴何其毒也?!!!她骂俺的帖——————【不会下蛋的母鸡,会学鸡啄人,也是好鸡! -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:39 (#8936961@0)】 -softface(探长); 21:33 (#8937097@0) reply more
              !她骂俺的帖,还有——————【...,看见'别人的文章吧,酸! 她就是个大肚婆,咱没空和她蘑菇, -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:45 (#8936973@0) 】 -softface(探长); 21:34 (#8937098@0) reply more
              算了。反正你不是女的。不过把自己的姐妹因为怀孕,就叫人大肚婆,会不会下蛋等等的,你还罗嗦个什么劲儿。 -meisuowei(混混); 21:47 (#8937107@0) reply more
              自己曾经的一段经历,但是不觉得苦,觉得很踏实。只是现在回头看看周围,才知道自己当初的坚持是多么的不易,收获又是多么的丰硕,选在今天分享在这里。。欢迎网友真诚的意见。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 20:45 (#8937039@0) reply more
              呵呵,真诚,真敢说啊。 -meisuowei(混混); 20:47 (#8937044@0) reply more
              ???我自己的经历,我不能说吗? -ybaby(茉莉花); 20:50 (#8937046@0) reply more
              当然可以了。找个马甲捧捧场,就更给力了。要不你试试? -meisuowei(混混); 20:58 (#8937064@0) reply more
              自己touch自己? -sarah649(Sarah); 21:01 (#8937067@0) reply more
              不知道啊,俺们插科打诨的,也不懂啊。 -meisuowei(混混); 21:02 (#8937069@0) reply more
              自摸清一色? -tyra(笨Tyra); 21:03 (#8937070@0) reply more
              糊了! -sarah649(Sarah); 21:07 (#8937074@0) reply more
              文章放在这里,做人也不是一天两天,!大家自己判断。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 20:51 (#8937047@0) reply more
              这和中谭那个一样啊 -tyra(笨Tyra); 20:56 (#8937059@0) reply more
              自己十年的经历,为了自己2 个节日的2个版本。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 21:08 (#8937075@0) reply more
              自吹,还把坛里的坛友踩在地下,一杆子打翻一船人,这种方式走不远的。 -softface(探长); 21:05 (#8937073@0) reply more
              每个人都有自己的选择,你不一定能做到我的坚持,我也不会做你种选择,个人好自为之。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 21:10 (#8937079@0) reply more
              就是不许你污蔑大家!!!! -softface(探长); 21:27 (#8937089@0) reply more
              楼主灰常灰常真诚地把所有的坛友当作二百五糊弄。 -softface(探长); 21:21 (#8937081@0) reply more
              咱得 LOW KEY 了。不要惹得 SYSTEM 上 MACHINE GUN。害 PIA。 -meisuowei(混混); 21:22 (#8937084@0) reply more
              你自己看看你自己那些回帖,有意思吗 -ybaby(茉莉花); 21:28 (#8937092@0) reply more
              脸皮厚得比城墙还要厚! -softface(探长); 21:29 (#8937093@0) reply more
              镜子来了!请照:【Touching. 这坛子里除了美帝苏修时候有过几篇精华,多数是插科打诨。这样的文章贴这儿,太可惜了。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 16:50 (#8936731@0)】 -softface(探长); 21:30 (#8937095@0) reply more
              楼主啊,自己都说【这样的文章贴这儿,太可惜了。】却在被版主删除之后,又拼命往上贴。——你这个到底叫啥? -softface(探长); 21:51 (#8937099@0) reply more更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 既然大家都拍了,那俺也不装了.这篇文章俺是从第一段直接看结尾,仅仅是为了印证我对作者想说什么的估计.文章虽然用英文写,但说教式的中式思维的痕迹太明显.我特意贴了那首歌的歌词,就是想说如果没有哲学的思辩能力,写情感至少让人有亲切感.
                • 一堆的
                • 用英语叙述故事,结构清楚,有逻辑性,有趣味或热情,有感染力。这就达到目的。别的网友看得懂,老外也看到懂。至于你那有了“哲学思辨能力”才能写英文的RULE,你那你自己的文章来给大家示范吧。
                  • 这个好像也是马甲。。。
                    • 被您一眼看穿了!
                      • 主要是太欢乐了
                        • 很欢乐,daynnight 是熟人儿!
                          • OMG.真的?请版主帮忙把俺帖子全删了.
                  • 如果你写文章只是为了让别人看懂,那你真的不用在乎我说什么,因为我确实马上就看懂了.我只是以为你是认真想写作的.
    • You are just not separable, bonded inside and out.
      • 先苦后甜~~
    • Not that interesting^^,:D,there are no downturns to lead to the climaxes as great movies did. Aha!
      • I enjoy watching the movie "Titanic", but I don't want to be on the boat.
        • Audience enjoys reading great stories too. We are audience. :D
        • :),I'm teasing you. You quickly showed you are an "I" people like me, dear.
    • I was so touched! It makes me cry....
      • Thank U.
        No tears, all happiness now.
        • That's great!
    • 这是直接秒杀老猫的正能量啊.不过太干巴巴不得了.给你配首歌吧.不过原唱的画面和歌词太不配了,我选了个带歌词的翻唱版.
    • 这当初父母的话是对的,如果听了不用吃那么多苦,前途也会更好
      • 父母肯定指一条大路,但是儿孙自有儿孙福。
    • OMG!!! "You are so DISGUSTING!" A person who doesn't know how to respect others is Definitely Not Worthy to Be Respected . While being sarcastic and evil to other Rolians, your different IDs perform in the same theater: one sings, the others applaud.
      • Read what rolians said 然后用自己的另一个ID力捧自己,并且污蔑坛友:【Touching. 这坛子里除了美帝苏修时候有过几篇精华,多数是插科打诨。这样的文章贴这儿,太可惜了。 -ybaby(茉莉花); 16:50 (#8936731@0) 】 -softface(探长); 21:26 (#8937087@0)
        • and read these: LZ 的伎俩,有点让我恶心着了。俺就算是插科打诨,也觉得自己高尚好几倍。 -meisuowei(混混); 18:59 (#8936871@0)
          • Are those evil words from qingqingshuil(清清水) and ybaby(茉莉花) ??? 大家看看,她的嘴巴何其毒也?!!!她骂俺的帖——————【不会下蛋的母鸡,会学鸡啄人,也是好鸡! -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:39 (#8936961@0)】 -softface(探长); 21:33 (#8937097@0)
            • Horrified!!! 探长是你 dirty mouth 里的她?LOL !她骂俺的帖,还有——————【...,看见'别人的文章吧,酸! 她就是个大肚婆,咱没空和她蘑菇, -ybaby(茉莉花); 19:45 (#8936973@0) 】 -softface(探长); 21:34 (#8937098@0)
              • Read these: 自摸清一色? -tyra(笨Tyra); 21:03 (#8937070@0) 糊了! -sarah649(Sarah); 21:07 (#8937074@0) what's up? 楼主用新马甲发贴,然后再用老马甲把自己夸一顿? -sarah649(Sarah); 19:16 (#8936919@0)脸皮厚得比城墙还要厚! -softface(探长)(#8937093@0)