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No one changes topics. I am only telling you the truth if you can handle that.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / People without a spirit are like soulless corpses, zombies, mummies. Day in and day out, they are jokes, but they don't realize that. They think it is a culture difference or a bias of western society against Chinese. The truth is:
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛They are not likable persons. They gathered in Rolia and other Chinese websites to find echoes and to boost their confidence, because most of them are cowards.

    They continue to absorb poison from China's mass propaganda. From time to time, they will make up stories such as fighting someone who "belittles" Chinese or an international student confronts his professor for commenting unfriendly about China, or even make it into a patriotic drama.

    They are pathetically living inside a little box, lamenting the outside world knows so little about China that is changing fast. The reality is they don't really know more about China than the rest of the world.

    The sentence they use most often to intimidate their fellow Chinese is, "Are you Chinese?"

    All they know about democracy is “parties switching powers” from China’s text books. “Power” is the keyword that is instilled in their heads. Therefore, they don’t feel they are the cornerstones of democracy. They sit on the fence laughing someone else is fighting for their rights.

    And more….更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • What are cowards? Cowards shrink back when they can not win in the right competition. they change topic or turn to "personal attack" to prove they are the only smart ones in the house.
      • No one changes topics. I am only telling you the truth if you can handle that.
        • With blinkers surgically attached to their heads and whipped in the butts every now and then, how could they possibly "handle" the truth that they can't even see?
          • (#8927318@0)
          • 8.8 10:50 (#8918970@0) >>> 8.10 23:02 (#8922899@0) ===more than 2 days.
      • All these are exactly what those anti-democratic idiots did here and there all the time.
        • Lol
    • Now I get it why you could not find a mate. LOL!
      • This is an example of "change topic or turn to personal attack".
        • Exactly
    • 喜欢称别人是民主派,好像自己不需要民主法治似的;喜欢问别人掌权之后会如何,他们永远在等待着被统治;这些人受尽欺凌没有自我,不知道自己才是国家的主人;跑来民主国家给专制唱赞歌,祖国强大了才有面子,因为他们无法以自己为荣,这就是典型的共产党教育出来的中国人。
      • 这就是我总结的言行不一,心口不一。民主社会允许他们自由发言,给了他们为独裁辩解的机会,但又不愿意去独裁国家当奴隶。这就是典型的分裂人格。
        • 呵呵,躲在民主国家反对民主,却又不愿意回去接受专制,这样的人还真不少。
          • 从独裁政权出来的不少人惯性思维很难去掉。有些人只有靠”祖国”才能心理强大,这种过客很可怜。为了一点钱远离父母,整天心情矛盾不安。
          • 这种人还不如大陆的毛左,水平低不算啥,人家毕竟坚持在国内,司马南也是偷偷的来美国探亲而已。要不是脑袋被夹,他的粉丝还不知道他还留一手呢。
            • 不要再骂了,你越骂他们越支持共产党。
              • 对啊。这就是他们的思维。支持土共是因为我们骂土共。
                • 护主心切,都是好奴才。
                • 呵呵,民主进程如果真由你们这个品德能力视野的人来主导,中国再次掉入万丈深渊的可能性都不小。动不动就说别人反民主,蔑视别人,呵呵,无语。。。
                  • 嘿嘿。没野心没能力。请放心,和你一样。就是讨论一下价值观和思维而已。别紧张哈:))
                  • 民主有啥好的:))
                  • 民主还需要别人来主导啊,你是干嘛的呢?民主国家的贩夫走卒都知道要上街抗议争取自己的权益,你坐在家里等谁给你主导啊?
                  • 不要争了,君主制最好,两边人马都满意。
                • 问一个比较尖锐的问题,你们有没有哪位参与加拿大的联邦,省和市的三级中的任何一级的选举?不要说直接参选啦,就参加某候选人的团队这样的事吧。有没有这样的人?没有我会很失望的哦!
                  • 这问题不算尖锐吧。华人在各级政府都有参政,如果没有民主意识,空拍选民不会选他们吧。但我对面孔毫无兴趣:))只要有能力和操守。我更看重人,而非种族。
      • +1.
    • Good writing! The style does ring the bell. Only the last sentence doesn't sound right : "They sit on the fence laughing someone else is fighting for their rights.".
      If I were to phrase it, I would go like: They sit on the fence laughing at someone else fighting for their rights.
      • Thank you! Missed a "while". I stopped checking when commenting here and there. There is something much more fun than that! LOL
        • That makes the whole sense. BTW, reading your articles has always been an enjoyment.
          • Thank you. Pleasure is mine and hope you write more. :)
            • Impromptu writing is a real challenge for some people. Good luck.
      • 原来你就是酱油哥。。。不错,改动一下,是好看多了。不过原文就很搞笑,改动一下,还是怪怪的。。。我就不吐槽了。
        • Yes, you are one of "them" I am writing about. Have you decided to be a real man? Have you included truth in your "science"?