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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 【朗读练习】The Causes of the American Revolution --- 2014-07-30
    The Causes of the American Revolution

    Third Edition 1973

    John C. Wahlke
    University of Iowa


    Not so very long ago Americans were taught that the American Revolution came about solely and simply because all colonists hated tyranny and loved freedom; because all colonists resented a foreign government's denying their right to share in governing themselves; and because all colonists, therefore, rising in heroic resistance to the government which oppressed them, determined to make America an independent nation founded on the principles of political liberty and equality. The persistence of such a simple, black-and-white picture of the revolutionary struggle is reflected in the widely held belief that the chief point at issue between colonies and mother country was the rightness or wrongness of the principle that "taxation without representation is tyranny."
    • 一发而不可收啊。好!
      • Did you even listen to it before you clicked "reply"?
        • Yes, twice.
          You may still need to pay more attention to accuracy and clarity.
          • Practicing...
            • 你不用 practice 了,可以自豪了
              • 过奖了。还有提高的空间。浊辅音可以再咬清楚一些。话说兵哥的视频怎么没见到?玩弄感情啊?
                • you bet.
                  • 据说昨晚你们几个滚泥塘了,这么精彩的内容都不见了。最烦删贴了
                • 哈哈,用错情了吧。上不上也无所谓啊。别伤心~~~
                  • BG已经录好了而且传到油管了,手里捏着link就是不公布,目的是什么?
                    • Hacking
                • 没影的事,是某人的幻觉
                  • 先洗洗干净吧,
                • 他骗我好几回了。。。。
                  • Lying is his constant practice
    • 果然说话算数。好!我觉得你的风格跟红脖有点象呀。
      • x10 We have disagreement on certain issues but unlike BG we both are very honest.
        • 你也觉得?oh, I meant the reading style. 昨天那个更象。
          • Not sure. He sounds older than his age.
            • You sound younger than your age. Bingo! Right on!
            • 我的音色比较低沉,比较哑,嗓子不一样嘛
          • 什么style?请详述
            • 音色低沉 娓娓道来
              • 唉,简直像个老伯伯
                • 敏感了吧。夸你呢。
          • 老刺的那篇新概念英语读得像老师上课,过于突出某些词了。
            • 你也开始翻旧帐,挖历史啦?
              • 对付老刺不得已而为之
                • 再上! -englearner(majia); 16:24 (#8904567@0)
                • 别挖了,你想证明不象,让他再上一段好了。他估计也不想象你!携手共同努力,这事儿就结了。
                  • HA HA HA I don't really care. I am who I am and what I am. Trying to be another person? Not even my beautiful little horse.
            • +1。
      • 怎么会像他?太失败了。我练,我改!
        • Thanks!
        • funny you. 他的风格很好啊。当然不是说一样,有点象。
          • 所以,我要向酱哥学习!
            • Please don't. Monotone -dry and without harmony or variation in pitch. Ugly voice.
      • 语调比红脖自然。红脖很拿腔拿调,而且拿的不是纯正的腔调,所以显得很造作。
        • 对对对,深有同感啊。酱哥再听听老刺这篇
    • 原来你是男生!我一直以为。。。很棒呀。。。。是嗓音有点像红脖哥,口音里没有他的欧洲音,
      • definitely


        • 这是什么呀?
          • 可能是想开始中文朗诵比赛~~:)
            • 那得去乐韵书香。。。
              • 没有啦, 中文也是外语~~~
          • -dandelion -苦菜花儿黄
            • 蒲公英 == 苦菜花?
              • 同属菊科
            • 苦菜花就是蒲公英?
              • 真的?
          • 老电影<苦菜花>里的插曲,你没看过不知道。
            • 苦菜花?我看过啊。。。。完全不记得了。
        • screwed up again...
          • LOL
        • a vibrant soul and a fierce mind residing in a mature body...
          • You bet
      • 嗓音怎么会像他?太可恨了
        • cheer up, baby!
        • 哈哈,我笑翻了。。。。我也不知道怎么就像他了。。。。
          • 你和英妹都这么说,唉,后悔上了这段。像谁也不能像老黄虫,我要学酱哥的嗓音!
            • 那加油吧。。。。当年我可是向学刘广宁的,怎么也没成功,希望你比我运气好。。。。
            • Please don't. Monotone -dry and without harmony or variation in pitch. Ugly voice. -redneck(Cracker); 16:19 (#8904553@0)
            • 再上!
              • 以后有空我就读,一定再上。
                • Looking forward to more!
        • 刺哥的口语很棒啊 ~~~
          • 老刺拿腔拿调,我可不想别人说我像他
            • 雪上加霜,的确有点儿像
              • 连你也这么说?几位女士都有同样的想法。看来我得苦练啊
                • 建议你把大号先改成(蓝色蒲公英)免得我们以为是美眉呢
                  • x100
                  • 我改
                    • Bravo!
                    • 高!赞!!
            • Too bad you won't be able to change your voice.
              • 我以后特意模仿你的口音恶搞你,我让你乐!
                • You are very welcome.
    • 参考。
      Not so very long ago Americans were taught that the American Revolution came about solely and simply

      because all colonists hated tyranny and loved freedom;
      because all colonists resented a foreign government's denying their right to share in governing themselves;
      and because all colonists, therefore, rising in heroic resistance to the government which oppressed them, determined to make America an independent nation founded on the principles of political liberty and equality.

      The persistence of such a simple, black-and-white picture of the revolutionary struggle is reflected in the widely held belief that the chief point at issue between colonies and mother country was the rightness or wrongness of the principle that "taxation without representation is tyranny."
      • 好。回头我再细听几遍。
      • 哇!流畅!悦耳!——宛如聆听小河流水之潺潺
      • 能否单独开帖重贴,版主一听也肯定会给加精!
    • 明天有时间再来支持你。
      • 精神支持,精神支持!
        • 要音频支持。
          • actually I was planning to..
            • take your time, I can wait...
              • oops... I didn't mean that.
                I was planning to until something happened...
                • looking forward
                  • 变哥了, 真是哥仨啊 - 酱油哥,兵哥,黄花儿哥! 三哥争鸣,四方呼应!
                    • You may call me 英哥
                      • That's great! 英哥晚上好! 从现在起 - 酱哥,兵哥, 英哥, 三人组合正式成立!
                  • 你就装着听不懂我的话吧!
                    • I was joking :) I've been guessing what could make you give up...
                      work, boss, kids ... ?
                      • tell you something that I am really happy about these two days
                        I sold twtr the day before. I may buy it back if an opportunity presents itself.
                        • oooook, wish you luck :)
                        • Honestly people can hardly make fast-money by frequent trading... I never touch those things but long term...
                          • sure. When it comes to investing, I am very conservative.
                            I had about 4 trades last year. 6 so far this year across 3 accounts. I am still building a portfolio, with the biggest portion in Canadian banks.
                            • Wow, still, wish you luck :)
                              • Hehehe... Ok, ok, I get it. I did a bad job
                                In my defense, 5 out the 6 were buys.
                                • :)
                          • I do not intend to make quick money.
                            But sometimes you just have to sell to lock in profit... :) , or cut losses. :(

                            I tend to think long term, but do trade when necessary.

                            What does your 'long term' mean? Please do not tell me buy and hold...
                            • I think long term means 3 month or more, but everybody has his own definition. It looks you are doing well :)
                              • Grammatically incorrect sentences... wrong spellings... misunderstanding of long term investment...但你可能是即时写作,出错难免。如果一篇短文准备几天,一个句子吭哧半天,那还不如即时写出点错儿。
                                • 山的够快的啊
                                  • Be civilized or stay the course.
                                    • back to normal yet?
                                      • Practice makes perfect. WAY TO GO.
                                        • Trolling takes you to nowhere.
                                          • 病句
                                            • 病刺
                                              • Intuition Intuition Intuition .....It takes you nowhere, it gets you nowhere... There is no TO between the verb and the adverb....
                                                • 理解你的一孔之见。 -redneck(Cracker); 8.7 22:02 (#8918330@0)
                                                  • Then you really need to start over from G1.
                                                    • #8919681@0
    • 补刀:真的像红脖。
      • +1。楼主把那个造作的腔调模仿得惟妙惟肖,游刃有余,就像一副漫画一样,一针见血又不乏幽默。
        • 听力真不错, 绝对一流。你也来一个吗,不要羞羞答答, 好让肉友们欣赏欣赏你纯正的中式英语。
          • 我上的音频已经不少了,质量和水平自有公论,裁判你绰绰有余啊,你再叽叽喳喳也没用。倒是你的偶像探长到现在还不敢上啊,要不你去做做他的思想工作,告诉他即使露了馅儿也是个学习的机会嘛。
            • You are what you are, not what you think you are. You won't ever become what you think you are. Keep BS.
            • 你那个读音生硬僵直, 听起来味同嚼蜡。要不再来一个在看看花几千块正音的效果如何?
              • None of your business . Lol
                • 别生气, 那不管用。 你比人家就是差得很远很远。你发音远不如混混地道, 写作离老猫十万过八千里, 语法不及爱立刻十分之一...
                  • Too bad that your credibility is zero.
                    • Well yours is minus. 我从来不指望什么时候会清醒。你的确还差的很远很远, 人家三位比你高出几个数量级, 你再有十年也赶不上.. Keep BS but you are still nothing.
                      ha ha ha
                    • Go back check what others commented on Redneck's audio clips and you will be refreshed with !
                  • 老刺胡扯的水平超过所有人十万八千里。
                    • 理解你的一孔之见。
            • You put the cart before the horse!Redneck is my idol!
              • You two are idols of each other.
                • Not exactly. Redneck is my idol! But I'm not his.
      • That's ludicrous!
        • 什么字典这么好?
      • 你这么说,探长要恨你的哦,红脖是探长的偶像哦!
        • Redneck is my idol!