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hehe~~~how about join me, I'll make sure you can follow your schedule :-)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / just came back from gym, gosh~~~walking outside is not considered safe today, way toooooooooo hot!!!
    • can't breath outside. It's 38 in my car, crazy !!!
      • oh~~~gosh~~~it'd be better stay inside, I guess today could be the record day
        • still keep your gym exercise? Good for u, now I only take a walk at night in the neighborhood, too hot
          • hehe~~~I am just too lazy to come up with an excuses of not-going to my gym buddy
    • 龙龙真乖,坚持做运动~~~我都下了好多次决心了,目前唯一能坚持的就只有每周跳一个半小时的健身操~~~:(
      • that's good~~~hehe, I have a gym buddy, so it's hard to stop, otherwise, need too much explanations, how's your office today?
        • hot, hot ,hot ~~~ :(
          • poor 香香, take a day off~~~
            • thanks dear, i will if i feel need to ~~ :)
      • not good :) ~~~ A/C in ur office today?
        • 一个冷气机,不过貌似没斗过外面的热,已经开始散发热气了~~~
          • poor u~~~ pat pat, can you ask for working from home?
            • unfortunately i can not work from home, but i will ask for day off if i feel too bad ~~~ thanks 小鸟 :)
              • 我也受不了热。。。实在不行,请假吧。。。
                • 这几天一直在和他们吵架,不能半途而废,呵呵
              • hopefully tomorrow will cool down a bit, take care ~!
                • 你真贴心~~ 啵 ~~一个,呵呵
      • 亲们都在哪里gym呀? 我是刚来不久的, 对这些信息知道不多哦. 先谢了!
        • oh~~~I go to the gym close to my office in downtown
    • 这还是加拿大吗?~~~~10年前的夏天没这么热的呀~~~~~~~地球抽风了~~~~~~
      • yeah~~~I guess so, how's your place, btw
        • 在家待着呢~~~~看外面,多云,风也大~~~~不过我查天气,写是33度,感觉像44度~~~出门的同学一定注意防暑降温~~~~~~呵呵~~~~~
          • you're lucky, it's 36c here~~~
            • 大城市,热岛效应~~~一定是更热点~~~~~~
    • Xmjdh......^_^
      • huh? Xmjdh hot weather?
        • Xmjd有gymtime, 还能keep住。。。。
          • hehe~~~how about join me, I'll make sure you can follow your schedule :-) -iou(笨恐龙); 15:19 (#7662012@0)
            • 不去gym好多年了,,,自己在自然环境里折腾折腾,冬天有点想gym....
              • yeah~~~agree, nature is always a better way to go, then join me in the winter~~hehe
    • 你们都好勤快,咱已好久没锻炼了
      • hehe~~~how about join me, I'll make sure you can follow your schedule :-)
        • I am too lazy to even have the first step:)
          • hehe~~~I know, the first step is always the hardest, do it whenever you're ready
    • 俺一出机舱赶脚就一个。。。。
      • welcome back and welcome join us , hehe ~~~~
        • 蚂蚁好。。。。!
          • 蚂蚁?呵呵
      • 回来了!享受吧。。。冰火两重天
        • 你不是出门了么。。。。?没走。。。。?
          • 我也是刚刚下飞机。这里还好27度
            • 下飞机就上肉联。。。。?5毛5毛滴挣这么勤。。。。你发了。。。。
              • 这才叫废寝忘食
        • 叔,赶紧回来吧,你不回来我们都没饭吃。
          • 大热天还吃饭。。。。?
          • 礼拜五就回来了
            • 哪呢。。。。?
            • 那我争取饿到周五。
              • 行。。。。俺可以免费抬你去赴宴。。。。
                • 抬手还是抬脚?
                  • 手脚你们来。。。。关键部位等俺来。。。。
                • 出去耍一趟怎么还这么贫嘴。
                  • 缺耍。。。。再来多几转才能累趴下。。。。
                    • 趁天儿还暖和,出去跑几圈儿吧,可爽了。
                      • 后院滴草。。。。一片金黄。。。。