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“Monopolies in the public sector are just as objectionable as monopolies in the private sector. It should not matter who delivers health care, whether it is private, for profit, not for profit or public institutions, as long as Canadians have access

to it regardless of their financial means.”

(Stephen Harper, Hansard, Oct 1, 2002)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 孩子她爹也不用把NDP描的那么黑!联邦NDP的首任党领 Tommy Douglas(Saskatchewan前省长)就因为给加拿大带来了全民医疗而被评选为了"最伟大的加拿大人"。
    • Quoted from the page "So, the adoption of healthcare across Canada ended up being the work of three men with diverse political ideals - Tommy Douglas, John Diefenbaker and Lester Pearson."
      • "Coalition" government (led by Liberal's Lester Pearson, with NDP who held the balance of power) working at its best.
      • 是Tommy Douglas率先在Saskatchewan实现了universal healthcare,才促使了联邦在1966 年通过Medical Care Act。
        • 说个跟选举不相关的:Kiefer Sutherland (在 Fox's 反恐电视剧 "24" 里扮演 Jack Bauer)的外公就是 Tommy Douglas。
    • Canada Health Act 是到了修改的时候了(#6641478@0) ,但是(#6642466@0)。这个特鲁多政府(多数)制定的法律,被自由党作为它的遗产,被NDP奉为加拿大人的身份,非常社会主义,一个特点是财政权和经营权分离(像我们祖国30年前),发钱的联邦管不了医院的经营,花钱的省政府
      • 不考虑柴米贵,反正联邦发下来的钱,花完再要(各省财政还有拨款到医疗体系,但是一少半来自联邦,花超了就easily指责联邦)。哈珀的主张——下放医疗权力到各省,不争论公有私有这种意识形态问题,只要各省民能得到有效的健康服务,这种健保猫就是好猫——不失为理性的考量
      • 哈珀反动言论:是近自由党报刊收集,用来攻击哈珀的,但是看完感觉,这不就是肉连仔们抱怨落后的加拿大医疗保健系统,所提出的要求嘛!反而觉得,只有哈珀政府,才有希望修补,或者 overhaul,这个问题百出的加拿大健保系统。
        • “Harper also believes that our health care will continue to deteriorate unless Ottawa overhauls the Canada Health Act to allow the provinces to experiment with market reforms and private health care delivery options. He is prepared to
          take tough positions including experimenting with private delivery in the public system.”

          2002 Canadian Alliance Leadership campaign website
        • “We also support the exploration of alternative ways to deliver health care. Moving toward alternatives, including those provided by the private sector, is a natural development of our health care system.” (Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, October 2002)
        • “Monopolies in the public sector are just as objectionable as monopolies in the private sector. It should not matter who delivers health care, whether it is private, for profit, not for profit or public institutions, as long as Canadians have access
          to it regardless of their financial means.”

          (Stephen Harper, Hansard, Oct 1, 2002)
          • It's a slippery slope. Just look to the south under us. They have the best medical capability, no argument about that, but NOT EVERYONE has access to it.
            • 没在美国长期呆过,只能用听说回答,我听说是,在美国并不存在“穷人看不起病”这么一说,美国各级政府有各种福利制度保证低收入美国人得到需要的医疗顾.哈珀曾经的医改企图底线也是as long as Canadians have access to it regardless of their financial means.”(#6646283@0)
              • 看完病你就是穷人了!"Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies" - CNN June 05, 2009
        • “each province should raise its own revenue for health care – i.e., replace Canada Health and Social Transfer cash with tax points.” (Stephen Harper, ‘Firewall’ letter, January 24, 2001) —
        • “governments across this country have experimented with alternative service delivery….We’re not going to wave the finger at provinces because they experiment with different delivery.” (几天前 English Language Leader’s Debate, April 12, 2011)
        • “It’s past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act.” 这句不是哈珀说的,被自由党“不小心”在竞选广告中放到哈珀头上用来批判哈珀的。认不认同大家自判了。
          • 看了总理语录,很是震惊。还是觉得人民是伟大的。瞧选的这总理。柿油党现在鼓吹的东西,不过是总理十年前的思想而已。也就是说柿油党落后总理整整十年以上,跟在总理屁股后面跑,岂能不败。柿油党编制的总理语录,是做了一件损己利人的大好事。
            • Harper 语录是保守党自己收录的!看来人与人就是不一样,同一句话有人听了鼓掌,有人听了摇头。原文叫:"Stephen Harper’s most controversial quotes compiled — by Tories"
              • 抱歉,大概是我弄错了。不过柿油党应该好好学习总理语录,这样方能知己知彼。
                • 盲目崇拜!
                  • 别这么小看人嘛。有信仰才有崇拜吗。