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"However, the prime minister did not let the comments slip by without a response. He pointed out that it had also been five years since the Chinese leadership had stepped foot in Canada."嘿嘿,哈总反应还行:)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 保守党总理Stephen Harper上台3年多后终于访华,被中国领导人当面批评 - 你们来得太晚了!

    加拿大这个保守党政府的愚蠢,前年四川地震的时候看stephen harper对中国的态度我就曾经说过,不重视中国人的感受,对加拿大没有任何好处。此次访华,恐怕也是他自己当初未曾想到过的吧,呵呵。不过,虽然晚了些,他还算没有白来一次,中国还是很大方的给了点贸易上的实惠。
    • 哈珀总理回了一句:你们也没来加拿大啊。
      • 是你想回嘴吧。 LOL
        • (#5722642@0)
        • 要看新闻啊。
          • no way.. can't read English...
      • 加拿大也没有办奥运会啊.
        • upcoming Winter Olympics 2010 in Vancouver
          • Winter Olympics 没有summer的有地位. 差得太远. 太远 ...
            • 中国在2008年夏奥会拿了51枚金牌,而在2006年冬奥会只拿了2枚金牌。当然差得太远。
    • "However, the prime minister did not let the comments slip by without a response. He pointed out that it had also been five years since the Chinese leadership had stepped foot in Canada."嘿嘿,哈总反应还行:)
      • 这叫:形势比人强
      • 小孩顶嘴
    • 是批评,还是撒娇?
      • 中国人很重情,自打白求恩大夫来过后就对加拿大有特殊的感情,所以加拿大现政府对中国关系如此冷淡是很让人失望的,说是批评一点都没有错。 中国是大国,加拿大要拓宽经济发展的路子,应该跟中国搞好关系,中国是一个有很大潜在市场的国家,厚点脸皮亡羊补牢还是好的。
        • 去年(2008)中国对加拿大贸易顺差200多亿美元,你认为谁该对别人客气一点?
          • 你的意思是HARPER应该强硬些?应该让胡总感激涕零?你以为你是美国? 加拿大是一个小国,讨价还价的筹码有限,还是面对现实吧。我看Harper比你更聪明!;)
            • Bilateral trade and commercial relationship between nations must be beneficial to both sides. It's not that Canada has to beg something from China, and China does Canada a favor or vice versa
              Canadian and Chinese companies engage in business and trade because they see benefits and get profits from doing so, it has nothing to do with how often the politicans visit each other's country. Trade between Canada and China enjoys double digit growth since Harper took office even though he has not visited China until now, this is the proof.
              • Of course it's true. However, Canada will benefit more from a better relationship, since Chinese government is a big government controlling many aspects of the economy, including many big firms, and the government has lots of money to spend too.
                • 自己的利益当然要顾,但也不要做“有奶便是娘”的市侩!
                • Even if the Canadian PM kowtow to the Chinese leaders every day, it will not bring a big boost to our economy as you wish
                  I already said, trade between nations are based on mutual benefits, the Chinese gov will not and should not reward a foreign country with juicy business deals simply because the politicians in that country are more friendly to the communist government. If it does that, this will be at the cost of the Chinese people which we don't want to see. It is not Mao's China anymore. Don't you see that trade between the two nations has been growing double digit every year since Harper took office even though he has not visited China?
                  Japan is a country that never criticise China's human right record (because they don't care), however the Japanese economy has suffered far more severe recession than Canada, its GDP has not grown much at all since 1990, and the Q4 2008 GDP even declined a whopping 14%. I don't see China shows any interest in saving the Japanese economy at all.
                  • 政客同商人一样,都是无利不起早的。没有足够的压力, PM是不会去的;同样就算全部都是反对的声音,HST还是照样高票得过。形式总是比人强。
      • 没想到温哭神除了哭, 还学会了恃宠撒娇
        • Be NICE
    • 听起来倒象什么便宜都被加拿大沾了。。
      • 签署了分享犯罪所得协定,嘿嘿
        • 总理没少捞啊,愤青们还不气晕过去?
    • 地震捐款,加拿大政府是全球捐助最多的政府。
      • 那些忘恩负义的东西早就把这忘了。
      • 别跟我们提钱,我们现在最不缺的就是它了。
    • 白眼狼, 忘了去年加国政府给中国地震捐款仅次于沙特, 居世界第二; 钱揣兜里, 就翻脸不认人了?
      • 加国华侨和政府共同的功劳,华侨血浓于水,政府一比一match。
        • 春晚上冯gong立马用小品把海外华侨狠狠的讽刺了一把
        • 谁跟你血浓于水?你自己去中国的论坛上看看中国网友的评论吧。
          2009-12-04 14:04:36 新浪上海网友langxuanhq


          2009-12-04 14:01:26 新浪广东惠州网友onesunrise


          2009-12-04 12:52:17 新浪浙江网友happychen5168

          让这些西方的小丑统统在我大中华国民前俯首称臣。反我中华的人最后都没得好下场,比如像法兰西那个萨科奇简直是跳梁小丑最后还是得来巴结中国,中华民族复兴谁也不可阻挡! !!

          2009-12-04 10:14:22 新浪北京网友地狱魔尊


          2009-12-04 08:33:22 新浪广东网友wujishanren

          • 出于好奇我看了一下,你转贴的这些正说明中国网民对加拿大这个'国家'的失望,原因想必不用再说了吧? 这些发言并未说明对海外华人有什么偏见,也许你转贴错了?物以类聚人以群分,在加拿大工作场合也是国人能觉得亲和些,华人血缘上的联系,还是不可否认的。
            • 在加拿大工作的国人可不是在中国的国人。在中国的国人普遍对包括加国华人在内的加拿大人没什么好感。你就别拿热脸贴人家的冷屁股了。
              • 这才过来几年哪,就‘人家’,‘人家’的,呵呵。‘普遍’?有数字么?从小学习白求恩大夫的故事,还这么讨厌加拿大?OMG, 那真的是有什么地方出问题了,你想得出原因么? 中国是一个友善的国家,然而中国和加拿大的关系这几年直泻到厕所马桶里,你说是谁的问题?
                • 什么叫白眼狼?这就是白眼狼。地震时拿别人的钱的时候可不是这个样子。 呵呵
                  • 这两天就你闹得欢,何必呢?
                    • 你好。看兲朝ZF大把大把的丢脸,这里一帮人不以为耻,反以为荣。好意提醒大家几句。
                      • 这个好心想必有也不多了。不信,你把这两天你的帖子全部收集起来,自己读读,如果你没有读出什么味道,你口中的别人一定读出来了。
                        • 看来我的贴子又让些人不太舒服了。哈哈哈,请随意吧。另祝周末刷网愉快
                          • 周末愉快
                            • 谢谢
                  • 你除了拿这个地震捐款说话似乎拿不出什么了吧?不觉得很可笑么? 另外,四川地震后Harper政府迟迟没有反应,是在加拿大华人的努力下才勉勉强强的表了个姿态,想必Harper是多么的心有不甘!你想想,最后钱也出了,然后还没讨什么好,不是愚蠢是什么?破瓦落地, 此言不谬矣。
                    • ZF做事又岂能像网上的人一样张口就来? 那是纳税人的钱,任何负责任的人都不会随随便便地往外掏。ZF用几天时间做评估,掂量掂量自己兜里能拿出多少来,是很正常的。拿了别人的钱,不知感谢就罢了,还在这里唧唧歪歪的抱怨,极品
                      • 反应慢这也太慢了,加拿大政府难道只能达到费力不讨好这个水平?那真的是没有希望了。有人甘愿掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人,又能奈其何?呵呵。
                        • 碰上一个不知道知恩图报的白眼狼, 加国ZF的这些援助还真是费力不讨好。责任不在加国ZF,而在那些拿了别人的钱,不知道感谢,还以此证明施舍人的费力不讨好的连起码的良心都丧失了的人
                          • 我只是陈述一个事实而已,另外我又不能代表中国政府。大家都知道,这种援助主要目的是表明一个姿态,那么老大不情愿的拖到最后才表示表示,你觉得做的很聪明么? 如果加拿大想和中国老死不相往来,那这些麻烦都可以省掉。为什么现在Harper还是选择到中国走一趟呢?Think.
                            • 别人再三邀请,实在架不住了;主席说,群众抬轿子来请你,不去就脱离群众了。 所以总理就去和群众打成一片了。
                              • 了解的这么详细,邀请了,还再三? 总理办公室的工作? 开个玩笑。难得你这么高兴,看来Harper取得了全面性的胜利,Enjoy吧!就让我们团结在以史蒂芬哈泼为领导的党中央周围,从一个胜利走向又一个胜利!Oh, Canada!
                                • 这才是正确的态度嘛
                    • the fact is ... Canadian and Ca government have been famous for their generosity for charity and humanity business for years. it's not only for China, but for many places in the world where needed.
                • 你自己不去看中国网民的留言,当然没有感觉了。当你宣誓效忠女王的时候,就要想到你不再有中国国籍了(根据中华人民共和国国籍法)。国大于家,因此自然要用“人家”。
                  • 刚刚看了一个所谓的旅美评论员的贬加文章在国内知名网站上被网友骂了个狗血喷头;现在感觉5毛全跑国外来了。国内的5毛如老鼠过街, 人人喊打, 哈哈
              • 分得那么清楚,其实什么也弄不清楚。真要没关系了,人家说什么,你又有何忧
    • Easy, easy. I just don't understand why you folks here are just jumping at whoever says anything about Harper. If you think making foes are better than making friends for Canadians, well, good luck to you!
      The world is not just divided into black and white, there's always ways to uphold your ideals without loosing what you have in hand. The fact simply tells that Harper lacks in political wisdom and tactics, and it's safe to say he has no long-term strategy in foreign policies.

      Talking about SiChuan earthquake aid from Canadian government, well, I figure if it's not so many Chinese-Canadians expressed their feelings about the initial (and more precisely, non-existent) response from Harper's government to the earthquake, I doubt he would do anything at all to render a helping hand to the Chinese. It's a shame in Harper's face actually, can't you folks see that?

      I don't have any personal problem with Harper, however as a Canadian I do think that, to benefit more from an inter-country relationship, Harper should have done much much better.
      • Be friends to chn ppl, not the regime screwing them.
        • And I don't see Harper is being friendly to Chinese people either, even Chinese-Canadians. Or can you prove that I'm wrong? I'd be glad to see that I'm wrong, btw.
          • Again, that depends on your expectation. If you believe an immigrant from China must be treated better than an immigrant from Jamaica because China is a new 'superpower' and Jamaica is an 'insignificant' country', then you will be disappointed.
            That's not the way Canada works. Every person in this country is treated equally regardless of his national origin. A successful person strives to win on his or her own, as an individual. No one should expect any special treatment because of his race or national origin.
            • Agree with you on this. Yet again respecting others will put yourself in a better place. Harper once showed no respect to the country -- would it hurt by showing up in Beijing Olympics? Why didn't he follow US president, as he used to, at that time?
              • why does showing up in BJ Olympics matter? if one decision is not driven by interest then it's by morale. i don't see any interests gained by not attending BJ Olympics. so, i would say Harper did it on ground of morale. that's precious.
                • Yes, you are right, no interest is gained by not showing up in BJ Olympic games. Instead, Harper's precious decision like this once again reinforced interest-losses. Again, it showed the US president is much smarter than the Canadian leader.
                  Does going to BJ and show up in the Olympics ceremony degrade Canada in any way? Does it necessarily tell the world that all the ideals Canada has been up-holding were wrong? I don't think so. Who cares, it's just a game, either you come or not doesn't matter too much. However, does it cost you anything just being there? And you can show your will to be engaged in a more friendly and positive relationship.

                  This Harper's simple decision costs Canadians much more.
                  • 你究竟是支持要"利"还是要"义"? 究竟是站在加拿大人民一边还是中国政府还是中国人民一边?
                  • "However, does it cost you anything just being there?" - 加拿大总理有什么义务要配合演出天朝盛宴一出好戏?
          • can you prove Harper is not friendly to Chinese-Canadian? the examples like 'criticizing Chinese government' or 'seeing Dalai Lama' are not valid to me. Any other examples?
            • Actually I don't expect much from this guy and his party, no matter their attitude toward Chinese, or Indians, or other new-immigrant ethnic groups. See why his party is not that popular among the big metropolitan areas.
              • they are not 'popular' in your eyes.. however they won the election.
    • 除了一纸旅游协议好象也没有什么大的实惠.不明白为什么加拿大的媒体也跟着叫唤,弄得我以为中国政府象是他们的衣食父母一样.
      • 这里的媒体都这样,谁在台上反谁,这是他们吃饭的家伙。只有这样监督,ZF才会老老实实地干活。
        • 自由党政府在台上的时候他们的马屁还少吗?不是不能批评,总不能为了反对而反对吧.
          • 你说的那些马屁媒体如果有的话,也早就关门大吉了。现在还活着的,全是专跟政府捣蛋的主。这是他们的饭碗,没人和自己的饭碗过不去。
          • 如果他们那么卖力拍马屁,柿油党依然下台,你说那算是什么拍马屁?
            • 你大概不知道吧.他们都是社会主义大锅饭的牺牲品.看加拿大的时事评论节目简直一种痛苦.