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看着杂志上OBAMA夫妇的黑人照还是感觉黑人做美国总统怪怪的, 也感觉自己还是很狭隘, 不过OBAMA有几个孩子啊? 杂志上还是不要登全家照吧, 那样一色的黑, 还真是感觉怪怪的. 想象如果黄种人夫妇做美国总统, 其实也怪怪的


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 看着杂志上OBAMA夫妇的黑人照还是感觉黑人做美国总统怪怪的, 也感觉自己还是很狭隘, 不过OBAMA有几个孩子啊? 杂志上还是不要登全家照吧, 那样一色的黑, 还真是感觉怪怪的. 想象如果黄种人夫妇做美国总统, 其实也怪怪的
    • Don't let it embarrass you. Simply change your skin color, your families', as well as all of your next of kin's. Be a white when you are in heaven then your racial background wouldn't be disturbing factor to you.
      • 我劝天公重抖擞,不拘肤色降人才。人民公仆, 能者就上。
        • It's sad to see that this is not an option for -mickeyh(mickey. No black nor brown and yellow but WHITE.
          • 王后将相,宁有种乎? 让我们做第一个。
    • normal. you a conservative right? a conservative goes an extra step then he is 狭隘,a liberal goes an extra step then he is 冒进. that is why we need them both.
      • 努力努力,再努力,成功,成功,再成功。就是我们人生里的主旋律。两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山.
      • good morning,professor, you are really good at both languages. :))
        • thanks a lot. 过奖。
    • 别急。等他就职之后,搬进总统府,把总统大楼粉刷一新,颜色搭配好,看上去就顺眼了。“白宫”从此改名“黑宫”。哈哈哈。
      • 黑宫,白宫,能够改善民生同时叼雪茄的,就是好宫。
      • 黄宫 -- 皇宫 , hehe, we are the best
      • 大计已经开始了:The election of America's first black president has triggered more than 200 hate-related incidents,,, ,,,
        • 其实人种的纯洁是一件好事, 但是这个世界不可能了, 好事越来越少了. 美国人从引进黑奴的那一天起, 就注定要欠债还钱的.
          • 为了纯洁北美人种,你先挥刀自宫吧。—— 人种纯洁是一件非常好的事,希特勒就这么认为。
            • 哦, 你是说你没自宫, 现在就不纯洁了? WHAT HAPPENED?
              • 我假设你是在北美的黄种人,你的后代早晚要不黑不白不黄不棕, 为了避免你所谓的末日到来,趁早现在了结。。。至于我嘛,我认为混血是 Beautiful,我儿子泡个啥色的妞都不反对。自宫这好事,还是留给你吧。
                • 混血不过第二代, 当然丑不自知也是好事
                  • Shamed being who you are is much worse.
                • 什么事都要先把自己先扯上的人脑子一定有点毛病-----这么容易让人刺痛?
          • what you meant by "人种的纯洁是一件好事" ?
            • 至少少一点杂交了, 不过杂交到世界上的人都不黑不白不黄不棕, 世界就真大同了, 实际上就是要灭亡了, 而且人们一定都很丑陋
              • As long as you keep yourself white so what?
              • it is really uneasy to hear that. that statement might mean much more than you think. it could lead you to reach some conclusions that most of people would consider as "dangerous"......
                • Ignore her, she is simply hopeless. Hate being a Chinese with yellow skin.
                  • 你真能DRY啊, 确实HOPELESS了你
                • 舒服不舒服许多事情都在发生, 等天世界上找不出一个纯粹的白人, 黑人, 黄人的时候, 当然你可能说好, 但是也不能阻止别人说不好
                  • Are you a pure YELLOW?
          • One more Hitler.
            • 我看你更象HITLER, 我支持了一下HARPER, 瞧把 你恨的, 别再跟在别人贴后瞎扯丢人了
              • Have booked an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon?
                • full of hatress is not good for your health , take care
                  • 听说你还是个台湾人, 台湾人多数很EASY, 象你这样的少见, 不过看到你我倒是明白了那么EASY的台湾人为什么会在国会里扔鞋子, 总是有一撮人这样的嘛
                    • I can refer you to a good cosmetic surgeon which performed on Michael J.
                      • ah? 我想问你的强迫症不是我造成的吧? 最好回答”不”, 否则我很内疚了
                        • Your obsession to being white makes you feel GOOD.
                  • French would be a help. Go WHITE, GO GO GO.
                    • 恨HARPER来跟我叫劲, 没有用了, HARPER得了更多的票, 也不多我这一票, EASY,
                      • Go White, GO GO GO
                  • "Full of hatress (hatred)" as "I" am. Even if "I " don't know how to spell ' hatred' "I" do not like a Black being the President-elect of America!
                    • 我就是觉得黑人做美国总统怪怪的, 虽然我觉得OBAMA还不错, 长得也帅-----嘿, 你又受不了
                      • if you wanted to be with White, get your English up to par first.
                        • 我只看见你天天WHITE , WHITE的, 跟我什么关系, 还有, 关照别人要IGNORE我, 可是对您来讲, IGNORE我比登天还难啊, 不幸成了你生活的支柱, 我得声明不是我的本意
                          • 看着杂志上OBAMA夫妇的黑人照还是感觉黑人做美国总统怪怪的, 也感觉自己还是很狭隘, 不过OBAMA有几个孩子啊? 杂志上还是不要登全家照吧, 那样一色的黑, 还真是感觉怪怪的. 想象如果黄种人夫妇做美国总统, 其实也怪怪的 -mickeyh(mickey); 11.16 22:34 (#4848260@0) R
                            • So what?
                              • So and So. Go white, not black nor yellow....
                                • Narrow-minded. Why you move to Canada instead of Africa or stay in China?
                                  • Who cares! Hotmoon? You think you are hot? You are not definitely to many if at all. Be realistic, be reasonable but not be foul. Go ahead with this (#4848260@0)
      • 别急, as soon those wanting WHITE P only have their skin changed, they will feel bitter.
    • 很狭隘. yes you are, indeed.
    • if Chinese became president, you would feel shamed, not just embarrassed.., i guess
      • She will, not would, for sure. She even feels shamed being a Chinese.
        • 你能感觉到我感觉什么, 你是我肚里的蛔虫?
          • If not white everything is 怪怪的 (#4848260@0)
      • 那你是说一个黑人如果做了中国国家主席你会很自豪?-----
        • 种族歧视看来深植中国人的观念里,同样是有色人种,却这样。
          • what 样?
            • The 样 is shame on these being shamed being a Chinese.
              • 从头到尾我都是看到你做为中国人的自卑感------什么都刺得你暴跳, 这是LOSER的表现. 其实阿扁进去了你这台人也不必这样郁闷了, EASY
                • Honestly you can never change who you are and what you are made of. Remember you are yellow and Chinese. There is no change what so ever for you even come close to be White. So be what you are not what you dream to be.
                  • 别放屁了, 凭你想改变我, 那叫妄想. 我是中国人, 所以我投中国人的票, 不象某些, 仇恨白人还来北美, 有本事你就学OBAMA把白人世界拿过来
                    • Wish you are and wish you are more civilized than what you are demonstrating here. No dirty words.
        • That's not gonna happen. 1) China has no democratic election. 2) No significant black population in China. should anyone be elected in China with fair and open system, I would be very happy and proud. u r happy with my answer, racist?
          • 话不能这样说, 美国人把黑人运进美国的时候, 黑人做总统那时候也如你说的”NOT GONNA HAPPEN”
            • should anyone be elected in China with fair and open system, I would be very happy and proud.
    • 你的这段话,让人读来觉得怪怪的。。
      • If you see all her postings you would say it's normal for her.
    • ashamed.
    • 确实感觉怪怪的,还有点说不出口!不过全世界的黑人兄弟们现在都扬眉吐气了:黑人连美国总统都能当,还有啥干不了的,呵呵
      • 一人国家不可能永远世界第一, 各方迹象表明, 美国要开始结束世界第一的霸主地位, 从OBAMA开始, 成为世界各种族的实验田(个对对OBAMA没有反感)