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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canadian PM accused of plagiarizing speech
Story Highlights
Opposition says Stephen Harper speech was copied from one by Australian PM

Speech, supporting Iraq war, came when Harper was opposition leader in 2003

Harper spokesman says speech was five years ago, issue not relevant now

Candidates to hold debates this week ahead of October 14 election

TORONTO, Ontario (AP) -- Canada's main opposition party on Tuesday accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of plagiarizing a speech by former Australian Prime Minister John Howard that urged the country to join the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

The Liberals released transcripts and video of a speech delivered by Howard on March 18, 2003, and one given two days later in the Canadian Parliament by Harper, who was then the opposition leader.

Opposition Liberal foreign affairs spokesman Bob Rae said nearly half of the speech Harper delivered, calling for Canadian troops to be sent to Iraq, was a word-for-word recitation of the speech by Howard. Both Harper and Howard are conservatives.

Canada's Liberal government at the time turned down Washington's request to send troops. Australia sent troops early on.

Harper spokesman Kory Teneycke said the speech is five years old and the Conservatives are not going to get drawn into a discussion of issues that have no relevance to Canadians.

Earlier this month, Harper triggered an October 14 election in a bid to bolster his party's grip on power.

"How does a political leader in Canada's Parliament, on such a crucial issue, end up giving the exact same speech as another country's leader," Rae said in excerpts of a speech he gave in Toronto on Tuesday.

"Mr. Harper couldn't find his own voice, so he borrowed someone else's. This isn't just deeply embarrassing for Mr. Harper -- he would have been expelled from ... a university for pulling this stunt (it's called plagiarism) -- but it speaks to the heart of what is deeply wrong with the Republican Conservative government of which he is the leader."

Rae said it is further evidence "of how Canada's foreign policy is now in lockstep with the right-wing foreign policy of the Bush administration" in the United States.

Teneycke, Harper's spokesman, called the charge a desperate move ahead of the national leaders' debates on Wednesday and Thursday night.

"It was five years ago. It was three Parliaments ago, two elections ago when he was leader of a party that no longer exists," Teneycke said of Harper, who was leader of the right-of-center Canadian Alliance party at the time. The party later merged with the Conservative party.

Liberal opposition party leader Stéphane Dion said Harper's speech matters despite being five years old.

"Canadians want their country to speak with its own voice on the world stage. It's true for the prime minister. It's true for the opposition leader," Dion said.

"Stephen Harper plagiarized the 'coalition of the willing' of George W. Bush about the war in Iraq. Stephen Harper should be expelled."

Recent polls show the Conservatives could win the majority of seats in Parliament. As a minority government, they've been forced to rely on the opposition to pass budgets and legislation.

Harper's Conservative party unseated the Liberal party in 2006 after nearly 13 years in power; Canada has had closer ties with Washington since. Harper's Conservative party has long studied the prolonged political success that Howard's right-wing government had in Australia.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 上次我问如果哈总理成为多数后要跟着老美打伊郎怎办, 钉子户暴跳说哈总里从没说过要打伊郎, 指责我诬陷哈总理. 那我把问题改一下, 如果哈总理成为多数后要替美国出兵伊拉克有谁能阻止啊? 哈勃可是说过要出兵伊拉克的, 不光在家说, 还跑到CNN去说.
    • No one. Another term would be totally a nightmare.
    • 第一个国家说错了,换成第二个国家,反正你觉得自己永远正确。
      • 这是事实啊。你连事实都不许人说吗? -szs11(钉子户); 09:51 (#4730826@0) Reply
        • 这是典型的西部强硬保守党作风, 从戴国卫开始一脉相承. 这也为什么我们东部温和保守党一直对哈勃怀有戒心的原因.
    • 我没见到哈帕的原话,希望你能提供链接。不过伊拉克现在都闹腾够了,政局基本稳定,即使出兵和你说打伊朗也是截然不同两回事。
      • 不用提供连接, 这里有选举权的人都记得哈勃到CNN去说要出兵伊拉克.
        • He may want to conquer China too.
        • 反对保守党的,怎么都是些连事实都拿不出来的人?BS一下。
          • 哈勃到CNN去说要出兵伊拉克
          • 哈勃几年前刚说过的话你就要赖涨, 太丢保守党脸了.
            • 让你提供链接,你拿不出来,这就又倒打一耙。你和axe那个Liar也差不太多了。
              • 哈勃到CNN去说出兵伊拉克谁都记得, 你却要赖帐... 我偏不给连接, 让人多看看你的笑话.
                • 哈哈,打死也说,就是不给你论据看。那简单,没人相信你不就消停了。
                  • 这次你去要求CNN给出连接, 不给的话CNN就是liar #4731633@0
    • totally hypothetical question. If Dion is elected majority and he is going to attack Iran or participate Iraq, what do you do?
      • 建议保守党和自由党相互提这个问题, 然后让选民自己去判断. 不过按钉子户的逻辑迪安从没说过出兵伊拉克, 所以你问这问题本身就是对迪安的诬陷.
        • er.... okay. Then I am sorry - to Dion.
    • Liberals support Canada's Iraqi mission as well...
      • 他们也说要出兵吗? 克总理可是在议会说 "Canada will not participate.", 大家都记得.
        • And they send first Canadian troops into Iraq...
      • Liberal initiated participation in Afganistan mission. Anybody correct me if I am wrong.
        • 保守党那时有没有投反对票啊?
    • 如果CNN没报错的话,大家看看这个。本人没有政治倾向,纯粹就事论事。楼主说的不但是真的,而且故事里还有故事。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Canadian PM accused of plagiarizing speech
      Story Highlights
      Opposition says Stephen Harper speech was copied from one by Australian PM

      Speech, supporting Iraq war, came when Harper was opposition leader in 2003

      Harper spokesman says speech was five years ago, issue not relevant now

      Candidates to hold debates this week ahead of October 14 election

      TORONTO, Ontario (AP) -- Canada's main opposition party on Tuesday accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of plagiarizing a speech by former Australian Prime Minister John Howard that urged the country to join the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

      The Liberals released transcripts and video of a speech delivered by Howard on March 18, 2003, and one given two days later in the Canadian Parliament by Harper, who was then the opposition leader.

      Opposition Liberal foreign affairs spokesman Bob Rae said nearly half of the speech Harper delivered, calling for Canadian troops to be sent to Iraq, was a word-for-word recitation of the speech by Howard. Both Harper and Howard are conservatives.

      Canada's Liberal government at the time turned down Washington's request to send troops. Australia sent troops early on.

      Harper spokesman Kory Teneycke said the speech is five years old and the Conservatives are not going to get drawn into a discussion of issues that have no relevance to Canadians.

      Earlier this month, Harper triggered an October 14 election in a bid to bolster his party's grip on power.

      "How does a political leader in Canada's Parliament, on such a crucial issue, end up giving the exact same speech as another country's leader," Rae said in excerpts of a speech he gave in Toronto on Tuesday.

      "Mr. Harper couldn't find his own voice, so he borrowed someone else's. This isn't just deeply embarrassing for Mr. Harper -- he would have been expelled from ... a university for pulling this stunt (it's called plagiarism) -- but it speaks to the heart of what is deeply wrong with the Republican Conservative government of which he is the leader."

      Rae said it is further evidence "of how Canada's foreign policy is now in lockstep with the right-wing foreign policy of the Bush administration" in the United States.

      Teneycke, Harper's spokesman, called the charge a desperate move ahead of the national leaders' debates on Wednesday and Thursday night.

      "It was five years ago. It was three Parliaments ago, two elections ago when he was leader of a party that no longer exists," Teneycke said of Harper, who was leader of the right-of-center Canadian Alliance party at the time. The party later merged with the Conservative party.

      Liberal opposition party leader Stéphane Dion said Harper's speech matters despite being five years old.

      "Canadians want their country to speak with its own voice on the world stage. It's true for the prime minister. It's true for the opposition leader," Dion said.

      "Stephen Harper plagiarized the 'coalition of the willing' of George W. Bush about the war in Iraq. Stephen Harper should be expelled."

      Recent polls show the Conservatives could win the majority of seats in Parliament. As a minority government, they've been forced to rely on the opposition to pass budgets and legislation.

      Harper's Conservative party unseated the Liberal party in 2006 after nearly 13 years in power; Canada has had closer ties with Washington since. Harper's Conservative party has long studied the prolonged political success that Howard's right-wing government had in Australia.

      Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 原来哈总理的国文也没学好, 出兵伊拉克的演讲还要抄澳洲总理的.
        • 说实话,就这几个党领个人形象来说,哈珀还是比其他诸位要好。
          • 当年马尔罗尼总理的形象比特鲁多总理好得多, 但才能却比特鲁多总理差太远..
            • :) 个人不喜欢迪安的书呆子样而已。萝卜青菜,各有所爱。说来说去,每个人的选票并不能起决定作用,为政客掐架很不可取。莫动肝火,平和投票,才是民主社会公民应该认识到的。
              • well said. the politicians are only your representative. there is no lifetime contract in between. I will vote PC this time, but not necessarily next time.
                • C only. Progressive is gone.
            • 不得见吧? 那张脸可真够长的
      • 再套用一次钉子户的逻辑, 要求CNN给出连接, 不给的话CNN就是liar.
    • sigh~~~ (#4728999@0)
      • 感觉这里在闹文革。唉
    • 大家投票,选的是哈帕现在的竞选纲领。拿从前已经放弃了东西说事,根本就不make sense.
      • 但是harper上台了就会为所欲为了,这是为什么大家都说他有hidden agenda。对这个问题,我相信本地人比我们认识得更清楚。
        • szs11(钉子户) is prepared to 打伊郎...
        • 这里移民相对是少数, 所以人民的好总理能够坐上总理的宝座, 本地人的功劳是大大的。 嘿嘿
          • New drama again for Harper - A longtime Conservative spokesman and speechwriter resigned from his job at Tory campaign headquarters Tuesday after admitting a speech he wrote for Harper in 2003 borrowed heavily without attribution.
            • 你知道本老太不懂美国话, 还跟我跩这些洋文。 你说了也是白说。 能不能用中文翻译一遍。 你用洋文跟在我后面的帖子, 我都不知道你在说啥
                • 这闺女咋整的?
                  • 你是老太.
                    • 本老太不回答个人问题
                      • That's interesting.
        • 总理早就为所欲为了, 除了这次大选各反对党与他作梗外, 他在国会的各项议案都顺利通过。 真是要风得风, 要雨得雨。 一个少数党政府玩得跟多数党政府一样滋润, 这等奇才, 实是加国之幸啊。 呵呵
          • You are telling some truth now.
    • 杞人忧天的最新境界
      • Night shift starts early tonight. Keep your good work.
    • 从钉子户的无知无畏, 无理取闹, 蛮不讲理来看, 现在我越来越怀疑她是某党派来搞坏保守党名声的.