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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 也说说我为什么改选保守党. 在上次保守党胜利的时候我选的是自由党, 因为那时候很喜欢自由党的老党魁克里田虽然那时候他已不在位. 这一次改选保守党有两个原因, 一个是喜欢HARPER, 另一个是我们选区保守党候选人是个中国人.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛也说说我为什么改选保守党. 在上次保守党胜利的时候我选的是自由党, 因为那时候很喜欢自由党的老党魁克里田虽然那时候他已不在位. 这一次改选保守党有两个原因, 一个是喜欢HARPER, 另一个是我们选区保守党候选人是个中国人.

    克里田拒绝跟随美国进攻阿富汗, 显示出加拿大这个被有些人称作是美国的附属国的只有三千万人的人口小国并不屈从于任何所谓强大的邪恶势力, 哪怕是领国美国. 因此我把票投给自由党.

    HARPER近几年的表现, 我认为他也是个同样有个性并且坚持原则的人. 首先,在中国地震援助这个事情上, 再一次向世界展示了加拿大是在人道主义方面的典范, 救灾, 捐款做得有板有眼, 非常有章法, 从海啸到中国地震都是这样, 采用1:1的方法, 即做了该做的事情, 又避免了来自方面面的指点. 相比中国国内国外捐款事件上的种种事非, 可以说, 加拿大实在是个慈善专家.

    至于拒绝参加奥运会是对与错在这里不做评论, 但是HARPER坚持了自已的原则, 虽然有人说他很傻, 但是比起美国总统布什, 这个一天天改变自己的原则, 有利就上的主儿, 要可爱多了.

    再说, 有个叫DION的如果做了加国总理, 恐怕要有几年关闭政府新闻频道了, 那个人做加国总理, 也太有点对不起观众了吧, 加拿大虽然说只有三千万人, 但是也不至于真的挑不出个象样的总理.

    再有就是我的选区候选人是个中国人, 撼卫中华民族还是从撼卫自已的肤色做起, 我相信他不会是象李大师这样的中国人, 是一个踏实工作服务社会的人, 为什么不选? 我们华人不投票, 让加拿大议会中全部坐上白人黑人印巴人, 算是我们中国人很有种的样子?????????更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 说你喜欢哈伯不就完了.
      • He is totally staged but HOT and Sexy to some people.
      • 反正我不喜欢DION, 站到世界人民面前, 应该挺给加拿大丢脸的
        • Harper is good? 谁让他站啊?
          • 好象站了好几年了, 还站得挺好
            • In front of his followers, of course.
              • in front of Canada, of course, that is why he is a MP
                • Not really. At most he is an immature politician. Looking back to his performance internationally, he is basically nothing rest of the world. Not credit what so ever.
                  • he bacame Canada's PM when he was still "immature", and he is getting "mature" now, and "more mature" in the future. You can not stop people liking him, that's a lot of non-political Canadian do
                    • People loved BUSH and now what? Some people are really stupid indeed.
                      • now they do not love him, and nobody really loved him in the first place. I never heard of anyone really liked Bush. things are different
                        • Why was BUSH reelected then?
                          • not because he was Being Liked , that is all I know. Harper is different
                            • Different than what? He is much wors than Bush as a matter of fact.
                              • i am sure most of people know they are totally different
                                • The key is Harper is much worse than Bush.
                                  • u obviously do not hold the key
                                    • That doesn't matter. When people find things happening in the U.S repeat in Canada you may not have a job then.
                                      • do not worry about my job, anyway, thank u
                                        • Or you have a perm one offered by HARPER?
                    • If he is a good PM of Canada, why would he not have any credibility at all among G7 and rest of the world?
                      • i only care how he is in This world, he does not work for UN
                        • Canada can not live in isolation. If a PM can not represent Canada in the world he basically is doing barely half of his job.
                          • from ur theory, u sound more qualified than Harper, so what? that is only ur own theory
                            • There are lots people better than Harper for sure. If he is your hero, I feel sad for you.
                              • he is not my hero, u need not to be sad. but , still, a lot of people like him, I just told u a truth, I got phone call yesterday, was told they will vote for Harper cause they like him
                                • Why they called you? But it's OK with me. Certainly lots people don't like Harper.
                                  • because they just got time to chat with me after long time no see, old friends.
                                    • Are you runing in which riding? Shall I vote for you?
                                      • no, thanks, i only vote, too bad.
                                        • Too bad. You should and I think you really deserve it.
                                          • that is not ur bisiness anyway, I run or not
                                            • Sure I know but you do deserve it.
                                              • too bad, not up to u
                                                • I feel sorry for you - working so hard for him but get nothng back. Did he say thank you?
                                                  • no, I need to thank u helping me to have some kind of relaxation after worked hard for almost a day
                                                    • You will certainly be getting more calls tonight and days beyond.
                                                      • see? again, a lower
                                                        • This young lady is getting wild now, HAHAHA
        • 加拿大人的形象也越来越差,因为这么个总理.
          • how? I do not see it . Harper is one lots of people's top 10 list. of course u do not see it .
            • 因为你喜欢HARPERA啊.
              • I am asking u how 差 it is, i feel Canada is a nice and decent country
                • Canada is a nice and decent country but he is not a decent and nice person. Mean, mean and mean
                  • at least he does not say these mean words
                    • Unless you don't watch him closely and see him with with passion.
                      • that is still none of ur biz
                        • I guess you do not have better things to say or run out of words.
                          • u wish
                            • Any more words than this?
                              • have u to add
            • On yours and his followers but certainly not many people's.
              • so , how can he became PM if not many? simple as that
                • One may cheat and win once, twice but not three times.
            • those people are idiots.that;s why
              • too bad u moved to a country full with idiots
                • You may well be one of them then.
    • 支持你的决定。哈伯是一个很不错的领导。选他不会有错。
    • too young, too navy !
      • 选举是可以根据长相选的.
        • xixi, I did not say 长相, u got that from the bottom of ur heart, nothing to do with me
          • 那你喜欢他什么?
            • explained already
    • 新马甲我一般不回,不过看你这么天真,就码几个字:哈巴这两年做的事都不是他特想做的,是和自由党妥协的结果,现在他要推倒重来弄个多数党就可以为所欲为了。到时候日子过不下去,大家都回流算了。
      • support u 回流
      • 到时可以考虑让mickey先回流!
        • xixi, u do not get the right, too bad
      • don's understand why our chinese like him.
        • mickey is not chinese!
          • 她是搅混水的.没看出她有什么观点对与选举.
            • 我就是想告诉你, 不要觉得自已象个政治家一样的天天发表”观点”, 就真的跟大选有什么关系, 多数加拿大人才不理会政治呢, 谁要说我精通政治, 我觉得是个羞耻. 完毕, 洗洗睡吧
              • 哦?还真把自己当加拿大人?真正的加拿大人怎么不关系政治,他们不关心政治,不关心被谁领导.谁给他们饭吃?还有,你哪来的饭吃?
                • i believe I will always have 饭吃, no matter who is the leader.
                  • 哈泊给你们发饭票,你当然总有饭吃.
                    • so, he robbed ur 饭票? n believable, how come u r so special?
                      • 抢什么抢啊.你脑子想什么呢?
              • You reall meant it? You are entirely involved as a matter of fact.
                • no, i just told that I like harper, then few people got pissed off , that is all
                  • You at least have some honesty than Harper.
        • there are most Chinese candidates from Conservative than any other parties, buddy
          • 你别跟人家套近乎.你是你,人家是人家.有本事你也去当候选人.
            • not even u invite me
          • u wish -mickeyh(mickey); 16:16 (#4729318@0
      • mickey is harper, 坚定完毕!
        • harper don't know her.
          • Then mickey must have some relation with Harper, 鉴定完毕!
            • What TYPE of RELATION?
              • haha, seems at least for now, nobody lower than u , u r kind of lonely
                • What relation to you have with Harper? I am not lonely, specially fluring with a nice lady -mickeyh(mickey) here on rolia.
                  • and at the same time show what u r , hehe,
                    • Do not run away, baby..
                    • let people see what kind of low crap ur kind of Political guys are
                      • nailed -mickeyh(mickey); 16:38 (#4729438@0) Reply
    • haha, a little thought done the work of digging a big hole, fantastics, u guys are genius
      • Go for your harper!!
      • A perfect professional for HARPER. GO HARPER, GO GO GO!!!
        • nailed
          • Your hero must be feeling great now...
        • why u deleted the one ? my nail is not quick enough
          • A tender soft nail...
    • 不小心搞了这么多人攻击HARPER, 看来中国有句老话看来真是不假: 不招人妒是庸才. finish, finish
      • Do not run away, young lady...
      • 英才遭妒果不假,庸人讨嫌亦自夸,试问米奇心何许?小女羞指大哈巴。
        • see, at least Harper is nor as low as this-----go ahead and expose urself, a real u
          • 不知所云
    • 今天加拿大股市狂跌,哈巴只顾选举,看来是无所作为了。
      • so , who else can do anything, you do not know that our great 6200 points has been down to maybe 1500? who can do what to that?
        • Your hero, Harper, of course.
          • not, I am glad that he did not do anything to push it from 980 points to 6200, that is good enough
            • leave us some peace of life
        • The leader of America is doing something to rescue the economy. Does Canadian ecomomy deserve doing nothing?
      • 今天全球股市大跌,是不是各国领导人都在无所作为?
        • Root cause?
          • Harper? hehe. you are joking.
    • I basically share the same reasons. In such difficult economic situation, we need strong leadership that I can't see on Dion. I would like to have a Conservative majority this time.
      In the riding I am living in, we have a Chinese Conservative candidate. He's definitely the one my vote will go to.
      • (#4731134@0)