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Since the current premier is a garbage, I'd rather read the paper from previous government .


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 反保守党是一件很正常的事,大家都各有理念。但是,胡乱想象说哈帕会去攻打伊朗,这种事根本就是捕风捉影,很无聊吧。人家哈帕连说都没说过这话,也能给一盆污水泼在头上,作为不投票的理由,也太牵强了点。
    • There are a lot of Americans say that Bush is an idiot 8 year ago. 8 years later, it's been proven that Bush is indeed a greedy idiot.
      • Harper is much worse than BUSH. He will do whatever he likes. Let's go and see. A really risky person for Canadians.
        • 这个定论比较恐怖。全世界worse than Bush的人也没几个吧?还就在咱加拿大?而且还有50%多的人认为它比其他党派领袖更适合领导加拿大。咱加拿大人也太不运气,本人太多了!哦,我觉得连胡锦涛都不能想干啥就干啥,咱走着瞧,看他worse than bush能怎么为所欲为。
    • 正是 (#4711510@0)
      • You should thank god that Conservative is minority now.
        • 无厘头讲话听不懂,攻击性恐吓不能说服选民。
          • And attacking AD will?
    • 选哈帕只是政策的延续。自由党的碳税,人均征收1300块。三口之家的税后收入又会少4000块,穷人的福利增加,富人的收入税降低,都有赚头。中产可是净损失2000-3000块。
      • 收入3万块以下的,和收入30万以上的请投自由党一票。其他人投票前,请先看看自己的钱包,愿不愿意把钱贴给富豪们去退税?
        • 无论选谁就是不选反华排外的保守党。
          • 中国政策只是联邦大选的一部分。哈帕要求给中国老百姓人权,应该是正面的东西。难道你不同意给中国老百姓人权吗?
            • 你支持哈珀反移民排外吗?
              • 我不支持排外,哈帕也不支持排外。具体见楼下讨论这个事的话题。
                • The discussion ended with that fact that Harper against immigrants. (Especially those with colour and from Asia.) BTW, where is your fucking analysis I was asking about?
                  • 你这样撒谎不太好吧。
                    • I lied? Stop avoiding my request and thru some link that does not even make any sense. Do your fucking analysis and present.
                    • BTW, give you the discussion again in case you are accidently blind again.
      • 你少胡说八到,你是CA还是CGA?政纲刚出,什么都没明朗,你就在这胡说八道。造谣的是你。
        • 人说的是跟着美国去打伊朗,连影子都没有,是不是也算造谣呢?
          • 拜托你去研究一下维基保守党基本理念,保守党要军队服从美国调度,美国和以色列天天叫嚷要攻打伊朗,一旦开战,加军必将加入伊朗战事。这么简单的道理你们都不懂。造谣的是你们!
        • 都这会儿了,政纲还没明朗,水平也太次了。明朗了再来忽悠好吗?老实说,戴安要是发钱更多,俺也支持他,碳税不怕,大不了不开车。就怕老小子收了钱不发。
      • 投保守党!!!
    • 人家说的是跟着美国去打伊朗,你改人家的话就显得很无耻啦。不就是要维护保守党吗,用得着出下三烂的套路马?
      • 有什么区别吗?无非就是个战争威胁吗?你人身攻击那套最好收起来,毕竟这对你支持的自由党没啥好处。
        • 下三滥这个词你用的少吗?
    • 就是,HARPER是很聪明的一个人,他会有分寸的。记得HARPER第一次选举得胜的时候,我一个在政府机构工作的朋友吓得发抖,说她准备着失业,准备着完蛋,因为之前HARPER和媒体交恶,形象很不好,人都怕他。可以现在怎么样?他慢慢得到了好多人的心
    • 小布什上台前也没说过要打伊拉克. 他是上台后人家问他为什么要打, 他才说 "He (Sadam) wanted to kill my dad!".
      • 小道花边这些东西就别拿到台面上了。这种东西也能拿出来当论据用?是不是你再就没别的能拿出手的东西了?
        • It's funny that 小道花边 usually proven to be true eventually.
    • 他们玩妖魔化这套2006年可能还能吓住一批人,现在人都执政2年。政绩怎么样一目了然。
      • ya, nothing is done. Only many manipulation and war in Afganstan.
        • "nothing is done" is for liberal.俺能记起来自由当屈指可数的政绩除了出兵阿富汗就是同婚姻法案
          • Oh really, who slashed Canada's gigantic deficit created by Conservative? Liberal. Who starts to spend money on shitty useless war now? Conservative.
            • Who starts to spend money on shitty useless war , that's Liberal buddy.
              • So you agree to my first point. Good. You can still be saved. Liberal only started the Afganstan war and Canada was only a supporting role.
                But when fuking haper is in power, he started to send more and more troop. Please see the picture and don't use your pee size eyes.
                • 我同意前保守党政府减税没有注意平衡,现保守党政府控制得较好。这次大选减税不是重头戏。
                  • Better control this time? Joke! There control is by cutting taxes for rich and use up surplus left by Liberal. BTW, you agree to my second point now. Good boy.
                    • you have points?
      • 中国移民数字下降是政绩吗?安省制造业大滑坡是政绩?新增就业人数15年最低是政绩?阿富汗一塌糊涂是政绩?
        • 安省制造业大滑坡? 难道安省没有人管吗,难道安省人民选了个废物吗?
          • 安省有大笔钱给多元文化拨款,给板球协会,没办法解决制造业问题?
            • 典型的保守党嘴脸。安省不是加拿大吗?让你管管不是你应该做的吗?哈珀保守党眼里只有阿伯特和油商利益。
              • 省里有省里的政策,联邦有联邦的政策。自己管不好不要赖联邦。
                • You are idiot. Why? ontario manafacture disasper is due to currency appreciate (which ontario can't do anything about) lead by the oil rich HARPER supporter Alberta.
                  So Harper does not want to sacrifice his oil rich supporters. Instead, he tells Ontario to eat shit. Got it?
                  • #4711773@0
                    • 2001?? You live in 7 years ago? Please argue with me about the currecy exchange problem that anyone with a brain knows. Don't use some old news to shit here.
                      • Since the current premier is a garbage, I'd rather read the paper from previous government .
                        • Good, then you can read old testmony Bible. Becasue when Adam and his bitch live in Edon, the world was perfect. Oh wait, I forgot that's all you read, because the GOD creates everything and you have to stone gays to death.
                          • well, take care.
                            • And GOD bless you. : )
          • 既然如此,要个废物保守党政府何用?把老百姓的孩子送到阿富汗当炮灰?!攻击烈士军属?!哈珀才是个废物。
            • 哈波珀和敌安谁是废物大家清楚。
              • ttttt和钉子户眼里只有哈珀和希特勒不是废物。
                • 除了人身攻击之外,就只会泼污水?
                  • We learned from the best: Harper and you. :)
          • Ya, the premier is a garbage. So what? we are not talking about provincial election. Don't derial topic.
            And ontario manafacture disasper is due to currency appreciate (which ontario can't do anything about) lead by the oil rich HARPER supporter Alberta. So Harper does not want to sacrifice his oil rich supporters. Instead, he tells Ontario to eat shit. Got it?
            • 既然你承认安省省长是废物,那他就要负主要责任。安省制造业本来就是夕阳产业,这次加碳税,受害的其中就有制造业,可惜你们喜欢。
              • Are you blind? Go read my other reply. The manufacture disaster is due to curreny exchange which that idiot premier can't do shit about but fuking Harper can but he did not.
              • BTW, I agree with you that carbon tax is stupid. That's why I only say let Conservative win minority again and kick Dion too.
              • 你去看看研究报告把,有一份2001年的安省制造业报告。现在安省比起墨西哥来根本没有竞争力。高税,工会两座大山。前安省保守党当时的方案是减税,投入R&D.
                • 2001?? You live in 7 years ago? Please argue with me about the currecy exchange problem that anyone with a brain knows. Don't use some old news to shit here. BTW, Ontario manufactuer did not fail between 2001 to 2006. It failed after Harper is in power
                  . Open your pee eyes.
                  • #4711818@0. please open your eyes, do some research.
                    • Good, then you can read old testmony Bible. Becasue when Adam and his bitch live in Edon, the world was perfect. Oh wait, I forgot that's all you conservatives read, because the GOD creates everything and you have to stone gays to death.
      • 一目了然: Massive job cuts, edging budget deficit, heading to recession, selling out Canadian sovereignty, international isolation, more deaths in Afghanistan…. What else?
    • 问一句菜鸟的话,是不是收入高的投保守党的多,收入低的投自由党的多阿!