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That is not ture.

Canada and US have had agreement since the 1970's. It is known as "interstate benefits" .Canada does have a reciprocal UI agreement with the US,
and you are indeed eligible to apply if you move back to Canada on the
basis of your US contributions to a UI fund. You would either apply to
HRDC or to the state you lived in as an inter-state claim. Where you
apply depends on the rules of the specific state.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 一般在美国工作,要自己买失业保险,还是由雇主提供?
    • Do you have green card? If no, forget about it.
      • true
      • "失业保险: ...as a Canadian, you are entitled to receive full amount of unemployment benefit, which is around $2000+ per month for 6-10 months (don't know exact number here, also may vary in States)". #64@40
        • where did u find that piece of info? i doubt Canadians have that kind of previllage
        • 不要误导啦,如果加拿大这么好,大家还跑美国干嘛。即使在加拿大做,交足EI,政府还想赖着不给,在美国干,不交EI就不要想啦。更不要说每周最多只能拿4百多了。
          • 不要误导啦#3554279@0
            • 非常不幸的是,
              即使有interstate benefit,两个国家的就业时间不是简单的累加,而是你在加拿大做满加拿大的小时数,你就可以领加拿大的EI,在米国做满米国的小时数,就可以领米国的UI。而且你再去看一下UI的Eligibility,就可以知道加拿大公民基本上是拿不到的。回头看加拿大的EI,谁能拿regular EI超过$423每周的?说2000不是误导是什么?
              • #3554424@0
                • 还是有不明白的银。那是因为他满足过去52周在加拿大工作满900小时的最低要求,他当然可以理直气壮申请加拿大的EI啦。
                  • 同理你在美国工作的时间和所交EI也是被加拿大HRDC承认的.
                    • 在美国工作不用缴EI,要缴社会安全税。另外,我认为你在这里的发言基本上是正确的。支持你!
                      • 共同探讨,大家受益.
                        • 是的。如果听不进正确的意见,自己也受害。 向你表示感谢。
                    • 这里没有什么同理。比如你在加工作一年,去米国做了两三个月,lay off回家,回加拿大一算,过去52周你做了9个月,如果超过900小时就合资格了。米国那部分,加拿大只是帮你回那个州claim。
                  • 你这不是想当然吗?他一直美国工作,根本没有在加拿大工作,而且他的UI也是到加拿大后向美国claim的.
              • 不论你在加拿大还是美国,想申请EI,一定是你工作时交了EI.申请时符合工作时间要求和其它有关条件,
                拿EI有个上限,但是拿regular EI超过$423每周是可能的.这和你工作时的工资就是你所交的EI有关系.这里所说的是对于在美国工作的加拿大人只要符合EI申请条件需要回加拿大申请.不是说不可以申请.
                • 一看就知道你没有拿过EI
                  • 不要看了,我确实拿过.:)
                    • 这是官方解释哈: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/ei/faq/faq_general.shtml,请看第十问。否则hrdc欠我好几千呢。
                      • 抱歉我不是EI专家,太DETAIL的东西没法回答你,这里是要澄清个事实,在美国工作的加拿大公民符合一定条件是可以申请EI的.
                        • 我也只是澄清一下这个事实,那篇文章里关于EI的部分是误导。
                        • the fact is
                          depend on which states you are..In most states, foreigners can not get EI. In a few of states, they can
                          • 请举例告知具体哪个州,foreigners can not get EI? 一两例即可。多谢。
                            • 有些foreigners确实不能GET EI.
                              • 你说得对。 我的问题应该改成:请举例告知具体哪个州,Canadian citizen can not get EI? 一两例即可。多谢。
                          • 我们这里讨论的是加拿大公民情况,不适用于所有foreigners,要看二国是否有协议.
    • 在美国, 无论你有无绿卡,你和公司都要交失业保险。但是你如果无绿卡,你没有享受的权利。
      • I got confused.You mean for TN Visa holders,they couldn't get unemployment benefit in the States.I am wondering where they could get it if they were laid off.Thanks.
        • In US, statement government has the jurisdiction over UI claims. Stricly speaking, TN holders can not get UI benefits in US because one criteria is "eligible to work in the United States without restriction".
          Many states usually require you to furnish proof of eligibility by asking Alien Number (only GC holder has the number). Some states allow you to claim, but only do so when you left US - legally you must exit US in the days after you are laid off.
          The maximum benefits is about 1,600 US per month. Not 2000 as one claimed.
        • 在加拿大被lay off, 吃加拿大的EI.在美国被lay off, 喝西北风。 在美国工作,加拿大人和中国人没区别。 只是拿的签证类别不一样
          • That is not ture.
            Canada and US have had agreement since the 1970's. It is known as "interstate benefits" .Canada does have a reciprocal UI agreement with the US,
            and you are indeed eligible to apply if you move back to Canada on the
            basis of your US contributions to a UI fund. You would either apply to
            HRDC or to the state you lived in as an inter-state claim. Where you
            apply depends on the rules of the specific state.
          • 加拿大公民和永久居民,在加拿大被lay off,吃加拿大的EI(符合条件的话)。在美国被lay off, 吃美国的UI(符合条件的话)。 当然,愿意喝西北风是个人的自由,外人无权干涉。
      • 不是吧,我一朋友就另了EI,听说必须回加拿大才能领,不管怎么说他是拿这钱了的.
        • 正确,回加拿大可以拿到.
    • 不要吵了,看看这个。
      • Good work!