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By Charlie Carey and The Canadian Press

Posted December 15, 2023 11:07 am.

Last Updated December 15, 2023 11:58 am.

The City of Vancouver and the feds have reached a deal under the Housing Accelerator Fund that they say will lead to over 40,000 homes built in Vancouver over the next decade.

In a news conference at a development in Vancouver’s West Side Friday Morning, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, flanked by his housing minister and their provincial and city counterparts, said the federal government is stepping up to get needed homes built.

The deal will also see about 3,200 homes fast-tracked over the next three years, Trudeau said.

“The federal government is ready to keep being a partner with all [levels] of government, that are ready to make progress on building more homes, faster,” he said Friday.

Housing Minister Sean Fraser said the agreement will provide almost $115 million from the government’s Housing Accelerator Fund to cut barriers to building housing.

Fraser explained that he was encouraged by recent housing bills in B.C., and the actions by the City of Vancouver on housing.

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  • 房炒炒挺住,要坚信降息时你自己还有工作,你租客都还有工作。刚需也挺住,要知道挺一天你就多挣一天利息,而房炒炒多付一天利息 +2
    • 当大家都没了工作时,就回到了同一起跑线,然后下一轮竞赛。我相信现在的房炒炒以后还是房炒炒,现在的房吵吵以后也还是房吵吵。没办法,性格决定命运。 +1
      • 你去问问90年代血本无归的房炒炒 +2
        • 这些炒房的如有T4表一年交几万利息都没问题,反正可以利息抵税,最后大家替他出,真正苦了老老实实交税没投资房的。
      • 房炒炒除了炒房还会什么呢?
        • 你会的他们都会,还多一项炒房 +6
        • 这话问的,没钱这么炒,钱是哪里来的?倒是房吵吵除了吵还会什么呢? +2
    • 现在每多挣一天利息,可能将来就得多花两天的利息 +1
      • 挺住
        • 小菜一碟
          • 我也相信你能挺住。其实大多数人都能挺住。只有杠杆拉满的才会玩完 +3
            • 拉满杠杆的都财务自由了,当然总会有个别在错误时间入市的,玩完也不至于,大不了割一套房子呗 +1
              • 卖一套?那不得把房价拉下来了?坚决撑住
                • 不要梦想着一个人就把房价拉下来
                  • 房价下跌是由撑不住决定的,而不是撑住决定的
                    • 一两个人撑不住无关大局,你到股市试试清仓甩卖,看能不能把大盘拉下来 +1
              • 手上还有几十万LOC的都能挺住,如果Loc也没了的,属于赌性较大的,有些风险。这些人出局后接手的是楼主所谓的房炒炒,而不是象楼主这样的房吵吵。吵吵只会吵吵,不会动手,不然也不会现在还吵吵 +2
                • 为什么有LOC的能挺住?动用LOC也要付利息的。 +2
                  • 所以叫能挺住,而不叫轻松守住。LoC都没了,挺也挺不住。这些人不出局,接盘侠如何接盘?
                  • 现身说个法,今年初renew贷款时,我算了下手上的HELOC,觉得renew固定利率后后即使失业+5%通胀少说能挺个10年以上,于是renew了。 +1
                    • 租客也能失业挺10年吗? +1
                      • 不好意思,租金高涨,俺的租客这两年已经全部换了一波了,你明白的。
                      • 为什么总提失业呢?人家失业你也失业,你失业了就算房价跌下来你也不敢买 +1
    • 周围朋友里投资房产的(很少有来加拿大20多年只有一套自住房的),还没人出现很大的问题,一个主要原因就是大家动手的早 +9

      多数人都是从上次美国金融危机那次开始买投资房的,不少人买了美国的房产做AirBnB, 这部分朋友肯定是没亏,有朋友告诉我这些年的租金收入已经抵过当初买房的钱了;




      • 投资房产赚不赚钱,看过去20年的走势就知道了,一两年的局部行情不说明问题,一两套房子的得失更不是个事,股市里止损换仓都是常见的操作,到了房子这倒成了笑话了 +3
        • 记得从2006/2007年开始,华人朋友们聚会见面就谈买房的事儿。那时候就有一大批人开始投资房产了。
          • 那时候投资房产的,现在早就可以提前退休啦。 +1
            • 也有人不停refinance借钱一套接一套买,现在正担心破产 +1
              • 他们以前赚的钱都捐出去了? +1
                • 你没见到那个房赌赌连自住房都出租了? +1
                  • 还有炒股破产的呢,你不害怕? +2
      • 很好的经验分享👏
      • 大多数只有一套自住房。知道小房东不好当 +4
        • 我说的是2000年左右来加的华人技术移民,你说的范围肯定不是我说的这个群体。
          • 来的越晚,越不可能只有一套。只有一套,基本是收入高的老移民。通常除了自住房,至少还有一套CONDO给孩子的。留学生,投资移民更不用说了。 +6
            • 大致如此。当年认识一个经纪,每出一个新楼盘就让一个小女留学生买。经纪告诉我小留手里有两位数房产,都用父母的钱
            • 确实的,来的晚的,见证了中国房价的疯涨,都很有买房的意识。老移民通常觉悟的晚,但也不排除有先知先觉的。先知先觉的都财务自由了。
          • 我知道一对高收入华人(男IT女银行)长期租房还特享受,如果不被赶,现在还住整栋半独立只需1.5k/月
      • 老猫说的没错,老移虽然保守,但的确赚到了这二十年的红利,有几套房的不在少数,而且价格低风险低,现金流好,2017 以后就让给新移民炒作吧,探长有智慧
    • 又可以吃鷄腿了,真香!還有一個鷄腿消息,溫哥華在10年内,要建40,000套,聯邦政府資助115米,每套2千8百元

      By Charlie Carey and The Canadian Press

      Posted December 15, 2023 11:07 am.

      Last Updated December 15, 2023 11:58 am.

      The City of Vancouver and the feds have reached a deal under the Housing Accelerator Fund that they say will lead to over 40,000 homes built in Vancouver over the next decade.

      In a news conference at a development in Vancouver’s West Side Friday Morning, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, flanked by his housing minister and their provincial and city counterparts, said the federal government is stepping up to get needed homes built.

      The deal will also see about 3,200 homes fast-tracked over the next three years, Trudeau said.

      “The federal government is ready to keep being a partner with all [levels] of government, that are ready to make progress on building more homes, faster,” he said Friday.

      Housing Minister Sean Fraser said the agreement will provide almost $115 million from the government’s Housing Accelerator Fund to cut barriers to building housing.

      Fraser explained that he was encouraged by recent housing bills in B.C., and the actions by the City of Vancouver on housing.

      • 這樣房子供應大增,房價大跌。小二,上鷄腿!