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What is the refund policy?
WagJag.com values fantastic user experiences because we want to be the best part of your day, even if your day is filled with candy and puppies and baby pandas and unicorns that fart rainbows. If you are not happy with your purchase, please let us know why (we like lots of juicy details) and we'll be happy to give you a full refund. Seriously, it's that simple! If you would like to request a refund please email us at info@wagjag.com or call in the GTA: 416-687-5848 or outside the GTA, toll-free: 1-855-4-WAGJAG
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  • 爱你的家人就给买点鱼吃吧:蓝鳕鱼(blue cod)fillet卖$2.6一磅(454克),原价$6.99/400克。比国人超市里产自越南肮脏河沟里的鱼fillet要让人放心很多。清蒸煎蛋皆可。
    • 谢谢!
    • yuummmmmmmyyyyy~~~ Thanks !!! i didn't see the maximum quantity i can buy, so it's unlimited??
      • Looks like you can buy as many as you want. But remember, you can only keep it frozen for 365 days.
        • thanks for your reminding~ i like eating fish very very very much~
    • Thanks for the info.
    • anyone wants to buy and share?
    • 怎么操作?在线买好coupon and print it out,带着去他列出的超市?在哪个柜台取?没有这样买过东西,想问问清楚。谢谢
      • Order的时候选择提货地点,必须在11/17-11/21/2011拿voucher提货。
    • 好吃吗?和银鳕鱼是不是一样的?谢谢
    • LZ,请告知这鱼的产地,谢谢。
      • New Zealand
      • 有其他人问了同样的问题:
        Nina · 6 days ago
        Just wondering if this product is farmed or wild and what country does it come from. thanks

        WagJag_Noreen 116p · 5 days ago
        Hi Nina,
        It is wild and from New Zealand

        worry · 5 days ago
        Has the pacific ocean or sea around New Zealand been polluted by Janpanese neauclear pollution?

        WagJag_Noreen 116p · 14 hours ago
        That is beyond my knowledge as your humble WagJag discussion board moderator! Canada currently has no restrictions on fish coming in from there
    • sold out 了。。。
      • 还在卖,还有大概4天时间可以买。但不知会不会提前卖完。先抢一份了。多谢LZ提供信息,谢谢!
        • Now sold out. It said no more voucher for this deal.
          • 刚看了,还有的,想买的赶快
    • No more vouchers at Markham and Scarborough location....
    • 黑线鳕 Haddock fillet 还有的卖。10磅$37.5,但市价比蓝鳕鱼贵,看上去肉质鲜厚,应该也是好吃的鱼种。附上百度百科。
      • Haddock fillet 我们常吃,味道很好,我们每次都在costco买,与中国店的活鱼比,性价比好,
        • Costco 的价格如何?
          • Costco卖大概7.99/LB吧。很久以前我买过一次,装在碟子里3-4片大约$20。
    • 刚在网上填了点了购买之后就wait然后又转到signin,检查一遍没错,就又点了购买还是回到开头signin的地方, 到哪打印啊?email里也没有?会不会光扣钱不出单啊?那位高人指点在线等, 谢谢!
      • 到pending voucher 看,voucher要到deal 结束后才可以print,通常
        • Nothing in pending v.
        • 试着signin, 结果被告知账户不存在,而且deal也换了。 :(
      • me, too. Never happened before. What's up?
      • This happened to me too. Re-tried and found one red-print note on top showing for only 2 seconds: "No more voucher available at this location (i.e, sold out)...." Hopefully no other reason...
        • Sold out for the location. No payment should have been processed. You can try 黑线鳕 Haddock fillet. 看上去肉很结实,我喜欢结实爽滑的鱼肉。就是一磅贵了$1.15.
      • 我也是,买完后又转到signin. 什么反映也没有。也没email。 login 也说帐号不存在。怎么回事啊?????到底买了没啊?
      • 是因为你选的location卖完了. 可以换一个location再试一下. Markham的没有了, Scarborough的还有.
      • 很可能是你signin时出错,开头我也是这样,回来再仔细观看,发现填密码的格子颜色不同了,于是把我的密码从5个字改成7个字,马上就成了。
    • 请问这个鱼怎么做好吃?从来没吃过,好几天以前就买了20磅。
      • 煎,煎蛋,炒菜,滚汤都行吧。
        • 适合清蒸吗?煎炒都很麻烦。
          • try 黑线鳕 Haddock fillet, 同样的问题"购买之后就wait然后又转到signin", 检查pending voucher , nothing there, 不会是骗信用卡信息吧?
            • 应该是在选的提货地点卖完了。再试同一个提货地点,看操作完后屏幕左上角给出的信息是什么。我在wagjag买了很多次东西都没有信用问题啊。
            • 我昨天晚上做的也是这样,出了一个信息,什么voucher没有了之类的。换了一个location,就做过去了。
              • 密市的Brandt Meats Factory Store, 1878 Mattawa Ave 木货了。定了Michael-Angelos, 4099 Erin Mills Pkwy。希望有人过几天在这个地点的可以说说提货过程。
                • 我去过Michael-Angelos问了。到customer service处,凭着打印出来的voucher拿货。家里人要吃酸菜鱼,定的没到货,就到中国超市买鱼柳。还挑贵的呢,结果化出来还是一半的水,肉质也不好。如果顺利而且东西好,以后就这么做了。
        • 请问这种鱼可不可以用来包饺子,以前光用鲅鱼.
    • 谢谢分享这么好的信息。 定了Haddock fillet,现在还是pending vouchers。但是在voucher 上没有我选的location, 是不是到时候只要在指定的这几个locations任何一个去取就行了?
    • 不知会不会受到日本核污染?鱼是在Alaska 捕到的。
      • 是不是啊,有点吓人哟。我也买了的。
    • 为啥我老公昨天定了,到现在还是pending,只收到一封email, 没有收到voucher 呢?他定的时候没有选哪里取,是不是不对?
      • 要选:LOCATION.
        • 他说email上有location,就是没有收到voucher, 是不是需要重新定一份?还是继续等?
          • 查一下他的account里是否有pending voucher. 如果没有pending voucher就是没成功。pending voucher 是成交后即时显示的。但要等到deal结束了才能打印提货的voucher.
    • 刚刚定了一份,谢谢信息!
      • 请问你们买成功了吗?
        • 我想应该是成功了吧,昨天已经收到confirm的回复,其中一段是 “This email is only a confirmation - you will receive an email notification when your voucher is ready to be downloaded from your account.” 另外我的account 里也有pending voucher
      • 现在在哪个LOCATION还有哪种鱼.
        • 不成功啊。收到email,但里面没有什么提货单之类的。再进去sign up又自动给退出了。怎么办啊?
        • 当你选择location的时候你会看到哪个地点还有多少
    • 我买错了,login之后变成别的东西,没注意点了确定,怎么退货?
      • 可以尽快联系客服要求取消订单。
        What is the refund policy?
        WagJag.com values fantastic user experiences because we want to be the best part of your day, even if your day is filled with candy and puppies and baby pandas and unicorns that fart rainbows. If you are not happy with your purchase, please let us know why (we like lots of juicy details) and we'll be happy to give you a full refund. Seriously, it's that simple! If you would like to request a refund please email us at info@wagjag.com or call in the GTA: 416-687-5848 or outside the GTA, toll-free: 1-855-4-WAGJAG
      • 这个网站经常这样,当要确认的时候给你换了一样东西,如果不仔细看就买了别的东西,
        • 那个图片那么大,一看图不对就知道不是自己想买的了. 还有就是按确认键前再审查一遍.
    • 密市两个地点都还有7~10份blue cod fillet,万锦和密市Michael-Angelos还有几份haddock fillet。
      • 买不了了
        • 试了好几次也没成,今天早上终于买上了黑线鳕 Haddock fillet ,密市 Michael-angelo.
    • Now blue cod and haddock fillet both sold out.
    • 谢谢提供信息,已收到VOUCHER,打算这个周末去提货,还不知道怎样料理最好,打算清蒸,希望不要太腥。
      • Cat eat fish doesn't need cook..:)
        • 这英文真够烂的。
          • If you want to show off your english, please go to other forum.
    • 今天可以提货了,必须在11/17-11/21/2011拿voucher提货。下午就去提货,期待我的酸菜鱼,蛋煎鱼,清蒸鱼,豆腐鱼汤。。。
      • I will try "'鱼饺子,以前光用鲅鱼". Thank you for information!
      • 我想试一下西式的作法, 把鱼煎一下, 浇上creamy source, 再撒点herb, 好看又好吃
    • 提货了, Haddock fillet 全是鱼尾巴, 感觉有点上当. 其他同学也是这样吗? 在密市Brandt提的.
      • 刚取的Haddock fillet ,感觉还可以,不认为是鱼尾巴,算是正常。另外比中国店里的冰少多了,但是为什么盒子上写的“Product of China", 在中国加工的?
        • 看了购物链接上的评论,是产于阿拉斯加,在中国加工的。我今晚用来做酸菜鱼,挺好的。
    • 订的蓝鳕鱼今天提货了,用奶油煎了,味道不错. 感谢发此信息的朋友.
    • 订的蓝鳕鱼昨天从Markham Location 取了,
      • same here. really disapointed :(
      • harvested from new Zealand,然后送到中国去加工的。。上次看discovery channel,很多鱼都不是在本国加工,而是送去人工比较便宜的地方再加工。
        • 嗯。当地人也吃的冰冻的,没有活鱼的。
      • 真够久的,是该扔了,时间太长了。
      • 快过期的鱼,找了一个好的推销办法,一下卖了3000镑。怎么能保证是产自新西兰?注意发帖人是在11月5日才注册的。
        • 发帖人,请问你也买了吗?如果你真是托,我为你感到遗憾,面对这些质疑和后悔,你心里能平静吗?能没有良心的谴责吗?你还用了那么煽情的话,我从来不在wagjag直接买食品,这次没有太多犹豫就order了。都是同胞,劝你以后别做这样的事了!
          • 看大家的讨论,都不想去取了, 没在网上买过食品,如果食品有问题难道不能退吗?还有如果不去提货,是不是还是要被划款呀?请有经验的朋友指点一下。 谢谢
            • 我的也是,全散了,真是便宜没好货。感觉上当了
          • 大家要吸取教训,以后千万不要在网上买食品.
          • 我也买了haddock,还煮了吃了。特地找回包装箱子,没看到有写2010年12月,倒是有个date code DT 3508。我不明白为什么供应商要把鱼放了一年才拿来卖,
        • 我买的是蓝鳕鱼, 特地看了一下箱子, the production date is 12/22/2010, 真的很过份,
          丢了浪费, 不丢有怕吃了对身体不好 , 搞得我丢也不是, 不丢也不是
          你们大家都怎么处理, 丢了吗?
      • very very disappointed. let's ask for refunding tomorrow.
        What is the refund policy?
        WagJag.com values fantastic user experiences because we want to be the best part of your day, even if your day is filled with candy and puppies and baby pandas and unicorns that fart rainbows. If you are not happy with your purchase, please let us know why (we like lots of juicy details) and we'll be happy to give you a full refund. Seriously, it's that simple! If you would like to request a refund please email us at info@wagjag.com or call in the GTA: 416-687-5848 or outside the GTA, toll-free: 1-855-4-WAGJAG
    • 既然这鱼是坏的,有没有地方可以投诉啊?
    • 我今天也拿到了,总的来说还不错。多谢信息。
      • 我看到大家的评论也是很忐忑,但是拿到后还行,没看到日期啊,确实冰很少,做了一个煎的给小孩吃,另外做了个酸菜鱼也不错.我买的是蓝鳕鱼.不过这鱼肯定不值他们宣传的79刀,20多刀就算是正常价吧.买的没有卖的精
    • Appreciate, I picked up the fish, and tried tonight, pretty good, no complain.
      • 能説说您买的是哪种鱼吗,看来买蓝鳕鱼投诉的比较多。
    • 今天3点多些去到士加堡提货已经关了门,明天也不开门,我只有周末有时间,想不到有这样的提货点!
      • 我才要晕了,刚刚上网看到密市那个brandt meats提货点只开星期三四五六,那不是没法提货了?
        • I went there yesterday afternoon at 4:00pm. The store closed. I checked the store hours.That means we do not have chance to pick up our orders. I sent a email to Brandt to ask how to pick up my order. I will let you know the result. Maya
          • Thanks.
        • 我相信星期三去应该也没问题,货已经在他们那里了。
        • 我也是这里提货。
        • I just got the reply from Brandt. We still can pick up our orders. They are starting their longer Christmas hours this week, they will be open Tuesday from 8 -4, Wed. 8 – 6, Thur & Fri 8 – 7, Sat 8 – 4 pm.
          • 谢谢提供的信息
      • 请问士家堡的提货点周一什么时间关门?谢谢啦。
        • 星期一好像是10到5,可打电话问 416-298-1350
    • This is for anyone who wasn't satisfied with the fish. Please contact Wagjag directly. I just called them and complained about the quality of the fish, and got a refund.
      • Yes, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can go ahead for refund. Wagjag has good policy on refund.
      • 我也要求refund了,我没提货,听大家都说不太好,就不想提货了,直接打电话要求cancel了。