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而前些时候加拿大政府对印尼海啸和巴基斯坦地震的捐款,都是从事发当天开始的捐款都做 match, 这次就不同了,对缅甸和中国灾区捐款的match没有看来那么慷慨, nowhere near as generous as it initially appeared - The Canadian Press.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛JOAN BRYDEN

The Canadian Press

May 24, 2008 at 4:37 PM EDT

OTTAWA — The federal government's offer to match Canadian donations to disaster relief efforts in China and Myanmar turns out to be nowhere near as generous as it initially appeared.

Humanitarian groups have been disappointed to discover the bulk of donations they've received thus far – in the immediate aftermath of the disasters – won't be matched at all.

“It is certainly somewhat disappointing that we cannot count all the donations that we've received since the start of this crisis [in Myanmar],” said Kieran Green, communications manager for Care Canada.

“Nevertheless, matching funds certainly will help.”

When International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda announced the matching funding May 15, she made no mention of any strings attached.

“Today, I am announcing that our government will match the contributions of Canadians to humanitarian organizations working in Burma and China,” she told the House of Commons.

“Let me assure all Canadians our government will do our share of the international effort and ensure that our help does get to the victims and their families.”

However, details subsequently posted by the Canadian International Development Agency revealed the government will match only those individual donations received by aid groups between May 15 and June 6.

That excludes all the donations that poured in immediately after the devastating May 2 cyclone in Myanmar, also known as Burma, and the May 12 earthquake in China.

Typically, humanitarian groups say the flow of donations is greatest within the first 72 hours of a disaster. Mr. Green said that was particularly true in the case of the Myanmar tragedy.

“In this case, particularly, we did see the bulk of our donations that we've received to date come in in that very early period and they diminished significantly by the end of the first week.”

Mr. Green estimated Care and its partner groups in the Humanitarian Coalition have thus far raised about $200,000 through private donations from individuals for the relief effort in Myanmar.

He said some donors have asked Care to refund their original early contributions so they can make new donations that will be matched by the government.

The Canadian Red Cross reported it pulled in $555,500 in private donations from individuals for Myanmar and $1.1-million for China, all before May 15. Hence, none of those donations will be matched by the federal government.

Dave Toycen, president and CEO of World Vision Canada, said his group received at least $500,000 to $600,000 prior to May 15, which won't be matched by the federal government.

In the last two major international disasters – the Asian tsunami in 2004 and the Pakistan earthquake in 2005 – the federal government pledged to match donations received by aid groups starting on the very day the tragedies struck, World Vision said.

Still, humanitarian groups are reluctant to criticize the government's response to the latest disasters, noting Ottawa is providing direct funding to various relief agencies in addition to the matching funds.

Ms. Oda pledged Friday an additional $12-million for relief efforts in Myanmar, in addition to the initial $2-million kicked in by the federal government. She has also pledged $1-million to the International Federation of the Red Cross to help in the emergency response to the earthquake in China.

However belated or limited, aid groups are hopeful the promise of matching funding will encourage a second wave of donations from Canadians.

“All in all, I still have to say this is a positive thing,” said Mr. Toycen.

“We know from past experience, when there is a match, it definitely lifts public giving. Even when it's further away from the onset of a disaster, our understanding with our donors is that people appreciate knowing that their gift in a sense is going to be doubled in its value.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • [讨论]加国政府一对一配捐操作细节介绍
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛在5月15日,加拿大政府提出要对地震捐款进行一对一的配捐决定。在昨天(5月23日),政府又提供了进一步的操作细节。其中很有一些值得注意的地方,欢迎大家一起多多关注。


    实际的情况是,加国政府成立了一个基金,名字叫Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund(四川地震赈灾基金,虽然名字很象,但和四川赈灾委员会没有关系),所谓的一比一配捐是指政府会根据民众的捐款数额向该基金提供等额的资金,用于四川地震赈灾。
















    另外,就如何定义"加国个人"(CANADIAN)的问题上,我会在下周向政府的相关部门询问清楚,到时再告诉大家。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 在决定四川地震赈灾基金的使用方面,申报所接收捐款数额的各个慈善组织没有任何影响。比如某A组织募集了2百万符合条件的善款,并按程序进行了申报。四川地震赈灾基金当然会接到政府的等额资金;))但是A组织对四川地震赈灾基金如何使用这2百万的政府配捐没有发言权??
    • 就如何定义"加国个人"(CANADIAN)的问题上,我会在下周向政府的相关部门询问清楚,到时再告诉大家。等待你的结果。觉得你讲的很清楚!谢谢
    • 看来太积极了也不好,我5月13日就捐给加红会了,可能没有配捐了。
      • 我在5月14日捐的,看来也没有配捐的了.
      • Same,here.:(
    • 更正,符合配捐的捐款日期是5月15日到6月6日
    • 看来我等对了,呵呵。当时就是觉得当务之急是捐助实物并且能够及时运进去,我们在海外捐钱的,没必要匆忙,在合适的时机捐给合适的机构就行。到15日的时候,加国政府有消息会1比1配捐,并且我们公司没有任何行动,感觉再等也没有意思了,就捐了。
    • $500=$1000, $500还可以抵税~~~VERY GOOD
    • 而前些时候加拿大政府对印尼海啸和巴基斯坦地震的捐款,都是从事发当天开始的捐款都做 match, 这次就不同了,对缅甸和中国灾区捐款的match没有看来那么慷慨, nowhere near as generous as it initially appeared - The Canadian Press.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛JOAN BRYDEN

      The Canadian Press

      May 24, 2008 at 4:37 PM EDT

      OTTAWA — The federal government's offer to match Canadian donations to disaster relief efforts in China and Myanmar turns out to be nowhere near as generous as it initially appeared.

      Humanitarian groups have been disappointed to discover the bulk of donations they've received thus far – in the immediate aftermath of the disasters – won't be matched at all.

      “It is certainly somewhat disappointing that we cannot count all the donations that we've received since the start of this crisis [in Myanmar],” said Kieran Green, communications manager for Care Canada.

      “Nevertheless, matching funds certainly will help.”

      When International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda announced the matching funding May 15, she made no mention of any strings attached.

      “Today, I am announcing that our government will match the contributions of Canadians to humanitarian organizations working in Burma and China,” she told the House of Commons.

      “Let me assure all Canadians our government will do our share of the international effort and ensure that our help does get to the victims and their families.”

      However, details subsequently posted by the Canadian International Development Agency revealed the government will match only those individual donations received by aid groups between May 15 and June 6.

      That excludes all the donations that poured in immediately after the devastating May 2 cyclone in Myanmar, also known as Burma, and the May 12 earthquake in China.

      Typically, humanitarian groups say the flow of donations is greatest within the first 72 hours of a disaster. Mr. Green said that was particularly true in the case of the Myanmar tragedy.

      “In this case, particularly, we did see the bulk of our donations that we've received to date come in in that very early period and they diminished significantly by the end of the first week.”

      Mr. Green estimated Care and its partner groups in the Humanitarian Coalition have thus far raised about $200,000 through private donations from individuals for the relief effort in Myanmar.

      He said some donors have asked Care to refund their original early contributions so they can make new donations that will be matched by the government.

      The Canadian Red Cross reported it pulled in $555,500 in private donations from individuals for Myanmar and $1.1-million for China, all before May 15. Hence, none of those donations will be matched by the federal government.

      Dave Toycen, president and CEO of World Vision Canada, said his group received at least $500,000 to $600,000 prior to May 15, which won't be matched by the federal government.

      In the last two major international disasters – the Asian tsunami in 2004 and the Pakistan earthquake in 2005 – the federal government pledged to match donations received by aid groups starting on the very day the tragedies struck, World Vision said.

      Still, humanitarian groups are reluctant to criticize the government's response to the latest disasters, noting Ottawa is providing direct funding to various relief agencies in addition to the matching funds.

      Ms. Oda pledged Friday an additional $12-million for relief efforts in Myanmar, in addition to the initial $2-million kicked in by the federal government. She has also pledged $1-million to the International Federation of the Red Cross to help in the emergency response to the earthquake in China.

      However belated or limited, aid groups are hopeful the promise of matching funding will encourage a second wave of donations from Canadians.

      “All in all, I still have to say this is a positive thing,” said Mr. Toycen.

      “We know from past experience, when there is a match, it definitely lifts public giving. Even when it's further away from the onset of a disaster, our understanding with our donors is that people appreciate knowing that their gift in a sense is going to be doubled in its value.”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • WTF! I will call the government to protest this rediculous policy, or I will try to ask RedCross to refund my donation(if possible) and re-donate again! Harper's govenment must go!!
    • 我是19日捐给加拿大红十字的,信不着所以等等看,看来还是等对了。
    • 电话打过了,问题也问了,那边让等回复。看来他们目前也不太拿得准。一旦有更新,就会告诉大家。
      • "Canadian"的问题问了吗?我很关心这事,是因为捐款之前曾打过电话去问,当时接电话的人就吞吞吐吐的好像对individual有限制。请你得到消息后一定来吼一声。
        • any updates?
          • I got a new number and contact late today. So tomorrow I will call for sure.
            • "How to define individual canadian" 他们这么难回答这个问题,我觉得中间有猫腻!
              • URL
    • 捐款有多少用到灾区都不说了,这政府配捐真是个问号。看到几个美志愿者在临时安置地发放underware,很受启发。请当地的朋友或其他人帮忙购买些卫生用品,特别是妇女卫生用品。应该可以帮到实处了。
    • 现在想利用加拿大政府MATCH再多捐一些,心里还不踏实。目前,只知道worldvision.ca和加拿大RED-CROSS有专项地震捐款,这两家应该是符合加拿大政府MATCH的条件了吧?另外怎么确认是个人呢?还有怎么保证这两家慈善机构到时会按要求向政府申报?
      • 慈济, www.tzchi.ca
    • 好消息,政府的配捐有效日期延长了!

      • 太好了. 这下就不用后悔捐得早了.
      • Good to know! Thanks
      • Good news!!!
      • 消息来源

        • 谢谢
        • 太好了,谢谢.
        • 太好太好!吾心甚慰!
      • This is good news for us donated before May 15th
      • 请问包括6月23日吗?这一天是儿子的生日想意思一下。
        • Yes, it is. Please refer -->
      • thanks for this good news.正后悔捐早了.
      • #8291@49 so the complaint does work sometimes!
        • You can make a difference. Together, we can change the world. YES, WE CAN!
    • 政府工作人员关于界定"加国个人"的解释




      • 谢谢。你做事真的很细心。看来一般民众的捐款都是会match的。这就放心了。