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hi, everyone. I am the one who wants to find a verifier for me.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have just finished all my cga courses in July. I have only 5 months Canadian working experience. So I won't pass the PERC requirement this time. CGA Ontario doesn't require students to submit PERC before. But as the result of combination of the three organizations, CGA Ontario asks students who have never submitted Perc before to submit at least one employment profile before Sep 1, 2015 to stay the status as cpa, cga.

I have received the email on Aug 18, 2015. I hadn't plan to submit the PERC before I had received the email. As I don't have any designated accountants as friends, so my husband seeks help from the forum.

I must have the verifier's contact information and their company name and position to submit the PERC, or else the system won't allow me to submit my employment file. To me, the verifier doesn't need to verify my working experience, so the verifier won't have any responsibility.

I hope this can help you guys understand why I come here to seek help.
Best regards,

Following is the email:

Dear Student,

This is a reminder to all students that are choosing to continue to report professional experience under the legacy CGA PERC guidelines.

To continue using PERC, you must submit at least 1 employment file in PERC before September 1st, 2015.

Students that have not submitted experience in PERC before September 1st, 2015 will be subject to CPA practical experience requirements and must report experience through the CPA PERT tool.

All students that continue to report in PERC must meet the experience requirements by September 1st, 2018. If you do not meet the experience requirement in PERC by September 1st, 2018 you will be transitioned to CPA practical experience requirements. For more information, please visit: http://www.cpaontario.ca/Students/CPAcertification/ExpReq/1082page17384.aspx

Your employment file must have one of the following statuses to be grandfathered under the legacy experience guidelines until September 1st, 2018:

1) Supervisor Assess
2) Verifier Assess
3) Confirmed
4) Finalized
5) Follow-Up
If you have any additional questions, please email perc@cpaontario.ca.

© 2015 Microsoft Terms Privacy & cookies Developers English (United States)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 老婆现在着急找个verifier, 不知道有没有愿意帮忙的朋友,有偿也可以。她比她的同学考的都快,都考完了最近才开始工作

    • 你说的这种有偿服务靠谱吗?刚上班,按正常路线还得花点时间磨砺。不要说公司会计团队就是那么样子,现实里就是在大集团的会计部门领导也不会随便给签字的。为什么不自己跳巢提升工作经历?实话实说,别介意!
      • 可能我说的不清楚,她现在不是要通过PERC,肯定通不过的。现在要求要提交一份东西,需要有个verifier的联系方式。
      • Thanks. I do need more working experience,
        but it is not easy for me to change jobs as I don't have strong background. Also, I don't expect to pass the requirement right now. I just need something to submit my profile, without the information of the verifier, I can't submit my profile..
    • 不了解她工作能力的陌生人怎么能当verified?每个带A的人都是辛辛苦苦自己考出来的,
      • Thanks for your suggestion.
        I understand what you mean. Sometimes, there are some reasons that i can not do something. Also, I am a shy person, so I don't have lots of friends. But I believe all my friends think I am a easy going person.
        • 如果会计协会要求里没有国家限制,你又不认识这里持证的人,是不是可以找在国内认识的持加国会计师执照的人?坦率说,对不了解的人可能谁也不敢签这个字作这个保。

          还有当你用easy-going形容自己的时候要注意,因为西方职场文化不一定value这个特质。我当年是菜鸟写简历的时候为这个还被我朋友一顿说:“你认为如果我是老板,会不会觉得easy going是一个对我有吸引力的特征?”。没有刻意打击你的意思,只是分享教训而已。我们的思维方式和他们有时不一样,他们不会明白我们的意思。但是不幸的是我们必须去适应他们。
          • Thanks, that's a way. My backup is to submit my working experience in China. +1
            In China, it should be more difficult to find an Canadian designated accountant :(.But I still hope to submit my Canadian working experience. So I still keep looking for someone. I don't want to give up so easily as I have my backup plan.
            Thanks a lot.
            • 既然怎么都难,不妨问一下以前中国工作的公司同事或他们认识的人有没有持加国证的。现在不少人在国内就把证考好了才出来。毕竟你在这边根基浅,这个忙大家不认识你也不敢瞎帮。你只能利用你已有的资源。
    • 提交什么东西,什么人有资格做verifier, verifier的责任是什么...搞清楚才有人帮你太太。 不如让你太太自己来问,这个"一份东西"我没听说过, 你也说不清楚. +1
      • hi, everyone. I am the one who wants to find a verifier for me.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I have just finished all my cga courses in July. I have only 5 months Canadian working experience. So I won't pass the PERC requirement this time. CGA Ontario doesn't require students to submit PERC before. But as the result of combination of the three organizations, CGA Ontario asks students who have never submitted Perc before to submit at least one employment profile before Sep 1, 2015 to stay the status as cpa, cga.

        I have received the email on Aug 18, 2015. I hadn't plan to submit the PERC before I had received the email. As I don't have any designated accountants as friends, so my husband seeks help from the forum.

        I must have the verifier's contact information and their company name and position to submit the PERC, or else the system won't allow me to submit my employment file. To me, the verifier doesn't need to verify my working experience, so the verifier won't have any responsibility.

        I hope this can help you guys understand why I come here to seek help.
        Best regards,

        Following is the email:

        Dear Student,

        This is a reminder to all students that are choosing to continue to report professional experience under the legacy CGA PERC guidelines.

        To continue using PERC, you must submit at least 1 employment file in PERC before September 1st, 2015.

        Students that have not submitted experience in PERC before September 1st, 2015 will be subject to CPA practical experience requirements and must report experience through the CPA PERT tool.

        All students that continue to report in PERC must meet the experience requirements by September 1st, 2018. If you do not meet the experience requirement in PERC by September 1st, 2018 you will be transitioned to CPA practical experience requirements. For more information, please visit: http://www.cpaontario.ca/Students/CPAcertification/ExpReq/1082page17384.aspx

        Your employment file must have one of the following statuses to be grandfathered under the legacy experience guidelines until September 1st, 2018:

        1) Supervisor Assess
        2) Verifier Assess
        3) Confirmed
        4) Finalized
        5) Follow-Up
        If you have any additional questions, please email perc@cpaontario.ca.

        © 2015 Microsoft Terms Privacy & cookies Developers English (United States)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 读这个信,感觉这个Verifier应该是你公司工作的,认识你,并且可以确认你确实是在你说的公司工作; 不一定是CGA。 这样你自己公司的同事就好。或者和自己老板说清楚,找公司的auditor做verifier,这里的朋友怎么知道你是在那家公司工作呢。
          • The verifier must be a designated accountant. When I contacted CGA ontario, they said the only requirement of the verifier is arm's length with me.
        • 而且信里说的是"Your employment file must have one of the following statuses "就是说你有Supervisor Assess就不需要Verifier Assess了,自己老板就应该可以。 我理解的对吗?
          • Yes, you are right. But I need some information of the verifier, or else I cann't submit my employment file. They ask to fill the form of the verifier information before submit.
    • wow 這裡的人好高質! good ethical standards.. +1
      1. PA1,2 不是有個 PERC 的作業嗎? Did you get an exemption at that time?
      2. If you all pass all academic courses, I think they will give you until 2018 to finish everything. (need confirmation)
      3. Try to find out who holds a designation in your company and ask the person to be your verifier

      In the end, 建議你 Call CGA and speak to them about your situation..
      • Yes, they do.
        That's the new requirement. I received the email on AUg 18, 2015. I am frustrated of the tight timeline, or else, I can prepare for it.
        In PA1, PA2, I submitted a file of unemployment. So it doesn't count.

        I have already contacted CGA Ontario, they said I only need to find one with designation who is arm's length with me.

        Thanks a lot.
    • 让朋友帮忙问问身边的人了。昨天自告奋勇想帮个忙,看来不合适发到网上。 +1
      • 最好找认识的人作这种事。现在协会动不动就说要suspend资格,大家不认识的人可能谁也不敢拿自己的牌照乱帮忙。
        • 理解,换我也懒得费心帮完全不认识的人。
          • 话不是这么讲的,会计论坛的同学们互相帮助由来已久。给某人做 verifier 第一以前没听说过,第二大家确实不认识,你让一个陌生人 verify 什么呢?
            会计协会打电话给 verifier, verifier能说我不认识她,从没见过吗? 你太太说verifier 要提供一些信息,试想陌生人能提供给你个人信息吗?

            • 你说得对,朋友的朋友愿意帮忙了
              • 问题解决了,这不是挺好。你太太的职业生涯才刚开始,要学会networking,学会寻求帮助。
                77说过很多次,会计学习和工作切忌一条腿长一条腿短,高学历缺少工作经验是个很尴尬的情况。以后可以多来会计论坛逛逛,看看别人的学习工作心得。混个脸熟也罢,多认识些朋友也罢,相信你后帮她的人会越来越多。 Good luck!
                • 哎,刚才回帖我老婆在旁边让我加一句说多谢各位网友,我觉得没必要,看来应该加。我老婆是个现实中人缘很好很帮别人的,不过不怎么爱上网。我在网上说话一直不怎么讲究,各位多包涵。
                  • 夫妻同心,其力断金。相信你们会有很多帮助你们的朋友,也会帮助很多人。 All the best!
                    会计论坛女士多,坛规就是"不抽烟、少喝酒、听老婆话、跟斑主走" 哈...哈...
                    • 版主就是高屋建瓴,佩服佩服
          • 如果大家花这么多时间打字,得到的是一句"懒得帮",那么就不用多说了。等你老婆成长为一个好会计以后就知道自己内心的那份integrity比什么都重要。即使是被人骂被人误会又如何?! +4