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太好了,谢谢~ 我贴个简短的吧,因为其他的是essay,怕会占用大家宝贵的时间。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这道题 一共5道小题,要求列出type of threat and safeguard. 其中两小题的safeguard 我觉得我列出的就是grader's comment的一个意思,但是一分没拿。

Intimidation threat Safeguard:
CGA independence Standard:
2.48(d) discussing independence issues with members of the audit committee or, in the absence of an audit committee, those charged with governance;
2.47(j) designating a member of senior management to be responsible for overseeing the adequate functioning of the safeguarding system;
Or, the engagement team can replace another auditor for continuing the audit engagement.

Grader's comment: [choose team members who are confident and experienced; secure support from audit senior in discussion with controller]

Self-review threat:
CGA independence Standard:
2.47 (g) using different partners and engagement teams with separate reporting lines for the provision of non-assurance services to a client.
Alternatively, the review engagement team could remove the junior staff from the team.

Grader's comments: [partner or sr person with appropriate expertise who is not member of engagement team should review work performed]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • AU2第一次assignment成绩出来了,分数一败涂地,真心请教前辈们和正在修AU2的小伙伴们学习方法,欢迎并感谢大家踊跃发言~~顺带找AU2 study partners/group (我经常去agincourt library学习)
    大家好,我在同时修PA1 PA2 AU2,尽管学习量大,不过作业都是认认真真一丝不苟的完成的,今天看到AU2成绩,简直瞎掉了我的小眼 (35/85),顿时不知所措。感觉Grader都没仔细看我的答案,就是直接找key words,有些地方我答案提到了也没拿到分,更搞笑的是有的grader's comments其实就是我表达的意思,同样也没给分。而且grader在comments里面说我应该用table format这样方便他评分,可是题目明明是要我们写essay, 现在有些迷茫+无助,很担心这样下去连参加考试的资格都拿不到,所以真心希望得到大家帮助,谢谢大家!(对了,我的写作表达还过得去,PA1 PA2 assignments几乎都是拿满分,所以不存在表达不清)

    另外,我今天申请了re-grade assignment,不知道会不会有什么后遗症。。。
    • 你贴一个你没得分的issue出来,这样大家可以说说应该怎么写,才能得分。
      • 太好了,谢谢~ 我贴个简短的吧,因为其他的是essay,怕会占用大家宝贵的时间。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这道题 一共5道小题,要求列出type of threat and safeguard. 其中两小题的safeguard 我觉得我列出的就是grader's comment的一个意思,但是一分没拿。

        Intimidation threat Safeguard:
        CGA independence Standard:
        2.48(d) discussing independence issues with members of the audit committee or, in the absence of an audit committee, those charged with governance;
        2.47(j) designating a member of senior management to be responsible for overseeing the adequate functioning of the safeguarding system;
        Or, the engagement team can replace another auditor for continuing the audit engagement.

        Grader's comment: [choose team members who are confident and experienced; secure support from audit senior in discussion with controller]

        Self-review threat:
        CGA independence Standard:
        2.47 (g) using different partners and engagement teams with separate reporting lines for the provision of non-assurance services to a client.
        Alternatively, the review engagement team could remove the junior staff from the team.

        Grader's comments: [partner or sr person with appropriate expertise who is not member of engagement team should review work performed]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 好像题目后面写 Note: the solution can be presented in a chart format. 有吗?
      • 不知道哪位大侠能发一份past AU2 graded assignment (with assignment questions) 给我做study sample?我email: coolke@gmail.com 万分感谢啊!
    • 我觉得吧,既然grader要求你怎么写就怎么写好了。有的marker有TA自己喜欢的format,你不按照要求的确很难拿分。
      此外,essay格式可以有很多种,比如中间用table format也是可以的
      • 不是我不按GRADER的preference来,而是题目的要求好像就是要我们写分析和看法,没直接说也没暗示让我们写table format,而且这是我第一次在CGA修课交assignment。。。请移步看题
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Question 2:
        Auditor independence has been a key issue for many years. Requiring the highest levels of independence is seen as a way of ensuring that auditors are not motivated to let clients get away with questionable financial reporting. It is argued that auditor independence supports higher quality audits and deters clients from aggressive earnings management and fraudulent financial reporting. Some research indicates, however, that the stringent independence standards currently in place for auditors actually result in less effective audits as measured by higher audit risk, since auditors do not know their clients as well as they did when they were also acting as consultants.

        Evaluate both points of view, commenting on and critiquing each side from the perspectives of the auditor, the client, and the public. Decide which viewpoint has the most merit, and defend your position. In addition to the readings related to independence in your module notes, read The Cost of Auditor Independence, from the CFO.com website.
        Allocation of marks:
        • 2 marks are awarded for each valid and well-developed point, to a maximum of 4 marks per point of view/perspective combination and a maximum of 16 marks overall.
        • 2 marks are awarded for a valid conclusion in support of either position.
        • 4 marks are awarded for providing a convincing rationale that is consistent with the analysis.

        还有就是,grader是按promote, detract来判分的,而题目自身,AU2 reading book和module notes都没提过promote detract,看得我有些懵。

        The two arguments on effectiveness of independence of audit are based on the perspectives from different parties: the public and clients (auditees). From public’s perspective, independence can provide quality audits and detect earnings managements. From clients’ (auditees’) perspective, independence costs tons due to SOX, which is not cost efficiency as per the perspective of the article “The Cost of Auditor Independence”; as well, auditor’s overall understanding of auditee’s business is not as well as those whom are also performed as consultant. However, I agree that independence is critical and crucial for auditors to objectively performing effective auditing work. The reasons are:

        Firstly, independence is crucial for investors to gather reliable and objective information for decision making. The three-party accountability relationship requires auditor to act public interest, which by lending credibility to financial statements to reduce information asymmetry between the clients and public. Nevertheless, client (auditee) has motivations to provide an overly optimistic picture of the business for attracting more investors, public is the disadvantageous party that does not have easy access and difficult to assess complex and quantity of data. Therefore, independence is crucial for auditors to protect public interest by providing reliable audited financial statement to eliminate potential conflict of interests between client and public.

        Secondly, independence is critical for auditors to apply professional skepticism and professional judgment impartially. In real practice, client is the party that pays audit fees, as well as the party that usually works and liaisons with auditors. Thus, a close friendship may be established between auditees and auditors. Although the relationships are among personals, the friendship could more or less influence auditors to maintain professional skepticism and judgment at an appropriate level, for example, auditors may be too lenient with clients and/or too accepting of management’s work. Therefore, independence is critical for the processing audits impartially. [grader's comment: keeping their distance detracts from auditor’s ability to identify risk areas]

        Thirdly, independence requires auditors keep away from independence threats. There are five independence threats: self-interest threats, self-review threats, advocacy threats, familiarity threats, and intimidation threats. Among these threats, self-review and familiarity threats are the most possible outcome threats that would impair auditor independence if the auditor performs consulting work at the same time for the same entity. The failure of Enron is the real example that auditors provide both audit services and consulting services, and caused the collapse of Enron. Even though, the new regulation SOX cost auditees extra fees for auditing financial statements, it protects auditees’ business from long-rum, as well as protects public’s interest.

        Fourthly, in engaging with non-listed or small business entities, auditors is not prohibited from providing both auditing and consulting services if the independence is not impaired as per CGA professional standards. By which means, clients saves fees for hiring an auditor who could also provides consulting services, but the auditor must meet independence test, which requires auditor to be independence in mind and in appearance. At any time if the threat of independence is clearly significant, auditors must apply appropriate and adequate safeguards to maintain independence at an acceptable level. However, at any time the safeguard does not exist, the auditor should resign from the auditing activities. Therefore, independence is a key to approach effective auditing throughout the engagement that for forming an unbiased auditor’s opinion.

        In conclusion, I agree that independence enhances the effective and trustworthy of financial statements. Although the absolute independence is hardly existed, the current independence standards which require auditors to maintain independence at appropriate level, essentially protects public interest from potential independence threat, so that auditors’ are able to apply professional skepticism and judgment impartially, to attest the auditees’ financial statements objectively (in accordance with GAAP), and finally to offer an unbiased opinion for public/users to make important decisions. On the other hand, I disagree with the perspective that current independence standards result high cost but low effective audits, since audit fees is the leverage for absorbing investments. It is better to treat “cost of auditor independence” as cost of public/users trust, since public relies on neutral, objective, impartial, and unbiased audited financial statements.

        Grader's comment:
        Auditor: 2 / 2 Promote 2 / 2; Detract: 0 / 2
        Client: 2 / 2 Promote 2 / 2; Detract: 2 / 2
        Public: 0 / 2 Promote 0 / 2; Detract: 0 / 2
        MAX: 10 /16
        Conclusion: Promote 2 / 2 OR Detract: / 2
        Rationale: 2 / 4
        Total: 14 / 22
        Grader comment: question required addressing auditor, client/auditee and public perspective that promote and detract. That is not apparent in your answer. Consider organizing your answer for this type of question as a table – it is easier for you and the grader to review. The rationale provided also needs more details to support it.
        Consider answering in point form – short, easier to summarize your thoughts, or review your text for spelling and grammar.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 题目又不会给你评分,题目只是提出要求,没让你写essay吧?分析和看法可以用多种表达方式,你的grader已经告诉你TA的要求是什么了对吧!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛你贴的太长,没看。说下我写audit case的格式吧。基本上这个格式目前为止是无敌的,没有遇到0分的状态。说句不客气的,若我是业主,看到你这report我第2年立马换auditor。不管是现实生活还是final exam,没人会有耐性去看你的长篇大论找要点。对于公司管理层来说,他们需要的是一目了然的报告,不是需要花上几个小时去读的论文。我客户公司的auditor给的全部报告都是按点来,除了MD&A,没有不分点的。

          废话不多说,如果你同时在读PA1&2,CGA有寄给你一本CGA competency study notes,我建议你好好看看。记得针对auditing case,format是RAMP(如果没记错的话)。
          写audit case,最主要的格式是这样的:
          1. Identify one issue: what happened
          2. Analyze the issue: why it happened
          3. Recommendations: How to solve the problem.
          以上重复使用在每一个issue,总的来说每个题目里面会有很多个issue,最好每个都follow这种格式。1只有一句话,2和3如果超过3句,要用point form或者分段。这样你的marker会很容易找到给分点,这点对于final exam来说非常之重要。

          最后,我建议你改改你写case的format,为你自己好。你的grader不是在刁难你,你这样长篇essay真的没人看的。能给你35分估计你的grader已经花很长时间在找你到底写了些什么。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 谢谢你花时间给我码字!Grader preference我也是收到第一次assignment feedback才领会的,之前就是小鹿乱撞。另外我post的“长篇大论”不是audit report....但是你的提议对我非常有帮助,非常感谢!我以后会尽量言简意赅,这样省事省力还能拿高分,何乐而不为^^
            • 主要是省时间,等到final的时候你会发现省时间真的会救命啊!你写个essay花人家两倍时间不止,还不一定会让marker满意。尤其是PA1&2,我那时候考试的时候就一个词可以形容:赶着去投胎啊!
        • 个人意见,我觉得grader说的对,应该用table或者类似的格式做比较的题。你没有得分不是因为你没有用table,而是你没有critique好。
        • 还有,你这样写好像有点浪费时间,有点work too hard但是没用在点上。
          • 谢谢你的comments,我正在努力改进format!
        • AU2 Assignment 1 +1
          could you forward me your marked assignment 1- I want to compare my answers.

        • 其实你的format已经差不多是table了,你自己都列了1st,2nd,等等。但是,你每个point 讨论太多,控制在3~4句,而且要短句内完成一个要点。
      • 另外再说句废话,这种格式是当初我在本科里最后一门课的老师教的,她是UFE的指导老师,专门帮那些UFE废了的CA students做指导,收费是三千多。
    • AU2
      Hello, could you please forward me your marked assignment - I want to compare mines.