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Shooting Star

Watchin' the world go by
Surprisin' it goes so fast

Bad Company - Shooting Star

Johnny was an school boy
When he heard his first Beatles song
Love Me Do, I think it was
And from there it didn't take him long
Got himself a guitar
Used to play every night
Now he's in a rock 'n' roll outfit
And everything's alright
Don't you know?

Johnny told his Mama,
"Hey, Mama, I'm goin' away
I'm Gonna hit the big time
Gonna be a big star someday"
Mama came to the door
With a teardrop in her eye
Johnny said, "Don't cry, Mama,
Just smile and wave goodbye"
Don't you know?


Don't you know that you are a shooting star
Don't you know
Don't you know
Don't you know that you are a shooting star
And all the world will love you just as long
As long as you are

Johnny made a record
Went straight up to number one
Suddenly everyone loved
To hear him sing his song
Watchin' the world go by
Surprisin' it goes so fast
Johnny looked around him and said,
"Well, I made the big-time at last"
Don't you know?
Don't you know?

A shooting star

Don't you know that You are a shooting star
Don't you know?
Don't you know that You are a shooting star
And all the world will love you just as long
as long as you are

Johnny died one night, died in his bed
Bottle of whiskey, sleeping tablets by his head
Johnny's life passed him by like a warm summer day
If you listen to the wind you can still hear him play

Don't you know that You are a shooting star
Don't you know?
Don't you know that you are a shooting star
Don't you don't you don't you don't you don't you know
Don't you know that you are a shooting star

Don't you, don't you know that you are a shooting star

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  • 废话 +1
    晚上出去透透气,结果走进一家面馆。里面人很多,找一张桌子坐下,很快两个女孩子没有地方,只好坐在我这张桌子, 都在等面于是大家聊了起来。一个是WATERLOO精算的要在这边大保险公司大展拳脚的,另一个是UK LONDON呆了7年来这边一个 Fortune 50公司做consulting 的. 共同点是都很自信,very goal driven and 闯劲十足很快面吃完了,我拿着她们的名片走出饭店觉得自己好象也受了影响,感觉真好。
    • 午夜时分,在赶PA1作业,看到面馆,突然肚子很饿。。。哪家面馆呢?好吃吗?
      • 味道还可以, 在俺们这儿小地方还是很有名的,就是离你那儿有点儿小远. +1
        • 又想起在中国了,经常三更半夜去餐馆找吃的,吃夜宵,这里哪有啊
          • 仲夏夜和朋友吃夜宵,是不错。你不是刚来多伦多的吧?这么不熟 :P
            • 具体位置在哪儿
              • Sorry for confusing you. The restaurant is not in Toronto. My bad.
    • 面的味道如何估计是没品出来,醉翁之意不在面啊,呵呵。
      • 啥也别说了全在面汤里. haha
        Sorry I traveled too much this month, I forgot.
      • 能把面条做出有滋有味也不容易
        • 今天又去吃了?
          • No. I am in Toronto now and will stay here for 2 weeks. Will find out good place to go in Toronto. Do you have any recommendation? :)
          • 别沉了
          • 别沉下去
      • 接着税,别沉了
        • 对,别沉了
    • 面汤II
      话说我周五早上起来出门是没有看天气预报,穿了件SHIRT就开车出来。 结果晚上降温,把车子还回去之后走在街上冷嗖嗖的,回到家之后换上外套决定出去找一家面馆来碗热汤面。

      地铁对面有一个KOREAN 饭店,透过窗户好象还有些许人,推门进去,都是韩国人,很安静,找一个桌子坐下,四处打量, 有的在吃着小菜喝着啤酒,有的在读着报纸等着面上来,时间静静地流过。

      点了一碗清汤面,面很快就上来了,上面飘着些许花枝,和扇贝,三盘韩国小菜,汤出奇的好,应该是我好久都没有吃过的好面了。面量很大,吃两口,停直身体扫视四周,每个人都很TAKE THE TIME,周五了,终于可以静静的坐下来细细地品位一下食物,什么都可以想什么都不想了。

      面终于吃完了,出了一身汗,身体也慢慢暖和起来,正在感慨面汤之鲜美时,里面厨房门推开了,俩墨西哥大厨讲着西语出来了,当时我就,用JOYCE的话讲, 就晕了。

    • 终于飞回来了,可惜现在太晚了,吃不上汤面了。行走江湖这么多年,头一次提前3个小时到达机场结果还是错过了飞机。记之
    • 面条III

      老汤是一IT神人,刚从IT转到FINANCE工资就UPDATE到200K,不过小子的圈子都是200K-300K左右的,and 他LP比他还牛, 所以在家里还是做饭洗碗照看孩子啥都得干,这是后话。


      • 以前一直以为Finance转IT会上一个台阶,没想到the other way around also works well. 记之!谢谢分享。
    • Trip to Toronto

      刚吃完,老妈这边电话就跟过来了,问怎么还没到,回到家,老爸烙的葱油饼,老妈熬的小米粥,还做了好多小酱菜,真是太好吃了。看到老人身体健康,精神愉快,所有旅途的劳顿都值了。(Note: 现在自己混得是越来越土了,外面不管做的多好,都不如家里的一碟小菜,一碗清水挂面,或一碗稀粥,足已)。

      周日又要赶回去了。还有一点时间,就从CITY HALL沿着BAY,走到FRONT STREET,五大银行的BUILDING还有BIG4的寄生虫一样的附在五大银行上。第一次注意到BROOKFIELD PLACE(BCE Place ??) 就在FRONT STREET上,然后就打道回府了。

      • 周末回多伦多的家,平日在其他地方上班?
        • up
        • Nah. :)
        • 口水直流
          • 好在我还带回来不少卤肉和葱油饼,至少停到明天没问题, 用我的烟熏三文鱼跟老妈换的。
            • 怀旧啊
              • tonggan
              • 旧帖 +1
        • 呵呵,IB除了TORONTO就是NEW YORK了。
      • So long, Toronto
        经过两周的马不停蹄的 visiting, Tomorrow I will be on the road again. I had a great time during my stay at Toronto. Take care, all my dear friends and I will come back again.
    • 找房
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛刚从外面回来,终于把房子铁朋友租下来。说起来有意思,2006年我靠完证书文学城上卖书,结果有人要买,人很爽快。问为什么买书,原来准备跳槽。我说把简历EMAIL给我,我帮你递上去。还别说,公司很快就把她FLIGHT过来INTERVIEW。她过来还没开始上班,我就换公司,一年后,她也跳到微软了。这几年大家都很忙平时没有见面只是通通电话,知道她在微软发展得很好, 时间很快就过去了。


      730天很长也很短, 我的朋友她会达到自己想要的目标的。I wish her all the best with wisdom from Theodore Roosevelt.

      It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 说得好!有热情才有动力,有动力才能做得更好!
        • Exactly. Thanks
      • 真的是老了。。。 : )
        • 必须的。 :D
      • it's very nice of you!
        • Honestly, 基本上跟我没什么大关系。该成功早完都会成功。
          • 别谦虚啦 贵人相助 才干得以发挥 这是多么大的德与福啊
            • 我真的不是谦虚。我个人得到别人的帮助更是数不胜数。这里就不展开了。
    • 和猎头P的第一次交锋
      说干就干,今天提前1小时离开公司,来会见猎头P, P所在公司是俺们这儿第五大猎头。

      握手, 直切主题。先go over简历上的经历,然后discuss compensation,asked base salary tracking record, then current base and bonus and expectation. I threw out a number, P说要得有点高,然后给讲当前市场40-50%increase is impossible. 15-20% is reasonable. 算是给我SET EXPACTATION。

      P出去一趟说现在手上有几个职位很符合我的背景。一个在我的target list,一个是bank of tokyo Mitsubishi, 我也毫不客气说bank of tokyo Mitsubishi 就不用递简历了。P试图talk me into applying for this position. 我解释说请只给TIER ONE 公司递简历,而且递之前要我同意。 (This is just beginning, I am not in a rush, and I need to hold the ground.)


      • 好奇一下,楼主在温哥华?
        • 刚打球回来,晚上太热了,只好赤搏上阵,要在温哥华就好了,温哥华的夏天多舒服啊。 :-)
          • 温哥华好找工作吗
            • Sorry I don't live in Vancouver.
      • So cooooool
    • 长周末
      长周末马上就过去了, almost call it a day. 这个长周末过的很紧张,看了几本书和31个VIDEO, 其中一本PSYCHOLOGY的书,to summarize, 就是,how to deal with our greed, fear and surround yourself with positive people. 记之。

      The Beatles - Blackbird

      Blackbird singing in the dead of night
      Take these broken wings and learn to fly
      All your life
      You were only waiting for this moment to arise

      Black bird singing in the dead of night
      Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
      all your life
      you were only waiting for this moment to be free

      Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly
      Into the light of the dark black night.

      Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly
      Into the light of the dark black night.

      Blackbird singing in the dead of night
      Take these broken wings and learn to fly
      All your life
      You were only waiting for this moment to arise,
      You were only waiting for this moment to arise,
      You were only waiting for this moment to arise
      • 31 vedio? like what?
        • like training. ;-)
      • This weekend, continued the video training by another master. He mentioned a quote in 1833, and it is amazing the quote still applies to us now. Human being nature has never changed -- fear, greed and hope, amazing.
        "The world is too big for us. Too much is going on. Too many crimes. Too
        much violence and excitement. Try as you will, you get behind in the race
        in spite of yourself. It's a constant strain to keep pace --- and still,
        you lose ground. Science empties its discoveries on you so fast that you
        stagger beneath them in hopeless bewilderment. The political world now
        changes so rapidly you’re out of breath trying to keep pace with who’s in
        and who’s out. Everything is high pressure. Human nature can’t endure much

        Atlantic Journal June 16, 1833
    • Pressure
      Finally, I don't need to travel over the weekend, can catch up sleep and relax a little bit. Watch the video below and see how LIoyd talks about the pressure (starts at 4 minutes)

      • 把您的贴往金融论坛里搁吧,那里的确人气太少。不知道为什么在北美做金融得很多,但坛子实在是人气渺渺。BESTS!
        • 都是废话,那天还要麻烦JOYCE给连跟拔了,就不挪来挪去了.
          秋天一到我就喜欢听Joni MItchell的歌。再来一首。 :)

          Joni Mitchel - Both sides now

          ROWS and Flows of angel hair
          And ice cream castles in the air
          And feather canyons everywhere
          I've looked at clouds that way

          But now they only block the sun
          They rain and snow on everyone
          So many things I would have done
          But clouds got in my way

          I've looked at clouds from both sides now
          From up and down, and still somehow
          It's cloud illusions I recall
          I really don't know clouds at all

          Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels
          The dizzy dancing way you feel
          As every fairy tale comes real
          I've looked at love that way

          But now it's just another show
          You leave 'em laughing when you go
          And if you care, don't let them know
          Don't give yourself away

          I've looked at love from both sides now
          From give and take, and still somehow
          It's love's illusions I recall
          I really don't know love at all

          Tears and fears and feeling proud
          To say "I love you" right out loud
          Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
          I've looked at life that way

          Oh but now old friends are acting strange
          They shake their heads, they tell me that I've changed
          Well something's lost but something's gained
          In living every day

          I've looked at life from both sides now
          From WIN and LOSE and still somehow
          It's life's illusions I recall
          I really don't know life at all

          I've looked at life from both sides now
          From up and down and still somehow
          It's life's illusions I recall
          I really don't know life at all

          • 我怎么老跟你踩不到一个点儿上?
            Got a call from an old friend we used to be real close
            said he couldn't go on the american way
            closed the shop sold a house bought a ticket to the west coast
            now he gives them a stand-up routine in LA

            I dont need you to worry for me cos I'm alright
            I dont want you to tell me its time to come home
            I dont care what you say anymore this is my life
            go ahead with your own life leave me alone

            I never said you had to offer me a second chance
            I never said i was a victim of circumstance
            I still belong, dont get me wrong
            you can speak your mind but not on my time

            They will tell you you cant sleep alone in a strange place
            then they'll tell you you cant sleep with somebody else
            oh but sooner or later you sleep in your own space
            either way its ok you wake up with yourself

            I dont need you to worry for me cos im alright
            i dont want you to tell me its time to come home
            I dont care what you say anymore this is my life
            go ahead with your own life leave me alone

            I never said you had to offer me a second chance
            i never said i was a victim of circumstance
            i stil belong, dont get me wrong
            you can speak your mind but not on my time

            I dont care what you say anymore this is my life
            go ahead with your own life leave me alone

            • J班长最近还挺HIGH。哈哈。这个周末找人一起喝酒吧?
    • [ZT]《从加州理工到高盛银行》 -- 粟耀莹
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛《从加州理工到高盛银行》 -- 粟耀莹


      [1] 前言
      [2] 19 岁走出台湾赴美
      [3] 进入加州理工
      [4] 从物理转生物科技
      [5] 得到芯片之父 Carver Mead及诺贝尔奖得主 Rudi Marcus的鼓励
      [6] 到生物系找指导教授
      [7] 我做出了一个经典生物物理模型
      [8] 我用分子生物学的方法从事蛋白质工程研究
      [9] 蛋白质工程研究成果得奖
      [10] 柏波提示我走从商之路
      [11] 用蛋白质工程研究成果换取美国绿卡
      [12] 蛋白质工程研究成果申请专利,向创投公司融资,开生物科技公司XENCOR
      [13] 创办领导加州理工学院的Case Practice Group进军麦肯锡
      [14] 麦肯锡McKinsey & Co。梦碎进军华尔街
      [15] 一星期内搞懂”衍生性金融商品的圣经”进入PIMCO
      [16] 我在PIMCO受的训练
      [17] 赢得「债券王」Bill Gross的心
      [18] 我买卖房子一年 160% 投资报酬率
      [19] 考入麦肯锡 McKinsey & Co。
      [20] 我在麦肯锡受的训练
      [21] 在麦肯锡McKinsey & Co。的日子
      [22] 进入高盛公司 Goldman Sachs & Co。
      [23] 我在高盛受的训练
      [24] 在高盛公司 Goldman Sachs & Co。的日子
      [25] 我与「甲骨文」老板的一段交往: 初遇北京
      [26] 我与「甲骨文」老板的一段交往: 再见旧金山

      [1] 前言

      」的女孩,就是我─艾丽斯,粟 (Alyce Su),粟耀莹。那本书写了我从降生到大学

      后者拿了九十八分,满分都是一百。 我也拿到朱经武奖学金。那时我非常自信,认


      贝尔奖得主,著有Surely You’re Joking,Mr。Feynman 一书)生前待过最久的地

      当年因为家庭环境的缘故,不知道还有Bill Gates,Larry Ellison,Warren Buffet

      [2] 19岁走出台湾赴美

      大学四年级时,我还不到二十岁,考完托福和GRE后 (多谢来欣补习班的方有毅老师
      ,当年我的GRE 是全台湾考出的前三高分),申请学校的结果,得到多所美国名校的
      台湾清大有名的资优生,向我招手。钟威在康奈尔学的是最难的“超弦论” (Super -String Theory),但后来也投身华尔街。


      [3] 进入加州理工



      个中国人,个头不高。原来他是中国大陆少年班出来的,12 岁进安徽的科技大学,
      16岁大学毕业到加州理工学院博士班。我还以为我 19岁来加州理工学院博士班多了

      他的指导教授是Tom Prince在美国的计算机天文学中是领导。他们一天到晚有一大堆
      也就是“超级并行计算机”来作”并行计算”(Parallel Computing)。那时全美国也


      为 (1) 古典物理 (2) 量子物理 (3) 数学物理。我前两门得了全班前五高分,数学
      超弦论” (Super-String Theory)的研究,大学毕业论文就相关的题目,还发表在Physics

      人知难而退,乖乖修读所有课程。考试的科目为 (1) 古典物理 (2) 量子物理 (3)
      高等应用数学 (4) 高能物理 (5) 核物理。其中我后4门都用考过的,只有第一们古
      典物理特别去上Kip Thorne的课。Kip Thorne是近代相对论的始祖,其嫡传弟子包括


      有名的才女,当年上过Time Magazine,一个星期工作100小时,以作超导体著名。我



      [4] 从物理转生物科技

      实验。加州理工大学部是有名的天才班,很多11的12 岁的小孩确问最犀利的问题,




      [5] 得到芯片之父Carver Mead及诺贝尔奖得主Rudi Marcus的鼓励

      加州理工有一个新建的系,叫 Computation and Neural Systems 计算及神经系统系
      。这个系的创办人之一叫做Carver Mead,所有电机系出身的没有不认识他的,他是
      超大型机体电路VLSI之父,也是Intel创始人Gordon Moore的好朋友。Carver Mead是
      神经科学这种和电有关系的,这正是Carver Mead 毕生研究的范围。

      正像很多最杰出的工程师一样,他们觉得最了不起的计算机设计无他 -- 就是人脑!
      故Carver Mead就想做chips that can see会看的芯片,chips that can hear会听
      的芯片。Carver Mead觉得要能理解人脑,一定要能建造一个,才表示懂。而人脑如
      磨拧。Carver Mead用他的研究成果开了很多家公司,多在北加州,靠进旧金山及史

      Carver Mead曾指导过一个天才女学生,Misha Mohawald,她是第一个加州理工获得
      Mead和Misha Mohawald 共同作出了第一片能看到芯片。Misha博士后到Oxford拜师Rodney
      Douglas名下。Rodney为Misha 在瑞士最好的理工大学ETH开了一个系,叫Neuro-morphic

      我研究生第一年修Carver Mead的课。Carver Mead在加州理工是研究生心目中的神。
      每堂课爆满不说,每个学生都枪要坐前面,而且枪者回答Carver Mead的问题,希望
      引起Carver Mead的重视。那些学生多是电机系的,而且是加州理工的电机系,功力
      之高可想而知。我也属于坐前排枪答Carver Mead问题的学生,但高手环视之下,我

      不过,全班大概就我一个中国女生。期末,有一次,Carver Mead画了一个很难的线
      举手,用了消去法,猜出了一个答案。Carver Mead一听,很高兴,觉得孺子可教也
      ,课后就请我去Athenaem喝一杯小酒。那时快要过Christmas 圣诞节了,去喝一杯小

      Carver Mead的课是5:00 pm上到 7:00 pm。那一天晚上,7:00多,天色很暗,Carver
      和我在走在到Athenaem (Athenaem 是加州理工一个教员学生吃饭的地方) 的路上,
      我向Carver 问起我的偶象Feynman 生前的情形。在Feynman已经去世的情况下,Carver
      这位Feynman生前最亲近的朋友,感觉上是与Feynman 最相近的人。

      我们在Athenaem找了个位置坐了下来。Carver 告诉我许多 Feynman 生前的事情,言
      语中充满怀友之情。Carver问我打算选那一个研究方向或题目? 我说生物物理方面,
      电机系您的课,就是想多了解这个领域。Carver说: 我在班上有注意到妳,妳一看就
      是那种很努力,一天到晚想要跳得更高的人,妳需要一个教练。Carver 再说: 这样
      吧,我时间有限,不能亲自指导妳,但我的另一个好友,Rudi Marcus,刚的化学诺

      我第二学期就去修Rudi Marcus开的课。Rudi是个很有儒家修养的教授,身为诺贝尔

      [6] 到生物系找指导教授


      1993年的万圣节,我参加加州理工校园举办的万圣节Halloween Party。加州理工本

      我就是在那个舞会上,遇见Steve Mayo我后来的博士论文指导教授,和他的第一个研
      究生Bassil Dahiyat。

      Steve Mayo那时刚被加州理工聘进来当助理教授,他想做一个可以做蛋白质设计的计
      软件给学术机构和大公司的研究部门。最后这家公司被 Pharmacopia收购,Steve的

      Bassil Dahiyat大学念的是约翰-霍普金斯,三年就毕业,后来在约翰-霍普金斯又待
      长是Biomedical Engineering生医工程,理论实验都非常厉害,是那一年加州理工有


      我一听,觉得这就是我想做的方向,第二天就去Steve Mayo的实验室和他谈,他也欣

      那时我是Steve Mayo的第三个门生,Steve Mayo 的第二个门生叫做Jay,是中国科大

      Steve Mayo,Bassil Dahiyat,和我,三个人就展开了几年蛋白质工程的科技商业化

      [7] 我做出了一个经典生物物理模型

      Steve Mayo的实验室才刚开张,由于Steve在计算机方面的功力和成功的科技商业化
      (Technology Commercialization) 成功经验,实验经费相当宽裕,尤其是私营的研

      那时,有个名气很大、人也非常好的犹太教授亨利-乐斯特 (Henry Lester) 和他一
      个超强的,从以色列来的犹太博士后研究生瑟拉-美革 (Sela Mager) 他们有非常稀
      有的数据,从某稀有蛋白质 (neuro-transmitter transporter)上量到。这种蛋白质

      和Beckman Institute 的一个实验室合作,做实验。我则在Steve,Henry和 Sela,


      这个人叫Erik Winfree,是个德国裔的犹太人,只比我大两岁。他在计算机方面不是
      普通的高强,真称得上是圣手级。Erik的父亲Art Winfree是有名的教授,得过McArthur
      (Genius) Award,在美国那个叫天才奖。Erik也替 Mathematica 的创办人,也是加
      州理工前校友,另一个天才 Steve Wolfram 做过程序及研究。这种背景,计算机与
      极少极少有的事。有其父必有其子,他后来也拿了一个McArthur (Genius) Award。

      Erik和我常常就这个模型讨论,也在计算机方面给我的指导。Henry和 Sela 也很够
      意思,每有新资料就喂给我的模型。Sela 和我也经常就这个模型进行讨论。讨论到

      ,因此我做的模型在生物学界相当轰动,Henry 和 Sela到那一阵到什么地方都讲这

      Henry 和 Sela 这两个老犹对我完成的工作满意极了,他们在我毕业后为我写求职推
      荐信时,把我写得非常完美。 Henry 和 Sela是很典型的犹太人 (Henry 的儿子取名
      叫 Ben,可想而知) 我为此不但对他俩,也爱屋及乌,对所有的犹太人充满预先的敬


      [8] 我用分子生物学的方法从事蛋白质工程研究

      我和Henry 和 Sela的合作,实验资料是他们提供,我自己是一个实验也不用做。生

      设。用已证实或推翻的假设为基础,再往上堆积。我从 1993 年到 1994 年,陆续修
      了一些大学部的实验课程,从最基本的 Pipetting (一种实验仪器)开始学。这是最

      入 Steve 的实验室开始,无时无刻在想我要如何说服 Steve 和 Bassil 能让我做实

      Bassil 是做化学实验出身,可以在不用仪器之下,做出很长的蛋白质。但若要更有
      效的做出更大的蛋白质,必须买仪器 (peptide synthesizer)。但再大的蛋白质,就
      的用分子生物的方法,买 Oligonucleautide 用 PCR 技术备份,再把这些 DNA 和载
      体 (Plasmid) 都用效素在特定的地方切,再用粘效素 (ligase) 把 DNA和载体结合
      。这种 Recombinant DNA 进入细胞以后,就利用细胞现成的机制,把 DNA 变成蛋白
      物物理的定量研究,如 Circular Dichroism 或 NMR 核磁共震,又需要很多人力。
      这就是所谓的 Genetic Engineering 基因工程,是蛋白质工程?面很重要的一环。

      Dichroism 或 NMR 核磁共震等,测出所设计蛋白质的性质,如抗热性,稳定性,结

      在我开始做实验之前,Bassil 都是用化学的方式,用 Peptide Synthesizer 把蛋白
      质做出来。这个方法对于小一点的蛋白质可以,但对于大到 60 个 amino acids 左
      右的蛋白质就不行了,因为 coupling efficiency 不够,产量太低。所以非得用基

      我因为设计的蛋白质有 56个amino acids,起初用Peptide Synthesizer 做产量太低

      我们实验室有一个学生,以前是 UC Davis 生物系大学部的高才生,她不做蛋白质设
      一响,就算是凌晨 3:00,我也照样从床上爬起来,从宿舍走到实验室进行下一个步
      成品。这也是我们实验室第一次用基因工程的方法做出来 – 被一个理论物理出身从
      没作过生物实验的人做出来。从此 Steve和Bassil对我刮目相看,不但不阻止我做实

      原来以前实验室没有半个人做出成果,是因为不按照时间来。可能凌晨 3:00 该起来
      做下一步时,他睡到上午 8:00。或者星期五晚上,该做下一步实验是,他去吃饭跳


      知道我是台湾最历史上最年轻的女博士,一来现在大家都去念 MBA 了,二来,如果


      [9] 蛋白质工程研究成果得奖

      1997 年初,我还没有完成博士学位论文,也就是尚未毕业,但我发表的蛋白质工程
      尔-柏波(Carl Pabo),是诺贝尔奖评审团的委员之一。我的博士论文指导教授Steve
      Mayo由于只是助理教授 Assistant Professor,要升正教授,其研究成果必须得到
      美国研究领域最上层的认可。卡尔-柏波就是这类权威人士的代表。于是Steve Mayo
      便请 Carl Pabo由东岸的麻州理工学院飞到西岸的加州理工学院来亲自审核我们实验

      Carl Pabo来时,时间排得很紧。既有安排他的专题演讲,每个加州理工学院的教授
      找工作的,都抢着要当他的招待。那时因为Carl Pabo是我的博士论文指导教授请来
      的,而我的研究成果,和Bassil Dahiyat 的都是我们实验室研究成果的代表,我有
      幸和一些应届的精英研究生和Carl Pabo一起用中饭。



      [10] 柏波提示我走从商之路

      当天下午我的博士论文指导教授 Steve Mayo 赶紧把Carl Pabo拉到他的办公室,好
      来了一个电话,是Steve Mayo打来的,问我晚上去哪里吃饭。我正纳闷,因为Steve
      Mayo向来不打电话到我宿舍的。结果电话那头忽然转手,Carl Pabo把电话抢了过去
      ,并说“把中间人干掉 (Let’s eliminate the middle-man)”他问我晚上可否和他






      柏波教授再说:“你考虑一下我的建议罢!我有一个学生叫Philip Ma,过去在我的

      过了几天,柏波的这个学生Philip Ma菲立甫-玛,果然打电话给我。跟菲立甫一谈,

      [11] 用蛋白质工程研究成果换取美国绿卡

      开始想加州理工毕业之后该做什?。这时我发现没有美国绿卡是多麻烦的一件事。 不

      那时美国也体认到高等智慧移民的有用,故开了一个新的移民种类,叫National Interest Waiver 国家利益豁免,是Alien of Exceptional Ability杰出人才的一种。


      [12] 蛋白质工程研究成果申请专利,向创投公司融资,开生物科技公司XENCOR

      1997年底,我的博士论文已全部完工。论文题目是:「Coupling Backbone Flexibility and Amino Acid Sequence Selection in Protein Design」,这已不是物理学的论

      成果申请专利,找创投公司融资,开一家公司叫 XENCOR。这时我才发现,我辛苦了
      的份。Bassil说,为了保险起见,他希望为我申请专利,然后XENCOR 可以向我申请
      一天我自己找到了风险投资家融资,和他们竞争。Steve 也从此不在公开科学发表场


      XENCOR 目前是美国生物科技界一个被视为很有前途的事业,Bassil是CEO。很多台湾
      的风险投资家都知道 XENCOR 这个公司,也很想再去投钱。很多作生物科技创投的朋
      背景,再加上有日后 McKinsey 和 Goldman Sachs 的工作经验的,实在不多见。

      从加州理工到高盛银行 (2)

      送交者: hua2jie 2004年4月19日1841 于 [教育与学术]


      [13] 创办领导加州理工学院的Case Practice Group进军麦肯锡



      从商,对一个加州理工博士谈何容易? 所有美国顶尖的大学都有商学院,就是加州理
      工没有。我那时知道唯一有名的商业团体来做校园征才的就是 McKinsey 麦肯锡咨询

      里面大公司会遇到的问题。麦肯锡就是以这些 Case来淘汰那些没有商业感business
      sense的博士生。因为我那时一心想进麦肯锡,故把这个团体取名为Case Practice

      我建了一个网站,解释了Case Practice Group的宗旨,活动方式,也放了一些收集
      地方。1997 年那时网站还在学校酝酿,没有掀起后来的网络疯狂 internet frenzy







      Career Development Center 就业辅导中心也在看。后来这个社团名声大了,连麦肯

      肯锡董事 Principal 问我。他第一句话就说「阿丽丝小姐,你确实很厉害,我们都
      知道你和你办的 Case Practice Group 但我们希望你回去后,能把麦肯锡公司招人


      [14] 麦肯锡McKinsey & Co。梦碎进军华尔街

      司Goldman Sachs & Co。是华尔街的老大,可惜已经错过高盛公司在加州理工进行的
      如Long Term Capital Management (LTCM),和D. E. Shaw等,在加州理工进行的第

      那时康奈尔学“超弦论” (Super-String Theory) 的钟威已经弃物理转华尔街了,
      在 Morgan Stanley 替人家作金融工程及模型 (Financial Engineering and Modeling
      面谈金融财务方面的工作 (financial engineering),像他一样,或者只是提别人写
      计算机程序 (computer programmer)。 如果只是提人写计算机程序,你可能一辈子

      Salomon是其分析能力最有名的 Yield Book部门在招人。Yield Book 是Salomon 对

      Salomon在所有加州理工第一轮面试考了一大堆数学问题,只选了三个人非到San Francisco
      做第二轮面试。我一到San Francisco 才发现所有西岸有名的学校如Stanford,Berkeley
      的面试,特别买了一本“Liar’s Poker” 来看。同时我也被华尔街当时最有名的两
      家LTCM 和D. E. Shaw避险基金请去Greenwich 和New York 做第二轮的面试。

      ,也以比谁抢到最好的货色为傲。Salomon 一听我和LTCM 和 D。E。Shaw 都会在东
      岸进行公司内面试,二话不说,也叫我去 New York 总部面试。我去了New York 之
      后,才知道我已击败Stanford,Berkeley 的博士们,是西岸的代表。

      Salomon 这份工作不是好拿的,因为这个工作不写计算机程序,而是为 Yield Book Group 作金融模型,尤其是 Term Structure 和 Prepayment Modeling。华尔街在

      有了Salomon的工作承诺之后,我还是必须与LTCM和D. E. Shaw这些避险基金作最后
      的面试。“Liar’s Poker” 这本书写的是 Salomon 以前的超级债?交易员 (这些人
      有个不太雅的统称,叫大老二 Big Swinging □□□□),这些书本上的人物,我竟然在
      LTCM 都见到了。LTCM 的合伙人Greg Hawkins 是书中的一员,亲自来加州理工挑人
      ,挑了我和其它两个人去Greenwich。LTCM 的办公室在 Greenwich,是东岸很多有钱
      人住的地方。但我在西岸天气好的地方住久了,看到不管是Greenwich 或 New York
      都很不习惯和害怕。东岸很冷,Greenwich 的树都枯了,New York 人好多又都是摩
      天楼,让我这个从西岸来的乡吧老很害怕。D。E。Shaw是华尔街有名的 Quant Shop
      里面全是数学竞赛冠军。我和LTCM 和 D。E。Shaw这些避险基金都谈得很好,因为大

      1997 到1998 年,加州理工新出炉的博士的行情,一般是八万美金一年,十四万已真
      学长,他向我说,Newport Beach新港有一个叫Pimco的投资管理公司有一个美金廿万
      年薪的工作机会(Pimco 是Pacific Investment Management Company 太平洋投资管




      [15] 一星期内搞懂“衍生性金融商品的圣经”进入PIMCO

      ,Mercedes,Porche,Jaquar 最多,Ferrari 也偶有。我那一个大Chevy烂车在中间
      真的格格不入。海边望去,还有许多游艇和帆船。旁边的 Fashion Island 有最贵,

      新港是美国最有钱的人退休圣地之一,和东岸的 Greenwich 并提。怪不得很多退休
      也几乎没有亚洲人,全部是白人。更不用说是非裔美人了。 和东岸华尔街严寒枯黄

      头,已经是xxxxutive Vice President。他和我寒暄了一下,忽然话锋一转,问我一

      我接过那本书看了看,那本书就是Hull and White on Derivatives,我听过华尔街


      那位金发年轻的帅哥是 PIMCO 的大红人,年纪轻轻就爬到很多人一辈子也爬不到的
      地位,几百万美金的年薪,我离开PIMCO 的那一年,他被封为 Partner 是PIMCO 有
      史以来最年轻的Partner。他本来在 Upenn 的 Wharton 从大学部直升博士班,是金
      融科的助教,也教 xxxxutive Education 中的管理层们如何应用金融,Wharton 上
      学长惺惺相惜,给了Oleg 美金二十万年薪的工作承诺。Oleg 给我 PIMCO 的联络人

      当天还有两个面试,两个都是 PIMCO的Partner。一个以前在Salomon一个以前在Goldman
      Sachs。PIMCO 的最上层,很多是以Salomon的超级债权交易员,即 Liar’s Poker
      中所称的大老二 Big Swinging □□□□。他们告诉我,PIMCO 是非常独特的地方,不召
      投资管理员 Portfolio Manager。每年新进的金融工程师最多只招一个。在华尔街每
      年新进的人很多,要和上层的人见面不易。PIMCO 的好处是新进的人少,如果你真的



      Pimco 是一个非常有效率,注重实效的地方,我第二次到公司,二话不说,就被带入
      一个房间考试。考了一个上午 Hull 那本书的内容。题目是一个俄国人,Yuri,出的
      。Yuri 比我早进 PIMCO 几年的金融工程师,是 Chicago 物理博士转念 Chicago Business School 的金融MBA,他把以前Chicago Business School 的期末考题目拿来考我。

      比照加州理工的Oleg学长。我不得已告诉 Salomon 那位对我很好的亚洲主管,我选
      择到 PIMCO。虽然说这句话不容易,尤其Salomon的那个工作承诺也是费尽心血拿下
      来的,我想,把Salomon 的机会给了另一个需要那份工作的人,也是好事。

      Pimco之后,Yuri 这个自负的老俄 Chicago Finance MBA 加物理博士 对我说:「你

      1998 年最后一个学期,我到加州理工的金融系修了一个 Option Pricing,就是OLEG

      [19] 考入麦肯锡 McKinsey & Co。

      如,也轻易的进了最后一关。最后一关全美一共只收了 40 个人,送去上海,进行为
      期五天的培训及最后一轮的甄试。麦肯锡给我们这一群人的绰号叫Insight 2000。

      2000 年初到上海,我马上被这个城市给慑住了。我从 1992年离开台湾,之中只有回
      去台湾两三趟,中国我倒是一次也没回去过。1992 年到 2000 年的牛市 Bull Market
      也没遇上。2000 年的上海与我印象中的中国是多么的不一样!

      前三天是培训,麦肯锡的顾问们先告诉我们他们的背景,做过的案例 (当然案例都不
      演,我们扮演麦肯锡的顾问,麦肯锡的顾问们扮演公司的CEO,CFO,VP of Marketing
      锡也教我们一些最基本的生意架构 (business framework)。晚上麦肯锡为我们安排
      受过高等教育的一批,都没有MBA,这三天,就是快速的将一些 MBA 的观念,做麦肯

      后两天是非常严格的面试,面试都是案例 Case 看我们前三天学得如何,并看每个人
      的生意感觉 Business Sense。从这 40 个人中,麦肯锡挑了 10 个人,分别进入北

      我当时知道,我一定要在麦肯锡待上一年,获得训练和实际经验,以换取和 Harvard MBA 同等的对待。有了麦肯锡在我的履历表,别人就不敢老是看我是博士,问我为
      什?不去做研究员或工程师,因为麦肯锡就是全球最有名的”管理”顾问,专门为 Fortune 500 的CEO 提供战略服务的。

      [16] 我在PIMCO受的训练

      1998 我年从加州理工毕业之后进入PIMCO,搬到 Newport Beach 新港居住,正式脱
      离学校的生活,开始了我从商的第一步。PIMCO 给我很好的加入红利 Signing Bonus
      ,我便拿这份钱买了一部金色的敞蓬车,也照着新港的衣着规距 (dress code) 置装
      。后来麦肯锡台北公司把我评为衣着最优雅 The Most Elegant Dresser,很多高盛

      PIMCO 是个很了不起的公司,因为他付的钱比华尔街还高。在华尔街这种完全金钱导
      向的文化下,PIMCO 是最了不起的公司之一当之无愧。PIMCO 招进来的人很少,最上
      层都是重金请来华尔街有多年经验最好的交易员 TRADER 做PIMCO 的 Portfolio Manager
      进来的那一年,他们从高盛招了一个在高盛有名的交易员,他和他在 New York 华尔
      街的朋友最常用来介绍PIMCO 的字眼,就是 “Upside better than Goldman Sachs
      最上层比高盛付得多”。Allianz 把PIMCO买下来时,就以5年美金两亿 US$ 200 mm
      GURANTEED保证拿到的薪水签下PIMCO的大老板,Bill Gross。

      PIMCO把这些华尔街最贵的交易员买来后,全部放在交易室Trading Room?面。这个交
      易室是非常小的房间,是 PIMCO 最神圣的地方,所有的客户的资产超过美金两千亿
      US$ 200 bn,就是在这个小交易室统一管理。我进PIMCO时,他们给我的头衔是 Financial Engineer 财务工程师,阶级在Portfolio Manager底下,做Portfolio Manager的助
      手。在我之前,Financial Engineer 是不给进交易室的。那位金发年轻的帅哥 xxxxutive Vice President 对我特别好,把我招进PIMCO后,便安排我进交易室实习。

      PIMCO 的交易室早上4:30就有人在,还不算前一晚上留在交易室的,5:30 每个人一
      定到齐,6:00 进来就算晚了,每一天都如此。PIMCO有一个非常兢兢业业的投资文化

      向上级提出意见。PIMCO 对我很好,让我从第二支电话听他们和华尔街的谈话来学习
      尔街的大行,对PIMCO非常尊敬和害怕,给PIMCO取名叫“沉没的鲨”(Quiet Sharks

      我在交易室待了一段时间,主要负责三个部分,CMO (Collateralized Mortgaged Obligations
      ),Treasury Derivatives,和International bonds。负责这些产品的 Portfolio Manager 如果想知道产品的实际价值,Financial Engineer 就要用现成或已有的模
      们向我们要的是一种 Bottom Up 由下往上的建议。

      因为PIMCO 是买方,华尔街是卖方,PIMCO 送我到华尔街去受训,一来是买方该尽量
      在 Mortgage Backed Securities 方面,Bear Stearns 和 Salomon 两家特别强,所

      Bear Stearns 有一次办完培训后,大家晚上到一个酒吧去,那些Bear Stearns的交
      易员就开始打撞球,有些打桌球。我和另一个Bear Stearns的男交易员一组,对打对
      面的两个Bear Stearns的男交易员。交易员可爱的地方就是喜欢比赛,喜欢赢。对家
      我杀了几个球之后,才发现不对,马上全力以赴。结果我和我的搭挡以 2 比 0 把他
      们干掉。本来我不以为意,结果马上话就传到PIMCO,那位金发年轻的帅哥 xxxxutive Vice President 在我回PIMCO上班时对我说,没想到你桌球打这?好。

      到Salomon 时,也拜访了当年给我工作承诺的 Yield Book Group,他们对我很好,
      我也很感谢他们。Salomon 那时有个叫 Y。K。Chan 的有名中国人做模型的。他写了
      个2-factor的term structure 模型,当年很红的,因为别家的模型都是1-factor,
      那时因为 Yield Curve 变动的很厉害,很多华尔街的公司因没有2-factor的模型,
      无法抓住Yield Curve 的变动,输了钱。PIMCO 就派我去看这2-factor的模型到底怎
      ?搞法。Y。K。Chan 写了一篇有名的文章,说明这2-factor的模型是如何做出来的。

      家母的引见下,那些长官马上对PIMCO留下了很深很好的印象。PIMCO 为了感谢我,
      特别让我和亚洲商务代表,和那位金发年轻的帅哥 xxxxutive Vice President到北

      PIMCO 的 Secular Forum 是每季都会举行的投资展望大会。每次大会都会请到全世
      界的投资权威讲结他们的看法。1999 年请到了香港的 Marc Faber。Marc Faber 提
      Forbes 写专栏,对老外而言,是中国的专家。Marc Faber讲完的那天晚上,PIMCO
      开了一个 cocktail reception,Faber对我很好,问我等一下要不要和他一起去晚
      合伙人对我很好,我们一起写了一篇文章,发表在 Investment and Pensions Europe
      ,讲 Treasury Inflation Protected Securities

      [17] 赢得「债券王」Bill Gross的心

      Pimco的老板名叫比尔-格罗斯(BILL Gross),他是美国金融界大大有名的「Bond King


      我来PIMCO 转眼快一年了,与比尔?格罗斯一句话都没说过,只有在交易室?见过他,

      1999 年5 月,PIMCO觉得利率将会 Range-Bound within a 200 basis point band
      (在一定的区间内变动,这个区间宽2%)而市场可能还没有把这个看法定价(market has not priced in yet)。在这种情况下,range floater 是一种好的投资工具来表示

      量化,并有参数让他可以调整他想法的强弱。我把Option Pricing的圣经 Black and Scholes 的模型改了一下,把平常利率的机率分布标?差缩小以符合比尔?格罗斯的


      来的正是他构想更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • [Continued] 《从加州理工到高盛银行》 -- 粟耀莹
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Larry Ellison,Mike Milken [Junk Bond King 垃圾债券王],Rupert Murdoch [媒
        体大王梅铎] 三人合作一个公司叫 Knowledge Universe [ 知识宇宙 ]。以前我在
        Los Angeles 时,在我离开 PIMCO 去 McKinsey & Co。之前,曾向Mike Milken递过
        我的简历,结果这份简历落在 Steve Fink,与Mike Milken 私交甚深的好友桌上。
        自从 Mike Milken被判终身不得从事证?交易之后,所有与商业有?的活动均由 Steve Fink 负责。Steve Fink也是 Forbes 杂志专访过的对象, 其兄弟 Larry Fink 为
        华尔街著名公司 Blackrock 的创办人及总裁。 Larry Fink 和 PIMCO 的创办人像
        Bill Gross 或 Chris Dialynas 十几年前在华尔街交手时就互相认识。华尔街是个
        Alyce Su 这一号女博士。我一直不确定为何像 Larry Ellison 这?德高望重的巨富


        这个讯息发出之后,通过电话和电子邮件回来的讯息大量涌至, 政府官员,财经,


        “或”十三日,这到底是几日呢? 如果这些大中华区的名流真的冲 Larry Ellison


        六月十日我到北京,机场到处是 Oracle 的旗子,气派的确不凡。

        六月十一日晚上,我还是不晓得 Larry Ellison 到底会不会和我见面,我也没敢再

        话,告诉我 Larry希望今天下午6:00 pm 和我及我的朋友们吃饭。她说,Larry wants it to happen,马上 Larry 就要在北京的Oracle 大会发表他的 Keynote Speech。
        Larry 演讲过后,Larry 的北京私人秘书 Judy 就会打电话再和我联络。

        从这个电话算起,Larry 总算确定了。但是从上午九点多钟到下午6:00已经没多久了
        ,请问他们6:00 是否有空。

        近中午,Larry 的北京私人秘书 Judy 打给我,说 Larry 要把晚饭由下午6:00改到


        。不一会儿,Larry 从一个隐密的地方走出来。



        晚饭是 4:00 开始的,5:30,有位中国最大电信公司的COO 要先走,我便走出房,打
        时无量,被人誉为 Deal Maker。这位CEO带了两个他的左右手,在门外等了一个半小
        时就为见Larry。我带他们三人进房,请Larry 起身,介绍这为中国最有名望的Deal
        Maker (the Greatest Deal Maker in China)。这位CEO坐在Larry的右手边,我坐
        在 Larry 左手边。同桌的还有一位全球最好的投资银行的中国首代,坐在我左手下




        [26] 我与「甲骨文」老板的一段交往: 再见旧金山

        Larry 和我自2002年六月初北京一别之后,只有靠电子邮件沟通。他问我如何才能飞
        能一下子飞去看他。我于是想到了在 Case Practice Group 中义结金兰的好友,Polly
        Preventza。我想把Polly介绍个Larry,因为Polly在 Morgan Staney 的西岸办公市
        ,做高科技的投资银行家。 Polly 在加州理工时就是有名的大美人。我虽不能身在

        Larry 有时也会给我写一些令人感动的信。

        终于,2002 年九月中的某一天,我忽然想飞到旧金山见他。另一个原因是,我身怀
        美国绿卡,必须每半年入美国一次。 上次是 2002 年4月初入美国,九月中该再去了
        。 Larry 写信告诉我与他见面的时间地点。

        我和 Polly 下午3:00到了 Larry 的家,一个长得很像Larry 的人来开门,Larry还

        过了一会儿,Larry 从外面三步并作两步的跑了进来,身上穿着一件很薄的T-Shirt
        ,上面写满了 “America’s Cup” 和 “Oracle” 的标记,原来Larry 一整天都努
        力的在和他的船员们一起训练,为2002 年冬季在澳大利亚的初赛而准备。他花了 US $ 85 mm 造了最好的船,请了最帮的船员及船长,就为了要赢得这个America’s Cup

        Larry 好心的带我和Polly参观这个日本设计家做的房子。Larry的左右都是有名的富
        豪,如Getti Museum 的Getti。房子面向海和旧金山的跨海大桥全部是玻璃,有一片
        。 对着这一片海景,Larry说 “对 美丽的事物 我是永远不会厌倦的 – I can never get tired of beauty”。

        房子?有一个电梯,可以通到不同的楼层。每一层楼都有不同的材质和颜色设计。 有
        一层楼放了Larry最心爱的帆船缩影模型Sayonara。这架Sayonara 的长宽比很漂亮,

        这间房子虽然漂亮,但看得出不是 Larry 常住的地方,倒更像是给记者参观的地方
        。屋子?没有他家人的照片,唯一的一张照片,是和新闻集团的总裁 Rupert Murdoch

        Larry,Polly 和我,三个人谈天说地,Larry的学识真的很渊博,天文地理,Information
        Technology,金融,生物科技, 丛 London 到深圳各地的文化他都能朗朗上口,真

        临走前,Larry在一楼为我们表演了几首吉他,一楼除了吉他之外,还有一台 Steinway
        史坦威钢琴。Larry 应该会弹钢琴,因为他用吉他弹了许多钢琴名曲,有 Bach 巴
        哈也有 Beethovan贝多芬,尤其是贝多芬的”Fur Elise 给艾丽斯”,我听了很感动
        。我也上去这一台 Steinway弹琴帮他伴奏,我知道他一定不喜欢别人强他的风头,
        有幸用钢琴为我最崇拜的人 (My Favorite Billionaire) 在旧金山伴奏,我告诉自

        我很珍惜这一段缘分。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 看到高盛,我也来废话两句关于专业人士的ethic。
    • Friends
      This week I am absolutely swamped, spinning non-stop like a carrousel. Finally comes Saturday morning and checked my email/voice messages.

      1) email from my previous boss, she got another Director job, and I am one of her reference, so she wanted to let me know that she would be happy to return the favor if I ever need it
      2) a voice message from a recruiter and he has a great opening for me now, blah blah
      3) V left a voice message and just check in and see if everything is well
      4) S left a voice message and she just got promoted, wanted to share the happiness and wanted to catch up
      5) M is doing fine and ask for a drink when I return

      The word is crazy, and we are all very busy, thank god we have friends, who still remember to send maybe just a line or a quite note. That's good enough and will keep us warm.

      Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water

      When you're weary; feeling small,
      When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all;
      I'm on your side oh when times get rough
      And friends just can't be found.
      Like a bridge over troubled water
      I will lay me down.
      Like a bridge over troubled water
      I will lay me down.

      When you're down and out;
      when you're on the street;
      when evening falls so hard
      I will comfort you.
      I'll take your part
      oh when darkness comes.
      And pain is all around.
      Like a bridge over troubled water
      I will lay me down
      Like a bridge over troubled water
      I will lay me down

      Sail on silvergirl;
      sail on by.
      Your time has come to shine.
      All your dreams are on their way.
      See how they shine.
      Oh if you need a friend
      I'm sailing right behind.
      Like a bridge over troubled water
      I will ease your mind
      Like a bridge over troubled water
      I will ease your mind.

      • Good Morning Sunday!
        Got up early in the morning, it was raning and snowing all night, but now the sunshine comes out, the snow won't stay.
        Have a cup of tea in hand, grab the pad and turn on pandora, it is Eva Cassidy raido, and "Down the river to pray" is playing on, beautiful capella song.

        As I went down in the river to pray
        Studying about that good old way
        And who shall wear the starry crown
        Good Lord, show me the way

        O sisters let's go down,
        Let's go down, come on down,
        O sisters let's go down,
        Down in the river to pray

        As I went down in the river to pray
        Studying about that good old way
        And who shall wear the robe and crown
        Good Lord, show me the way

        O brothers let's go down,
        Let's go down, come on down,
        Come on brothers let's go down,
        Down in the river to pray

        As I went down in the river to pray
        Studying about that good old way
        And who shall wear the starry crown
        Good Lord, show me the way

        O sinners let's go down,
        Let's go down, come on down,
        O sinners let's go down,
        Down in the river to pray

        As I went down in the river to pray
        Studying about that good old way
        And who shall wear the robe and crown
        Good Lord, show me the way

        • 太喜欢了,音乐响起,直触心灵,泪...
      • Friends II - given and take
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1 - 早晨吃早餐时,断断续续地在看一个Video filmed by Tony Robbins. 讲的是如何在financial crisis年代still achieve financial success.

        "if someone can succeed in an area consistently, this is not due to luck." "if you want to be rich, take the rich to dinner" 听起来象是一个joke,但是in essence 就是find an expert as role model and learn the lesson and success from role model, i.e., extract a decade into a day instead of going through the trial and error painful process.

        This is common cliches, 但是Tonny提到一点俺非常同意 -- you will succeed if you can add values to others. In the consulting world, it is true, in the personal life, I believe it is true too.

        记得俺第一次和管俺的performance的老大会面,老大就说,"use me as a resource as possible as you can. I'd love to be your resources". 不时所有的人都愿意成为别人的resources, but if you can, you are adding values to others. (老大气质非常象russian mafia,俺们俩走在一起,公司中国同事经常开玩笑一个是黑社会老大,一个是打手,这是后话)

        2 - 行走在路上,不经意间会惊喜地发现Gem,精心擦拭放入口袋继续旅行。有一天忽然发现口袋破了一个洞,Gem自己从洞中掉了出去。Gem is unique and in the life time, you are lucky if you could find one, then what should you do? you say, "shit, I made a mistake". before the hole becomes bigger, you stitches it up.

        Now it is becoming darker, 夜晚要降临了,抬头看看远方的路,弯弯曲曲深入黑暗. You know you cannot dwell on the mistake and you must keep moving on. Time makes the gem and it is gem that it will shine one way or the other.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • I agree the concept.
          In reality,we ended up only giving the "added value" to the people who actually appreciate and value you.

          It's mutual, agree?

          还有, 有时发现Gem,也不能拥有,所谓无奈人生,随缘吧!
    • 500 miles
      The aireport was fully packed last night. Clearly you can read people's face -- going home. It is holiday all about -- spend the time with family and friends, relax and recharge, and keep fighting for the change you believe in


      500 miles - The Brothers Four

      If you miss the train I'm on
      You will know that I am gone
      You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

      A hundred miles, a hundred miles
      A hundred miles, a hundred miles
      You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles

      Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two
      Lord, I'm three, Lord, I'm four
      Lord, I'm 500 miles away from home

      Away from home, away from home
      Away from home, away from home
      Lord, I'm 500 miles away from home

      Not a shirt on my back
      Not a penny to my name
      Lord, I can't go back home this a-way

      This a-way, this a-way
      This a-way, this a-way
      Lord, I can't go back home this a-way

      If you miss the train I'm on
      You will know that I am gone
      You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles...

      • Suitcase
        leaving home will never be fun, but sometimes you just have to hit the road with a suitcase


        Over the Rhine: Suitcase

        Whatcha doin' with a suitcase
        Tryin' to hit the ground with both feet runnin'
        Aren't you trippin' on your shoelace

        You're stealin' away on a sunny day
        Well aren't you ashamed at all
        Funny but I feel like I'm fallin'
        I wanna beg you to stay
        You're stealin' away on a sunny day

        Why'd you love me in the first place
        You were always closer than a brother
        I can barely look at your face

        I've said my I've said my
        I've said my piece
        I'm on my
        I'm on my
        Down on my knees

        Whatcha doin' with a suitcase
        Whatcha doin' with a suitcase

        • Up! Keep going!
          • Same Old Lang Syne
            Dan Fogelberg - Same Old Lang Syne

            Met my old lover in the grocery store
            The snow was falling Christmas Eve
            I stole behind her in the frozen foods
            And I touched her on the sleeve

            She didn't recognize the face at first
            But then her eyes flew open wide
            She went to hug me and she spilled her purse
            And we laughed until we cried.

            We took her groceries to the checkout stand
            The food was totalled up and bagged
            We stood there lost in our embarrassment
            As the conversation dragged.

            We went to have ourselves a drink or two
            But couldn't find an open bar
            We bought a six-pack at the liquor store
            And we drank it in her car.

            We drank a toast to innocence
            We drank a toast to now
            And tried to reach beyond the emptiness
            But neither one knew how.

            She said she'd married her an architect
            Who kept her warm and safe and dry
            She would have liked to say she loved the man
            But she didn't like to lie.

            I said the years had been a friend to her
            And that her eyes were still as blue
            But in those eyes I wasn't sure if I saw
            Doubt or gratitude.

            She said she saw me in the record stores
            And that I must be doing well
            I said the audience was heavenly
            But the traveling was hell.

            We drank a toast to innocence
            We drank a toast to now
            And tried to reach beyond the emptiness
            But neither one knew how.

            We drank a toast to innocence
            We drank a toast to time
            Reliving in our eloquence
            Another 'auld lang syne'...

            The beer was empty and our tongues were tired
            And running out of things to say
            She gave a kiss to me as I got out
            And I watched her drive away.

            Just for a moment I was back at school
            And felt that old familiar pain
            And as I turned to make my way back home
            The snow turned into rain --

            • Landslide
              Fleetwood Mac - Landslide

              I took my love and I took it down
              I climbed a mountain and I turned around
              And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
              'Til the landslide brought me down

              Oh, mirror in the sky
              What is love?
              Can the child within my heart rise above?
              Can I sail thru the changing ocean tides?
              Can I handle the seasons of my life?

              Mmm Mmm... I don't know... Mmm Mmm... Mmm Mmm...

              Well, I've been afraid of changing
              'Cause I've built my life around you
              But time makes you bolder
              Children get older
              I'm getting older too


              (Guitar solo)

              I've been afraid of changing
              'Cause I, I´ve built my life around you
              But time makes you bolder
              Children get older
              I'm getting older too...
              I'm getting older too...

              So, take this love, take it down
              Oh if you climb a mountain and you turn around
              If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
              Well the landslide will bring you down, down

              And If you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
              Well maybe... The landslide will bring you down
              Well well... the landslide will bring you down

    • Long As I Can See The Light
      Long As I Can See The Light - Creedence Clearwater Revival

      Put a candle in the window
      ’cause I feel I gotta move.
      Thought I’m goin’ goin’
      I’ll be comin home soon
      long as I can see the light.
      Pack my bag and let’s get moving
      ’cause I’m bound to drift a while.
      When I’m gone gone
      you don’t have to worry
      long as I can see the light.
      Guess I’ve got that travelin’ bone
      ’cause this feeling won’t leave alone.
      But I won’t won’t
      be losin’ my way
      long as I can see the light

      • Last Call

        工欲善其事,必先利其器。每天听Ipod 上的pandora 和Tunein,做得各有特色。有了软件,硬件也要配套,最近武装了Audio Technica的ATH M-50,Budget耳机里我的最爱 absolute bang for the buck.感恩节Amazon BlackFriday的Deal是Ultimate TripleFi 10, 我几乎pull the trigger,不过我还是钟情closed earphone,到不是现在街上流行Beats那样的fashion earphone.:D


        这个城市真是奇妙,这是一个嗜酒者的城市. 如果你喜欢Lawrence Block的书,如果你看过"When the Sacred Ginmill Closes", 你一定知道Matthew Scudder, the man & this song "Last Call", 这是一首属于这个城市的歌, 你不必是一个酒鬼去知道这首歌,因为当年红得跟国歌似的。



        Last Call - Dave Van Ronk

        And so we've had another night
        of poetry and poses
        And each man knows he'll be alone
        when the sacred gin mill closes

        And so we'll drink the final glass
        each to his joy or sorrow
        And hope the numbing drunk will last
        'til opening tomorrow

        And when we stumble back again
        like paralytic dancers
        Each knows the questions he will ask
        and each man knows the answers

        And so we'll drink the final drink
        that cuts the brain in sections
        Where answers never signify
        and there aren't any questions

        I broke my heart the other day
        it'll mend again tomorrow
        If I'd been drunk when I was born
        I'd be ignorant of sorrow

        And so we'll drink the final toast
        that never can be spoken
        Here's to the heart that is wise enough
        to know when it's better off broken

    • 这废话可是有年头了,不过很好!
    • IB, IB
      公司圣诞节关门11天,直接结果就是所有的Deadline都提前,每天work around the clock. 越忙越出事,这周一公司的Email突然收到一封来自猎头V的来信, 街上的一个TOP IB找人,问我感兴趣不. 说来话长,十几年前我就去过这家IB总部Captial Market 的trading floor. 也算是老相识了。replied, after a few minutes, recruiter set up interview on Wednesday. 我正好要去另一个IB客户那,都在附近,就约好10am相亲.

      男人在江湖混,什么行头都可以没有, 帖身的西装却是必须的,。周三早上起床冲了个淋浴,换上西装,配上TIE, 因为面完还要去另一个客户哪,所以背上BACKPACK就出发了。 早上一路没有Traffic, 早了45分钟. 惯例找一starbucks 叫了个doppio, 一饮而尽, 感觉有点意思了。到了Lobby Security拿了temporary badge, 一个电话下去, 没几分钟,就见面试人之一J走着猫步从电梯出来。一般说来这IB的人无论男女都nose in the air, J却不然. J金发身材极其FIT, 看起来非常有教养,一问果不其然是欧洲Secondment过来的。

      接触多了就知道猎头和猎头是非常不一样。V这个猎头是非常贴心,周二特意发过来面试的TIP。 不过V搞了个乌龙,把GS的面世和注意事项发了过来, 后来V的Key recruiter K还特意打电话过来,谈了一下每个面世人的特点,虽然没啥用处,但service确实没话可说

      第一个面试是和S,北美的Head, S是一老手,大家一过招,就知道底细。所以很多问题都是一两句就点到为之。30分钟很快就在谈笑中过去了。

      接下来的面试是J和P的联合技术面试。 P是欧洲的Head, 面试基本是P主持. P从欧洲电话拨过来, 一开口我就发现是L那地儿东区的口音, 心里不由一惊. 东区的人都是苦出身,对自己要求不高,对别人却很严。果不其然。上来第一个问题就把我干倒了,一听到问题,大脑马上瞬间短路5秒种。刷刷刷眼前闪过三种对策 -投降,顽抗,还是立马昏倒?The approach I decied to take is a mix of 投降 and 顽抗. i.e., frankly speaking, I don't have the answer, but here is my perspective, then I started to talk through a project I just did, at the end I told P that I can pick it up over a weekend if needed. 其余的问题就很通俗了。终于轮到我问问题了. 要把局面扭转过来,我决定主动出击了。放弃常问的问题,我challenge P 你们到点要找candidate with 什么样的skillset? P非常smart, 电话那边 沉默了几秒钟,然后P说我今天有点tough on you. The main reason is that you categorize most of your skillset as 5. You actually are our top candiate..

      面试结束回到另一个客户那不久, V发来email telling me that the feedback from IB is positive and HR wanted to move forward with another interview with the global head. they asked my availability, prefer early morning as there is 5 hrs difference. I offered Thursday 9-9:30 and Friday 10-10:30. V said will let me know as soon as possible. However I didn't hear anything so I thought it will be Friday the earliest. beside I have to work over time to make up the interview hours. so I worked in the evening till 12am and listened to a newly bought CD till 2am. Got up at 7am Thursay moring and felt a little bit sleepy. I was very busy Thursday and suddenly got a text message from V while I was in the client meeting. V just got notice from HR that they wanted to interview me at 11am which is only about one hour away. I don't have choice but to book a conference room and that's all I can do.

      11am the call came in on time, you have to believe that it is a small world. the global head R actually worked for一个属一属二的大银行, 我提了老大的名字,R说和我老大很熟, 我开玩笑说你千万不要让我老大知道我出来面试, 至少是要让我拿到offer之后。R哈哈大笑。R显然已经处于holiday mood. 于是我们聊了聊snow and skiing. 愉快地结束了"面试"

      While I was on the way back to the office, V text me and Congrats me that the company made offer. The next step is to discuss the compensation etc.

      有朋友真好, 今天给几个好朋友打了电话,都热心的给出主意. 结论基本是决定不去了, 明年经济会更好,到时候在冲击The best吧。

      • [ZT] Salary Negotiation Tips 1 - 10
        • Great tips!
          • LZ is awesome! Mind sharing what kind of skills set you recommend fresh graduates to pay attention to?
            • 回答问题我不在行(你应该问Joyce,Joyce看问题我觉得很全面).
              如果实在要泛泛地说, for new graduate, it is very important to make people like you. If they like you, they will give you opportunity to grow.

              Secondly, you should be able to pick up new things quickly. 其实技术啥的都好办,都好办。
    • [ZT] 10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Giving Up on Your Dream
    • Colcannon

      每一次旅行总会带来一些惊喜,十几年前,我一个人去scotland highlands旅行,也是12月,我第一次尝到了Colcannon.时间过得真快,我已记不得Colcannon是什么味道,不过那温暖的Scotland pub and live band却清晰得如昨天。


      The Black Family - Colcannon

      Well did you ever make colcannon,
      Made with lovely pickled cream
      With the greens & scallions mingled
      Like a pitcher in a dream
      Did you ever make a hole on top
      To hold the meltin' flake
      Or the creamy flavoured butter
      That our mother's used to make


      Oh you did, so you did
      So did he and so did i
      And the more I think about it
      Sure the nearer I'm to cry
      Oh weren't them the happy days
      When troubles we knew not
      And or mother made colcannon
      In the little skillet pot

      Well, did you ever take potatoe cake

      And boxty to the school
      Tucked underneath your oxter with
      Your books, your slate and rule
      And when teacher wasn't looking'
      Sure a great big bite you'd take
      Of the creamy flavoured soft and meltin'
      Sweet potatoe cake


      Well did you ever go a courtin' boys
      When the evenin' sun went down
      And the moon began a peepin'
      From behind the hill o' down
      And you wandered down the boreen
      Where the clúrachán was seen
      And you whispered lovin' praises to
      Your own dear sweet cáilín


    • 1-8-2012
      Jan 8, 2012, 2012 年的第一个周日。记之。To kick off the new year with piano is always deemed appropriate. This is my theme for January of this year, period.

    • Lifestyle
      Lifestyle - The theme for February

      1. The first and most important, let's start with some inspiration and motivation - The 4-Hour Workweek.

      2. This guy is a genius (http://www.johnmyatt.com/index.htm)

    • 白天紐約、黑夜巴黎
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛N年前就看过的文章,今晚又找出来,再读一遍。。。
      【王文华/文】 【 2005/12/28 联合报】









      我曾热烈拥抱这种生活,并着迷于这种因为烧烤成功而冒出的焦虑。这种焦虑让我坐在椅子边缘,以便迅速地跳起来闪躲明枪暗箭。这种警觉性让我练就了酒量和胆量、抗压性和厚脸皮。但也养成了偏执和倔强、优越感和势利眼。在纽约时我深信:能在这里活下来的,都是可敬的对手。黯然离开的,统统是输家。人生任何事,绝对要坚持到底。半途而废的,必定有隐疾。在这不睡的城市,每天我醒来,带着人定胜天的活力,跟着法兰克辛纳屈唱〈纽约 ?纽约〉:「如果你能在纽约成功,你可以在任何地方











      讲到吃,法国有三百种起司、光是波尔多就有五十七个酒的产区。晚上六点朝咖啡厅门口一坐,一杯红酒就可以聊三个小时。九点再去吃晚餐,一直吃到隔天凌晨。他们在吃上所花的时间,跟我们上班时数一样。但讽刺的是:他们没有「All You Can Eat」。










      这样的生活,对美国或台湾人来说,实在是太颓废了。的确也是。法国失业率接近10% ,高税率让雇主宁愿打烊休息,免得帮员工缴税。巴黎闹区纸醉金迷,但郊区的少数民族却没有工作机会。这些都是黑暗面,但对于每日被强光烤焦的台湾人,阴暗也许提供了喘息空间。生命的终点都一样,有钱人的丧礼只是比较多人上香。不断的追赶只是提前冲向谢幕,为什么不把时间花在慢慢为生命暖场?你不需要一辈子鞠躬尽瘁、死而后已。你可以偶尔伸伸懒腰、安步当车。

      我从巴黎回来,台北并没有改变。关了两周的手机再度响起,一通电话找不到我的人会连续狂call十通。和朋友见面,他很关心地问我:「好了,你现在工作也辞了、欧洲也去了,接下来有什么projects ?」




      世界少了我,其实无所谓。但我少了我,还剩什么?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Nature doesn't rush, yet accomplished everything. I love Paris!
        • I do not 100% agree with 王文华, however, Paris is a charming and attrictive city, agreed.
          BTW, when you have a chance, can you delete the post (#61750) above? as I need to finish my lifestyle post, if there is a sub-post replied to it, I cannot modify. I read the first couple of chapters so far, intersting. I can email you the book if you have time.
          • 你在开恳历史最悠久自留地是伐?
          • Check your PM
    • Lights + Faithfully
      周五下午的机场有一点空旷,背上俺的西服袋儿,匆匆忙忙又踏上了onsite 面试的旅程。

      打印boarding pass的时候,屏幕显示座位未定,需要与前台确认。来到Customer Service,"恭喜,你的座位已经被升级到first class". 知道这是面试公司的trick,不过还是很感激。

      一路小憩,landing的时候非常颠簸,外面风很大,还下着雨. 终于要降落了,该死的机长又播发了Journey 的Lights. When the lights go down in the city/And the sun shines on the bay/I want to be there in my city/Ooh, ooh

      公司在AVIS给租了车,出了parking 很快就上了highway,打开radio, 频率set在95。7,the radio for 60, 70s oldies. The city is so beautiful in the night and I am coming back for you,my girl, faithfully

      • Patience is a virtue
        Click, click, click, finally signed offer letter and all rest paper works online.


        拿过一张纸,画一个T account,左边是Pro,右边是Con.
        1. Big pool: (fortune 50)
        2. Culture: encourage internal transfer
        3. Location: beautiful city, Yuppie
        4. More time to do my plan B
        4. Travel: opportunities to travel to Europe and Asia

        1. 和另一个正在进行时的Top IB position相比,钱上至少差了5-6w
        2. will lock in for 5 years

        at the end of the day, it is choice of lifestyle

        What I gained and what I lost? what did NY change me?

        What else? 两年前公司与我是高山,今天狼狈的爬了上来。

        To do list? still have time, need to bike the Manhattan starting from central park and along the biking route.

        What else?很幸运生命里刻下了NY的痕迹, 希望下一次远行是去Paris. 一点点的期望。

        What else?听歌吧。Rosie Thomas, one of my favorite singer from Seattle
        李敖 《然后就去远行》

        花开可要欣赏, 然后就去远行.
        唯有不等花谢, 才能记得花红.
        有酒可要满饮, 然后就去远行.
        唯有不等大醉, 才能觉得微醒.
        有情可要恋爱, 然后就去远行.
        唯有恋得短暂, 才能爱得永恒.
        All The Way To New York City

        I wish I could take you with me
        All the way to New York City
        We could get an apartment there
        Be closer to our families

        We could take my station wagon
        And fill it to the brim
        And wave goodbye to all our lovely friends
        Never to return again

        You could write for picture shows
        And I could get a job waiting tables
        At a restaurant where famous people like to go
        We could buy old overcoats and walk through the snow
        All the way around central park
        Our cheeks as pink as wild roses

        We could take the subway home
        And stare at our reflection in the window panes of the train
        And see how much New York has changed us

    • 好久不見

      陳奕迅 好久不見

      作詞:施立 作曲:陳小霞 編曲:孫偉明/陳珀/C.Y.Kong

      我來到 你的城市 走過你來時的路
      想像著 沒我的日子 你是怎樣的孤獨

      #拿著你 給的照片 熟悉的那一條街
       只是沒了你的畫面 我們回不到那天

      *你會不會忽然的出現 在街角的咖啡店
       我會帶著笑臉 揮手寒喧 和你 坐著聊聊天
       我多麼想和你見一面 看看你最近改變
       不再去說從前 只是寒喧 對你說一句
       只是說一句 好久不見


      • :-)
        • 全世界失眠


          全世界失眠 - 陳奕迅

          作詞:林夕 作曲:陳偉

          想起我不完美 你會不會
          想著你的滋味 我會不會
          把這個枕頭 變得甜美

          想起白天的約會 忘了晚上的咖啡
          只怕感情如潮水 遠離我夢中的堡壘

          一個人失眠 全世界失眠
          無辜的街燈 守候明天
          幸福的失眠 只是因為害怕閉上眼
          如何想你想到六點 如何愛你愛到終點

          想起我的時候 你會不會 好像我一樣不能睡
          想像你的曖昧 我會不會 數不到綿羊 一雙一對

          想起白天的約會 忘了晚上的咖啡
          只怕感情如潮水 遠離我夢中的堡壘

          想起白天的約會 忘了晚上的咖啡
          只怕感情如潮水 遠離我夢中的堡壘

          一個人失眠 全世界失眠
          無辜的街燈 守候明天
          幸福的失眠 只是因為害怕閉上眼 如何想你想到六點

          一個人失眠 全世界失眠
          幸福的失眠 只是因為害怕閉上眼 如何想你想到六點
          如何愛你愛到終點 如何愛你愛到終點

      • Buickregal:好久不见。知道你认识的精英多,突然特别想知道,在你认识的第一代华人移民(接收中国教育的)里,如今奋斗到CFO(非华人圈公司的)有多少?
        • 不包括曾接受过北美大学或研究生教育的。
          • 好久不見. :) 我认识的人很少的,so far我只知道一个国内人大会计毕业的现在做到Big4的tax partner
            • 我知道个来加16年做到四大之一合伙人的,还有个做到上市公司cfo的,都是非华人圈的
              • 山外有山人外有人,老中在北美做的好的山多。真实的认真的做我们自己就好。Agree with me? :)
                • 赞成你的观点。一直在致力于寻找适合自己的道路,如果前辈们走过的坎坷和喜悦能够得以借鉴和参考,那么可以考虑权衡是否需要调整方向或调整步伐.
    • Lunch Break
      天气一天天暖和起来,每天时间也慢慢多了起来。现在的客户公司楼下就是wall街,于是每天如何enjoy lunch break也纳入日程来。


      历史和艺术go hand-in-hand. 旅游就是发掘history and arts of the city的过程. 拿上iphone, put on record and shoot for pictures as you walk is all I need.

      再过几个月,就要move up to下一个客户在第五大道和Central park中间,what else is waiting for me in the midtown? 有一点点的期望。。。

      • Agree. Lunch break is a perfect time to acquaint neighbours. New place, new people, sunshine, ocean view, new surprise......
        • 我以前隔几个月就开车去一大温,很喜欢这个城市
        I thought about your eyes...


        Sometimes I feel so happy
        Sometimes I feel so sad
        Sometimes I feel so happy
        But mostly you just make me mad
        Baby you just make me mad
        Linger on, your pale blue eyes
        Linger on, your pale blue eyes

        Thought of you as my mountain top
        Thought of you as my peak
        Thought of you as everything
        I've had but couldn't keep
        I've had but couldn't keep

        If I could make the world as pure and strange as what I see
        I'd put you in the mirror I put in front of me
        I put in front of me

        Skip a life completely, stuff it in a cup
        She said money is like us in time
        It lies but can't stand up
        Down for you is up

        It was good what we did yesterday
        And I'd do it once again
        The fact that you are married
        Only proves you're my best friend
        But it's truly, truly a sin
        Linger on, your pale blue eyes
        Linger on, your pale blue eyes

        • Traveler's Random Thoughts
          Uberto Eco 说过 “如果有人问我最愿意在哪座外国城市安家,那么我的选择将会有不分伯仲的两座城市:巴黎和纽约。这不仅仅是因为这是两座美丽的城市,而是因为如果要选择一个终老之地,必须确保在那里不会感到牵肠挂肚。而恰恰就在那两座城市里,你从来都不会怀念什么。因为那里应有尽有,又有什么可怀念的呢?在那里,即便足不出户,你也会感觉置身于世界的中心。当你出门的时候,也不需要确定一个目的地,走着走着,总能看见新鲜的东西。”

          每天中午到处出去走走,在身边的旅游者中穿梭,很快大脑就切换到traveler's mind. That is right - Observations, thoughts, and dreams about destinations around the world.

          这两天听NY的歌手比较多,billy joel, Bruce Springsteen, Dave Van Ronk,不知是不是因为NY/NJ生活比较辛苦,纽约的歌手听起来感觉都很沧桑,很蓝领草根的味道,不象seattle的歌手,浸入骨头里的hippie, 一句话,这个世界真神奇.


    • 面试
      昨晚睡得很沉,早上错过了Alarm,结果一睁眼已经7:30了,没时间吃早餐了,冲到面包点拿了两个Bun就上路了。到了client site还有十分种9点,9点有一个面试不能缺席,于是狼吞虎咽将BUN一扫而光。

      拿起昨天打印好的candidate的简历,走进MVP的office, MVP和candidate已经聊了起来。已经和MVP商量好了,他负责behavior question,我问技术问题。

      轮到我提问了,Hmmm, manager in moody's, manager in Ann Taylor, looks solid. 先deep diver 3000 inches throw a low-ball. 结果candidate没catch住。马上上浮到水面问了一个简单的walk the talk question.

      Candidate is a Russian lady, 三两句话就发现推荐她过来的我认识.其实大家拼命把自己族裔的推进来,Jew/Russian 如此,Indian也如此. 模式就是一男的先进来,然后领进3-5个男的,男的先打拼出来然后滚雪球似的女的在把easy job 占上,慢慢在industry/company 就成气候了。This is so called "Together we will win"

      面试结束后MVP问我的opinion, 我当然是客观地小夸了一下. MVP突然又问我" you don't want to work for me? I will hire you in a second."这已经是第三次问我了,只好吱吱呜呜搪塞过去.

      希望有一天我们华裔也能占领最好的行业,最好的公司. Together we will win!


      Waitin' on a sunny day
      - By Bruce Springsteen

      Its rainin but there aint a cloud in the sky
      Must of been a tear from your eye
      Everythingll be okay
      Funny, thought I felt a sweet summer breeze
      Must of been you sighing so deep
      Dont worry were gonna find a way

      Im waitin, waitin on a sunny day
      Gonna chase the clouds away
      Waitin on a sunny day

      Without you, Im workin with the rain fallin down
      Im half a party in a one dog town
      I need you to chase these blues away
      Without you, Im a drummer girl that cant keep a beat
      An ice cream truck on a deserted street
      I hope that youre coming to stay

      Im waitin, waitin on a sunny day
      Gonna chase the clouds away
      Waitin on a sunny day

      Hard times, baby well they come to us all
      Sure as the tickin of the clock on the wall
      Sure as the turnin of the night into day
      Your smile girl, brings the mornin light to my eyes
      Lifts away the bleus when I rise
      I hope that youre coming to stay

      Im waitin, waitin on a sunny day
      Gonna chase the clouds away
      Waitin on a sunny day

      • 今天下午老大到客户这,客户又签了半年,指定俺要在项目上,算下来不到一年俺给老大光从这个客户就挣了快小1球了。俺要是单干,charge一半钱,客户得美坏了。告诉自己不着急不着急。
        • what do you mean by "快小1球了"? :-)
          • sorry,俺们乡下1 Million也叫1个球
            • :)
        • by the way, BUICKREGAL, you are working for one of big 4, right? in addition, from previous postings, I guess you are a SG? correct me if I am wrong. if you choose to ignore my questions, I wouldn't mind. :)
          • You can call me 傻瓜,I don't mind at all.//我得办正经事去鸟。Bye now.
            • I wouldn't call you 傻瓜, you're definiately not. "我得办正经事去鸟" -- let me guess --- Dating? at 6:15 P.M. ( Vancouver time)? :)
    • I love Rock`n`roll

      来到新公司刚刚作完第一个项目。小组成员一个lady从巴黎飞过来的,一个是爱尔兰girl,一个是俄罗斯woman,剩下就是一个台湾女孩儿和我。每天4-5个meetings set to back to back everyday for the whole month. 每天都有故事,这也算是我接受这个Job是没有考虑到的。:D 接下来全球subsidiary projects will start soon. A lot of cities all over the world to pick, should be fun.

      住所和公司开车要穿过雪山,原始森林,和海,每天在高速公路上把音乐开到最大,roll down all the window, enjoy this heavenly weather in the summer. Life is so fun and I'm totally thrilled.

      • I Hate Myself For Loving You
      • Up!
        • Let There Be Love
          Let There Be Love

          Who kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me?
          Who stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams?

          Let there be love
          Let there be love

          I hope the weather is calm as you sail up your heavenly stream
          Suspended clear in the sky are the words that we sing in our dreams

          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love

          Come on Baby Blue
          Shake up your tired eyes
          The world is waiting for you
          May all your dreaming fill the empty sky
          But if it makes you happy
          Keep on clapping
          Just remember I'll be by your side
          And if you don't let go it's gonna pass you by

          Who kicked a hole in the sky so the heavens would cry over me?
          Who stole the soul from the sun in a world come undone at the seams?

          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love
          Let there be love

          • Live Forever
            Live Forever - Oasis

            Maybe I don't really want to know
            How your garden grows
            I just want to fly
            Lately did you ever feel the pain
            In the morning rain
            As it soaks it to the bone

            Maybe I just want to fly
            I want to live I don't want to die
            Maybe I just want to breath
            Maybe I just don't believe
            Maybe you're the same as me
            We see things they'll never see
            You and I are gonna live forever

            Maybe I don't really want to know
            How your garden grows
            I just want to fly
            Lately did you ever feel the pain
            In the morning rain
            As it soaks it to the bone

            Maybe I will never be
            All the things that I want to be
            But now is not the time to cry
            Now's the time to find out why

            I think you're the same as me
            We see things they'll never see
            You and I are gonna live forever
            We're gonna live forever

            Gonna live forever
            Live forever

            • When You Were Young
              When You Were Young - the killers

              You sit there in your heartache
              Waiting on some beautiful boy to
              To save your from your old ways
              You play forgiveness
              Watch it now, here he comes

              He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
              But he talks like a gentlemen
              Like you imagined when you were young

              Can we climb this mountain
              I don't know
              Higher now than ever before
              I know we can make it if we take it slow
              Let's take it easy
              Easy now, watch it go

              We're burning down the highway skyline
              On the back of a hurricane that started turning
              When you were young
              When you were young

              And sometimes you close your eyes
              And see the place where you Used to live
              When you were young

              They say the devil's water - it ain't so sweet
              You don't have to drink right now
              But you can dip your feet
              Every once in a little while

              You sit there in your heartache
              Waiting on some beautiful boy to
              To save you from your old ways
              You play forgiveness
              Watch it now, here he comes

              He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
              But he talks like a gentlemen
              Like you imagined when you were young
              When you were young

              I said he doesn't look a thing like Jesus
              He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
              But more than you'll ever know

              • Long time traveler
                The wailin' jennys - long time traveller

                These fleeting charms of earth
                Farewell, your springs of joy are dry
                My soul now seeks another home
                A brighter world on high

                I'm a long time travelling here below
                I'm a long time travelling away from home
                I'm a long time travelling here below
                To lay this body down

                Farewell kind friends whose tender care
                Has long engaged my love
                Your fond embrace I now exchange
                For better friends above

                I'm a long time travelling here below
                I'm a long time travelling away from home
                I'm a long time travelling here below
                To lay this body down...

                • calls me home
                  After so many years, I still love "Grey's Anatomy" so much. It can only happen is Seattle, even it is fake. Love it,love it.

                  'calls me home' by shannon labrie

                  It’s funny how
                  The walk of life
                  Can take you down
                  Without a fight

                  So many years
                  Can leave behind
                  Regretfully until it’s time
                  To realize the moment
                  When you turn around.

                  I‘m coming home
                  To breathe again,
                  To start again

                  I’m coming home
                  From all the places
                  I have been

                  With nothing
                  But a voice within
                  That calls me…
                  Calls me home

                  Back in the day
                  When I was younger
                  I was so lost and proud

                  I’ve gained the world
                  But it will never
                  Compare to what i've earned

                  In the quiet moment
                  When the earth holds still

                  I‘m coming home
                  To breathe again
                  To start again

                  I’m coming home
                  From all the places
                  I have been

                  With nothing
                  But a voice within
                  That calls me…
                  Calls me home
                  Calls me home

                  I’m coming home
                  To breathe again
                  To start again

                  I‘m coming home
                  To breathe again
                  To start again

                  I’m coming home
                  From all the places
                  I have been

                  With nothing
                  But a voice within
                  That calls me…

                  • Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain
                    Yesterday I got a call from a friend in NY which reminds me of her. I couldn't see you before I left, I hope all is well with you, my friend.

                    Blue Eyes Cryin' in the Rain
                    - Brandi Carlile

                    In the twilight glow I seen her
                    Blue eyes crying in the rain
                    When we kissed goodbye and parted
                    I knew we'd never meet again
                    Love is like a dying ember
                    And only memories remain
                    And through the ages I'll remember
                    Blue eyes crying in the rain
                    Someday when we meet up yonder
                    We'll stroll hand in hand again
                    In the land that knows no parting
                    Blue eyes crying in the rain

                    • Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
                      Mama Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys

                      Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
                      Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks.
                      Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such.
                      Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
                      'Cos they'll never stay home and they're always alone.
                      Even with someone they love.

                      Cowboys ain't easy to love and they're harder to hold.
                      They'd rather give you a song than diamonds or gold.
                      Lonestar belt buckles and old faded levis,
                      And each night begins a new day.
                      If you don't understand him, an' he don't die young,
                      He'll prob'ly just ride away.

                      Cowboys like smokey old pool rooms and clear mountain mornings,
                      Little warm puppies and children and girls of the night.
                      Them that don't know him won't like him and them that do,
                      Sometimes won't know how to take him.
                      He ain't wrong, he's just different but his pride won't let him,
                      Do things to make you think he's right.

                      Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
                      Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks.
                      Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such.
                      Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
                      'Cos they'll never stay home and they're always alone.
                      Even with someone they love.

                      • Save part of yourself
                        The sun came up and five years gone
                        Life goes on, yes life goes on
                        I hope you caught up with your dreams
                        I hope you saved part of yourself
                        for me

                        Save part of yourself

                        The sun comes up and five years gone
                        Life goes on ,life goes on
                        I wonder how you're gettin' by
                        The sun goes down and I feel blue
                        Now I toss 'cause my minds on you
                        I kind of miss your broken smile

                        Save part of yourself for me
                        Won't you save part of yourself for me

                        I remember you and me
                        Lost and young dumb and free
                        Unaware of years to come
                        Just a whisper in the dark
                        On the pavement in the park
                        You taught me how to love someone

                        When we walk into the sun
                        Or burn below for what we've done
                        Will you still call out for me
                        Turn to light or fade to black
                        Don't look back, no you don't look back
                        and what you might not wanna see

                        Save part of yourself for me
                        Won't you save part of yourself for me

                        The sun came up and five years gone
                        Life goes on, yes life goes on
                        I hope you caught up with your dreams
                        I hope you saved part of yourself
                        for me

                        • Hard Way Home
                          Hard Way Home

                          I sometimes lose my faith in luck
                          I don't know what I want to be when I grow up
                          I just count the rain
                          Wearing the floor through the boards again
                          I wish I could find a soul to steal
                          I could be the engine, you could be the wheel
                          When we're driving home, I never have to worry about being alone

                          Oooh, I follow my tracks
                          See all the times I should have turned back
                          Oooh, I wept alone
                          I know what it means to be on my own
                          Oooh, the things I have known
                          Looks like I'm taking the hard way home
                          Oooh, the seeds I've sown
                          Taking the hard way home
                          Taking the hard way home

                          I never did learn how to follow the rules
                          I never was good at sleeping while the moon was full
                          I just lie and burn
                          Wreck my mind while the planet turns
                          I sometimes wish I could start again
                          I'd try and do the right things every now and then
                          I'd step in line
                          That's what I would do if I could turn back time

                          Oooh, follow my tracks
                          See all the times I should have turned back
                          Oooh, I wept alone
                          I know what it means to be on my own
                          Oooh, the things I have known
                          Looks like I'm taking the hard way home
                          Oooh, the seeds I've sown
                          Taking the hard way home
                          Taking the hard way home


                          I tell you how I want to live
                          Forget about the take
                          Forget about the give
                          I want to leave this town
                          Fake my death and never be found

                          Oooh, follow my tracks
                          See all the times I should have turned back
                          Oooh, I wept alone
                          I know what it means to be on my own
                          Oooh, the things I have known
                          Looks like I'm taking the hard way home
                          Oooh, the seeds I've sown
                          Taking the hard way home
                          Taking the hard way home

                          I sometimes lose my faith in luck
                          I don't know what I want to be when I grow up
                          I just count the rain
                          Wearing the floor through the boards again
                          I wish I could find a soul to steal
                          I could be the engine, you could be the wheel
                          When we're driving home, I never have to worry about being alone

                          Oooh, the things I have known
                          Looks like I'm taking the hard way home
                          Oooh, the seeds I've sown
                          Taking the hard way home
                          Taking the hard way home
                          Taking the hard way home

                          • A Song For You
                            Leon Russell - A Song For You

                            I've been so many places
                            In my life and time
                            I've sung a lot of songs
                            I've made some bad rhyme
                            I've acted out my love in stages
                            With ten thousand people watching
                            But we're alone now and
                            I'm singing this song for you

                            I know your image of me
                            Is what I hope to be
                            I've treated you unkindly
                            But darlin' can't you see
                            There's no one more important to me
                            Darlin' can't you please see through me
                            Cause we're alone now and
                            I'm singing this song for you


                            You taught me precious secrets
                            Of the truth with holding nothing
                            You came out in front and I was hiding
                            But now I'm so much better
                            And if my words don't come together
                            Listen to the melody
                            Cause my love is in there hiding

                            [Verse 3]

                            I love you in a place
                            Where there's no space or time
                            I love you for in my life
                            You are a friend of mine
                            And when my life is over
                            Remember when we were together
                            We were alone and
                            I was singing this song for you

                            [Repeat chorus and verse 3]

                            We were alone and
                            I was singing this song for you

                            • Goodbye Stranger
                              Heard it from The Mountain on the way back home. Very cool song and the motocycle.
                              Supertramp - Goodbye Stranger

                              It was an early morning yesterday
                              I was up before the dawn
                              And I really have enjoyed my stay
                              But I must be moving on

                              Like a king without a castle
                              Like a queen without a throne
                              I'm an early morning lover
                              And I must be moving on

                              Now I believe in what you say
                              Is the undisputed truth
                              But I have to have things my own way
                              To keep me in my youth

                              Like a ship without an achor
                              Like a slave without a chain
                              Just the thought of those sweet ladies
                              Sends a shiver through my veins

                              And I will go on shining
                              Shining like brand new
                              I'll never look behind me
                              My troubles will be few

                              Goodbye stranger it's been nice
                              Hope you find your paradise
                              Tried to see your point of view
                              Hope your dreams will all come true
                              Goodbye Mary, Goodbye Jane
                              Will we ever meet again
                              Feel no sorrow, feel no shame
                              Come tomorrow, feel no pain

                              Now some they do and some they don't
                              And some you just can't tell
                              And some they will and some they won't
                              With some it's just as well

                              You can laugh at my behavior
                              That'll never bother me
                              Say the devil is my savior
                              But I don't pay no heed

                              And I will go on shining
                              Shining like brand new
                              I'll never look behind me
                              My troubles will be few

                              Goodbye stranger it's been nice
                              Hope you find your paradise
                              Tried to see your point of view
                              Hope your dreams will all come true
                              Goodbye Mary, Goodbye Jane
                              Will we ever meet again
                              Feel no sorrow, feel no shame
                              Come tomorrow, feel no pain

    • When a Heart Breaks
      Almost 7pm. By the time I left office today, my brain has stopped functioning. Jumped into the car, riding all the way back.

      Turned on computer, suddenly an amazon "day of the deal" caught my eyes - V-MODA Crossfade LP Over-Ear Noise-Isolating Metal Headphone. $79.95, what a great price. I still remember when I was on NY subway and a guy wearing this earphone, it is so bloody fashion and sexy. In 3 minutes, I put the order and turn on the radio "When a Heart Breaks" starting to work out. In 30 minutes, I am fully recovered.

      • We Are Young
        • Carry On
          Carry On

          Well I woke up to the sound of silence
          the cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight
          and I found you with a bottle of wine
          your head in the curtains
          and heart like the Fourth of July

          You swore and said
          "We are not
          We are not shining stars"
          This I know
          I never said we are

          Though I've never been through hell like that
          I've closed enough windows
          to know you can never look back

          If you're lost and alone
          Or you're sinking like a stone
          Carry on
          May your past be the sound
          Of your feet upon the ground
          Carry on

          Carry on, carry on

          So I met up with some friends
          at the edge of the night
          At a bar off 75
          And we talked and talked
          about how our parents will die
          All our neighbours and wives

          But I like to think
          I can cheat it all
          To make up for the times I've been cheated on
          And it's nice to know
          When I was left for dead
          I was found and now I don't roam these streets
          I am not the ghost you are to me

          If you're lost and alone
          Or you're sinking like a stone
          Carry on
          May your past be the sound
          Of your feet upon the ground
          Carry on

          My head is on fire
          But my legs are fine
          After all they are mine
          Lay your clothes down on the floor
          Close the door
          Hold the phone
          Show me how
          No one’s ever gonna stop us now

          Cause we are
          We are shining stars
          We are invincible
          We are who we are
          On our darkest day
          When we’re miles away
          Sun will come
          We will find our way home

          If you're lost and alone
          Or you're sinking like a stone
          Carry on
          May your past be the sound
          Of your feet upon the ground
          Carry on

          Carry on, carry on

          • Somebody That I Used To Know
            Got email from Amazon that my V-moda is on the way, cannot wait to burn it in. Rock on!!

            My friend, I still haven't heard from you today, what'up?!
            Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye featuring Kimbra

            Now and then I think of when we were together
            Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
            Told myself that you were right for me
            But felt so lonely in your company
            But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

            You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
            Like resignation to the end, always the end
            So when we found that we could not make sense
            Well you said that we would still be friends
            But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over

            But you didn't have to cut me off
            Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
            And I don't even need your love
            But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
            No you didn't have to stoop so low
            Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
            I guess that I don't need that though
            Now you're just somebody that I used to know

            Now you're just somebody that I used to know
            Now you're just somebody that I used to know

            Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
            But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
            And I don't wanna live that way
            Reading into every word you say
            You said that you could let it go
            And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know

            But you didn't have to cut me off
            Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
            And I don't even need your love
            But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
            And you didn't have to stoop so low
            Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
            I guess that I don't need that though
            Now you're just somebody that I used to know

            (I used to know)
            (Now you're just somebody that I used to know)

            • Some Nights
              I like this NY guy, something in him attracts me.
              Some Nights

              Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck
              Some nights, I call it a draw

              Some nights, I wish that my lips could build a castle
              Some nights, I wish they'd just fall off

              But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
              Oh Lord, I'm still not sure, what I stand for oh oh oh
              What do I stand for? Oh what do I stand for?
              Most nights, I don't know anymore
              Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh oh
              Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa oh oh

              This is it, boys, this is war, what are we waiting for?
              Why don't we break the rules already?
              I was never one to believe the hype,
              Save that for the black and white I try twice as hard and I'm half as liked,
              But here they come again to jack my style

              That's alright, I found a martyr in my bed tonight
              Stops my bones from wondering just who I, who I, who I am, oh who am I, mm, mm

              Well some nights, I wish that this all would end
              'Cause I could use some friends for a change
              And some nights, I'm scared you'll forget me again
              Some nights, I always win, I always win

              But I still wake up, I still see your ghost
              Oh Lord, I'm still not sure what I stand for, oh
              What do I stand for? Oh what do I stand for? Most nights, I don't know (come on)

              So this is it? I sold my soul for this?
              Washed my hands of that for this?
              I miss my mom and dad for this?
              No. When I see stars, when I see stars, that's all they are
              When I hear songs, they sound like a swan, so come on
              Oh, come on, oh, come on, oh come on!

              Well that is it, guys, that is all, five minutes in and I'm bored again
              Ten years of this, I'm not sure if anybody understands
              This is not one for the folks at home, I'm sorry to leave, mom, I had to go
              Who the fuck wants to die alone all dried up in the desert sun?
              My heart is breaking for my sister and the con that she called "love"
              But when I look into my nephew's eyes,
              Man you wouldn't believe, the most amazing things, that can come from,
              Some terrible nights, ah (oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa, oh oh)

              Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa, oh oh
              Oh whoa, oh whoa, oh whoa, oh oh

              The other night, you wouldn't believe the dream I just had about you and me
              I called you up, but we'd both agree
              It's for the best you didn't listen
              It's for the best we get our distance, oh
              It's for the best you didn't listen
              It's for the best we get our distance, oh

    • 长周末
      时间是最大的敌人。六月开始新的工作开始,一晃3个月过去了。刚刚完成了第二个项目。原定下两个项目要去法国和意大利各去一个月,上周突然CEO空降给我们部门大老板一个2-3个月的项目,大老板很紧张,急忙从新shuffle resource allocation. 我幸福/不幸福地被抽点到项目上。这是一个Highly visible project. 7-8个business groups都非常关注最后的结果,我抽空看了一下要cover的areas, it will be a very stressful project. 我的老大已经放话了:这个周末啥也不要做,好好放松,下周要马不停蹄车轮般地interview N多人。so long 巴黎,so long 罗马,明年再会了。

      公司里聪明人非常多容纳了来自世界各地顶级的人才。做第一个项目时,曾经和一个group的group manager面谈,她长的很象yahoo的新CEO Marissa Mayer,人非常sharp with sense of humor。她的办公室有游戏机,当着我们的面达游戏时就象一个孩子,后来同事告诉我她是3年前从HBS毕业的。第一个项目完了team has morale event, we went to beach for kayak, boating and wall climbing,和我分在一个组的一个girl 刚丛wharton MBA 毕业 and another girl is from another top MBA and did intern at 大摩。慢慢地发现公司每个人都有着闪亮的背景,每天和这样的一群打交道压力很大因为公司的哲学是 it will eat you up and spit you out. You have to compete with your peer all the time and the low performer will be kicked out. 但是每一天你都会从别人那里学他们的长处make yourself stronger.

      所在公司的部门要接触到公司的各个方面,我所在的组更是如此,直接接触到core business and have to interact with lot of middle management every day.第一个项目做下来我们的meeting tracker记录了
      共接触了80多个middle to upper management, learn the business knowledge from them, at the end of the project, I feel I am on the way to be the SME of the industry.

      每天工作很忙,很多时候根本没有时间去思考更多的是执行,这时最重要的是要true to myself, 每天真实的面对自己的内心。前两天和my direct manager to discuss FY13 commitment. The company encourages employee to transfer out to other dept. within company after 2 years. Now it is the time to really think about the next step.

      Motion creates motion. 现在是九月了,我的Plan B还没有kick off.周末打打网球听听音乐就过去了。忙过了到新公司的最初2-3个月,现在应该是change the gear, dust off the plan and go execute的时候了。With my current load,I still have bandwidth to stretch. 从NY的lifestyle transition 过来2-3 个月应该是足够了。这个长周末要把每天时间表定下来。

      My friend, I will never forget you. My plan B, I will never forget you.

      • The Top
        This guy definitely has talent. I want to see him live on day, cool dance, very insane!

        • Darling, It's Alright
          • Baby I'm-a Want You
            In exactly a week, I will see you again...Baby

            Bread - Baby I'm-a Want You

            Baby, I'm-a want you
            Baby, I'm-a need you
            You're the only one I care enough to hurt about
            Maybe I'm-a crazy
            But I just can't live without...

            Your lovin' and affection
            Givin' me direction
            Like a guiding light to help me through my darkest hour
            Lately I'm a-prayin'
            That you'll always be a-stayin' beside me

            Used to be my life was just emotions passing by
            Feeling all the while and never really knowing why...

            Lately I'm a-prayin'
            That you'll always be a-stayin' beside me.

            Used to be my life was just emotions passing by
            Then you came along and made me laugh
            And made me cry
            You taught me why...

            Baby, I'm-a want you
            Baby, I'm-a need you

            Oh, it took so long to find you, baby

            Baby, I'm-a want you
            Baby, I'm-a need you

            • I'D LOVE YOU TO WANT ME
              LOBO - I'D LOVE YOU TO WANT ME

              When I saw you standing there
              I about fell off my chair
              When you moved your mouth to speak
              I felt the blood go to my feet

              Now it took time for me to know
              What you tried so not to show
              Something in my soul just cried
              I see the want in your blue eyes

              Chorus :

              Baby, I'd love you to want me
              The way that I want you
              The way that it should be
              Baby, you'd love me to want you
              The way that I want to
              If you'd only let it be

              You told yourself years ago
              You'd never let your feelings show
              The obligation that you made
              For the title that they gave

      • 物竞天择,适者生存。//天使的嗓音,演绎哀怨愤怒么,后悔听了这首歌。。。
        • 贴一首澳大利亚歌手的歌,这个歌手很有自己特点。video says everything. 有时候忙起来时就想video里的guy一样,特想traveling out. We all need to be true to ourselves, and 每天真实的面对自己的内心, 洗涤沾满灰尘的灵魂. BTW,戴bass耳机听效果会好一些。
          Gotye - Easy Way Out

          Seventeen seconds and I'm over it
          Ready for the disconnect
          Putting on a brave face
          Trying not to listen
          To the voices in the back of my head

          But it's alright now
          (It's a distant memory baby)
          Alright now
          (You know you should just let it go)

          Some feelings have a habit of persisting
          Even though you wouldn't let it show

          Wearing me out
          (All this)
          Hanging around
          (It just starts)
          Getting me down
          (Till I'm just)
          Looking for an easy way out

          Brain-dead from boredom
          I'm led to distraction
          Scratching the surface of life
          Nothing really happens
          But it's easy to keep busy
          When you tell yourself you're traveling right

          But it's alright now
          (Was it really worth it baby?)
          Alright now
          (Was it just a waste of time?)

          Keep on second-guessing
          Use my memory like a weapon
          On everything I try

          Wearing me out
          (All this)
          Hanging around
          (It just starts)
          Getting me down
          (Till I'm just)
          Looking for an easy way out

          Wearing me out
          (But it's alright now)
          Hanging around
          (Alright now)
          Getting me down
          (But it's alright now)
          Looking for an easy way out

          • A Whiter Shade of Pale
          • Video很酷!歌么,还是属于“负能量”,幸存者有easy way out么?身在地狱能灭火么?活在人间能没有时间么?所幸,人还是有主观能动性的,还是可以改变的,
            我这半辈子对自己最骄傲的事就是“be true to myself", 这两年最快乐又最不快乐的事就是“vacation expense becomes a necessity",一旦上瘾,后果严重啊!呵呵,帮你加加油,给你点正能量。
            • 俺现在一切都在预定的轨道,最近3-5年要做的事就那么几件,希望全力以赴将其作好。不过还是要谢谢你的正能量。希望你也一切顺利。

              俺今年加入公司碰巧时机是一个对公司未来十年的走向非常关键的一年。每天和各个部门打交道,感觉Everyone is pumped. LOL
      • Feels So Good
        I haven't listened to this song for so long, it is really good to hear it again. Feels so good
        Chuck Mangione - Feels So Good

        There's no place for me to hide
        The thoughts of all the times I've cried
        And felt this pain that I have known
        Because I needed just to hear that special something
        And then one day
        You just appeared
        You said, "Hello, let's make love along the way"
        Your name is music to my heart
        I'll always really love you

        Feels so good when I'm with you
        I can't believe you love me too

        With you it feels like it should feel
        Feels so good let's make a deal

        I'll trade my baseball cards for you
        Now I believe that dreams come true

        With you my smile sticks all the time
        With you the sun will always shine

    • October

      Rosie Thomas October

      Make her a flower
      In late December when the
      Sun is not shining on her
      Write her a love song and
      Play it all day long to remind her
      All that she is worth

      But never never leave her

      Take her on long drives for
      Ice cream by sea sides and
      Give her your coat when she is cold
      Tell her you miss her when you're
      Close enough to kiss her and that
      You'd walk a thousand miles to tell her so

      But never never leave her

      Take photographs of her on
      Brooklyn street in October
      When her nervous smile is slightly curved
      Some days when she is slightly down
      Tell her it's okay to frown
      It makes you just fall more in love with her

      But never never never never leave her

      • October


        • And It Stoned Me
          What a song. 今年的夏天特别地长而且干,Finally the rain is coming back. the beautiful rain.
          Oh, the water, Let it run all over me
          Van Morrison - And It Stoned Me

          Half a mile from the county fair
          And the rain came pourin' down
          Me and Billy standin' there
          With a silver half a crown
          Hands are full of a fishin' rod
          And the tackle on our backs
          We just stood there gettin' wet
          With our backs against the fence

          Oh, the water
          Oh, the water
          Oh, the water
          Hope it don't rain all day

          And it stoned me to my soul
          Stoned me just like Jelly Roll
          And it stoned me
          And it stoned me to my soul
          Stoned me just like goin' home
          And it stoned me

          Then the rain let up and the sun came up
          And we were gettin' dry
          Almost let a pick-up truck nearly pass us by
          So we jumped right in and the driver grinned
          And he dropped us up the road
          We looked at the swim and we jumped right in
          Not to mention fishing poles

          Oh, the water
          Oh, the water
          Oh, the water
          Let it run all over me


          On the way back home we sang a song
          But our throats were getting dry
          Then we saw the man from across the road
          With the sunshine in his eyes
          Well he lived all alone in his own little home
          With a great big gallon jar
          There were bottles too, one for me and you
          And he said Hey! There you are

          Oh, the water
          Oh, the water
          Oh, the water
          Get it myself from the mountain stream


          • Carry On Wayward Son
            One more week to finish the project, what a beast! it is a great feeling to nail it down.

            Carry On Wayward Son

            Carry on my wayward son
            There'll be peace when you are done
            Lay your weary head to rest
            Don't you cry no more

            Once I rose above the noise and confusion
            Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
            I was soaring ever higher
            But I flew too high

            Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man
            Though my mind could think I still was a mad man
            I hear the voices when I'm dreaming
            I can hear them say


            Masquerading as a man with a reason
            My charade is the event of the season
            And if I claim to be a wise man, well
            It surely means that I don't know

            On a stormy sea of moving emotion
            Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean
            I set a course for winds of fortune
            But I hear the voices say

            No! (Instrumental break)

            Carry on, you will always remember
            Carry on, nothing equals the splendor
            Now your life's no longer empty
            Surely heaven waits for you

            Carry on my wayward son
            There'll be peace when you are done
            Lay your weary head to rest
            Don't you cry, don’t you cry no more… no more

            • The Ocean
              Singing in the sunshine, laughing in the rain.
              Hitting on the moonshine, rocking in the brain.
              Got no time to pack my bag, my foots outside the door.
              Got a date, can't be late for the high hopes hailla ball.


              Led Zeppelin | The Ocean

              [Count-In: John Bonham] - "We've done four already but now we're steady
              and then they went: One, two, three, four"

              Singing in the sunshine, laughing in the rain.
              Hitting on the moonshine, rocking in the brain.
              Got no time to pack my bag, my foots outside the door.
              Got a date, can't be late for the high hopes hailla ball.

              Singing to an ocean, I can hear the ocean's roar.
              Play for free, play for me and play a whole lot more.
              Singing about the good things and the sun that lights the day.
              I used to sing on the mountains, has the ocean lost its way.

              Oh Yeah...

              I don't know

              na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
              na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na
              na na na na na na na na

              Sitting round singing songs 'til the night turns into day.
              Used to sing on the mountains but the mountains washed away.
              Now I'm singing all my songs to the girl who won my heart.
              She is only three years old and it's a real fine way to start.

              Oh yeah.

              It sure is fine.

              Blow my mind.

              When the tears are going down.

              Yeah, Yeah.

              Oh so good.

        • .
          Yours' good news is on the way soon,I believe
          • Thanks Puamliu! what I need is to do things I like and everything else comes to me naturally along the way.
    • Be Tou My visioin
      周五是在Project的最后一天,其实还有一些left over,所以team里两个人extend了两个星期,俺move on下一个Project鸟。
      Your work speaks for you. At the end of the day, if ppl care about one thing and only one thing, it is the quality of your work. If you have a charming personality, that's how you won the respect from team members.

      Be Tou My visioin

      Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
      Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
      Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
      Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

      Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
      I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
      Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
      Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

      Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
      Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
      Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
      Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

      Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
      Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
      Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
      High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

      High King of Heaven, my victory won,
      May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
      Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
      Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

      Words: Dallan Forgail (8th Century)

      • Expression
        • Tip-toe dancer
          Tip-toe dancer -- Karen Marie Garrett

          This CD is what you want to bring with you when you travel

          • Lake Ewok Muse
            • For the Beauty of the Earth
              For the Beauty of the Earth - Jon Schmidt

              • Valse Frontenac
                George Winston - Valse Frontenac

                • I Do
                  To you & for you
                  Jon Schmidt & Neal Middleton - I Do

                  Last night, in the quiet
                  when our day was through
                  I listened, to you sleeping
                  and stayed awake by you
                  and softly, through the evening
                  there I spoke your name
                  and told you, all the feelings
                  I've had

                  I sometimes, see you sitting
                  by the window in the hall
                  or laughing, with the children
                  at the little things you saw
                  and lately, I've been wondering
                  if it's all I can do
                  to hold you and to show you
                  I do

                  My promise is forever with you

                  And lately, I've been wondering
                  if it's all I can do my promise
                  is forever with you

                  My promise is forever
                  "I do."

                  • Love Story Meets Viva la Vida
                    • Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
                      David Nevue - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

                      • Be still my soul
                        • Overcome
                          • Greensleeves
                            • Think of You
                              A Fine Frenzy - Think of You

                              It's one hundred and nine degrees in this crowded room
                              No room to breathe with walls as cold as a gallery
                              This is no place for me
                              Such hard faces in smoke
                              The smell lingers in my clothes
                              It's a bad night to be alone
                              But that's the way it goes

                              And I think of you whenever life gets me down
                              I think of you whenever you're not around
                              And you rest your bones
                              Somewhere far from my house
                              Yeah, but you still pull me home

                              I thought I had it figured out in a brand new life
                              With a great big house
                              And green initials on the towels
                              I should be happy now
                              Well, you got yourself a family
                              And you planted roots down by the sea
                              I saw you once on the street
                              You didn't notice me

                              But I think of you whenever life gets me down
                              I think of you whenever you're not around
                              You rest your bones
                              Somewhere far from my house
                              Yeah, but you still pull me home

                              Just to put your mind at ease
                              You don't owe me anything
                              You paid me well in memories

                              And I think of you whenever life gets me down
                              I think of you whenever you're not around
                              And you rest your bones
                              Somewhere far from my house
                              Yeah, but you still pull me home
                              You still pull me home
                              You still pull me home

                              • No Envy, No Fear
                                Joshua Radin - No Envy, No Fear

                                Some are reaching, few are there
                                Want to reign from a hero's chair
                                Some are scared to fly so high
                                Well this is how we have to try

                                Have no envy and no fear
                                Have no envy and no fear

                                Brother brother we all see
                                Your hiding out so painfully
                                See yourself come out to play
                                A lover's rain will wash away

                                Your envy and your fear
                                So have no envy and no fear

                                When your sister turns to leave
                                Only when she's most in need
                                Take away the cause of pain
                                By showing her we're all the same

                                Have no envy and no fear
                                Have no envy and no fear

                                Every day we try to find
                                Search our hearts and our minds
                                The place we used to call our home
                                Can't be found when we're alone

                                So have no envy and no fear
                                Have no envy and no fear

    • Baby Hold On
      刚从costco回来,一片节日气氛。前两天和一个朋友吃饭,知道公司的trading room原来就在我们楼旁边,每天billion dollars in and out. 看来过些日子有必要去那边转转了。

      再过一周就马放南山,全面进入holiday mood, take rest and enjoy the time with people around. 来年再buckle up, ride another journey.

      Baby hold on to me
      Whatever will be , will be
      The future is ours to see
      So baby hold on to me

      Eddie Money - Baby Hold On

      Baby hold on to me
      Whatever will be, will be
      The future is ours to see
      So baby hold on to me
      Baby, what's these things You've been sayin'
      About me behind my back
      Is it true you might want a better life
      Is it true you think
      These things are lies, now
      Think about it baby
      I'm gonna take you to the top
      So baby hold on to me
      Whatever will be, will be
      The future is ours to see
      When you hold on to me
      Hey-hey baby
      You know the future's lookin' brighter
      Every morning' when i get up
      Don't be thinkin' 'bout what's not enough, now baby
      Just be thinkin' 'bout what we got
      Think of all my love, now
      I'm gonna give you all I got
      So baby hold on to me
      Whatever will be, will be
      The future is our to see
      When you hold on to me
      Oh-oh, rich man, poor man, now
      Really don't mean all that much
      Mama's always told you, girl
      That money can't buy you love
      So baby hold on to me
      Whatever will be, will be
      The future is ours to see
      When you hold on to me
      Yeah, eh
      Baby hold on to me
      Whatever will be, will be
      The future is ours to see
      When you hold on to me
      I say, uh, hold on
      Uh- hu, hold on to me tighter
      I'm never gonna leave ya now
      Can't you please belive now
      Never gonna let you go
      So hold on to me tighter
      Baby hold on to me
      Whatever will be , will be
      The future is ours to see
      When you hold on to me
      (Baby) baby hold on to me
      (Baby) whatever will be , will be
      (Baby) the future is ours to see
      (Baby) when you hold on to me
      Hold on

      • Keys to the Heart
        • Everlasting Love
          Danny Wright - Everlasting Love

          • Love Is
            • I've Seen all Good People
              Yes - I've Seen all Good People

              I've seen all good people turn their heads each day so satisfied I'm on my way
              I've seen all good people turn their heads each day so satisfied I'm on my way

              Take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life
              Make the white queen run so fast she hasn't got time to make you a wife

              'Cause it's time is time in time with your time and
              its news is captured...for the queen to use!
              Move me on to any black square
              Use me anytime you want
              Just remember that the goal
              Is for us all to capture all we want
              (Move me on to any black square)

              Don't surround yourself with yourself
              Move on back two squares
              Send an instant karma to me
              Initial it with loving care
              (Don't surround yourself)

              'Cause it's time is time in time with your time and
              its news is captured...for the queen to use!

              Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda
              Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda
              (Don't surround yourself with yourself)

              Don't surround yourself with yourself
              (Don't surround yourself)
              Move on back two squares
              Send an instant karma to me
              (Send an instant karma to me)
              Initial it with loving care
              (Don't surround yourself)

              'Cause it's time is time in time with your time and
              its news is captured...for the queen to use!

              Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda (All we are saying)
              Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda (Is give peace a chance)
              Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda (All we are saying)
              Diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit diddit didda (Is give peace a chance

              'Cause it's time is time in time with your time and
              its news is captured...

              [II All Good People]

              I've seen all good people turn their heads each day
              So satisfied I'm on my way

              I've seen all good people turn their heads each day
              So satisfied I'm on my way...

              • somebody to love
                Queen - somebody to love

                Can.. (anybody find me somebody to love?)

                Each morning I get up, I die a little
                Can't barely stand on my feet
                Take a look in the mirror and cry
                (Take a look at yourself, in the mirror, and cry! Yeah, yeah)
                Lord what you're doing to me
                I have spent all my years in believing you
                (ooh, ooh believing you)
                But I just can't get no relief, Lord!
                (I just can't get no relief, Lord!)

                Somebody, (somebody), ooh somebody (somebody)
                Can anybody find me -
                (anybody find me)
                Somebody to love?

                I work (he works hard) every day of my life
                I work till I ache my bones
                At the end (At the end of the day)
                I take home
                my hard earned pay all on my own
                (goes home, goes home on his own)
                I get down (down) on my knees (knees)
                And I start to pray (praise the Lord!)
                Till the tears run down from my eyes, Lord!
                (ooh, ooh, ooh Lord!)

                Somebody (somebody), ooh somebody! (please)
                Can anybody find me -
                (Can anybody find me)
                Somebody to loooooooove?

                (He works hard)
                Everyday (everyday)
                And I try and I try and I try
                (I try and I try and I try)
                But everybody wants to put me down
                They say I'm goin' crazy
                They say I got a lot of water in my brain
                I got no common sense
                I got nobody left to believe
                (He's got nobody left to believe)
                (Yeah yeah yeah yeah)

                (Ooh, Lord)
                Oh Somebody, ooh (somebody)
                Anybody find me
                (Anybody find me)
                Somebody to love?
                (Can, anybody, find me, someone to love?)

                Got no feel, I got no rhythm
                I just keep losing my beat (you just keep losing, and losing)
                I'm ok, I'm alright (he's alright, he's alright)
                I ain't gonna face no defeat (yeah, yeah)
                I just gotta get out of this prison cell
                (ooh, ooh, this prison cell)
                Some day I'm gonna be free, Lord!
                (One day I'm gonna be free, Lord!)

                (Find me somebody to love)
                (Find me somebody to love)
                oh, oh, oh, oooh
                (Find me somebody to love)
                (Find me somebody to love)
                find me, find me, find me
                (Find me somebody to love)
                (Find me somebody to love)
                (Find me somebody to love)
                ooh find me somebody to love
                (Find me somebody to lo-o-ove)
                (Find me somebody to love)
                (Find me somebody to love)
                (Somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody, find me somebody, find me somebody to love)

                Can anybody find me
                (Can anybody find me)
                Somebody to.... loooovve?

                (Find me, somebody to-o-o love)
                (Find me, somebody to-o-o love)
                Find me somebody, somebody, somebody, somebody to love
                (Find me, somebody to-o-o love)
                Find me, find me, find me, find me, find me, ooooh -
                (Find me, somebody to-o-o love)
                Somebody to looooove oo-oo-oo-ooh
                (Find me, somebody to-o-o love)
                Find me, find me, find me, somebody to love
                (Find me, somebody to-o-o love)
                Anybody, anywhere, anybody find me somebody to love oh, oh, oh, oh
                (Find me, somebody to-o-o love)
                Find me, find me, find me...

                • Renegade
                  Renegade - Styx

                  Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law
                  Lawman has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home
                  Oh mama, I can hear your crying you're so scared and all alone
                  Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don't have very long

                  The jig is up the news is out they've finally found me
                  The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty
                  Never more to go astray
                  This will be the end today of the wanted man

                  Oh mama, I've been years on the lamb and had a high price on my head
                  Lawman said get him dead or alive now it's for sure he'll see me dead
                  Dear mama, I can hear you crying you're so scared and all alone
                  Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don't have very long

                  The jig is up, the news is out they finally found me
                  The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty
                  Never more to go astray
                  The judge'll have revenge today on the wanted man

                  Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law
                  Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don't have very long

                  The jig is up, the news is out they finally found me
                  The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty
                  Never more to go astray
                  This'll be the end today of the wanted man, the wanted man

                  No, no, no, no

                  Oh mama, don't let him take me
                  Oh no, oh no, no, no, no, no, no

                  • VOICES IN THE WIND
                    • Pole
                      • .
                      • RIVER
                        I am a forever fan of Joni Mitchell, I can listen to her music the whole day. So into your soul
                        RIVER ~ JONI MITCHELL

                        It's coming on Christmas
                        They're cutting down trees
                        They're putting up reindeer
                        And singing songs of joy and peace
                        Oh I wish I had a river
                        I could skate away on
                        But it don't snow here
                        It stays pretty green
                        I'm going to make a lot of money
                        Then I'm going to quit this crazy scene
                        I wish I had a river
                        I could skate away on
                        I wish I had a river so long
                        I would teach my feet to fly
                        Oh I wish I had a river
                        I could skate away on
                        I made my baby cry

                        He tried hard to help me
                        You know, he put me at ease
                        And he loved me so naughty
                        Made me weak in the knees
                        Oh I wish I had a river
                        I could skate away on
                        I'm so hard to handle
                        I'm selfish and I'm sad
                        Now I've gone and lost the best baby
                        That I ever had
                        Oh I wish I had a river
                        I could skate away on
                        I wish I had a river so long
                        I would teach my feet to fly
                        Oh I wish I had a river
                        I could skate away on
                        I made my baby say goodbye

                        It's coming on Christmas
                        They're cutting down trees
                        They're putting up reindeer
                        And singing songs of joy and peace
                        I wish I had a river
                        I could skate away on

      今天和老板1:1,结果半个小时谈成了1个小时。俺们公司从去年开始在中国大力开展业务,大量招人,老板有个机会去做Director, 想把俺带过去,工作人在现在俺的city,管理在中国的业务。机会确实很好,关键Director, Senior Director, and GM都是自己人,老板一再追问我要不要TA把具体职位介绍forward给我,俺多次明确表示不想会去,结果这次不用回国工作,被逼无奈,只好告诉TA,你先干吧,俺随后就follow the lead. Oh, home sweet home.

      You know I'm a dreamer
      But my heart's of gold
      I had to run away high
      So I wouldn't come home low

      Just when things went right
      Doesn't mean they were always wrong
      Just take this song and you'll never feel
      Left all alone

      Take me to your heart
      Feel me in your bones
      Just one more night
      And I'm comin' off this
      Long & winding road

      I'm on my way
      I'm on my way
      Home sweet home
      Tonight, tonight
      I'm on my way
      I'm on my way
      Home sweet home

      You know that I've seen
      Too many romantic dreams
      Up in lights, fallin' off the silver screen

      My heart's like an open book
      For the whole world to read
      Sometimes nothing keeps me together at the seams

      I'm on my way
      I'm on my way
      Home sweet home
      Tonight, tonight
      I'm on my way
      Just set me free
      Home Sweet Home
      Home Sweet Home
      Home Sweet Home
      Home Sweet Home

      I'm on my way
      I'm on my way
      Home Sweet Home
      I'm on my way
      Just set me free
      Home Sweet Home

      • Road To Revolution
        Linkin Park - Road To Revolution [Full Concert] HD

        • Queen Live Aid Full Video HQ
          • Christmas is coming in town
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛昨天去一个Choir, and really feel that Christmas is coming in town. Will take a week off from Dec 22 through Jan 2, it is the best of the year, it is the time of the year to be relaxing.

            清晨起来,窗外还是一片漆黑,泡一杯清茶,蜷缩在couch里,带上耳机,打开音乐,打开喜欢的书,偶尔stretch一下略微酸痛的后背。Christmas有好多事要做,前两天从网上找到一个Autobiography & Biography list 可以下载,希望可以找到一本

            Autobiography & Biography: General

            The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World - A. J. Jacobs
            The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible - A. J. Jacobs
            The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates, Rome's Deadliest Enemy - Adrienne Mayor
            Agahta Christie: An Autobiography - Agatha Christie
            The Second Coming of Steve Jobs - Alan Deutschman
            Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think : Reflections by Scientists, Writers, and Philosophers - Alan Grafen, Mark Ridley
            I, Partridge - Alan Partridge
            The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War - Alexander Waugh
            Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood - Alexandra Fuller
            Scribbling the Cat - Alexandra Fuller
            Children of Dust: A Memoir of Pakistan - Ali Eteraz
            The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life - Alice Schroeder
            Confessions of a Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated - Alison Arngrim
            Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - Amy Chua
            Townie: A Memoir - Andre Dubus, Iii
            Keeper: One House, Three Generations, and a Journey Into Alzheimer's - Andrea Gillies
            Party Girl: A Novel - Anna David
            You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up - Annabelle Gurwitch
            Ayn Rand and the World She Made - Anne C. Heller
            Must You Go? - Antonia Fraser
            Straight Life - Art Pepper, Laurie Pepper
            Magical Thinking - Augusten Burroughs
            Running the Books: The Adventures of an Accidental Prison Librarian - Avi Steinberg
            Journals of Ayn Rand - Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, David Harriman
            Rivethead - Ben Hamper
            My Korean Deli: Risking It All for a Convenience Store - Ben Ryder Howe
            Confessions of a GP - Benjamin Daniels
            The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men: Inspiration, Vision, and Purpose in the Quest to End Malaria - Bill Shore
            Cheever: A Life - Blake Bailey
            Flannery: A Life of Flannery O'Connor - Brad Gooch
            The Council of Dads - Bruce Feiler
            The Gates of November - Chaim Potok
            When Broken Glass Floats: Growing Up Under the Khmer Rouge - Chanrithy Him
            What I Learned When I Almost Died - Chris Licht
            Elephant Man - Christine Sparks
            Hitch-22: A Memoir - Christopher Hitchens
            Larry's Kidney: Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China With My Black Sheep Cousin and His Mail-Order Bride, Skirting the Law to Get Him a Transplant--And Save His Life - Daniel Asa Rose
            Zeitoun - Dave Eggers
            Cocaine's Son: A Memoir - Dave Itzkoff
            Bobby Fischer Goes to War: How a Lone American Star Defeated the Soviet Chess Machine - David Edmonds, John Eidinow
            Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip With David Foster Wallace - David Lipsky
            Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity - David Lynch
            Finding Everett Ruess: The Life and Unsolved Disappearance of a Legendary Wilderness Explorer - David Roberts
            Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Addiction - David Sheff
            Every Day by the Sun: A Memoir of the Faulkners of Mississippi - Dean Faulkner Wells
            The Stardust Lounge: Stories From a Boy's Adolescence - Deborah Digges
            Report From Engine Co. 82 - Dennis Smith
            I'm Sorry You Feel That Way: The Astonishing but True Story of a Daughter, Sister, Slut, Wife, Mother, and Friend to Man and Dog - Diana Joseph
            African Laughter - Doris May Lessing
            Two or Three Things I Know for Sure - Dorothy Allison
            Mr. Strangelove: A Biography of Peter Sellers - Ed Sikov
            The Hare With Amber Eyes - Edmund de Waal
            Brother, I'm Dying - Edwidge Danticat
            All Rivers Run to the Sea: Memoirs - Elie Wiesel
            Black Milk - Elif Shafak
            Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace With Marriage - Elizabeth Gilbert
            Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia - Elizabeth Gilbert
            An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination: A Memoir - Elizabeth McCracken
            This Child Will Be Great - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
            Klee Wyck - Emily Carr, Kathryn Bridge
            A Child Al Confino: The True Story of a Jewish Boy and His Mother in Mussolini's Italy - Eric Lamet
            The Freedom Writers Diary - Erin Gruwell, The Freedom Writers
            When I Was Puerto Rican - Esmeralda Santiago
            A Warrior's Life: A Biography of Paulo Coelho - Fernando Morais
            Endgame: Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall - From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness - Frank Brady
            Tis: A Memoir - Frank McCourt
            Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All - Frank Schaeffer
            I Was Vermeer: The Rise and Fall of the Twentieth Century's Greatest Forger - Frank Wynne
            Ecce Homo - Friedrich Nietzsche
            Let's Take the Long Way Home: A Memoir of Friendship - Gail Caldwell
            Mob Star: The Story of John Gotti - Gene Mustain, Jerry Capeci
            A Guest in My Own Country - George Konrad
            The Corfu Trilogy - Gerald Durrell
            Foreign Correspondence: A Pen Pal's Journey From Down Under to All Over - Geraldine Brooks
            The Girls of Room 28: Friendship, Hope, and Survival in Theresienstadt - Hannelore Brenner-Wonschick, Hannelore Brenner
            What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami
            Bitch Is the New Black: A Memoir - Helena Andrews
            Rocket Boys - Homer Hickam
            Sky of Stone - Homer Hickam
            The Coalwood Way - Homer Hickam
            An Anatomy of Addiction: Sigmund Freud, William Halsted, and the Miracle Drug, Cocaine - Howard Markel
            Charles Bukowski: Locked in the Arms of a Crazy Life - Howard Sounes
            The Boy in the Moon: A Father's Search for His Disabled Son - Ian Brown
            Unbillable Hours: A True Story - Ian Graham
            Even Silence Has an End: My Six Years of Captivity in the Colombian Jungle - Ingrid Betancourt
            Hermit in Paris: Autobiographical Writings - Italo Calvino, Martin McLaughlin
            Yesterday, I Cried: Celebrating the Lessons of Living and Loving - Iyanla Vanzant
            Summertime: Scenes From Provincial Life - J. M. Coetzee
            The Tender Bar: A Memoir - J. R. Moehringer
            Gimme Something Better: The Profound, Progressive, and Occasionally Pointless History of Bay Area Punk From Dead Kennedys to Green Day - Jack Boulware, Silke Tudor
            Tokyo Vice: An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan - Jake Adelstein
            A Million Little Pieces - James Frey
            Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print, and Power - James McGrath Morris
            Adland: Searching for the Meaning of Life on a Branded Planet - James P. Othmer
            The Little Prisoner: A Memoir - Jane Elliott, Andrew Crofts
            A Stolen Life: A Memoir - Jaycee Dugard
            Where We Going, Daddy?: Life With Two Sons Unlike Any Other - Jean-Louis Fournier
            The Glass Castle: A Memoir - Jeannette Walls
            The Girls From Ames: A Story of Women and a Forty-Year Friendship - Jeffrey Zaslow
            Woman Who Fell From the Sky - Jennifer Steil
            From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor - Jerry Della Femina, Charles Sopkin
            When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Dead: Useful Stories From a Persuasive Man - Jerry Weintraub
            Some Girls: My Life in a Harem - Jillian Lauren
            The Ledge: An Adventure Story of Friendship and Survival on Mount Rainier - Jim Davidson, Kevin Vaughan
            The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion
            Mentally Incontinent - Joe Peacock
            Almost a Family - John Darnton
            The Sugar King of Havana: The Rise and Fall of Julio Lobo, Cuba's Last Tycoon - John Paul Rathbone
            Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer
            Where Men Win Glory - Jon Krakauer
            Chronic City - Jonathan Lethem
            The Wolf of Wall Street - Jordan Belfort
            Small Memories - José Saramago, Margaret Jull Costa
            Pill Head: The Secret Life of a Painkiller Addict - Joshua Lyon
            A Widow's Story: A Memoir - Joyce Carol Oates
            The Tenth Muse - Judith Jones
            Nothing to Be Frightened Of - Julian Barnes
            Weekends at Bellevue - Julie Holland
            American Rose: A Nation Laid Bare: The Life and Times of Gypsy Rose Lee - Karen Abbott
            An Unquiet Mind - Kay Redfield Jamison
            Nothing Was the Same: A Memoir - Kay Redfield Jamison
            Keith Haring Journals - Keith Haring, Robert Farris Thompson
            Begin Again: A Biography of John Cage - Kenneth Silverman
            J. D. Salinger: A Life - Kenneth Slawenski
            Dirty Little Secrets - Kerry Cohen
            Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker - Kevin Mitnick, Steve Wozniak, William L. Simon
            A Common Pornography: A Memoir - Kevin Sampsell
            The Royals - Kitty Kelley
            Stieg Larsson, My Friend - Kurdo Baksi
            A Man Without a Country - Kurt Vonnegut
            Palm Sunday: An Autobiographical Collage - Kurt Vonnegut
            Somewhere Inside - Laura Ling, Lisa Ling
            Sugar and Spice: An L.A. Candy Novel - Lauren Conrad
            Prayers for Bobby - Leroy Aarons
            The Chronology of Water - Lidia Yuknavitch
            Objects of Our Affection: Uncovering My Family's Past, One Chair, Pistol, and Pickle Fork at a Time - Lisa Tracy
            Breaking Night - Liz Murray
            Proust's Overcoat - Lorenza Foschini, Eric Karpeles
            First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers - Loung Ung
            An Education - Lynn Barber
            Swimming to Antarctica: Tales of a Long-Distance Swimmer - Lynne Cox
            Tip It!: The World According to Maggie - Maggie Griffin
            The Gang That Wouldn't Write Straight: Wolfe, Thompson, Didion, Capote, and the New Journalism Revolution - Marc Weingarten
            American Chica: Two Worlds, One Childhood - Marie Arana
            The Fortunate Pilgrim - Mario Puzo
            Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 1 - Mark Twain
            Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So: A Memoir - Mark Vonnegut
            The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity - Mark Vonnegut
            Travels With Myself and Another - Martha Gellhorn
            The Will of the People: Winston Churchill and Parliamentary Democracy - Martin Gilbert
            Fall to Pieces: A Memoir of Drugs, Rock 'N' Roll, and Mental Illness - Mary Forsberg Weiland, Larkin Warren
            Lit - Mary Karr
            The Cure for Anything Is Salt Water: How I Threw My Life Overboard and Found Happiness at Sea - Mary South
            Two Kisses for Maddy: A Memoir of Loss & Love - Matthew Logelin
            I Love a Broad Margin to My Life - Maxine Hong Kingston
            The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts - Maxine Hong Kingston
            A Song Flung Up to Heaven - Maya Angelou
            Gather Together in My Name - Maya Angelou
            I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
            Letter to My Daughter - Maya Angelou
            Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' Merry Like Christmas - Maya Angelou
            The Heart of a Woman - Maya Angelou
            Then They Came for Me: A Family's Story of Love, Captivity, and Survival - Maziar Bahari, Aimee Molloy
            Every Man in This Village Is a Liar: An Education in War - Megan K. Stack
            This Life Is in Your Hands: One Dream, Sixty Acres, and a Family Undone - Melissa Coleman
            Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia - Michael Korda
            The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game - Michael Lewis
            A Place of My Own: The Architecture of Daydreams - Michael Pollan
            Will Eisner - Michael Schumacher
            Wreck of the Carl D.: A True Story of Loss, Survival, and Rescue at Sea - Michael Schumacher
            Down Among the Dead Men: A Year in the Life of a Mortuary Technician - Michelle Williams
            Tide, Feather, Snow: A Life in Alaska - Miranda Weiss
            Hands of My Father: A Hearing Boy, His Deaf Parents, and the Language of Love - Myron Uhlberg
            In the Sanctuary of Outcasts: A Memoir - Neil White
            Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines - Nic Sheff
            Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family - Nicholas Pileggi
            Three Weeks With My Brother - Nicholas Sparks, Micah Sparks
            Fever Pitch - Nick Hornby
            Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading - Nina Sankovitch
            Voluntary Madness: My Year Lost and Found in the Loony Bin - Norah Vincent
            A Ticket to the Circus: A Memoir - Norris Church Mailer
            Thoughts Without Cigarettes: A Memoir - Oscar Hijuelos
            Alfred Hitchcock: A Life in Darkness and Light - Patrick McGilligan
            Just Kids - Patti Smith
            Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft - Paul Allen
            Black Is the New White - Paul Mooney, Dave Chappelle
            An Ordinary Man - Paul Rusesabagina, Tom Zoellner
            An Ordinary Man: An Autobiography - Paul Rusesabagina, Tom Zoellner
            Keeping the Feast - Paula Butturini
            The Pilgrimage: A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom - Paulo Coelho
            Drinking Life - Pete Hamill
            Poe - Peter Ackroyd
            Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain - Portia de Rossi
            In the Land of Invisible Women: A Female Doctor's Journey in the Saudi Kingdom - Qanta Ahmed
            Creation: Darwin, His Daughter & Human Evolution - Randal Keynes
            The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
            The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks - Rebecca Skloot
            A Time to Betray: The Astonishing Double Life of a CIA Agent Inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran - Reza Kahili
            Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! - Richard P. Feynman
            Black Boy - Richard Wright
            All Over but the Shoutin' - Rick Bragg
            Ava's Man - Rick Bragg
            The Prince of Frogtown - Rick Bragg
            Love Is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time - Rob Sheffield
            Talking to Girls About Duran Duran: One Young Man's Quest for True Love and a Cooler Haircut - Rob Sheffield
            The Company We Keep: A Husband-And-Wife True-Life Spy Story - Robert Baer, Dayna Baer
            Boyd - Robert Coram
            Pieces of My Heart: A Life - Robert J. Wagner, Scott Eyman
            Target - Robert K. Wilcox
            The Accountant's Story: Inside the Violent World of the MedellÃn Cartel - Roberto Escobar, David Fisher
            Chinaberry Sidewalks - Rodney Crowell
            Life Itself - Roger Ebert
            The Boys of Summer - Roger Kahn
            Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr - Ron Chernow
            The Secret History of Rock: The Most Influential Bands You've Never Heard - Roni Sarig
            Between Two Worlds - Roxana Saberi
            Ugly Beauty: Helena Rubinstein, L'Oréal, and the Blemished History of Looking Good - Ruth Brandon
            Comfort Me With Apples - Ruth Reichl
            Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: How I Went From Gang Member to Multimillionaire Entrepreneur - Ryan Blair
            Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M.: Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and the Dawn of the Modern Woman - Sam Wasson
            Saul Bellow: Letters - Saul Bellow, Benjamin Taylor
            Happy Chaos - Soleil Moon Frye
            The Journals of Spalding Gray - Spalding Gray, Nell Casey
            On the Grand Trunk Road - Steve Coll
            The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century - Steve Coll
            IWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon : How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It - Steve Wozniak, Gina Smith
            Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets - Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh
            Fixing My Gaze - Susan R. Barry, Oliver Sacks
            Big Sex Little Death: A Memoir - Susie Bright
            Thinking in Pictures: And Other Reports From My Life With Autism - Temple Grandin
            Piano Shop on the Left Bank - Thad Carhart, Thaddeus Carhart
            Lucky Child - Thomas Buergenthal
            Searching for Schindler - Thomas Keneally
            Ill Fares the Land - Tony Judt
            The Memory Chalet - Tony Judt
            Hiding Man: A Biography of Donald Barthelme - Tracy Daugherty
            A House for Mr. Biswas - V. S. Naipaul
            Beware of Cat: And Other Encounters of a Letter Carrier - Vincent Wyckoff
            Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson
            Lost in the Meritocracy - Walter Kirn
            Outcasts United - Warren St. John
            The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie - Wendy McClure
            The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates - Wes Moore
            In the Place of Justice: A Story of Punishment and Deliverance - Wilbert Rideau
            The Last Tycoons: The Secret History of Lazard Frères & Co - William D. Cohan
            A Jane Austen Education - William Deresiewicz
            We Did Porn: Memoir and Drawings - Zak Smith
            Dust Tracks on a Road - Zora Neale Hurston, Maya Angelou
            Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Loud, Lazy and Stupid - Denis Leary
            Sleepwalk With Me: And Other Painfully True Stories - Mike Birbiglia

            Autobiography & Biography: Celeberties

            Baby, Let's Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him - Alanna Nash
            Whatever You Say I Am: The Life and Times of Eminem - Anthony Bozza
            All That Is Bitter and Sweet: A Memoir - Ashley Judd, Nicholas D. Kristof, Maryanne Vollers
            Lady Blue Eyes: My Life With Frank - Barbara Sinatra
            Mud Sweat & Tears - Bear Grylls
            If You Ask Me - Betty White
            Lost in the Funhouse: The Life and Mind of Andy Kaufman - Bill Zehme
            700 Sundays - Billy Crystal
            Priceless Memories - Bob Barker, Digby Diehl
            No Regrets - Carolyn Burke
            Amy Winehouse: The Biography - Chas Newkey-Burden
            Neon Angel - Cherie Currie, Tony O'neill
            A Lion's Tale: Around the World in Spandex - Chris Jericho
            Kate: Kate Middleton - Claudia Joseph
            Hank Williams - Colin Escott, George Merritt, William MacEwen
            Cybill Disobedience - Cybill Shepherd, Aimee Lee Ball
            Chords of Strength: A Memoir of Soul, Song and the Power of Perseverance - David Archuleta, Monica Haim
            My Lucky Life in and Out of Show Business: A Memoir - Dick Van Dyke
            Possessed: The Life of Joan Crawford - Donald Spoto
            Where Mercy Is Shown, Mercy Is Given - Duane Dog Chapman
            It's So Easy - Duff Mckagan
            Seriously...I'm Kidding - Ellen DeGeneres
            Clapton: The Autobiography - Eric Clapton
            Neil Young: Long May You Run - Gary Graff, Daniel Durchholz
            Mr Nice: An Autobiography - Howard Marks
            Senor Nice - Howard Marks
            Fab: An Intimate Life of Paul McCartney - Howard Sounes
            Here's the Deal: Don't Touch Me - Howie Mandel, Josh Young
            Ice: A Memoir of Gangster Life and Redemption--From South Central to Hollywood - Ice-T, Douglas Century
            Michael Jackson: The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story, 1958-2009 - J. Randy Taraborrelli
            The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe - J. Randy Taraborrelli
            Frank: The Voice - James Kaplan
            Seven Dirty Words: The Life and Crimes of George Carlin - James Sullivan
            Decoded - Jay-Z
            Jeff Corwin: A Wild Life : The Authorized Biography - Jeff Corwin
            I Want to Take You Higher: The Life and Times of Sly & the Family Stone - Jeff Kaliss
            Love, Lust & Faking It: The Naked Truth About Sex, Lies, and True Romance - Jenny McCarthy
            I Met the Walrus: How One Day With John Lennon Changed My Life Forever - Jerry Levitan
            Dean and Me: A Love Story - Jerry Lewis, James Kaplan
            American Outlaw - Jesse James
            Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing - John Fisher
            I Just Want You to Know: Letters to My Kids on Love, Faith, and Family - Kate Gosselin
            Life - Keith Richards, James Fox (Contributor)
            Being Kendra: Cribs, Cocktails, and Getting My Sexy Back - Kendra Wilkinson
            His Way: The Unauthorized Biography of Frank Sinatra - Kitty Kelley
            Oprah: A Biography - Kitty Kelley
            Loretta Lynn: Coal Miner's Daughter - Loretta Lynn, George Vecsey
            High on Arrival - Mackenzie Phillips, Hilary Liftin
            Might as Well Laugh About It Now - Marie Osmond, Marcia Wilkie
            Growing Up Laughing: My Story and the Story of Funny - Marlo Thomas
            Brando: Songs My Mother Taught Me - Marlon Brando, Robert Lindsey
            The Elephant to Hollywood - Michael Caine
            Robert Redford - Michael Feeney Callan
            A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future: Twists and Turns and Lessons Learned - Michael J. Fox
            Life and Laughing: My Story - Michael McIntyre
            John Wayne : The Man Behind the Myth - Michael Munn
            Diaries 1969-1979: The Python Years - Michael Palin
            Priceless - Nicole Richie
            I Am Ozzy - Ozzy Osbourne, Chris Ayres
            Between a Heart and a Rock Place: A Memoir - Pat Benatar, Patsi Bale Cox
            We'll Be Here for the Rest of Our Lives: A Swingin' Show-Biz Saga - Paul Shaffer, David Ritz
            Dream Boogie: The Triumph of Sam Cooke - Peter Guralnick
            Man of Constant Sorrow: My Life and Times - Ralph Stanley, Eddie Dean
            Me - Ricky Martin
            Blonde Ambition: The Untold Story Behind Anna Nicole Smith's Death - Rita Cosby
            Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography - Rob Lowe
            My Word Is My Bond: A Memoir - Roger Moore, Gareth Owen
            The Hardest (Working) Man in Showbiz - Ron Jeremy
            Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the Century - Sam Kashner, Nancy Schoenberger
            Red - Sammy Hagar
            Bob Dylan in America - Sean Wilentz
            From This Moment On - Shania Twain
            Somebody: The Reckless Life and Remarkable Career of Marlon Brando - Stefan Kanfer
            Fry: A Memoir - Stephen Fry
            Professional Idiot: A Memoir - Stephen Glover
            My Appetite for Destruction: Sex, and Drugs, and Guns N' Roses - Steven Adler
            Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?: A Rock 'N' Roll Memoir - Steven Tyler
            All My Life: A Memoir - Susan Lucci, Laura (CON) Morton
            Sinner Takes All: A Memoir of Love & Porn - Tera Patrick; Carrie Borzillo
            The Sinatra Files: The Secret FBI Dossier - Tom Kuntz, Phil Kuntz
            Is It Just Me?: Or Is It Nuts Out There? - Whoopi Goldberg
            Shatner Rules - William Shatner, Chris Regan

            Autobiography & Biography: Food & Travel

            Big in China: My Unlikely Adventures Raising a Family, Playing the Blues, and Becoming a Star in Beijing - Alan Paul
            Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly - Anthony Bourdain
            Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook - Anthony Bourdain
            Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Aron Ralston
            Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany - Bill Buford
            The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon - David Grann
            Blood, Bones, and Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef - Gabrielle Hamilton
            My Life in France - Julia Child, Alex Prud'homme
            Cleaving - Julie Powell
            Julia Child: A Life - Laura Shapiro
            Hallelujah! The Welcome Table: A Lifetime of Memories With Recipes - Maya Angelou
            The Reach of a Chef: Beyond the Kitchen - Michael Ruhlman
            Appetite for Life: The Biography of Julia Child - Noel Riley Fitch
            Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer - Novella Carpenter
            The Pat Conroy Cookbook: Recipes and Stories of My Life - Pat Conroy
            30 Days in Sydney: A Wildly Distorted Account - Peter Carey
            Tender at the Bone: Growing Up at the Table - Ruth Reichl
            The Lady and the Panda: The True Adventures of the First American Explorer to Bring Back China's Most Exotic Animal - Vicki Croke

            Autobiography: Politics & Religon

            Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader's Eye-Opening Journey Across the Life Line - Abby Johnson, Cindy Lambert
            The Audacity of Hope - Barack Obama
            Nearing Home - Billy Graham
            Ronnie and Nancy: Their Path to the White House - Bob Colacello
            Escape - Carolyn Jessop, Laura Palmer
            Come to the Edge: A Memoir - Christina Haag
            Barack and Michelle - Christopher P. Andersen
            No Higher Honor - Condoleezza Rice
            Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Tea Bagging of America - Dana Milbank
            My Year Inside Radical Islam: A Memoir - Daveed Gartenstein-Ross
            The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama - David Remnick
            Rawhide Down: The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan - Del Quentin Wilber
            In My Time - Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney
            Known and Unknown - Donald Rumsfeld
            Known and Unknown: A Memoir - Donald Rumsfeld
            True Compass: A Memoir - Edward M. Kennedy
            Resilience: Reflections on the Burdens and Gifts of Facing Life's Adversities - Elizabeth Edwards
            Letters to Jackie: Condolences From a Grieving Nation - Ellen Fitzpatrick
            Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: A Righteous Gentile vs. The Third Reich - Eric Metaxas
            Teaching the Pig to Dance: A Memoir - Fred Thompson
            At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA - George Tenet, Bill Harlow
            Decision Points - George W. Bush
            On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System - Henry M. Paulson
            This Is Herman Cain! - Herman Cain
            A Singular Woman - Janny Scott
            Without a Word: How a Boy's Unspoken Love Changed Everything - Jill Kelly, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill
            The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness - Karen Armstrong
            William and Harry - Katie Nicholl, C Nicholl
            The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life Beyond This World - Kevin Malarkey, Alex Malarkey
            Spoken From the Heart - Laura Bush
            The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 - Laurence Leamer
            Read My Pins: Stories From a Diplomat's Jewel Box - Madeleine Albright, Madeleine Korbel Albright
            Winston Churchill's War Leadership - Martin Gilbert
            Dirty Sexy Politics - Meghan McCain
            Here Comes Trouble - Michael Moore
            Have a Little Faith - Mitch Albom
            The Long Walk to Freedom - Nelson Mandela
            The Obamas: The Untold Story of an African Family - Peter Firstbrook
            An American Life - Ronald Reagan
            In the Words of Ronald Reagan: The Wit, Wisdom, and Eternal Optimism of America's 40th President - Ronald Reagan, Michael Reagan, James D. Denney
            Against All Odds: My Life of Hardship, Fast Breaks, and Second Chances - Scott Brown
            Kennedy: The Classic Biography - Ted Sorensen
            A Journey: My Political Life - Tony Blair
            Fair Game - Valerie Plame Wilson
            Reading Jackie: Her Autobiography in Books - William Kuhn

            Autobiography & Biography: Sports

            Death Clutch - Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman
            Undisputed: How to Become the World Champion in 1,372 Easy Steps - Chris Jericho, Peter Thomas Fornatale
            The Last Hero: A Life of Henry Aaron - Howard Bryant
            The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood - Jane Leavy
            Sweetness: The Enigmatic Life of Walter Payton - Jeff Pearlman
            The Yankee Years - Joe Torre, Tom Verducci
            Tommy's Honor: The Story of Old Tom Morris and Young Tom Morris, Golf's Founding Father and Son - Kevin Cook
            We Were Young and Carefree - Laurent Fignon
            I Beat the Odds: From Homelessness, to the Blind Side, and Beyond - Michael Oher
            Rafa - Rafael Nadal, John Carlin
            Sweet Thunder: The Life and Times of Sugar Ray Robinson - Wil Haygood

            Autobiography & Biography: Other

            The Courtier and the Heretic: Leibniz, Spinoza, and the Fate of God in the Modern World - Matthew Stewart
            How to Live: A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer - Sarah Bakewell
            Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman - James Gleick
            Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion Dollar Cyber Crime Underground - Kevin Poulsen
            Pink Boots and a MacHete: My Journey From NFL Cheerleader to National Geographic Explorer - Mireya Mayor, Jane Goodall更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • The swan
              • Stray / Winter Moon
                Bradley Joseph "Stray"

                Bradley Joseph "Winter Moon"
                • DECEMBER
                  DECEMBER - COLLECTIVE SOUL

                  Why drink the water
                  from my hand?
                  Contagious as you think I am
                  Just tilt my sun towards
                  your domain.
                  Your cup runneth over again.

                  Don't scream about
                  Don't think aloud
                  Turn your head now baby
                  Just spit me out
                  Don't worry about
                  Don't speak of doubt
                  Turn your head now baby
                  Just spit me out

                  Why follow me to higher ground?
                  Lost as you swear I am.
                  Don't throw away your basic needs,
                  Ambiance and vanity.

                  December promise you gave unto me
                  December whispers of treachery
                  December clouds are now covering me
                  December songs no longer I sing

                  • SHINE
                    SHINE - COLLECTIVE SOUL

                    Give me a word
                    Give me a sign
                    Show me where to look
                    Tell me what will I find
                    What will I find

                    Lay me on the ground
                    Fly me in the sky
                    Show me where to look
                    Tell me what will I find
                    What will I find

                    Yeah, yeah, yeah

                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down

                    Love is in the water
                    Love is in the air
                    Show me where to look
                    Tell me will love be there
                    Love be there

                    Teach me how to speak
                    Teach me how to share
                    Teach me where to go
                    Tell me will love be there
                    Love be there

                    Yeah, yeah, yeah

                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down

                    [instrumental break]

                    Give me a word
                    Give me a sign
                    Show me where to look
                    Tell me what will I find
                    What will I find

                    Lay me on the ground
                    Fly me in the sky
                    Show me where to look
                    Tell me what will I find
                    What will I find

                    Yeah, yeah, yeah

                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down
                    Woah, heaven let your light shine down

                    I'm gonna let it shine
                    I'm gonna let it shine
                    Heaven's little light gonna shine on me
                    Ah, hey yeah, hey yeah
                    Heaven's little light gonna shine on me, come on
                    (Shine) Shine on me, yeah
                    (Shine) Come on and shine

    • Aerosmith - Movin Out
      Remember the CEO in my previous company said something like in the employee's town hall -- "If you don't like it, instead of just complaining, do something." If you think you are stuck somewhere, try to move out.

      Aerosmith - Movin Out

      We all live on the edge of town
      Where we all live ain't a soul around
      People start a-comin'
      All we do is just a-grin
      Said we gotta move out
      'Cause the city's movin' in
      I said we gotta move out
      'Cause the city's movin' in

      Tell me who you know
      And I'll tell you who, too
      Go see my friend and he'll set you free
      Tell me what you see and
      Mabye I can go too
      No one knows the way but maybe me

      Nobody goes there
      Nobody shows where
      Nobody knows where you can find me, yeah

      Good mornin' glory, Hallelujah to ya
      What is the story, what's been goin' through ya
      Livin' like a king off the fat of the land
      Workin' like a dog in a rock n' roll band

      We're movin', we're gettin' out
      We're movin', without a doubt
      We're movin', we're goin' far
      We're movin', oh yes we are

      Nobody goes there
      Nobody shows where
      Nobody goes where you can find me
      Nobody knows there
      Nobody shows where
      Nobody goes where you can find me, ah
      Oh, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy...

      (Guitar Solo)

      Level with God
      And you're in tune with the universe
      Talk with yourself
      And you'll hear what you wanna know
      Gotta rise above
      'Cause below it's only gettin' worse
      Life in time
      Will take you where you wanna go

      Where you wanna go, where you wanna go
      Where you goin'....

      (Guitar Solo)

      Good mornin' glory, Hallelujah to ya
      What is the story, what's been goin' through ya
      Livin' like a king off the fat of the land
      Workin' like a dog in a rock n' roll band

      We're movin', we're gettin' out
      We're movin', without a doubt
      We're movin', we're goin' far
      We're movin', oh yes we are

      Nobody knows there
      Nobody shows where
      Nobody goes where you can find me
      Nobody knows there
      Nobody shows where
      Nobody goes where you can't find me
      Round n' round...

      We all live on the edge of town
      Where we all live ain't a soul around
      People start a-comin'
      All we do is just a-grin
      We gotta move out
      'Cause the city's movin' in
      I said we gotta move out
      'Cause the city's movin' in

      Yes we do....

      • Aerosmith - Full Circle
        This is a New Year song, this is a drinking song. It's true that life is challenging sometime so you have to make those few times you can be happy as happy as possible because time is slipping away fast and we have to make them count!!
        Do things you like and give it your best shot!

        Now February is coming, originally I will go to Moscow to do project, but now my own project which needs to visit China is also scheduled in Feb, it is my own baby so I decided to go to China in Feb...Our business in China is growing fast, it is also a good time to establish good working relationship with folks out there, even I really really want to visit Museums in St. Petersburg. My manager has been there and she told me it is even stunning than Louvre Museum.

        Don't let it slip away
        Raise yo' drinkin' glass
        Here's to yesterday
        In Time
        We're all gonna trip away
        Don't piss Heaven off
        We got Hell to pay
        Aerosmith - Full Circle


        If I could change the world
        Like a fairy tale
        I would drink the love
        From your holy grail

        I would start with love
        Tell ol' Beelzebub
        To get outta town
        'Cause you just lost your job

        How did we get so affected
        'Cause I think
        Love is love reflected

        Don't let it slip away
        Raise yo' drinkin' glass
        Here's to yesterday
        In Time
        We're all gonna trip away
        Don't piss Heaven off
        We got Hell to pay
        Come Full Circle

        And if
        There's a spell on you that
        I could take away
        I would do the deed
        Yeah, and by the way
        Here's to Heaven knows
        As the circle goes
        It ain't right
        I'm uptight
        Yeah, get off my toes!

        I used to think that every little thing I did was crazy
        But now I think the Karma cops are comin' after you


        Every time you get yourself caught up
        Inside of someone else's crazy dream
        Own it, yeah, that's a mistake
        Everybody's gotta lot o' nada killing
        Them instead of killing time

        (Repeat Chorus)

        Circle, circle...

        • 浮生偷得半日闲之SF
          新年到现在每天都在木马上旋转,周四晚上飞到三藩taking a break. 三藩is top of my list to live, I've been there so many times but never really stop and explore the city. The hotel is close Union square, had dinner at John's grill, then walked outside to have some fun. the Bike shop at Union square still open, but it might be too late so decided to give it a pass.

          Friday morning took cable car from union square to fisherman's wharf. Weather was awesome. 在渔人码头租了一辆bike,开始了bike journey to golden gate bridge. I didn't realize that going uphill to lombard was so challenging, when I was biking from Central park to downtown Manhattan, I had no problem going out and back, but the road up to lombard was so hilly, which was pain but fun.

          Stopped at the bench at beach close to ghirardelli square,躺在长椅上 看着波涛冲打着海岸,什么也不想,晒晒骨头,几个小时很快就过去了,

          On the plane back to my city, I met a friend who just left our company and take a Director job in EA of SF, he is a fun guy to work with, and always has a passion to live his own lifestyle. All the best to him and his big heart!

          Next time I will go to Haight-Ashbury, spend half day there, to explore the hippie life in the Haight-Ashbury, probably in the summer, the summer of love.

          • Urgent
            Urgent - Foreigner

            You're not shy, you get around
            You wanna fly, don't want your feet on the ground
            You stay up, you won't come down
            You wanna live, you wanna move to the sound
            Got fire, in your veins, burnin' hot, but you don't feel the pain
            Your desire, is insane, you can't stop, until you do it again
            But sometimes I wonder as I look in your eyes
            That maybe you're thinking of some other guy
            But I know, yes I know, how to treat you right
            That's why you call me in the middle of the night

            You say it's urgent, so urgent, so-oh-oh urgent...
            Just you wait and see, how urgent, my love can be, it's urgent...

            You play tricks, on my mind, you're everywhere
            But you're so hard to find, you're not warm, or sentimental
            You're so extreme, you can be so temperamental
            But I'm not looking for a love that will last
            I know what I need and I need it fast
            Yeah, there's one thing in common that we both share
            That's a need for each other anytime, anywhere

            It gets so urgent, so urgent, you know it's, urgent
            I wanna tell you it's the same for me, ooh-oooh, so-oh-oh urgent...
            Just you wait and see, how urgent, our love can be, it's urgent...

            You say it's urgent, make it fast, make it urgent
            Do it quick, do it urgent, gotta rush, make it urgent...Want it quick
            Urgent, urgent, emergency...Urgent, urgent, emergency...
            Urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent, emergency
            Urgent, urgent, urgent, urgent, emergency, so urgent, emergency
            Emer-(ooh-oooh) emer-(ooh-oooh) emer-(ooh-oooh) It's urgent
            So urgent...

            • Waiting For A Girl Like You
              Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You

              So long, I've been looking too hard, I've waiting too long
              Sometimes I don't know what I will find
              I only know it's a matter of time
              When you love someone...When you love someone...
              It feels so right, so warm and true, I need to know if you feel it too
              (Aaah-aaah) maybe I'm wrong
              (Aaah-aaah) won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong?
              (Aaah-aaah) this heart of mine has been hurt before
              (Aaah-aaah) this time I wanna be sure
              I've been waiting, for a girl like you
              (Ooh-ooh-ooh) to come into my life (life)
              I've been waiting, for a girl like you
              (Waiting for a girl) and a love that will survive

              I've been waiting (I've been waiting) for someone new
              (New) To make me feel alive, ah-ah
              Yeah, waiting for a girl like you (waiting for a girl) to come into my life

              You're so good, when we make love it's understood
              It's more than a touch or a word we say
              Only in dreams could it be this way
              When you love someone...Yeah, really love someone...
              (Aaah-aaah) now I know it's right
              (Aaah-aaah) from the moment I wake up till deep in the night
              (Aaah-aaah) there's no where on earth that I'd rather be
              (Aaah-aaah) than holding you, tenderly

              I've been waiting, for a girl like you
              (Ooh-ooh-ooh) To come into my life (life)
              I've been waiting, for a girl like you
              (Waiting for a girl) and a love that will survive
              I've been waiting (I've been waiting) for someone new
              (New) To make me feel alive, ah-ah
              Yeah, waiting (waiting) for a girl like you
              (Waiting for a girl) to come into my life

              Oooh-oooh, oooh-oooh, I've been waiting
              Aaah-aaah, (waiting for you) oooh-oooh, oooh
              (Aaah-aaah) oooh-oooh, I've been waiting
              (Waiting) I've been waiting, yeah
              I've been waiting for a girl like you, I've been waiting
              Won't you come into my life? (Life?) My life?
              (It's been so long) I've been waiting for a girl like you
              I've been waiting, (I've been waiting) oh-oh

    • Open Door
      Lately I had a business trip to Asia. I visited 3 locations in a week and met a few folks from a company which is 2nd largest company in the industry, the thought is that there are so many doors open for you at same time, but at the end of the day, it is what lifestyle you'd like to choose and nothing else matters.

      Open Door by Bill Leslie & Bragh Adair

      • Shooting Star
        Watchin' the world go by
        Surprisin' it goes so fast

        Bad Company - Shooting Star

        Johnny was an school boy
        When he heard his first Beatles song
        Love Me Do, I think it was
        And from there it didn't take him long
        Got himself a guitar
        Used to play every night
        Now he's in a rock 'n' roll outfit
        And everything's alright
        Don't you know?

        Johnny told his Mama,
        "Hey, Mama, I'm goin' away
        I'm Gonna hit the big time
        Gonna be a big star someday"
        Mama came to the door
        With a teardrop in her eye
        Johnny said, "Don't cry, Mama,
        Just smile and wave goodbye"
        Don't you know?


        Don't you know that you are a shooting star
        Don't you know
        Don't you know
        Don't you know that you are a shooting star
        And all the world will love you just as long
        As long as you are

        Johnny made a record
        Went straight up to number one
        Suddenly everyone loved
        To hear him sing his song
        Watchin' the world go by
        Surprisin' it goes so fast
        Johnny looked around him and said,
        "Well, I made the big-time at last"
        Don't you know?
        Don't you know?

        A shooting star

        Don't you know that You are a shooting star
        Don't you know?
        Don't you know that You are a shooting star
        And all the world will love you just as long
        as long as you are

        Johnny died one night, died in his bed
        Bottle of whiskey, sleeping tablets by his head
        Johnny's life passed him by like a warm summer day
        If you listen to the wind you can still hear him play

        Don't you know that You are a shooting star
        Don't you know?
        Don't you know that you are a shooting star
        Don't you don't you don't you don't you don't you know
        Don't you know that you are a shooting star

        Don't you, don't you know that you are a shooting star

    • [转帖] 如何在北美职场下游对抗阿三 [转帖]
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛标 题: 手机码的长文:如何在北美职场下游对抗阿三

      最近我工作最密切的合作伙伴是三哥, 感觉对他们 了解多了很多。 在北美职场,阿
      三毕竟是中国人的 最大竞争对手。 在下跟成功两个字拉不上半点关 系,经验只适合
      炮灰和底层管理,这里只是抛砖引 玉,希望能得到更多讨论。

      先介绍一下自己的情况, 六年前进入公司, 从社会 底层的support, 到后来的
      implementation, sales, account manager,project manager都做过。 我 自己编程
      技术不过硬, 没法吃纯R&D的饭,学历如 果同级别的人是少林武当那我就是斧头帮出
      来的, 情商用我妻子的话来说就是没法在国内混那种人。

      优点是jack of all trades,相当于RPG里面的混合型 职业,能输出伤害能加血能控制
      但什么都不精通那 种。 而且直觉不错,复杂的事情能简单处理,众说 纷纭的会议里
      或一潭死水的项目里产生一剑封喉的 作用。Presentation skill不错。 部门一年前搞
      了个 产品presentation大赛,有solo也有team performance,结果我二十分钟的solo
      部分拿了那 次比赛唯一的满分,让我当时的小组赢得了和高层 吃大餐的机会。 当时
      竞争对手全是sales/business 的白人,像我这种虽然在sales/business那边混但 额头
      上被刺了老中技术人员六字的人能脱颖而出, 的确让头头刮目相看。 接着在下面一年
      努力终于拿 到了一个小的不能再小的产品经理位置,为我编程 的人一只手就数的过来
      但毕竟是自己的一亩三分 地。不得不叹一声媳妇终于熬成了婆。

      我工作上走的最近的人就是一个三哥。号称印度 MIT的IIT毕业,进入我们部门不到一
      年。 他和我合 作的项目最终让我如愿以偿拿到了产品经理的位 置。 他也从普通
      implementation变成了我们部门大 头头的红人。 我告诉他,虽然现在他还没有名分,
      五年内,如果我们两人都还在我们公司,他必然后 来居上,走的比我更远。这当然有
      恭维成分,但也 是对他处事方法的肯定。

      1) 增强自己ppt能力

      很多人对ppt不屑一顾,实际上是非常错误的。 你 要展现自己的想法,无论是在公司
      内部给头头做报 告,在客户面前推销产品,还是将来为你自己的公 司拉投资,都需要
      好的ppt。 就算语言阿三有优 势,你没有理由ppt上输给他们。部门的ppt你应该 争着

      做好ppt首先要选择一个适合自己的风格,阿三喜欢 的是麦肯锡business consulting
      的风格。 大量的 table和diagram,各种2x2matrix,各种roadmap, 大量废话。 中国
      人强的是执行能力,所以我选择的 是苹果乔帮主的超级简洁明了风格。 小米雷军,锤
      子罗永浩都用这个风格。 网上随便看看他们的视频 就明白了。 文字要少而又少,字
      体要大,图片要全 屏高清无码,visio diagram和roadmap千万不能照 搬,在ppt里重
      新画一个超级简洁版,让观众一目了 然。 记得ppt不是报告,不需要细节,但一定要
      把 你的idea以最简单直观visual的方式展现出来。

      每一个ppt最好连一个主题故事。 比如谈产品整 合,可以讲乔帮主整合了手机/相机/
      iPod成为 iPhone。 谈本土化产品特别是打开中国市场先谈 谈肯德基等等。 先给观众
      讲个故事,道出主题,然 后围绕主题一个一个slide展开,最后重新点一下主 题。

      每个ppt都需要画龙点睛之笔,也许只是让观众会心 一笑,也许只是让观众觉得你下了
      功夫,总之你最 少应该有一个精心设计的slide来衬托整个deck。


      首先不要怕英文有口音,阿三的Engrish不会比我们 好多少。 有了问题一定要说,做
      了好事一定要人知 道。多写weekly/monthly update,meeting recap,发出去的时候

      练习演讲能力很重要,乔帮主一次演说是十几个小 时的准备。 多在家人面前练习,笨
      而有效的方法是 把演讲稿写出来,然后反复阅读。 不需要死背但一 定要记得你自己
      写好的神来之笔。 讲话节奏语气学 习乔帮主就可以了,注意他是怎样emphasize重点
      的。可以加一些互动,问听众一些问题,make eye contact等都是演讲的基本功就不细

      给自己洗脑,一定要相信自己的idea是正确的,相 信自己的产品是最好的。 骗人你得
      先骗自己,你必 须像红卫兵完全相信主席语录那样相信自己的 idea。 哪怕是完全盲
      目的也比不自信好。 金庸的 郭靖口才很差,但在蒙古人面前讲话的非常有力, 因为
      他相信自己说的都是对的。 会议里气势, energy和passion比内容更重要。


      一天一共就24个小时,要比别人做的好,付出是必 要的。 苹果的厨子每天4:30am就开
      始发email了。 不得不说我看到的三哥平均工作时间比中国人要 长。 能力越大,责任

      其实每个人都会遇到这样的瓶颈,你房子买了,车 子买了,孩子有了,家庭收入双职
      工二三十万不 难。 家里有全职保姆。 工作没有什么失业风险。 组里阿三欺负你,忍
      忍算了,回家继续上网看电视 玩游戏。 能不能打开僵局就看你到底有多渴望胜利 了
      。 人要上进就得给自己制造动力压力。 爱你的 家人希望给她们更多,恨工作上跟你
      过不去的人, 恐惧你会被上级打入冷宫,贪婪的想吃掉别人的产 品项目,四项感情你

      我的三哥伙伴送给我最直接的告诫就是 "talk does not cook rice"。我们部门是七点
      就没什么人了,绝 不是投行,但他为我们大头头做报告经常凌晨两三 点。 我们的项


      加班有三不加,不要为同级别的人加班,如果客户 不可能因为这个问题今晚直接联系
      上级不要为他们 加班,甚至再说绝一点,尽一切可能不要为你份内 的事情加班。 份
      内的事情正常工作时间做就可以 了。 加班要加在上级能注意的事情上。

      我去年一个ppt引用了让子弹飞里马拉火车的镜头。 任何公司任何组都会有很多问题是
      需要马拉火车这 种brute force来解决的,很多时候你的boss会非常 happy的把它们塞
      给老中,然后就忘了你。 三哥非 常懂得如何躲避这种工作,在必要的时候甚至值得
      牺牲一部分和boss累计的友情点数直接拒绝。 尽 可能给自己留下空间做份外的事情你
      才有可能获得 提升。知道什么时候该有bandwidth,什么时候没 有bandwidth。什么时
      候可以站出来当英雄,什么 时候要耍萌装狗熊。能不能躲开junk project基本上 决定

      千万不要做team player。 在同级别的,不是中国 人的,和你没什么交情的人面前,
      你很多东西不知 道,保护自己的知识,让他们多绕些弯路减少 productivity更能突出
      你的作用,更重要的是不会以 后来烦你浪费你的时间。在上级面前你什么都知 道。

      一个项目,一个季度blow up不可怕,可怕的是你马 拉火车一样的把它完成了。以后这
      些垃圾都按在你 头上了。 而且你替上面掩盖了很多问题,长跑上还 是死,你只不过
      让它苟延残喘并没解决根本问题。 只有死亡才能换取生命。 很多时候一个产品或项目
      夭折反而对公司来说是健康的。 而且会给你制造机 会,上级在一切形式大好的时候
      是不会调动人员重 用你的。


      当年韩信是个小兵的时候就analyze上级的用兵,思 考自己会怎么做,这样的人才有可
      能有一天是将 军。 关心公司走向,意淫自己是decision maker, 这样有机会谈
      business strategy的时候才能出口成 章。 记住跟高层谈话的时候要谈solution,抱
      怨他 们听太多了。 现在的产品成败钱不是从你的口袋里 出,solution是否成功都是
      非常难得的练习机会。 平常不会去想的问题,有机会发表意见的时候你肯 定说不出来。

      经常问自己,如果你是头头,你会如何整顿手下的 产品和部门,怎样才能把公司变的
      更好? 先知道什 么是正确的,然后根据实际情况思考如何才能实 现? 其实就算是乔
      布斯这样的独裁者CEO也不是所 有想做的事情就能做的了的。 雷厉风行在小公司小 部
      门小地方能取得短期效果,但林子大了,鸟多 了,就得不温不火恰到好处了。


      我的伙伴对公司政治斗争非常关心,提前开始抱大 腿,建立各种touch point,有了小
      问题会有人帮 忙,而且在提出proposal的时候也能够更好的平衡 各组的利益,找出可
      以实现的方案。 我提出的永远 是最直接合理的方案,但经常忽略别人的感受,在
      collaboration这方面做的远远不够。 这使我在有控 制权的时候快刀斩乱麻,主动权
      不在手里就捉襟见 肘了。对各个部门的动向都应该关注,知己知彼才 能提出大家都能

      很多中国人不欣赏阿三不停的组织会议,写各种 recap,让别人提出方案,自己take
      credit的做法。 欣赏的是能力排众议独裁式的手法。 我只能说刘邦 是典型的
      collaboration guy,项羽是独裁,结果大 家知道了。乔帮主复出能把苹果从破产带到
      世界第 一市值正是因为他提高了collaboration的能力才能 发挥出众多手下的实力。

      上级关心的是sales,底层关心的是support和 implementation。 我三哥伙伴为他们组
      产品定价的 时候一开始算的全是cost,细致到每个用户要占用 多少服务器资源,
      implement每个account需要多少 小时,然后围绕这个定价。我跟他说当年YouTube 被
      谷歌几亿收购的时候每个月赔的钱是六位数。 我 们部门十年前是免费产品,现在每年
      也有几个亿 了,先有了sales,打开了市场再考虑cost。 他反 复改了几次,上面最后
      打出的价格比我想象的还 低。因为他们业绩非常惨淡,饥不择食。 同样的, 给底层
      的人发update的时候,要告诉他们产品如何 更好用了,how I am making your life a
      lot easier。 报喜不报忧。很多时候morale比real benefit更有效。

      7) 眼光放远些

      中国人追求的是短期的成果,bottom-up approach,用一个接一个的局部胜利来打造一
      个王 朝。 印度人讲究大局观,长期效应,top-down approach。 所以北美中国人一般
      来说是 executioner,前线的炮灰和底层管理,印度人能更 好的在高层有一席之地跟
      他们能打出long term vision这张空头支票有相当关系。两种方法其实没 有对错,短
      期中国在亚洲必然是打的印度找不到 北,但长期鹿死谁手还很难说。适当显示一下你
      的 高瞻远瞩是必要的。

      career也是一样。 我对我的三哥partner说我不知道 三年后我会做什么,但我会不停
      的寻找捕捉机会。 我希望能create value,而不是add value。三哥则 是有长期目标
      ,希望做COO类型的位置,选择的部 门和项目都尽量fit his long term goals,哪怕
      有捷 径可以升级如果不是长期板块的一部分他仍然不会 动心。 前不久我说他完全可
      以先争取一个技术组的 组长,他说那个组很烂,套住了就出不来了,而且 他希望能转


      作为到部门不到一年的人,我的阿三伙伴直接参与 了他们组产品的commercial model
      planning和部门 的大量strategy meeting。 我们大头头说下面几个 星期要调整产品
      价位。 他熬夜计算完整一个模块。 我们头头下个星期要给公司CEO报告成绩,他一套

      大头头这些东西以前都是自己完成的,他ppt的水平 也不在公司任何人之下。 我以前
      跟他问过需不需要 我替他分担,他笑笑说不用。 三哥是直接做了一套 ppt电邮给他,
      问都没问。 一套尽量模仿他风格的 作品,哪怕不完美,他只要稍微改动就可以用了,
      这个诱惑力实在太大了。 而且做这些报告的时候难 免要问阿三有什么看法,给了他
      大量展现自己实力 的机会。这好像做妃子的不能问皇帝是不是要宠 幸,脱光了直接上
      皇帝可能就从了。而且我们大头 头已经上瘾了,毕竟做ppt太花时间了。

      不要怕自己做的不对,也不要怕越级,当年邓文迪 不是一样直接跟CEO套近乎? 只要
      做了,就会有人 用。 什么都不做,就没有机会。


      自己创业的人,长什么样的都有。 但在大公司里, 越往上爬,人的形象就越好。 记
      得我刚入公司的时 候跟一个sales一起做很多项目。 那个sales仪表风 度绝对是
      gentleman的榜样,穿衣讲话已经非常有 品位。 后来我们去见一个客户,我们大头头
      来了, 我那个sales在他身边一看简直是个打工仔。 古龙 小说萧十一郎里有个连城壁
      ,萧十一郎第一眼看到 他和一个仪表出众的掌门人走进来的时候就觉得那 个掌门人和
      连城璧一比就是个下手。 我当时立刻想 到了这一段。 后来我跟大头头谈的时候就说
      了我是 那一刻决定在部门改组的时候跟他混的,他真的是 人中之龙跟着他有肉吃云云。

      他个子非常高,脸部轮廓像希腊雕像一样,是没法 学的。 讲话不温不火,风度永远翩
      翩,但 negotiate起来非常firm是可以借鉴但不同人有不同 风格。 可以跟他学的是,
      衣服并非全是高端品牌但 绝对剪裁的非常合身。再加上他每天无论多忙都坚 持健身,
      腰间没有多余脂肪,整个人看起来就像一 根标枪。 sales/business帅哥靓女太多,但
      我注意 到r&d能上位的形象也要高一个档次。

      事业刚起步的人,建议大家多看看dappered, fullclutch这样的网站,找些适合自己
      的衣服搭配。 找个好裁缝,一件三四十美金的衬衣,花10美金量 身改一下,效果远胜
      没剪裁过的100美金衬衣。一 套熨的笔挺的300美金西装,效果远胜一套布满皱 纹的
      1000美金西装。 没有肚腩的人,身材苗条的 人穿普通Macy打折的衣服也比肥胖臃肿的
      人穿 armani好看。 提高仪表最重要的是态度。苹果厨子 也是百忙中不忘健身的人。

      改变一些生活习惯也是必要的。 美国人喜欢早上洗 澡,午餐吃一大碗沙拉。 我们大
      头头这么多年就没 见过他吃油炸食物或甜食。 美国的肉食激素很高, 可以试着中午
      吃素食。 乔帮主就是素食闻名。 我 现在已经觉得falafel像羊肉一样好吃,半块三明
      治 和一小碗鸡汤很丰盛,全素沙拉加一些egg white就 能吃饱了。适当运动也非常重
      要,精神面貌完全不 一样,对自己也更有信心。


      glass ceiling是绝对存在的。 不代表牛人不能打 破,但你永远不是白人。有些职位
      你很难染指。不 必强求,但也不要放弃,始终会有适合你的。

      这几年祖国人民实在是太强大了,任何公司都要考 虑中国市场。 你比阿三这方面优势
      大很多。我们中 国客户经常派人来开会,我们这边接待少不了找个 讲中文的。 我能
      跟公司最高管理层一起吃午饭就是 因为国内最大的客户送了一个团队来。 我产品起步
      也是先负责中国方面的小项目开始的。印度销售相 对来说就是沙漠找水一样困难。

      对同胞真的要像阿三那样互相扶持。 你不需要是 decision maker就可以把同胞弄进来
      。 我进公司六 个月就把我师弟弄进来了。 他当时什么都不懂,在 一个中国人的小公
      司打杂,今天是他部门第一打 手,任何马拉火车的事情都能解决。房子有了, Lexus
      有了,孩子有了,而且如果听我的意见没有 错过时机,其实已经可以拿到一个小队了。

      一个孟买的组是没有你上升空间的,我可以负责任 的说无论直接间接都没因为我混进
      来一个阿三入 门。没选择了我宁可推荐泥哥和阿米狗。 真的不要 觉得你的工作有多
      了不起,对同胞高抬贵手,尽可 能多说好话。 很多时候你一句话可以改变一个人一
      生。 不要怕实力比你强的人,他进来需要ally,你 可以抱他大腿做他死党,他升了会
      拉你一把。 也不 要怕实力弱的人,你刚好可以突出自己实力,他会 抱你大腿帮你说
      话。你也可以偷偷塞给他一些马拉 火车的美差而不用太担心。 只要是中国人,能帮忙
      尽量帮。 态度好,没什么不可以学的。


      其实中国人要在长跑上赢印度人,必须揭杆起义, 充分发挥中国人对打江山自立门户
      的渴望和说实话 办实事的美德,自己开公司。 我不知道这辈子能不 能有勇气走出这
      一步。 在那一天之前我必须在下游 生存。

      这里写的十条也是没有办法的办法,印度人渗透了 太多组,太多部门,只能杯水车薪
      ,尽人事听天命 矣。 写这篇帖子希望大家都能一起努力,北美华人 一起强大起来才
      能真正战胜阿三。 让我们一起努力 吧。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 感谢分享.好好学和用PPT先.
      • 好久未上Rolia,回来又见你的大作,营养很多,多谢!
        • 一直在travel。一月去北京上海,三月去瑞士,四月去迪拜,六月去芬兰,这不过两天又要出行了。
    • Road trip - Seattle to San Diego
      Road Trip from Seattle - San Diego in 2 weeks, 2600 miles along Oregon/CA coastline via highway 101 & highway 1.

      Just came back from the road trip. what an adventure and precious memory in the lifetime. Gold beach, redwoods national park, Big Sur, Crater lake...thank you mother nature.

      Driving 90 miles per hour in the mountain and desert and listen to the AC/DC loud is going to the heaven or the the hell??

      Bixby Bridge - Big Sur -- It is breathtaking, one of my favorite along the coastline

      Sea View Grotto Gold Beach Oregon


      Crater Lake, OREGON
      • Over the Hillside
        The Blue Nile- Over the Hillside

        Workin' night and day
        I try to get ahead
        But I don't get ahead this way
        Workin' night and day
        The railroad and the fence
        Watch the train go roll around the bend

        Over the hillside
        Over the moment
        Over the hills and waiting

        Workin' night and day
        I try to get ahead
        Workin' night and day
        Don't make no sense
        Walk me into town
        The ferry will be there
        To carry us away into the air

        Over the hillside
        Over white water
        Over the hills and falling

        The stars in your eyes
        Knowin' what's right
        The stars in your eyes
        Don't explain

        Over the hillside
        Over the hillside
        Over the hills and waiting
        Over the hillside
        Over the hillside
        Over the hills and home we'll go

        Tomorrow I will be there
        Tomorrow I will be there
        Tomorrow I will be there
        Oh, you wait and see

        I can't go on and I can't go back
        I don't feel so, matter of fact
        I tried and tried to make good sense
        What's the good to try it all again?

    • I Love You
    • Tough Love
      当你渐进comfort zone时,你所需要做的就是等待那个moment to come and jump, as high as you can.
