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边看边听, Dolores Keane – <Storm In My Heart>


Storm In My Heart
- Dolores Keane

The stormy winds and the raging seas
The driving rain, it lashes my face
It breaks all my bones and burns my skin
And delivers me to this place

You bind up my wounds with your healing hands
You whisper sweet words all in the dark
You raise me up and you calm me down
You’re starting the storm in my heart

A storm in my heart, a storm in my heart
You’re starting a storm in my heart

The ghosts are there behind my back
Racing clouds all in the night
Raking waves on the lonesome shore
That leave the spirit bright

You touch the pulse and lift the clouds
You whisper sweet words all in the dark
You chase away the hungry wolves
You’re started the storm in my heart

A storm in my heart, a storm in my heart
You’re starting a storm in my heart

The timber is weak and the sails are torn
Ready to betray my loving trust
To fix the rope around my neck
And deliver me to my rest

I fall forever in the night
You whisper sweet words all in the dark
You break the line of time and tide
You’ve started a storm in my heart

A storm in my heart, a storm in my heart
You’ve starting a storm in my heart

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      怕找不到上篇了,放在一起吧,请点击 link.
      • 写的非常好,不顶没道理. 楼主的情商真的很高. 能处理好这些关系.
    • 边看边听, Dolores Keane – <Storm In My Heart>

      Storm In My Heart
      - Dolores Keane

      The stormy winds and the raging seas
      The driving rain, it lashes my face
      It breaks all my bones and burns my skin
      And delivers me to this place

      You bind up my wounds with your healing hands
      You whisper sweet words all in the dark
      You raise me up and you calm me down
      You’re starting the storm in my heart

      A storm in my heart, a storm in my heart
      You’re starting a storm in my heart

      The ghosts are there behind my back
      Racing clouds all in the night
      Raking waves on the lonesome shore
      That leave the spirit bright

      You touch the pulse and lift the clouds
      You whisper sweet words all in the dark
      You chase away the hungry wolves
      You’re started the storm in my heart

      A storm in my heart, a storm in my heart
      You’re starting a storm in my heart

      The timber is weak and the sails are torn
      Ready to betray my loving trust
      To fix the rope around my neck
      And deliver me to my rest

      I fall forever in the night
      You whisper sweet words all in the dark
      You break the line of time and tide
      You’ve started a storm in my heart

      A storm in my heart, a storm in my heart
      You’ve starting a storm in my heart

      • 鼓掌!
      • 原来这个是 张雨生”后知后觉“的原曲,前两天好声音的金池也唱过。好听!!!
        • 是吗? 我得听听去.I love this song.By the way,我怎么觉得这歌有些刘欢的歌的味道。
    • 很好很有意思的经历,学习了。 +1
    • 多谢码了这么多字!你当然是宝!你说写的是我都能理解又让我加深提高理解的过程,受益匪浅!
    • 楼主是能干的人,公司的很多问题,可能管理层现在正需要这样一个有魄力的人来替他们改变。如能能够防止将来鸟尽弓藏的可能性,就更完美了。毕竟风高浪尖上的人是楼主,也比较容易成为承担风险的最佳人选。任何事情都有两面性,会化解,就会圆满。祝你好运。
      • 谢谢提醒, 我会小心的。
    • 会计要做到这个层次就有意思多了。LS有位同学说的对,LZ是有能力又有魄力的人。要做点成绩,这两样是缺一不可吧。祝愿LZ事业的路越走越宽。
    • 再加一句借以鼓励俺自己,不经历风雨哪能见彩虹!虽然偶的心已经低落到尘埃里面,但一直有人默默地推着我走出困境。借此地说声谢谢!谢谢这里帮过我的JM们!
      • 不要泄气,每个人都有路过瓶颈的时候. 突破了回头看的时候,不过是小事一件.
    • 写的太好了,谢谢你的分享,同时也非常佩服你的能力。
    • 楼主不仅对工作花了很多心思,而且,胜不骄败不馁,EQ也高。赞一个!
    • 真是写得太好了。笔者情商和智商都超高,思路特清楚,文笔特精练。一定前途无量。
      • 同意
    • 要顶.感觉你们公司原有够MESSY,mgmt可以tolerate两周以上的month-end, AR,AP这类working capital连基本rec都不用.感觉缺乏基本的policy & control. 不知year-end audit能给出什么样的opinion.
      如果你的个力量和势力不够,建议你做个RFP说服你的CFO请consulting firm来以独立的角度做个assessement,向audit committee用finding result说话.你同时不动声色做好接班的准备,看好几个出头鸟,做好contingency plans.最好马上建立你可以信赖(technically)的核心基层人员.
      • 你都说到点子上了。目前上下包括"基层人员"搞定了,Month-end理顺了,policy & control逐步建立了,Credit是下一个目标,不过着急不得,时机未到。其实情况没有太糟,多数部门都挺配合的。看你那架式,太厉害了,要连锅端啊?

        Never lose big picture,一向主张河蟹,老板或者小土豆,说白了,也就是大伙搞在一起各人混碗饭吃,互相需要。按能力吃饭那是最好,总之,用不着你死我活的。
        • 由于习惯了从雇主的角度思考,恐怕对个人就不那么在意了。 人在江湖, 不可能面面俱到的。楼主之英勇没有几个人能效仿。天生有才,是一定要展露头脚的。:)