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詞.曲.演唱/ 張雨生
專輯/ 卡拉OK live.台北.我 (1994)

你披星戴月 你不辭冰雪
你穿過山野 來到我的心田

你像遠在天邊 又似近在眼前
直到充臆心間 我才後知後覺

你給我安慰 我不致頹廢
你寬容慈悲 我能振翅高飛

你卻功成身退 我不及言謝
你不告而別 我才後知後覺

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  • 升职加薪(上)
    • 刚知道如何贴Video,贴一个我最喜欢的张雨生<后知后觉>,边看边听。上班时间不要打开哦!

      詞.曲.演唱/ 張雨生
      專輯/ 卡拉OK live.台北.我 (1994)

      你披星戴月 你不辭冰雪
      你穿過山野 來到我的心田

      你像遠在天邊 又似近在眼前
      直到充臆心間 我才後知後覺

      你給我安慰 我不致頹廢
      你寬容慈悲 我能振翅高飛

      你卻功成身退 我不及言謝
      你不告而別 我才後知後覺

      • 清早起来,外面下着小雨,沏一杯清茶,听一手JAZZ, perfect天气。
        Nina Simone - Tomorrow Is My Turn

        Though some may reach for the stars
        Others will end behind bars
        What the future has in store no one ever knows before
        Yet we would all like the right to find the key to success
        That elusive ray of light that will lead to happiness

        Tomorrow is my turn
        No more doubts no more fears
        Tomorrow is my turn
        When my luck is returning
        All these years I'm been learning to save fingers from burning
        Tomorrow is my turn
        No more doubts no more fears
        Tomorrow is my turn to receive without giving
        Make life worth living
        Now it's my life I'm living
        My only concern for tomorrow is my turn

        Now the summer is gone, there's another to come
        You can't stop years from drifting by even if you want to try
        Though time may help you forget all that has happened before
        But honey it's too late to regret what is gone will be no more

        Tomorrow is my turn
        When my luck is returning
        All these years I'm been learning to save fingers from burning
        Tomorrow is my turn
        No more doubts no more fears
        Tomorrow is my turn to receive without giving
        Make life worth living
        Now it's my life I'm living
        My only concern for tomorrow is my turn

    • 转贴: "Language doesn't talk but points do." by babyevan 非常值得一读.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"Language doesn't talk but points do." - From one of my friend
      babyevan (evan) <本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/f >

      This is what my friend told me. In my eyes, she is very graceful and successful girl. She is a manager in a large company. This thought really inspired me and encouraged me. So share with our group.

      Many of us think lack of English skill hindered our success on landing on a suitable position. However, to immprove language skill is not an overnight work. While keeping working on it, a few points may be helpful from my experience.

      1. Being confident. Let other people hear our voice and notice us. Even though most of time, we are working silently but our brain never stop running. I have the first hand information for our work. Nobody is more qualified than us in term of the information we are working on.

      2. Being active. If we always keep silent, people use tone us out. Whenever there are group activities, trying to actively participate and speak out.

      3. Being logic and have three points ready. We always say "practice makes perfect". We may not have enough time practising all the time but at least being cautious and work proactively. No matter what type of tasks we are working on, always trying to summarize them into three points. Once we are called up, we are prepared.

      4. Passinate about our job. If we really care about something, this care makes difference and people notice. Treat our job more than just make a living.

      5. Attitude determines. Postive attitude gives us energy and happiness. Everybody has down time but try to get rid of as quickly as possible.

      Communication sometimes is comprehensive and many aspects may be outside of language itself. This is what I can think about and please add your thoughts. Hopefully we can grow together.
      更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 恭喜!等待下篇。
    • 这个必须得爪!
    • 恭喜!等待下篇
    • 收藏了。
    • 太棒啦!
    • “为老板排忧解难建立彼此依靠互相需要的关系” 说得真好!你这么棒的左膀右臂 给你升职加薪太应该了!!
    • Impressive! I believe that you can go long way on the corporate ladder. And complely agree the comment, language doesn't talk but points do
    • Good point! 态度才是关键, 态度决定一切.
      • 我曾经把好的工作态度当作职场第一要事。但血的教训确实好的工作态度不能决定一切。
        • 同意。我写的那些的确有前提条件,所谓"良禽择木而栖,贤臣择主而事",宁要好上司,莫要好公司。面试时就要仔细观察考虑。这其实是衡量一个职位的非常重要的方面,而不仅仅是薪水$$$。态度是你自己可以把握的,其他你不能掌控的,就只能依靠

        • Qing Meimei, don't feel bad! The experiences and determinations you have gained gradually from ups and downs will evetually benefit you!
          Nobody is perfect! I personally still believe positive and confident attitude is very important. The fact your boss became your boss must have some strengths in some areas. In addition, don't use other people's drawback to beat up yourself. Keep up your passion and good luck!!!
      • 学问太深了~!
    • 非常好。
      • 你说得对,下篇你会看到的。
    • 文章行云流水。大赞。隐隐感觉有某"老"前辈的犀利文风。
    • Clapping of the hands. Thank you for sharing. It is very encouraging and I am looking forward to reading the next.
    • 我最近刚刚被director在cfo面前表扬。单位有2万多人呢。只要努力工作,还是有收获的。共勉。
      • 恭喜!我也一直坚信努力会有回报。我也好期待那天有人表扬表扬偶 ~~
    • 多谢分享,学习了。恭喜升职加薪,相信你可以走的更远,当上CFO后别忘了提携偶们这些曾经顶过你帖的还在努力一步一步往上爬的职场蜗牛族们。:)
      • 你要非说自己是"蜗牛族"就显得矫情了:),都知道你和楼上的好几位是牛人大拿,我正盼着你们"不吝赐教"呢。
    • 加拿大的职场经验,感谢分享
    • 好贴要顶。才去八个月就能升职加薪,佩服中。刚过PROBATION焦头烂额正试图说服老板加FTE中的有点自卑。
    • 楼主 什么时候能看到下一篇?我一天来看好几遍 都是直奔你的帖子来的~~
      • 真抱歉,我打字的速度也是"蜗牛",下篇希望能在这个周末前完成。
        • 不急 不急 慢工出细活 呵呵
        • 楼主 下篇快出炉了吗?
    • 对楼主非常崇拜。有点开读了第二遍,顺便把楼主推荐的歌儿也听了。谢谢。
    • 真是不容易,我真不知道,怎样像你一样做到业务精湛人际关系又这么好。我毕业快2年了,可以早到一份工作就心满意足了.想一想以前读书的辛苦,丢掉这份专业又觉得可惜,想去做销售,比如说卖保险又觉得有违自己的性格又不稳定,嗨 怎不知该怎么办。希望给一点建议,谢谢。
      • 刚开始都艰难,不断找,做多了什么都见过了就容易了。长远看要做适合自己个性的,但短期尝试其他工作也有益。随便给个例子,我老公10前做door to door,那个苦啊,倒是把英语练得特溜。面试的人说,咋一听发音,根本不象是新移民。不过他个性是技术类,最后还是做了IT。
        • 谢谢你的建议,也许我该两边都试试,何许有事做,心情就不会这么沮丧。