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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

Hey, you come back. So glad to see you again on Rolia. To response to your closing sentence, 忽然也想写点感想。 文未必对题。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OPEX的TEAM来了个新DIRECTOR, 她的一项新要求是 to develop a new report or a big table to show $$ variance not only by cost group but also by function group, e.g Sales, Mktg on one page. When the team manager talked with me about this requirement, I was a little surprised. “--- you don’t have this before?” No, they did not have such a report before. Each analyst in the group covers a couple function groups and provides var analysis by cost groups. I once read the final consolidated var. That’s a long, long list. The report (a big table) actually gives much of the information in one minute. One can pinpoint the issue right away and ask meaningful questions. Now, it is so obvious, but I guess when we work month after month, following the same routine, it is hard to jump out of the circle and pick the “low hanging fruits”.
BTW, some gossip of the new director. She is said to be very smart. Actually, she is so sharp that the team manger was surprised to see a cat’s picture on her desk. The team manager said she couldn’t imagine CC, the director to be associated with any small animals. I was somewhat jaw-dropping when heard this. This brings me to think about another question. How smart is smart enough, especially for a leader? I myself had the experiences of working for a top-notch director. Occasionally, I found myself intimidated or frustrated by his responses and expectations. As an analyst, a contributor, I am much more productive and happier when work with another manager who is not as sharp or “quick” as that director. As a manager, will that be more important to coach and lead a team to perform? I don’t have the answer yet.

At the end, I would like Toysrus and other前辈 to shed more light on the topic of “business acumen”. After experiencing several organizational chagnes including diventure, I can tell this is a essantial quality for any senior finance/accounting professional, not a cliché on job description.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 先祝贺一下那些通过考试的和即将成为“A”们的XDJM,这样说完下面的话可以少挨些砖。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛大部分朋友包括我自己在拿到designation之前都把它当作一块敲门砖,在经过这些年的摸爬滚打,现在回过头去想想,其实拿到designation只是扫掉了职场发展的一个障碍物,还远远够不上一块敲门砖的份量。只有加上相应的知识储备,处事应变能力和工作经验,才能拿到你想要的工作职位和工资待遇。

    可能这里很多朋友有这样的感慨,CGA/CMA的职场发展不如CA顺利,特别是想要申请管理层职位时,常常会被刁难没有相应的经验,一脚就被踢回“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的问题。而好多fresh CA常常能找到基层manager的职位。很多人包括有些猎头都把原因归咎于CA的悠久历史和人脉关系,其实单靠reputation这种现象不可能由来已久。仔细分析一下,我认为还是跟CA的成长路程有关,要想成为CA,除了必经的考试,30个月的时间外,这30个月的经验分布也是一个重要因素。它涵盖了run一个team必须具备的条件,reporting,controlling,taxation, 等等等等,还有最重要的一点,一般最后一年,在你成为senior后,都会被要求mentor几个junior的工作,有时候尽管title没有改变,实质已经存在。这些经验对以后的发展都是非常有价值的。相反,CGA的历程没有相应的要求,对所谓senior的经验要求比较松宽和含糊,侧重点在于accounting technical经验上。这给与以后的发展带来一定难度,对CGA的reputation 也有些许损害(可别给我捅到协会去)。久而久之,会在行业带来一种common认识,CGA不如CA。

    其实,在课程设计本身,CGA还是有很多优势的,比如相对来说更hands on,适合operational 环境,基本功比较扎实,对知识的运用提供更多实例经验。

    接下来的问题是,怎么去克服这个竞争中的弱点。根据自己的经验, 我给大家提供几个建议:

    1. 学习CA的课程设计,想办法在现有的工作中寻找机会。这对那些与上级关系良好的,已经在工作中建立声誉的,在公司工作时间长的比较适用。你可以尽量要求一些管理工作,比如有新员工加入,或者intern实习时,主动要求做mentor。另外对于工作中有些不合理,没效率的过程,提出一些改变设想,如被批准改进,自然就是领导改进项目执行的一员。总而言之,并不一定要给与title改变的机会,你一样可以获得senior/manager的工作实质,对你的简历同样添彩。

    2. 走迂回路线。这个对于那些在本公司工作年限短,公司结构复杂或机会不多的人适用。有时候大公司规定太多,官僚厉害,限制了一些人事发展,这种情况下,想办法去小公司,找一个小team,改变title,开始你的manager生涯,这个相对第一点难些,但是成功事例非常多,周围有好些朋友都是这样开始积累经验的。但是在这种状况下,找工作要扬长避短,尽量找自己熟悉的行业和环境,比较容易获得机会。

    3. 转换部门,获得更多工作经验。适合于在大公司的朋友。有时候人都有一种叫做”frame dependence”的行为表现,你如果以低职位开始一份工作,周围同事上司就会一直将你放在低level的框架里,哪怕你一路成长到designated后,在他们眼里你还是一个junior。这种情况下最好的办法是换个部门,以designated的身份去竞争一份senior工作,抹掉前面的纪录,同时也可以获得diversified经验。

    4. 改变工作侧重点。之前一直focus在技能提高上的朋友,拿到designation后,应该将眼光移向运作流程,别再光注重自己这一亩三分地了。学习分析一下公司运作的策略,为什么上层要做改变,这种改变是针对那些环节的,反映在财务报表上的那些方面。带来的副作用是什么,这些都必须是你经常test自己经验能力的功课。只有这样才能培养你的business acumen, 为以后进入管理层做好准备。在这个过程中你分分钟还能完成些accomplishment呢。

    总之,职场发展最重要的是planning,而planning不单指对将来的设想,也包括对以前和周围的评估,从每一个细节中发现机会。预祝大家好运!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 咱就不能注意一下格式,想累死观众?// 找你吃饭找不着,真是神龙见首,不见尾。
      • formatting一般是领导的工作,以示批阅。
    • 写得真好,谢了并正在学习着。
    • 金玉良言
    • 确实是经验之谈,谢谢分享!会计新人太需要会计资深人士的指点了。多谢!
    • 谢谢分享,收藏!!
    • 砖是想砸的,不过看见是老大,砖也就扔了,很感谢前辈的指导。
      偶想说的是,这没A什么事。CGA, CMA ,CA的职场发展均看个人经历,脾气个性和个人职业规划。很多fresh CA找到manager 职位,我也看到很多fresh CMA找到manager职位,CGA在读生中,入行早的老外,manager都做了若干年了。。。(虽然还在辛苦地啃着CGA)

      很多国人入行发展不顺,一是旧有的国内教育背景缺乏“职业教育”一环,所以从没想过职业需要“规划”,等年纪偏大后,家庭责任导致为“钱”工作,工作找到哪里是哪里(有CGA朋友不到5年连续换了3份工作,每份工作职能一样,薪水涨幅不大,如果不停止这种惯性式地找工,CGA的价值是永远也发挥不出来的)二是语言文化,职业行为,职业态度或多或少均有障碍,有时身至其中,浑然不知,偶有段时间深刻反省自己职场行为,不时哑然于当时的幼稚。所以人总是要经一事才能长一智。职场发展需要人点拨更需要自己思考。三是作为会计师,大多数人的DISC个性测试不是C就是S,也就是本来就比较适合detail oriented, 分析型加之稳定型的工作,容易lose big picture,也不太容易改变。所以寻求改变本身对很多国人会计师而言,就是一个大挑战。看看拿钱多的会计师,很多都是年轻时候跳槽相对频繁,不达薪资目的不罢休的能人。
    • 顶一个。// 您老人家最近还能有时间写这些东东?还是在上班时间?I thought you're buried in work.
      • business trip的时候写这种东东是打发时间最好的方法。:-)
    • toysrus 大侠的帖子真是及时雨,我最近正在为这个职场planning发愁!我还琢磨着是否去学个part - time MBA? 也许对将来能忽悠个manager position 有帮助?还请大侠指点!
    • 经典,透彻。
    • 那CGA学完后有没有必要再拿个CA呢?
      • 要那么多的A干吗啊,每年要交多少membership fee 啊
    • 谢谢大家捧场,其实每个人的案例各不相同,适用于我的未必会给你带来相同效果。学会分析自己,分析别人,从中吸取经验教训,进步就会不断。(有点像教导主任吧?)


      • 谢谢这帖清凉剂。
        -我们这边CMA做到中小公司CFO 或BOD 成员的不少,设置看来CMA 课程和职业培训有值得CGA 学习的地方。
      • Hey, you come back. So glad to see you again on Rolia. To response to your closing sentence, 忽然也想写点感想。 文未必对题。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛OPEX的TEAM来了个新DIRECTOR, 她的一项新要求是 to develop a new report or a big table to show $$ variance not only by cost group but also by function group, e.g Sales, Mktg on one page. When the team manager talked with me about this requirement, I was a little surprised. “--- you don’t have this before?” No, they did not have such a report before. Each analyst in the group covers a couple function groups and provides var analysis by cost groups. I once read the final consolidated var. That’s a long, long list. The report (a big table) actually gives much of the information in one minute. One can pinpoint the issue right away and ask meaningful questions. Now, it is so obvious, but I guess when we work month after month, following the same routine, it is hard to jump out of the circle and pick the “low hanging fruits”.
        BTW, some gossip of the new director. She is said to be very smart. Actually, she is so sharp that the team manger was surprised to see a cat’s picture on her desk. The team manager said she couldn’t imagine CC, the director to be associated with any small animals. I was somewhat jaw-dropping when heard this. This brings me to think about another question. How smart is smart enough, especially for a leader? I myself had the experiences of working for a top-notch director. Occasionally, I found myself intimidated or frustrated by his responses and expectations. As an analyst, a contributor, I am much more productive and happier when work with another manager who is not as sharp or “quick” as that director. As a manager, will that be more important to coach and lead a team to perform? I don’t have the answer yet.

        At the end, I would like Toysrus and other前辈 to shed more light on the topic of “business acumen”. After experiencing several organizational chagnes including diventure, I can tell this is a essantial quality for any senior finance/accounting professional, not a cliché on job description.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Well,I would like to discuss more about the work environment or team relationship here. Honest, it is really important that you are under a matched manager. Not only you are matched with your manager, but also whether you like your manager or not.
        I believe different person have different personality and strength. I could not agree with that a good manage should be very smart. Generally a very smart person would be very picky as she/he knows much more, even sometimes their thinking is much more complicated than normal. I am not kidding, it is true. :) You would feel really uncomfortable under such demanding person.So what should you do? Should you change all your style to match with your manager or you just want to keep your strength? I believe it is really hard to change your style.
    • 干什么都是一样的道理,有证书不等于有能力,这其实就是为什么招人老是要求经验的原因。
    • Bump