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职场系列之 - 用积极乐观的心态来面对这场金融危机 - 写给做会计的XDJM们

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一直以来会计是被公认的较稳定的职业,可此次金融危机所造成的经济不景气导致了很多做会计的XDJM也难以幸免。被雷的可能很难在短时间再找到一份理想的工作,没被雷的很多也都在担心自己的job security,担心自己会不会是下一个受害者。金融危机已经持续了一段时间,还会再持续多久,经济何时才会好转,如今还是个未知数。而我们现在能做的就是尽量做好预防,用积极乐观的心态来面对这场风暴。偶总结了几点心得希望和大家共勉。

1) 不要自己吓自己
保持良好的心态永远是最重要的。即使公司内外人心惶惶,记住,千万不要自己吓自己,疑神疑鬼。不要整天胡思乱想着“我会不会被裁,下一个会不会就轮到我了”。这种恐慌心理是很容易就会表现出来的。你的心情会直接或间接的影响你身边的每一位同事,包括你的老板。想一想,你老板和同事会愿意每天和一个愁眉苦脸的人共事吗?So, always keep smiling, 保持心情愉快,用积极乐观的心态度过每一天。

2) 眼观六路,耳听八方
在埋头苦干的同时别忘了多留意周围的人和事。和同事老板多交流,多沟通。有时在和同事的闲聊中会获得意想不到的重要信息。时刻关注公司的动向。比如公司受这次金融风暴的影响和冲击有多大,有没有出现亏损,有没有足够的流动资金 来运作,ST & LT funding / financing 是否available?这些信息财务部门的员工是很容易就可以得到的,而且通常会比公司其它部门同事先得知。如果是上市公司,建议大家去看看公司的external / public filing, 尤其是MD&A - Management's Discussion & Analysis (管理层讨论与分析)。,因为MD&A包括了对会影响公司未来的重要事件、趋势 和不确定性的讨论与分析及公司管理层将会采用哪些措施来cope with financial crisis and economic downturn (如裁员 和 缩减开支)。

3) 多接触信息和资讯
每天关注headline news, 尽可能让自己更多地接触到一些信息和资讯,尤其是industry related news,可帮助了解industry的整体情况及发展趋势。
2) & 3)可以让自己得到更多和生存相关的信息,以便及时做好应对。

4) Networking – 多和朋友/同行交流
越是困难的时候就越需要朋友。多和朋友及同行交流,除了可以交换信息外,也可以相互鼓励。有效的 networking也许会为自己带来意想不到的收获。

5) 不要总想着公司给了你什么,想想你为公司贡献了什么
很多公司为了节省开支而决定freeze salaries, 有些甚至决定减薪。相比被公司裁掉来说,冻薪和减薪已算是挺幸运的了。既然已成事实就不要抱怨了,好好想想可以怎么帮助公司一起度过难关。不要因为自己只是公司财务部门的一颗螺丝钉就认为没什么可贡献的,螺丝钉也一样可以发挥其作用。举例在公司做AR,好的AR clerk会意识到有些客户可能因为财务出现困难而开始拖欠帐款,及时向管理层 汇报。在管理层了解和分析了此客户的财务状况后发现此客户可能维持不了多久了, 于是决定停止再供货给这个客户。AR clerk 的 risk awareness帮助公司避免了造成更大的损失。要想保住饭碗就仔细研究一下你能为公司贡献什么。

6) 评估自身的经济承受力,缩减个人开支
即使认为保住饭碗不成问题,在这种时候也该做好最坏的打算,防范于未然。尤其是那些拖家带口的JDXM们。把自己的经济状况做个详细的评估。如果一旦失业,EI是否足够cover家里所有的开支,如果不够,银行账户里的存款可以支撑多久?尽量减少不必要的开支。爱购物的JM们得响应金融危机购物新口号了“只买实惠的,不选昂贵的”,那些Gucci, LV的包包看来只有在梦里买了过过瘾了。:)

The list goes on.... 祝愿大家都能平平稳稳的度过这场金融风暴。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 职场系列之 - 用积极乐观的心态来面对这场金融危机 - 写给做会计的XDJM们
    • 就像我们匹格一样,即使明天就上屠宰场,今天,该吃就吃,该睡就睡!
      • PIg, oh
    • You Qing Ding Tie...
    • Support. 写的真是时候。过去"只买实惠的"的同学可以尝试再往下降到"不买"这等级。:)
    • 保持乐观的心态同时,健康的身体也很重要。 注意健康饮食, 每天坚持锻炼最少30分钟。经济危机几年就恢复了,身体变坏了却有可能不可逆的。
    • Says from a shopaholic? Nice!
    • 好,great.
    • good opinions. Good luck to accountants.
    • Excellent,感谢楼主!
    • 写的很中肯。
    • AFP - Career Development: Six Tips for Survival
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛AFP - Career Development: Six Tips for Survival
      What are smart people doing to stay afloat?
      By Philip H. Grantham

      In these uncertain times, companies in all sectors are downsizing at unprecedented rates. Because the finance function is usually one of the last departments to take major hits, you may be spared the axe. However, until the economy has shown signs of turning the corner, we are all vulnerable. So what are the smart people doing to stay afloat?

      We have compiled a few tips that may come in handy if you believe that your position is in jeopardy.

      Do an honest appraisal: The best thing you can do is to be ahead of the curve. Analyze your current position within your company, and your company’s competitive and financial posture. A realistic appraisal should give you insights as to your vulnerability, and act accordingly.

      Network, network, network: People who actively manage their careers know this instinctively: you need to increase your visibility through every means at your command. Attend AFP meetings, become active in your state CPA associations, post your resume on FENG and other sites frequented by recruiters, write a blog.

      Be a part of the solution: Many companies create task forces to deal with chronic business issues in times of crisis. Do what you can to get named to one or more task forces working to come up with solutions. You need to be associated with projects or functions that are widely perceived as mission-critical.

      Look for ways to add value: Build into your daily routine time to come up with ideas for how the company can either improve its top line, or reduce expenses. Utilize your internal network to promote those suggestions so that you get noticed for having skills and attributes that ensure that you are “a keeper”.

      Add a new skill: Just because you are a budgeting genius, you should think about becoming proficient in another discipline—e.g., cost-accounting, financial reporting, etc.
      When the powers that be decide to eliminate positions, you may be spared because you have cross-functional expertise. Having an extra skill might make you employable in another group or geographic location within the company.

      Alter the value proposition: In many situations, it is obvious that the company will be in a restructure mode sooner or later. If you are feeling particularly vulnerable, you might consider offering to resign and become a contractor, charging based on project completion. Changing your status will probably result in a significant loss of income, but may enable to you to stay involved with your employer until you either get re-hired or another full-time opportunity presents itself.

      At the end of the day, in spite of your best efforts, you may not avoid being laid off. While this will undoubtedly be a humbling experience, look at it as an opportunity for growth. While you will of course need to put most of your energies into identifying your next career opportunity, take advantage of the downtime to nurture yourself: take up a new hobby, go back to school, take the trip you have always intended to take. Keep a positive outlook: with perseverance, you will find the right next professional challenge.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • thanx, these are also what we should have been doing all this time...
      • Layoff is not a curse but a blessing!
    • Well said!
      • Long time no see! Welcome back!
        • 谢谢啦.现在项目忙,偶尔上来一次,也多是潜水