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The young and the old


I'm 64 and I'm really tired of listening to people my age whine about stuff that younger people do.

* It definitely was NOT better when we were kids;
* a phone isn't that f-ing hard to figure out;
* It's not that nobody talks anymore; it's just that nobody wants to talk to *you.*


"Don't believe everything you see on the internet"
~ my parents when I was a teenager in the late 90s

Now I have to tell my parents that.


I'm tired of people complaining about how younger people are terrible as though they weren't the ones that raised those younger people to be what they are.


I'm not younger, but I'm a fed up with some older people expecting gratitude "for all that they have done" while taking zero responsibility for the problems that they will leave future generations.


They're so judgemental and rude. I'm a restaurant worker and I swear young people are way more polite and easy going while older people have zero patience (even though they're the ones who are already retired), oftentimes make racist, sexist, homophobic and bodyshaming comments and still act like they're above the younger generation simply because they've been alive for longer.


That I’m wasting my entire purpose as a woman because I don’t want kids.


Pull yourself up by your boot straps and work harder.

Buddy, I’ve been working 60+ hours a week and prices keep going up and my pay is not and I actually cannot afford to change jobs, change my living situation, buy a more fuel efficient car, or go to college. There actually is no out. There is no work harder and I’ll make it. I’m literally in the poverty trap. I’m slowly making my way out of it but it’s going to be a long a*s time unless some other opportunity magically appears. College isn’t the price of a McDouble anymore old man.


"You kids and these damn phones..."

My parents are on their phones more than I am by a lot.


I’m 32 so not young not old but definitely hate hearing s**t like for example my bfs dad saying he didn’t know he raised 3 girls when he found out my bf and his brother drink tea.


- I don't work hard enough (I've been employed as long as I've legally been able to work, balancing up to 3 jobs at a time...but sure)

- I'm old, i.e., too old to be loved (tons of problems with that, but also, I'm 31?! That's not old)

- I expect too much (yea, decent pay, decent and affordable housing. Totally a spoiled brat).

- I'm immature because I don't want bio children (I'd argue it's a sign of my maturity that I know myself well enough to not have kids)

- My standards in relationships are too high (not to be abused by partners/friends/employers...if that's high bar, I'm speechless).


Just had someone the other day ask me "so why arent you married?"
I'm like.. if i met someone worth marrying, then I would!


“just start saving! you’ll be able to buy a house in no time”


How we can't fix anything ourselves. Then promptly ask us to fix their WiFi, set up their new phone and figure out why their computer is running slow.

We can do plenty, we just have a different skill set!


“No one wants to work” we want to work just not for poverty wages


I hate how we've gone from me getting facebook as a teenager and my parents being like "DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET" to them sending me "medical research" from unverified/unreputable sources.


Anything to the effect of "young people can't have back pain (or any other physical disability)." Like, dude, I *wish* being in my twenties made me immune to being injured. But that's literally just not how the human body works.


"The young people always just want to Drink and go to partys"
1. No
2. Don't pretend like you didn't do this too lol


how sensitive we are

I made a comment on a YouTube video calling a gay couple cute and some f****n boomer stalked my YouTube channel and felt the need to insult me several times

like I’m not the sensitive one in this situation


"stop eavesdropping"

I'm not eavesdropping you're just talking loud because you're deaf and I'm not


"You just have to work harder if you want to buy a house, that's what I did"

Yeah well I don't make 50% of the price of a house, a year, like you did


"You should really buy a house and settle down"

I'm bloody well trying Karen. Just cause you bought your house in the 60's for 40k and a blueberry, off your husbands salary, whilst you were a stay at home mom, then sold it for 600k this year to retire off of- Doesn't mean that it's the same for this generation, right now. Far from it infact. Just. Shut up.


I'm sick of hearing about them b******g about participation trophies. I got one in middle school and was told to appreciate that I got it. I didn't want it. I knew that I hadn't done anything to deserve a trophy. It went into a drawer and was forgotten.

People love complaining about how participation trophies have ruined children when it was the adults that decided to hand them out. How idiotic is it to basically say "here's your award for existing." followed by "You f*****s need to be awarded for just existing!" in nearly the same breath?


Tired of people referring to their significant others as the old ball and chain or just talking s**t about their wives to friends a lot. It’s like their wives are a burden to them?


"Your generation is sensitive and weren't taught hard work" yall literally raised us, how is it our faults.


"Video games are a waste of time."

Says the boomer dips**t sitting on the couch, sitting on his phone with Fox News playing in the background.


"When I was your age, I already had 5 kids and two grandchildren" or "My granddaughter is your age and she already has 3 kids. When are you going to give you mom some grandkids?!".

I'm 30. Not that old, not that young. But this kind of comment? Definitely old for me. I'm so tired of older ladies saying this. I think I wasn't even 18 when they started! They don't accept any reasonable answer that isn't a "I'm working on it". A "maybe later" or "I'm doing my best to get a steady career before having kids" or "we are saving"? Gets them on a rampage saying some bs about kids not costing a thing and that I'm getting old or that women were born to be mothers or whatever... So I started being rude. Sorry, but not sorry.


"When you're older you'll agree with me."

Ffs just because you're older doesn't mean you're always right or that you know the answers to all my life's problems. You grew up in a different time period, with different problems, and different social views. Your problems might be similar, and you might be right some of the time, but that is no excuse to shut down every logical point I make against your beliefs with this line.


I'm an older millennial. I have a good job, own a house, am married, and have two kids.

It is 2022 and at least half the times I hear someone older reference "millennials" it's talking about people who are currently the age my cohort was 22 years ago when the millennium was a thing.


“I have more life experience than you…” then proceeds to go on an emotionally stunted rant based on their own personal bias due to trauma they refuse to process because “they know best.”


I'm 55 I still get tired of my parents telling me to find a good church home.

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