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Person Asks "What's So Ancient Only Internet Veterans Can Remember?", 30 Folks Deliver




awesabre said:
Winamp. It really whips the lamas a&s. So much time perfecting skins.

KlaatuBrute replied:
> "So much time perfecting skins."

Honestly that's kind of one of the things I miss the most about old internet—everything was unique down to the individual user. Flashing marquees, neon text on a different neon color background, dancing gifs everywhere. The entire internet had this cobbled-together look like an old alley in Hong Kong.

Now everything looks the same, like digital urban sprawl.


Website Visitor Counters

grendel54 said:
Counters on webpages.

Wildcat_twister12 replied:
When doing research online—Wow this site has had 300,000 people visit, the information must be legit.


The Internet Can't Work If Someone's Using The Landline

Conny_and_Theo said:
Having to make sure no one is on the phone so you can use the internet.

ltBurnsWhenlPvP replied:
When I set up our internet for the first time mid 90s I accidentally had it calling a long distance number. Dad received a phone bill for $2800. We no longer had the internet in our house after that.



Orinocobro said:
Real Player.

Also: uninstalling Real Player.

UebelKanuebel replied:
Yeah. And Quicktime.

1Eternallylost replied:
Reminds me of those postage stamp sized movies at 6 fps.


Custom Mouse Cursors

Blackout1322 said:
When we used to risk getting viruses just to get cool cursors.

AmoreLucky replied:
Or smileys for your instant messenger like AIM, MSN, or Yahoo Messenger.


Cleaning The Gunk Out Of The Mouse

gfyans said:
Having to clean the gunk out of your trackball mouse with your fingernail.

Jrxbrg replied:
I am so glad I don’t have to boil eggs for the new mouse balls anymore.

lightbulbfragment replied:
Really had to boil them a long time to get that good gray color and rubbery texture.


Having To Type Out The Beginning Of Each Website

Having to actually type out “http://www.” before entering the website.


Dial-Up Internet

ThisBroDo said:
Dial up.

ResponsibleBase replied:
And that unforgettable tone sequence while connecting!


Not Being Able To Play Flash Games Any More

joothinkso said:
Not being able to play flash games until the flash player had been updated.

the_hell_you_say replied:
Having to update flash player every time you turned the computer on.

drunk98 replied:
[That thing] updated hourly & never got any better, it's like me if I was an app.


Bringing Your Computer To A Friend's House To Play Multiplayer

Having to physically carry your computer around to a friend's house if you wanted to play multiplayer


Under Construction Gifs For Geocities

Lindseykkl said:
You forgot the construction worker excavating gifs and the under construction banner!

ricottapie replied:
Please sign the guest book!

discerningpervert replied:
Geocities was the [shirt]


The Hamster Dance

DriveCreepy9057 said:
Hamster dance is one I think of a lot.

Wyattbw09 replied:

Woofles85 replied:


Desktop Themes For Windows

Remember desktop themes? Changing all your icons, mouse pointer, computer sounds, etc., to images and sounds from, like, Dr. Katz: Professional Therapist or whatever.


AOL's Promotional Media

Keithninety said:
Floppy disks and CD’s that came in the mail containing 500 free hours from AOL.

HatchlingChibi replied:
One of my sisters friends decorated their dorm with those. They stuck them on the ceiling and had enough to cover the whole thing. It was interesting decor.


MapQuest Struggles

ItsBulkingSeasonLads said:
If going on a long car journey, having to print off directions from MapQuest.

keb1965 replied:
And the first three pages were how to get out of your driveway.


Ask Jeeves

sev45day said:
Ask Jeeves.

Sht_Hawk replied:
I remember me and a friend using Ask Jeeves at school and thinking we had to type things in as questions.

Sad_Ambassador4096 replied:
2nd grade our teacher polled the class what to ask Jeeves because we thought we only got one question.

We went with: "Jeeves, why is it called a pair of pants but not a pair of shirt?"


Invitations to GMail

Having to be invited to GMail.


Unclaimed Usernames

R33Gtst said:
Signing up for a new email address and the username not already being taken.

Glorious times.

notyounaani replied:
I took like every free email with my first name and my first name and surname combination which was a mastermind move when I was 12. Sucks to be whoever has the same name as me though.


Ye Olde ALT+F4 Trick On AOL Chatrooms

Going into AOL chatrooms and saying, "Hey! They put a fireworks show into the chat! Hold Alt and hit F4 and you'll see it!"

Then watching as, one-by-one, chatroom participants disappeared.


The Encarta Encyclopedia Mindmaze Game

jolloholoday said:

JerseyJedi replied
Anyone else remember that trivia game built into Encarta, where you had to answer trivia questions to get through this castle where everyone was basically frozen creepily into place and couldn’t be freed unless you made it to the end?

cherrytarts replied:
You mean MindMaze? Young nerdy me loved that game.


"Turning On" The Internet

Actually having to "switch on" the internet. Opening the shortcut, typing password and clicking connect and then waiting for the dubstep music to finish.


Searching Music CDs For "Extras"

usspaceforce said:
Putting a music CD into the computer to check out the "extras" only for it to load way too slow to do anything with.

FrogLegsAlwaysFresh replied:
The limited addition Deftones album White Pony had a little game on it. I had forgotten all about that, thanks for reminding me!

SyrupBuccaneer replied:
Back To School's single CD doubled as an Electronic Press Kit which was pretty novel and forward-thinking.


A/S/L, or Age/Sex/Location (primarily used on ICQ)

Ambitious_Nobody7698 said:

SurferRosa85 replied:
I definitely inflated my A from 11 to 16 in the early days of ICQ.

injury_minded replied:
Using 16/f/Cali when I was really 11/f/middle of nowhere, because I just had to seem cool and sophisticated to everyone else in the chatroom.


Pool By Yahoo! Chatrooms

superwholockian62 said:
Playing pool in yahoo chat rooms.

Korncakes replied:
Oh man my buddy and I would play Yahoo pool for hours every day after school while simultaneously grinding on RuneScape together back in junior high/high school. Dude lived like two blocks away and we spent more time playing games online than hanging out in person.


Oldschool Website Programming

Old websites written in a notepad file with basic HTML using tables for spacing/formatting and images that took forever to load. This included lower than lo-fi midi audio files that auto played when the site loaded and "webring" affiliation links at the bottom of the page.

People thought making a personal page look professional meant it looked like a newspaper column with a "table of contents" link list on the left side in traditional roman numeral style list.


Online Bulletin Boards

Dialing into the bulletin board.

I'm aware this is not technically the internet, but it was a precursor and one of the things that made the internet possible.


Alta Vista Search And Babelfish

Eastern-Release4441 said:
Alta Vista.

ShadyFigure said:
And their Babelfish, the precursor to Google Translate.

Hashpool replied:
Wow when I was in middle school in 2005 they started using a network wide block for all the schools. I remember using Babelfish and other websites that translated well websites and we could circumnavigate around that [nonsense] for a while. Of course they eventually caught in on it. What a time!



Qthaker283 said:

glennjersey responded


Multi User Domains/Dungeons (MUDS)


Multi User Domains/Dungeons. They were the text only precursors to games like WOW and Everquest.


StickDeath, A Stick Figure Flash Animation Website

Stickdeath.com. flash animations of stick figures being killed in funny ways.

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