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Escape from Despair

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Escape from Despair

(Edited by Kaer)

Fear can hold you prinsoner. Hope can set you free.

-----The Shawshank Redemption

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people in despair commit suicide while each day, tens of millions in despair struggle to survive. It has been this way in the past and it continues to be this way now, but it does not have to be this way in the future.

Natural disasters do not make people despair, nor do hard material lives. Rather, people only despair when they have mental and spiritual trauma and when they have the consciousness of seeing no better prospect.

Mankind must rise from despair:

The despair of life, the despair of mind, the despair of soul, and the despair of consciousness.

People’s desperation is not the intent of the Greatest Creator, or of Gods, Buddha, the Celestials, or of saints and sages. It is the product of people’s mysterious consciousness, both the individual consciousness, and the collective consciousness. Everyone must start from within themselves in order to escape from despair.

To escape from the desperation of our minds is the key to escaping despair.Death may befall anyone at any time, and if we do not remove the threat of death from our consciousness, whether our Life is brilliant or bleak, it will be a tragedy and an illusion in the end.

How do we change Life’s tragedy into a comedy? How do we turn Life’s adversity into prosperity? How do we turn the bitter wine of death into the sweet nectar of LIFE? The first reality about Life is that death is not the end of LIFE. People attain the quality of celestial beings through self-refinery and self-improvement and then go to live in the heaven of LIFE – the thousand-year world, the ten-thousand year world, and the Elysium Island continent.

Heaven is not an illusory conception of religionists to anaesthetize people’s hearts, Rather, it is true reality.To clarify this point, we must understand that what had been a mystery of LIFE, is no longer such. To this end, not only have Jesus, Buddha, Seth, and even ESP already revealed the answer to us, but Lifechanyuan has also done the same, and with greater details. As long as you enter Lifechanyuan, you need to give up your inherent mindset and open your heart. I am sure that you can understand this holy yet simple mystery.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us, “If it be that ye can pass beyond the zones of heaven and earth, pass ye! Not without authority shall ye be able to pass!” This coincides with Lao Tzu’s saying, “Heaven’s net is broad and wide, with big meshes, yet letting nothing slip through”. The way to avoid the nets above and snares below is to seek Tao. What is authority? What is Tao? In short, it is the Greatest Creator, so revering and worshipping the Greatest Creator is the greatest commandment of life.

As we walk through the mist of death, we will see a new world. When we understand the real existence of heaven and when we are informed of the way to heaven, the bitters and sweets of Life will turn into nectars and we will be able to stride to the next station with neither adversities nor hardships, but rather with confidence, ease, and calmness.

To escape from the despair of our souls, we must understand the nonmaterial world, because if we do not, then our souls will remain dark. Not only will we not view the scenes of heaven, but we will not even see the glow of its dawn. We must carefully savour the words of Jesus and those of Sakyamuni. They never spoke falsehoods or told lies, everything they spoke is true, and each sentence is a rung on the ladder to heaven.

We must escape from our mental despair. We must practise unconventional thinking, because anything believed to be impossible through conventional thinking is possible through unconventional thinking, and with fewer complications. We must understand the secrets of the noble Eightfold Path of thinking and break from the shackles that traditional thoughts impose upon us. We must take efforts to see the distant views and the prospects, and we must trek unswervingly to the highest realm of Life.

To free ourselves from the despair of life, we must establish the correct worldview and outlook on life. To this point, we should learn from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), from Mao Zedong, from Avalokitesvara, and from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. We must release our personal interests and wear the shoes of the suffering people in our hearts. We must dedicate our lives to the people, society, and nature that nurtured us.

To free ourselves from the desperation of Life, we must take the Great Way, not the small trail:

Becoming celebrities, heroes, officials, or simply wealthy is not the Great Way of Life.

To overthrow a regime, damage a harmonious society, suppress a religion or political party, form an armed social group, and so on would not welcome in the Great Way of Life either.To earn a doctoral scholarship or professorship title, to cultivate special magic powers and arts, to practice witchcraft and sorcery, to read people’s fortunes through the black art of divination, or to conjure Gods and dispatch ghosts are not the Great Way of Life.To embezzle and breach one’s duties, to form cliques and factions, engage in malpractice for selfish ends, or to do anything “by hook or crook”, does not support the Great Way of Life. On the contrary, they are the evil way of Life.

What we do must be “fair and square”, but never done underhandedly. “The Lord is everywhere” and “Nothing you do remains unknown forever”. We must lead honourable and upright Lives, not do things clandestinely, not learn tricks to conspire, and never say anything to curse or blaspheme your ancestors.

The Great Way of Life should be like this: revere the Greatest Creator, revere nature, revere the Gods and Buddha, honour your parents, respect the prophets, saints and masters, respect national leaders, be law-abiding, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”, respect the old and love the young, be honest, industrious, kind, and do not take anything from others for nothing, do not take advantages of others, the state, or nature, and try to be an ordinary, simple, and happy person.

Lifechanyuan is the final course for mankind. Heaven has its Tao, earth has its Tao, and people have their Tao. As long as we follow humane Tao, we will attain immortal Tao. As long as we enter Lifechanyuan to learn, understand, and comprehend with open minds, we will discard our despair, enter the Lifechanyuan Era, and eventually enter the Elysium World of heaven. Deny despair, refuse despair, and abandon despair. Let us join hands, love and help each other, and march towards the field of hope!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • Looking for your True Self (I)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Looking for your True Self (I)

    August 5, 2012
    (Translated By Transn and Edited by Kaer)

    Who are you and how much of your life do you control: all of it, some of it, any of it? Needless to say, no one can control their lives absolutely. If a person can control just one tenth of their habits, hobbies, behaviours, and words, then they are quite extraordinary.

    Eighteen things are beyond people’s control, including their height, appearance, race, ethnicity, environment, era, birth date, birth place, parents, death, and so on. All these things are predestined and no one can do anything about any of them, but what about our habits, usual practices, hobbies, behaviours, words, and so on? Are these self-controllable? Let us look at two specific examples:

    · As reported in The World of Unsolved Secrets, a pair of paternal twin brothers were separated from an early age in Ohio, the United States. They meet again after being separated for thirty-nine years only to discover that they both had received legal education and were keen on mechanical drawing and carpentry. Even more surprisingly, their ex-wives had the same first names, as did their their sons, and even their second wives. In addition, both of them vacationed often in Saint Petersburg, Florida.

    · A pair of paternal twin sisters had been separated since childhood for more than ten years. They agreed to meet at a train station and one sister temporarily decided to get a hairdo. When they met, she was taken aback, because her sister had also gotten a hairdo. They also wore identical jackets, skirts, shoes, and carried identical purses. Both of them were utterly amazed.

    We can draw conclusions about these. Both pairs of siblings had almost identical habits, hobbies, behaviour, and appearances, though they had been separated from early ages. When they did not know that they had twins, everything about them was taken as individual preferences; they had all believed that they controlled their own habits and hobbies until they found that their twins were almost exactly the same. Everything that they believed to be self-determined turned out of to be from invisible consciousnesses rather than their own wills; the habits, hobbies, even the names of their wives and sons had been pre-arranged and predestined.

    These cases represent identical twins, but what about the rest of us? What habits and hobbies do we choose for ourselves?

    The answer is NONE! Our Habits, practices, hobbies, interests, behaviours, and choice of words are not our own decisions, but controlled by mysterious consciousnesses.

    What are these mysterious consciousnesses? They are our true selves. The selves that we believe we are, are not our true selves but a false ones, and our true ones are the mysterious consciousnesses that control our hidden ones behind our appearances. Case in point: a woman's husband was killed in a war; when the bad news came, she grieved and wailed sadly, but her true self cried with joy, “Finally I'm free!”.

    Nine people out of ten are pretentious. So, most of the people we face are false, do not talk sincerely, and are hypocrites. We often face cognitive dissonance when our true selves conflict with our false ones. Our false selves tend to be pretentious, to cater to the times, the public, and others; our true selves have nothing to do with them, and that is Tathagata.

    How does one find their true self?

    Continue to “Looking for your True Self (II)”.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Looking for your True Self (II)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Looking for your True Self (II)


      August 5, 2012
      (Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

      In our real lives, we all play roles defined by our plots, such as government civil servants, judges, police officers, businessmen, teachers, thieves, hooligans, and so on. These are not our true selves, but unconscious roles that have been arranged precisely for everyone according to the conscious needs of the plot, so if someone were to ask who you are and you answered that you are a mechanical engineer, that would be wrong.

      Look into a mirror. Do you see yourself? The image that you see has to be wrong because all forms are seen inaccurately; you cannot see yourself by the image of your form. The one in the mirror is not your true self at all, but only a false representation. Compare your images at the ages of eight, eighteen, and forty-eight. They are completely different because they are all illusions; none of them are really you.

      Look at the people around you; some are giving impassioned speeches, holding guns tightly, making films, singing and dancing, handling official business, fighting and quarreling, catching thieves, selling goods, and some are preaching. All are just acting and role-playing; none are their true selves but most are biological robots who are running according to their programmed procedures.

      Your true self is completely free. When you feel unfree, you are not your real self. You have to go to work on time to make a living, do business to make money, be a police officer to catch bad guys, or do your job according to your superiors. Then, you have to maintain the support of your parents, buy a house and a car, get married, and have children. When you make choices, you have to consider the wishes of your family and others around you and you have to remember traditional ethics and customs. Ultimately, you can never be your true self. You have to consider the expectations, demands, and constraints of the people around you as well as the cultural values and customs that society adheres to. You want to go one way but you have to choose another. If you do not, then you will have too bare guilt and pain within your heart, be angry, assume a feigned manner, pose as a person with high morals, and say words and do things against your will or worse, you will face immediate problems with your food, clothing, shelter, transportation, birth, illness, and death. So, you would not have been living out your true self, but only playing the role that you have to play according to the program which has been designed as a social plot.

      You want to be free in your heart but you must live within constraints because you are trapped within the program; put into the plot. Cattle are driven into sheds, pigs are driven into pens, and people are driven into circles of other people. Those who are supposed to dig holes, dig them; supposed to fly, fly; supposed to be herbivores, graze on grass; supposed to be carnivores, eat meat. All are hard-pressed to escape from the bonds of the Three Realms but can only be bound by the Five Elements. The script requires that ninety-nine percent of the people do not to know the truth because if it were widely known, then the play could not be performed.

      A news story reported of a migrant whose wife had affairs at home when he was at work and eventually gave birth to a child. He did not know the truth and raised the child into adulthood, but as the child grew, he developed less and and less like him, so he had a paternity test run. The DNA test result proved that the child was not his and threw him into a whirlpool of pain and trouble. Once the truth was known, a comedy became a tragedy. King Oedipus in ancient Greek mythology and legend married his own mother unknowingly and innocently, and took her as his queen. Had he not learned the truth, he might have enjoyed his warm family, but when they learned it, the queen killed herself out of shame while Oedipus blinded himself and went into exile.

      Once a truth is learned, its consequences can be terrible. What would you do if you learned that you had protected something that you should have destroyed or that you had tried to ruin something that you should have been grateful for? It would be useless at that moment, even if the pain and repentance broke your heart. A pig could not live for even a day if it knew that the reason it was bred in captivity was to be slaughtered for food. If ninety-nine percent of humans knew who they really were, then our whole social system and order would collapse and the human world as we know it would no longer exist.

      How do we find our true selves?

      Continue to “Looking for your True Self (III)”.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Looking for your True Self (III)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Looking for your True Self (III)
      August 6, 2012
      (Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

      Have you watched movies or TV shows? Actors call other actors "Mom" and "Dad"; are they really their parents? Of course not! They were acting and none of the roles that they played were real; they were disguised. Someone is crying; are they really sad? Someone is killed; is the actor really dead? No and no; they were fake and everyone is fine. Everything in the play is false and nothing is real; otherwise it would be unimaginable how many actors would die on a battlefield of a war scene. None are actually dead because they are only pretending to be so.

      Acting in movies and TV shows is acting, but how many people are acting in real life? People pledge their love to husbands and wives for whom they no longer have feelings, they defer to their bosses with smiles though they hate them inwardly, and they scold the United States viciously but rack their brains to send their children there. People lust after men or women in their sleepless nights but then act as guards of public morality and condemn others for acting on their lust. So who is not acting, who are not actors, and who live out their true selves? The truth is that everyone acts. Why are you acting? Because survival forces you to do so. Acting is a survival skill for living, but since it is all just acting, nothing is real, everything is false. Therefore, everything that we see in human society is false; nothing is real because everyone is acting.

      You might say, “It is not all acting, some of it is real, my mother gave birth to me; that was not acting, it was real", and I will ask, "Your mother gave birth to you? Are you sure that she is your mother?". " The son had been the father and the daughter had been the mother", so who is your mother? You do not even know who you are, so how can you know that it was your mother who gave birth to you? Besides, how many mothers have you had; how many times have you been born since the beginning of time? Has the same woman given birth to you each time and has no other women ever given birth to you? Maybe the woman who gave birth to you five hundred years ago is your daughter in this life; can you say that your daughter has never given birth to you? Therefore, it is hard to say who has ever given birth to you: your mother, your daughter, or your lover. Of course, if we limit everything to within this life only, then of course it is your current mother who gave birth to you.

      When someone pointed at Mary and said to Jesus Christ, "Thy mother and thy brother seek for thee", Jesus answered, "Who is my mother or my brother?". "Whoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, my sister, and my mother”. Jesus Christ was real, he was not acting, he was living out his true self.

      Where is your true self?

      As long as you want to remain a person, you will never find it or know who you really are. That is, if all your activities are centered around survival, catering to others, your society, your times, and traditional values, and if you still desire money, power, reputation, and sexual satisfaction in your mind and still want to be outstanding, to glorify and illuminate your family name, or to win glory for your homeland, as long as your mind abides “somewhere” or is tied by someone or something, and as long as you still have desire, demand, hatred, jealousy, resentment, fear, worry, and anxiety from within, then you will never find it either.

      So, how is the true self to be found?

      Continue to “Looking for your True Self (IV)”.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Looking for your True Self (IV)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Looking for your True Self (IV)

      August 9, 2012
      (Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

      The universe is the big stage for LIFE, it exists for LIFE, it is full of LIFE, and it is full of vigor and vitality. The levels of LIFE are in various poses and have different expressions from low levels to high ones and both visible ones and invisible ones. All gradually unfold and perform on the big LIFE stage of the universe which constitutes the magnificent and colorful great universe.

      From an individual LIFE to groups of many LIVES, all things are designed and arranged in strict proportions. Take people for example, everything in our bodies is designed in proportion, such as our numbers and sizes of eyes, bones, hands, and feet. The roles and life-spans of each LIFE and each group of LIVES are designed and arranged based on proportions and needs. At the same time, each LIFE group exists in a certain program and belongs to its own species. All LIFE survives in certain programs and will have to enter other ones after they leave their current ones. For instance, the animal world is a LIFE program, human society is another, and the celestial world is still another. When people depart from the human program, they will enter and run in the program of either the animal world or the celestial world.

      As long as one’s role is fixed, as long as they run in a certain program, then none of their LIFE is their true self because everything has been determined by the plot of a script. It is like shooting a TV series; each actor must play a certain role according to the script plot. Even if you have some wiggle room, you will still have to follow the general script. The true self is completely free and is not subject to any outside control. If everything is done based on outside requirements rather than personal free will and is constrained by certain outside powers, then they are not the lives of true selves.

      In the universe, there is no total freedom except for that of the Greatest Creator. No LIFE can enjoy total freedom. There are different degrees of freedom; the greater the degree of freedom is, the easier it is to find one’s true self and live out their true self, and vice versa. Let us consider a pig and a human. Pigs have less freedom than humans and are subject to the restrictions and controls of humans, so pigs cannot live out their free wills. They live for humans and thus can never find their true selves. Humans have more freedom than pigs, so compared to pigs, humans can live out much more of themselves. Actually, humans in general who live in marriages with families have less freedom than those who live in the New Oasis for Life. The former live passively while the later are free from the shackles of marriage and family programs and free from many of the constraints of the thirty-six Mazes of LIFE; thus, they have more freedom and can live out more of their true selves.

      Lower LIFE levels have less freedom and higher LIFE levels have more freedom. For instance, each of the Plant World, the Animal World, the Mortal World, and the Celestial Beings world have more freedom than the ones before them. It can be said that the worlds closest to hell have the least freedom but those closest to heaven have the most. Therefore, one has to strive for the higher levels of LIFE space. The highest level is heaven and that is where true selves are. The more freedom there is, the easier it is to find one’s true self; the less freedom, the less true self. In the entire universe from the material world to the nonmaterial world, the most real place to find one’s true LIFE self is on the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World because it is the place where LIFE is free from all programs, is no longer playing a scenario role, and everything is self-decided. There is only the self; the designer, the arranger, the director, and the screenwriter are all the self.

      We can thus arrive at the conclusion that one can only find their true self in heaven. Pigs cannot find their true selves as pigs, and similarly humans cannot find their true selves as humans. The only absolute way to find one’s true self is to become a Super Celestial Being.

      How does one become a Super Celestial Being?

      By following Tao and bringing oneness to Tao and to the consciousness of the Greatest Creator to achieve self-consistency. This is how we find our true selves.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Revelations from General Relativity
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Revelations from General Relativity


      September 1, 2005

      (Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

      The attraction between the Earth and the tested body has "gravitational mass". Exerting force to a body, the body will produce reaction force. It resists acceleration, so the body has "inertial mass".The gravitational mass and inertial mass of the same body tested in a variety of ways arrive at such a conclusion: gravitational mass = inertial mass.

      Isaac Newton believed that the measurement result of equivalence of the mass is only coincidental, but Albert Einstein found that such equivalence exists in a glorious channel that replaced Newton's theory.

      Galileo Galilei noted the phenomenon in his experiment that the acceleration of a body in a gravitational field is independent of its mass. In gravitational fields, bodies of different masses fall at identical speeds; the acceleration of two bodies toward each other in the same gravitational field are always equal. For example, if we were to remove all air resistance, then anything falling toward the earth would accelerate at a constant rate of nine point eight meters per second squared.

      In order to explain the principle of the equivalence of gravitational mass and inertial mass, Einstein came up with his famous third hypothesis, General Relativity: If an inertial system is equal to a gravitational system which is evenly accelerated, then we can introduce a uniform gravitational field into it and assume that it (the inertial system) will remain static.

      On the basis of this third hypothesis, Einstein deduced his fourth one which is also the same in all systems. Any observer inside an accelerated running elevator will perceive a spot of light that is shining through its window at a constant speed along a level line into the elevator that lands on its opposite wall differently than an observer who is outside the same elevator. Einstein’s fourth hypnosis confirms that observers inside the elevator ere by neglecting the mass of energy because it is very small, however slight changes of movements of energy can be observed near very strong gravitational fields; it has been shown that light which is close enough to the sun will be drawn toward it due to its huge mass.

      Thus, Einstein reached a surprising conclusion:

      The world in which we live is not Euclidean. That is, circles in Euclidean geometry are no longer round, parallel lines intersect or diverge, and the sums of the angles of triangles are not one hundred and eighty degrees. This strange conclusion is called "the geometry of the universe". One plus one cannot always equal two. What is the speed of a photon plus the speed of a moving train? Can there be such a speed in reality? Place one atomic clock atop a mountain and another one of similar performance at the foot of the same mountain and their measured times will gradually diverge. The one on the top of mountain will run slightly more slowly than the one at its foot. Why? Because gravitational fields alter time and space.

      What are the revelations of general relativity to us?

      1. Any conclusion about macro space and time from the perception of micro space and time might be inaccurate.

      2. Any conclusion drawn from within a system can be inconsistent with one drawn from outside of it.

      3. There are "natural laws” in the universe which apply everywhere and always.

      4. There are differences between abstract theories and reality.

      5. Space and time are not absolute.

      What kind of worldview and outlook on life can we draw from these revelations?

      1. We may have been living mistakenly; that which is in our consciousness is not truth, but distorted reality.

      2. Absolutely correct doctrines, theories, and ideas from within any religious, social, or governmental system may ultimately be disproved.

      3. There are irrefutable universal laws which apply to all space and time; these laws are collectively the Will of the Greatest Creator: Tao.

      4. No theory is absolute and eternally true; we should never believe blindly in the classical theories, but should think from the perspective of holographic order.

      5. Returning from old age to youth and advancing from youth to old age as well as living in different spaces is possible.

      No one has yet discovered all the secrets of the universe. On the contrary, we are only beginning to explore its wonders, and what we do know only scratches the surface. We are still ignorant of the meanings of time and space, so any strong opposition to new ideas, innovative approaches, and new philosophical perspectives is reactionary to the universe and to LIFE and is a suppression of human nature. Only the concept of unifying all religions into a single uniform one is relatively correct thinking. Only the Way of the Greatest Creator is the universal "natural law” to bring salvation from human suffering at the macro level.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Twenty-four Mandatory Indices to Heaven
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Twenty-four Mandatory Indices to Heaven


      November 18, 2018

      (Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

      The universe is not only rational, but also mathematical. Whatever does not conform to scientific principles is a fantasy; a dream. Assumptions do not confirm scientific principles because only facts and tested theories are their cores. Everything that really exists conforms to scientific principles; everything that can be deduced logically also conforms to scientific principles, even if we cannot see that they exist.

      Does heaven exist or does it not? This is quite simple, for as long as we can see the reality of heaven or as long as its existence can be deduced logically, then we can conclude that it does.

      No one's description of heaven is convincing unless many people have witnessed it for themselves and can confirm it repeatedly. The Thousand-year World of heaven that I have described would not be convincing if it were only my personal description, but when I copied it onto the Earth, and hundreds of people not only saw it but also lived in it and experienced it, then it became time to accept its existence. Though seemed humble, it is the Thousand-year World of heaven’s earthly manifestation. If you still cannot recognize these facts in front of you, then you are only proving that you are disregarding them and preferring to stay with your comfortable dreams and illusions.

      Everyone knows about the plane rectangular coordinate system which has four quadrants and each quadrant expresses a different nature. For example, if the first quadrant is all positive and the third one is all negative, then the first quadrant can represent heaven and the third one can represent hell. The space in which LIFE exists is not a plane rectangular coordinate system though, but a three-dimensional cubic coordinate system with volume, also called a complex rectangular coordinate system because it has horizontal space-time and this horizontal space-time is invisible to people within three-dimensional space. Although people cannot see it, it can still be deduced in a scientific way; that is, by the imaginary number axis which is perpendicular to both our eyes and also to the X and Y axes, through the plane rectangular coordinate system origin. Think of it like a chopstick that is perpendicular to our eyes and we can only see a point, though a point is clearly not its true nature. Because a virtual axis is added to the plane Cartesian coordinate system, that plane Cartesian coordinate system has become a three-dimensional one in which there are twenty quadrants. We human beings live in only one of them; the other nineteen are spaces that humans do not experience or understand thoroughly as of yet, and heaven is among them. This is the scientific principle of heaven.

      Since heaven exists and life is so beautiful there, then of course we are all eager to go there. The question is, how do we get there? No matter who you are; a religious follower or an atheist, rich or poor, an official or a common citizen, a university professor or an illiterate, you can go to heaven by reaching its standard, but if you are substandard, then you will have to recycle through the samsara of the Mortal World, the Animal World, or even the Livestock World.

      Here are the twenty-four mandatory requirement indices:

      1. Freedom from Debts

      2. Accumulation of Merits and Virtues

      3. Freedom from Worldly Ties

      4. Freedom from Troubles and Annoyances

      5. Freedom from Anxiety

      6. Freedom from Grief

      7. Freedom from Worries

      8. Freedom from Fears

      9. Possession of Nothing

      10. Having a Carefree Mind

      11. Neither Complaining nor Resenting

      12. Distance from Anger and Loss of Temper

      13. Lack of Envy for Others

      14. Lack of Negativity and Pessimism

      15. Never Comparing Oneself to Others

      16. Never Regarding Oneself as Correct

      17. Never Arguing with or Contending with Others

      18. Keeping a Peaceful and Joyous Mind

      19. Having a Fondness for Playing

      20. Having No Special Relationship with Anyone

      21. Sharing Everything with Others

      22. Having Upbringing, Self-cultivation, and Self-restraint

      23. Lacking a Mind but Showing a Nature

      24. Freedom from Ego

      No matter who you are, as long as you meet these twenty-four requirements listed above, then you have reached the standard and you will undoubtedly go to heaven. There is no need for ascetic practices, meditation, praying in churches and temples, understanding the classics, taking someone as your master, burning joss sticks, or even kowtowing and worshipping. On the other hand, if you do not meet the standards, even if you have read all the classics wholeheartedly, have self-cultivated and self-improved for thousands of years, are wealthy in knowledge, are a super master, have been preaching all your life and have thousands of followers, are eloquent enough to fully understand the classics, and no matter how much you have contributed to the world, then please accept my apology because you are not and will not be heaven-bound.

      It is easy to see that heaven is an ideal society, but why is it so ideal? The reason is that every LIFE can enjoy its pleasure fully. If one who was unable to meet the standard were to enter heaven, then how could the others be guaranteed the freedom to enjoy their pleasure of LIFE fully? That would be impossible!

      Heaven does exist and the road to it is clear.

      Go there or do not; the decision is yours.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Who is Wrong?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Who is Wrong?


      ( Edited by Kaer)

      No one in the world is wrong. Everyone is right.

      If we think that everything in the world is right, that proves that we are right.

      If we think that everything in the world is wrong, that proves that we are wrong.

      No one is wrong. It is you who are wrong.

      Mice burrow, are they wrong? The mice think they are right, but that mankind is wrong.

      Cats catch mice, are they wrong? The cats are not wrong, because they believe that what they do is perfectly justified. Wolves eat meat. Sheep eat grass. Who is right and who is wrong? All are right. If we think it is not right, that means our understanding of things is not right.

      Some believe in Christianity, some believe in Buddhism, some believe in Marxism. Who is right and who is wrong? All are right. If we think that some beliefs are wrong, that proves our understanding has a problem.

      Some like money, some like beauty, some prefer to be alone, some like to fight. Who is right and who is wrong? All are right. If we think they are wrong, that only proves that we are wrong.

      Some are addicted to be the police; some are fascinated to be thieves. Is anybody wrong? Nobody is wrong.

      Are lazy people wrong? Are hard working people right? We are not the ones to say who is right and who is wrong. We can only say what is right for our very selves.

      Is the arrangement of heaven wrong? No! If you think heaven’s arrangement is wrong, it is because we ourselves are wrong.

      It is only we who are wrong. We have no one and nothing to blame, not heaven, not the earth, not society, and not others.

      Ten Thousand Dharmas are mere consciousness. Reality is created by mind.

      Whether the structure of the water molecule is beautiful or ugly depends completely on our attitude towards it.

      Are you sick? Do not resent society and others. It is your own fault.

      Are you in poverty? Do not resent society and others. It is your own fault.

      Do you have a troubled mind? Do not blame society and others. It is your own fault.

      Is the Greatest Creator dead? The Greatest Creator is not dead. It is you who are dead.

      Is Buddha not compassionate? Buddha is very compassionate. It is you who are not.

      In this view, wars, plagues, earthquakes, floods, and fires, are not wrong. It is we who are wrong.

      In this view, burning and looting, embezzlement and theft, bribery and rampant Mafia-style activities are not wrong. It is we who are wrong.

      The reality that we think is not reality, but rather a reflection of our subjective consciousness. It is our subjective consciousness that creates our reality in our minds.

      Quantum mechanics tells us that the existence form of the thing is closely related to the observer. That is to say, the thing being observed is the result of the observer. The action of the being observed depends on the observer's state of mind.

      For the same man, Xuefeng:

      Some see him as the messenger of the Greatest Creator and the incarnation of Gods and Buddha

      Some see him as a witch and a madman, a fake preacher in the cloak of the Greatest Creator

      Some see him as a friend and a second-half

      Some see him as a street shrew

      Some see him as a saint

      Some see him as an erotomaniac

      After all, what he is depends on the cognitive way and the mentality of the observer.

      This further indicates that only when you have Gods and Buddha in your mind, can you see Gods and Buddha, and only when you have devils in your mind, can you see devils. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The devil is in the eye of the enemy. This is in line with the conclusions of the quantum mechanics.

      Tao learners are to change themselves, rather than change others or society. If you do not change yourself, society and people will never change. If you change yourself, society and others will change accordingly.

      Similarly, if you want to enjoy a better environment, you must first have a beautiful soul. If you do not have a beautiful soul, you will never have a beautiful environment.

      This is one of the eight secrets of LIFE. If we want to live in the thousand-year world, we must first acquire consciousnesses and souls that are fit for the thousand-year world. Once we get these consciousnesses and souls, it will be as easy as rolling a log for us to enter the thousand-year world. The difficult thing is not that we cannot go, it is that we cannot adjust our thinking because thinking has inertia. Laziness and unwillingness to engage in in-depth discussions and thinking are commonalities for people. Letting our thinking run according to convention is the easiest and simplest, but it has no future.

      Do you want to get rid of your immediate dilemma? You must first realize that you are wrong. The plight before your eyes is the objective reflection of your false consciousness. If your false consciousness remains unchanged, then your immediate plight can never be clear of it. Even if you escape from this predicament, the next predicaments will arrive unceasingly and in quick succession.

      It is only when you realize your mistake that you can find the right direction in which to go. It is only when you understand that the world is not wrong that it is you who are wrong, that you can see the ultimate goal of Life, and only when you know the ultimate goal of Life, that your LIFE can go to the higher level.

      Do you want to jump off a building and kill yourself? Jump! You can go to hell after the jump. Do you want to cultivate Tao and become immortal? Do it! You can go to heaven after the cultivation.

      Do you want to suffer? No problem. Just go on a wild goose chase and stick to your narrow mind and just think you are never wrong. Then you can expect suffering and torment.

      Do you want to be joyful and blessed? No problem. Just open your mind and engage in unconventional thinking, just realize that you are wrong, and then you will have infinite joy and blessings.

      Did I say wrong?

      Who is wrong, you or I?

      I know I am wrong,

      but are you right?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Escape from Despair +1
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Escape from Despair

      (Edited by Kaer)

      Fear can hold you prinsoner. Hope can set you free.

      -----The Shawshank Redemption

      Each year, hundreds of thousands of people in despair commit suicide while each day, tens of millions in despair struggle to survive. It has been this way in the past and it continues to be this way now, but it does not have to be this way in the future.

      Natural disasters do not make people despair, nor do hard material lives. Rather, people only despair when they have mental and spiritual trauma and when they have the consciousness of seeing no better prospect.

      Mankind must rise from despair:

      The despair of life, the despair of mind, the despair of soul, and the despair of consciousness.

      People’s desperation is not the intent of the Greatest Creator, or of Gods, Buddha, the Celestials, or of saints and sages. It is the product of people’s mysterious consciousness, both the individual consciousness, and the collective consciousness. Everyone must start from within themselves in order to escape from despair.

      To escape from the desperation of our minds is the key to escaping despair.Death may befall anyone at any time, and if we do not remove the threat of death from our consciousness, whether our Life is brilliant or bleak, it will be a tragedy and an illusion in the end.

      How do we change Life’s tragedy into a comedy? How do we turn Life’s adversity into prosperity? How do we turn the bitter wine of death into the sweet nectar of LIFE? The first reality about Life is that death is not the end of LIFE. People attain the quality of celestial beings through self-refinery and self-improvement and then go to live in the heaven of LIFE – the thousand-year world, the ten-thousand year world, and the Elysium Island continent.

      Heaven is not an illusory conception of religionists to anaesthetize people’s hearts, Rather, it is true reality.To clarify this point, we must understand that what had been a mystery of LIFE, is no longer such. To this end, not only have Jesus, Buddha, Seth, and even ESP already revealed the answer to us, but Lifechanyuan has also done the same, and with greater details. As long as you enter Lifechanyuan, you need to give up your inherent mindset and open your heart. I am sure that you can understand this holy yet simple mystery.

      Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us, “If it be that ye can pass beyond the zones of heaven and earth, pass ye! Not without authority shall ye be able to pass!” This coincides with Lao Tzu’s saying, “Heaven’s net is broad and wide, with big meshes, yet letting nothing slip through”. The way to avoid the nets above and snares below is to seek Tao. What is authority? What is Tao? In short, it is the Greatest Creator, so revering and worshipping the Greatest Creator is the greatest commandment of life.

      As we walk through the mist of death, we will see a new world. When we understand the real existence of heaven and when we are informed of the way to heaven, the bitters and sweets of Life will turn into nectars and we will be able to stride to the next station with neither adversities nor hardships, but rather with confidence, ease, and calmness.

      To escape from the despair of our souls, we must understand the nonmaterial world, because if we do not, then our souls will remain dark. Not only will we not view the scenes of heaven, but we will not even see the glow of its dawn. We must carefully savour the words of Jesus and those of Sakyamuni. They never spoke falsehoods or told lies, everything they spoke is true, and each sentence is a rung on the ladder to heaven.

      We must escape from our mental despair. We must practise unconventional thinking, because anything believed to be impossible through conventional thinking is possible through unconventional thinking, and with fewer complications. We must understand the secrets of the noble Eightfold Path of thinking and break from the shackles that traditional thoughts impose upon us. We must take efforts to see the distant views and the prospects, and we must trek unswervingly to the highest realm of Life.

      To free ourselves from the despair of life, we must establish the correct worldview and outlook on life. To this point, we should learn from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), from Mao Zedong, from Avalokitesvara, and from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. We must release our personal interests and wear the shoes of the suffering people in our hearts. We must dedicate our lives to the people, society, and nature that nurtured us.

      To free ourselves from the desperation of Life, we must take the Great Way, not the small trail:

      Becoming celebrities, heroes, officials, or simply wealthy is not the Great Way of Life.

      To overthrow a regime, damage a harmonious society, suppress a religion or political party, form an armed social group, and so on would not welcome in the Great Way of Life either.To earn a doctoral scholarship or professorship title, to cultivate special magic powers and arts, to practice witchcraft and sorcery, to read people’s fortunes through the black art of divination, or to conjure Gods and dispatch ghosts are not the Great Way of Life.To embezzle and breach one’s duties, to form cliques and factions, engage in malpractice for selfish ends, or to do anything “by hook or crook”, does not support the Great Way of Life. On the contrary, they are the evil way of Life.

      What we do must be “fair and square”, but never done underhandedly. “The Lord is everywhere” and “Nothing you do remains unknown forever”. We must lead honourable and upright Lives, not do things clandestinely, not learn tricks to conspire, and never say anything to curse or blaspheme your ancestors.

      The Great Way of Life should be like this: revere the Greatest Creator, revere nature, revere the Gods and Buddha, honour your parents, respect the prophets, saints and masters, respect national leaders, be law-abiding, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”, respect the old and love the young, be honest, industrious, kind, and do not take anything from others for nothing, do not take advantages of others, the state, or nature, and try to be an ordinary, simple, and happy person.

      Lifechanyuan is the final course for mankind. Heaven has its Tao, earth has its Tao, and people have their Tao. As long as we follow humane Tao, we will attain immortal Tao. As long as we enter Lifechanyuan to learn, understand, and comprehend with open minds, we will discard our despair, enter the Lifechanyuan Era, and eventually enter the Elysium World of heaven. Deny despair, refuse despair, and abandon despair. Let us join hands, love and help each other, and march towards the field of hope!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • A Life Without Regrets
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A Life Without Regrets

      ( Edited by Kaer)

      There are countless paths of life but few of them are without regrets. From imperial families to those in poverty and from highbrow dignitaries with imperial notions to the masses who follow pop culture, few people can say when they leave the mortal world, “I regret nothing in my life.”

      Regrets are part of life. Remorse and distress interweave into life as people advance dauntlessly, trying to pursue an optimum life through one attempt after another. Philosophers, religionists, and politicians try to navigate through Life with efforts to make them work without regrets and although everyone begins to fight for their ideal Life from the time they are born, almost all eventually leave the world with regrets and emotional scars.

      Which way leads to a life without regrets? In the early 1980’s, I wrote a letter to a friend in which I listed three main pursuits in life: health, wealth, and freedom, however I have found that even after having achieved these goals, I am still far away from that life without regrets.

      Today I view having a life without regrets as one which realizes these five ideals:

      1.To connect one’s own life with that of the source LIFE. In this case, no matter how short one’s life is in this mortal world and no matter what hardships or splendours they might traverse, their LIFE will always remain connected with eternity, and a much more magnificent picture will manifest itself in the end. In this way, their life will have no regrets.

      2.To accept one’s fate as it is.Whether one is a blade of grass or a peony, a robust eagle daunting through the sky or an agile swallow flying over fields and under eaves, whether they are born handsome and beautiful or plain and ordinary, whether they are highly gifted or severely challenged, and whether they are born into a humble house in a remote village or into the imperial palace in the capital, they can all appreciate the sun and moon, rivers and mountains, the rosy dawn and sunset’s glow, the wind and frost, and the rain and snow. As long as they have hearts like this, they will feel grateful and not complain about the Tao of heaven being “unfair. This too is the way to lead a Life without regrets.

      3.To create joy in one’s life through hard work, as busy as a bee working cheerfully. No matter how much spiritual or material wealth they create, no matter whether the fruits of their labour are enjoyed by many or few, they must keep working sincerely. They must not expect to be extremely rich and noble, or to earn great fame and recognition. As long as their blood, sweat, and tears drip into the soil along their natural paths, they can all be proud to say: I have tried! In such a case, their life will have no regrets.

      4.To act in accordance with one’s nature. It is a Life’s eternal error to imitate and emulate others. A lady from an illustrious family has her special charm as a daughter from a humble family also has her qualities, urban city dwellers have their style while countrymen have their pure beauty, the rich have their problems but the poor have their happiness, delicacies have beautiful tastes and colours but plain tea and simple food have rich nutrition, and extraordinary people have special gifts but ordinary folks also have their advantages. To dream one’s dreams and enjoy their pleasures, to take things as they are and act in accordance with one’s nature, neither to force one’s actions, follow fashion, nor compare themselves with others, to love what one loves and hate what they hate, and to treat oneself sincerely are all necessary if one is to enjoy a Life without regrets.

      5.To do their best at everything they do. Whether it is to support their parents and rear their own children or to help their siblings, friends, and neighbours, and seek public benefit, as long as one does their best, they will have no regrets. Our parents brought us up and their love is higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea. Every child wants their parents to enjoy their twilight years and to show their filial piety every day, but there are many things beyond our control and few can do absolutely as they wish. Parents understand this, and as long as they have tried their best, they will have no regrets. Children are our future and our ideal and every parent wants their children to enjoy wonderful and successful lives, but wishes are wishes and reality is reality. Even one’s fingers are of different lengths and weeds will grow in flower gardens. No one can expect perfection, but as long as they have done their best to rear their children, they should have no regrets regardless of what happens. There is nothing anyone can do when their children complain and resent them, but those who have done everything to the best of their ability, will have no regrets. No one should ever carry more burdens than they can bear nor force themselves to do the impossible. To act to one’s capability and to do their best is to realize a life without regrets.

      We can certainly run on and on, but as there is no perfect life under heaven, why should we pursue one? All things created by the Greatest Creator are strewn in random order but at distinct levels. As long as we obey the arrangements of the Greatest Creator, fulfill our obligations as human beings, and advance along the track of human nature, then whether our life shows favor or adversity or is bright or dark, ours will be a life without regrets.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The Spiritual Life
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Spiritual Life


      (Translated by Xidai and Edited by Kaer)

      Life on earth can be divided into three categories: the mortal life, the wise life, and the spiritual life.

      Those who live for money, food, status, fame, and friendship, are leading mortal lives. A full eighty to eighty-five percent of all people endure these types of lives.

      Those who live to pursue truth, spiritual wealth, honesty, kindness, beauty, love, and creating harmonious societies, are leading wise lives. About five to ten percent of people lead these types of lives.

      Those who live to revere the Greatest Creator, comprehend the mysteries of Tao, supreme enlightenment, and the highest state of LIFE are leading spiritual lives. Only about two to five percent of people are gifted to lead these types of lives.

      Spiritual lives are extraordinary lives. This tiny percentage of people who lead spiritual lives have only the Greatest Creator in their hearts and minds. They never use their own wisdom or cleverness but follow their hearts to live. They have no religions and do not put their hopes on any nations or special leaders. They have established unbreakable relationships with the Greatest Creator, and though they live on earth, their hearts are already transcending through time and space and traveling toward the kingdom of the Greatest Creator. They are retiring and unassuming, forgetting their own lives and wholeheartedly walking on the way of the Greatest Creator. Their hearts are full of peace and light. These people are the seeds of Heaven and the essence of humanity.

      If you want to follow the spiritual path, the best road is to follow Jesus Christ's teachings. All teachings from Jesus Christ are telling people to walk on the way of the Greatest Creator, which is also the mission and sole purpose of Jesus Christ's coming to earth.

      Let us listen to the teachings of Jesus Christ in order to live this spiritual life:

      Jesus answered, ''I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” ~ John 3:5

      Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." ~ John 4:13

      Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." ~ John 4: 21-24

      "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. " ~ Matthew 6: 19-21

      "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ~ Matthew 6: 31-33

      "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” ~Matthew 7: 13-14

      "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
      Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?'
      Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'
      "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
      The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.
      But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
      The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." ~Matthew 7: 21-27

      “And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.” ~Matthew 12: 31-32

      Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you." He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” ~Matthew 12: 38-39

      The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. ~Matthew 13: 44-46

      Then Jesus said to the centurion, "Go! It will be done just as you believed it would." ~Matthew 8: 13

      Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. ~John 24: 12-13

      Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. ~John 10: 37-39

      Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty. But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” ~John 6: 35-38

      "Stop grumbling among yourselves," Jesus answered. "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the Prophets: 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me. “~John 6: 43-45

      He went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him." ~John 6: 65

      "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"
      Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
      Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.” ~John 16: 15-17

      He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."~Matthew 17: 20

      He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” ~Matthew 18: 2-3

      "Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." ~Matthew 18: 19-20

      He said to another man, "Follow me." But the man replied,"Lord, first let me go and bury my father."
      Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
      Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family."
      Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." ~Luke 9: 59-62

      Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me. If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own. He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.“~ John 7:16-18

      We shall try our best to enter through the narrow gate and live spiritual lives by following the teachings of Jesus Christ to walk on the way of the Greatest Creator. No one's teachings are more comprehensive, profound, and authentic than those of Jesus Christ. Therefore, Jesus is the Christ, the door to eternal life. It is only by entering through this door, and we do not need any other methods to self-improve or self-refine, that we might arrive in the kingdom of the Greatest Creator, the Elysium World.

      January 10, 2006更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The Three Great Treasures of Life
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Three Great Treasures of Life


      July 24th 2006

      (Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

      People accumulate and process three types of treasures of wealth during their lifetimes.

      They are defined as:

      · Material wealth. This is the physical material to sustain human bodies, represented by forms of money, such as currency,precious metals, jewellery, real estate, vehicles, food, household appliances, clothing, and any other physical properties.

      · Spiritual wealth. This includes those elements that enable consciousness, including wisdom and understanding, and all mental activities to remain healthy, free, uplifted, comfortable, and blessed through at tributes such as knowledge, skills, experiences, family affection, friendship, love, religions, groups, states, reputations, positions, and so on.

      · Soul wealth. This is the intangible energy and information that can make the quality of LIFE elevate and the nonmaterial structure of LIFE evolve to the perfect system, such as the psychic energy of the Greatest Creator, the running programm of Tao, the revelation of gods, the teachings of Buddha, the cultivation of Celestial Beings, inspiration, spiritual perception and so on.

      The three great treasures above complement each other and are integral to each other.

      · With no material wealth, we cannot have the foundation to make a living. We will either die or become beggars and parasites. Our bodies will not rest, our hearts shall not be at peace, and our undertakings will fail. We will be starving and impoverished, and so we must create and get material wealth by relying on our intelligence and hard work. However, those with only material wealth and no spiritual or soul wealth are lacking and tend to commit crime, suicide, and abuse LIFE and nature.

      · Without spiritual wealth, we would be a constantly moving animal who lives by instinct. The lack of ideological wealth would make us lonely, bored, and empty, and we could not reach a state of joy and blessing, and our mentality would be twisted and distorted, suppressed, hot tempered, eccentric, and prone to go to extremes. However, those with only spiritual wealth but with no material or soul wealth are lacking, prone to being liars, to talk big and fool along. They are likely to do things stealthily, be opportunistic, and become parasites who love to eat, drink, and have fun, as well as careerists and schemers.

      · Without soul wealth, we would never know the meaning and value of life and the purposes of human life, we would not be able to establish the right worldview and outlook on life, and our values would be confused. Not having belief and faith would be like walking through the black of a starless night with low spiritual perception and living a muddled life like a walking corpse. However, those with only soul wealth but no material or spiritual wealth are also lacking. They are likely to be possessed by devils, dwell on spirits and deities, fortunes and disasters, and to play with concepts. They look ghost-like and are obsessed and maniacal. They tend to defile the names of the Greatest Creator, gods, Buddha, and celestial beings, to poison and bewitch people’s hearts, to bring harm to society, and to deviate from humanity and from nature. Earth, water, air, and fire mutually reinforce and neutralize each other. Symmetric balance is blessing. If you ignore any single one of the three great treasures, you will not be able to obtain a perfect life, and will walk on a deformed life road.

      The perfect life should be as such:

      · To learn knowledge and skills lifelong, based on the experiences acquired through hard and honest work, getting a constant, proper amount of material wealth, but never taking the pursuit of material wealth as life’s ultimate purpose, lest we become slaves to material wealth.

      · To love nature, cherish family affection, friendship, love, to honour our good reputations, to comprehend the revelations of gods and Buddha, to listen to the teachings of saints and sages, to revere nature and the Greatest Creator, to constantly self-refine and self-improve, to never stop trekking and climbing to the highest realms of life and LIFE, and develop to perfection.

      · To take the Way of the Greatest Creator and pursue the three great treasures, giving neither up nor going to extremes with either, but controlling the balance, having peaceful hearts and minds.Just like the clear streams falling from the head source while cheering and jumping across valleys and between mountains, winding their way and rushing to the vast ocean while singing all the way.

      In the end, it is to get wishes fulfilled, debts paid off, connections unbound from the mortal world, and to become extraordinarily refined, to accumulate merits and virtues, to understand the mystery of LIFE, to meet death with joy and excitement, and to ultimately reach the Elysium World.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Chasing the Sun and Escaping the Night
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Chasing the Sun and Escaping the Night


      ( Edited by Kaer)

      It was 6:00 AM on Wednesday, August 19th. We flew west for two and a half hours from Beijing Capital Airport (PEK) to Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM) in Mumbai, India, where the local time was also 6:00 AM. We then continued to fly west for another three and a half hours to Harare International Airport (HRE) in Zimbabwe where the local time was still 6:00 AM. We continued to fly for another seven hours to New York City where the local time was still 6:00 AM. We continued to fly west for another eleven hours back to Beijing International Airport, where we found that the time was also 6:00 AM, but it was Thursday, April 20.

      We had flown for twenty-four hours, from 6:00 AM on Wednesday to 6:00 AM on Thursday, but the twenty-four hours we had gone through were all during the morning, never in the evening, and all the times we saw were 6:00 AM, so where did the night go?

      You may think about where the night went, but the fact is that we are fully capable of leading our Lives without nights and can even spend them with eternal mornings, middays, and afternoons. From this, we know the following truth: “As long as we chase the light, we can escape the darkness”.

      This is an indisputable fact, but is everything like this? Things can be very smooth when we actively seek sincerity, kindness, beauty, and love, but misfortune will befall us when we fail to actively pursue them, just as we would encounter the night if we did not remain on westbound jet planes.

      A girl who finds a sugar daddy may escape from poverty for a brief period of time and a boy who follows an emperor may escape disaster. When our fathers want to punish us, but we coax them and make them happy in some way, their desire to punish us will diminish. The ship we were to have taken sank, but we took a patient with a serious disease to a hospital and missed the ship and also the disaster.

      Please try to understand this fact. If we chase the light we can escape the darkness, if we pursue happiness we can be free from misery and trouble, if we pursue the truth, we can avoid falsity, if we pursue beauty we can escape ugliness, and if we pursue goodness we will avoid evil.

      More importantly, if we pursue the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium World, we will escape the mortal world. Nights exist, but they have nothing to do with us. The mortal world exists, but it has nothing to do with the people who live in heaven.

      And here is the fact. If we worship Buddha, then we will attain Buddhahood and if we seek to be Celestial Beings, then we will become Celestial Beings. Those who remain single all their lives will avoid the afflictions that families cause. If we learn from the saints, we will avoid committing crimes, being hunted by the police, and being arrested. If we sit at home for self-improvement, we will miss the car accident. If we attend church or temple services, we will miss being assaulted, mugged, or robbed. If we do not fight in wars, we will avoid the threat of being killed on the battlefield.

      Chanyuan Celestials of Lifechanyuan go all out to pursue sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, and the highest realms of life and LIFE, and will escape the darkness, falsity, wickedness, ugliness, hate, and cheating, and escape from the mortal world and from Hell. Misfortune and suffering will withdraw farther from us. We will have light when others are in darkness, will be in a land of idyllic beauty when others are being punished by nature, and will be enjoying the kingdom of heaven when others fall into abysses.

      We are delighted to cultivate ourselves every day, and to revere and take the Way of the Greatest Creator. Unconsciously, we avoid a lot of misery and devastation. As long as we hold on to our faith, we will be able to reach the shore of our ideals.

      Chase the light and escape the darkness!

      July 10, 2017更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Strategic Life
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Strategic Life


      (Edited by Kaer)

      Using the best building plan, employing the most advanced machinery, mobilizing the best construction workers, and applying the highest quality materials, such as steel and concrete tiles to build a skyscraper on sand, what will happen? The result will be a crushing failure. Why? Because there was a strategic error - you can not build a high-rise building on sand, and even if you could and did, a single breeze would collapse it.

      If it is strategically wrong; any tactical success is equal to zero. As in the example above, the building plan, the advanced machinery, the excellent construction workers, the high quality materials and other tactical successes will ultimately have zero value because of the strategic mistake.

      Strategies are overall planning and designs. Tactics are specific measures to achieve them. If the strategy is wrong, then even the best tactics are ultimately hopeless efforts.

      Sun Tzu’s, “The art of war” includes strategies and tactics; Life also includes both. The so-called strategic Life must grasp and operate Life from the macro perspective, or Life must first have the right ideal with the right directions and goals, otherwise no matter how diligent you are, how hard you try in your lifetime, you will end up fruitless.

      I once drilled a well in a remote village in the Binga area of Matabeleland in the North Province of Zimbabwe. First, I mobilized all the villagers and built nearly 10 kilometres of road and we cut down the trees that blocked the vehicles along both sides of the road, then trucks loaded with the drill and other materials and workers entered the construction site in a formidable array. Hundreds of villagers cheered like thunder and supported us with great enthusiasm. After two days of drilling down to a depth of 90 meters, not a single drop of water had been found. The drilling failed. After having taken so much labour and having invested so much money, the result in the end was zero. Why was that? The reason lies not in tactics, but in strategy. In other words, the drilling point designated by the geologic and hydrographic staff was dry. In a spot with no water, no matter how many human and financial resources you invest, or how excellent the drilling experts you have mobilized are, you will never drill out water.

      While taking a course in marketing, an American professor told us the story of an American shoe factory that wanted to set up a branch in Africa, so they sent two market researchers to Africa to make a survey of the shoe market. One researcher came back and reported pessimistically that there was no market for shoes in Africa because African people did not wear shoes. Another researcher came back and reported optimistically that a huge market for shoes existed in Africa because none of the African people were wearing shoes. In this situation, what should the American shoe factory have done? This leads to the strategic issue. If the strategy is correct, then there will eventually be huge profits, but if the strategy is wrong, it will drag the shoe factory down.

      Most African women do not wear socks and if someone were to import a container of socks to sell in Africa, he or she would be making a strategic mistake.

      Recently, I found a pinch of black slags on the white floor tiles in my bathroom. The situation remained the same the next day, even though the gardener cleaned it every day. Today, I bent down and took a closer look. It turned out that dozens of tiny ants were making nests along the edge of the floor tiles against the wall. I felt very sad about this because those ants had made a strategic mistake. The bathroom is very clean and having a food source would be a big problem. Would it not have been better if the nest had been built in the lawn or under the tree roots in the garden?

      It might be a good idea to build a gem processing factory in Siberia, Russia, but building a soy sauce factory would be a strategic mistake.

      Now let us come back to the strategic issues of Life.

      · The first strategic issue of Life is to give play to your strengths and to do the things that you want to do.

      If a profession is not right for you or if it does not make you feel comfortable, then do not force yourself to do it. You would be better off staying idle than forcing yourself to do it because this is a strategic issue. Once you make a strategic mistake, your whole life will be trapped into building castles on sand.

      Had the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Mother Teresa not helped the helpless and lonely people, but rather studied radioactive elements like Marie Curie, she might not have accomplished anything at all. Likewise, if Chen Jingrun who took the math crown pearl by solving the Goldbach Conjecture had been sent to be the manage the marketing Department of an HR firm, it could have ended up in a complete mess.

      If a person is tone-deaf, but wants to learn music or wants to be a singer, then they would be making a strategic mistake of Life.

      I have a distant uncle. He became an apprentice to a carpenter at an early age. Three years later, he could not even make a chair without help from his master. That is to say, my distant uncle had made a strategic mistake of Life. He was not born with the material to be a carpenter.

      · The second strategic issue of Life is to comply with time

      Sowing in spring harvesting season in autumn is correct. If you want to act at times inverse of nature, you will be punished by the Tao of heaven, "Those who suit their actions to the times are wise."

      Yiwu people of Zhejiang Province, China are called the Jews of China because they have a shrewd business acumen, however during the Cultural Revolution, they were often criticized as models of walking on the capitalist road, so their shrewd ability could not be played out.

      I knew a very talented man who remains in prison after more than ten years because he was involved in a democracy movement. This was not a bad thing and it was totally above-board, so why is he in prison? Because what he did was ill timed. In other words, he wanted to pick and eat his watermelon before it was ripe and he made a strategic mistake.

      · The third strategic issue of Life is to always place yourself in the right position and not to "overstep".

      If it is your duty, you make sure to be conscientious and earnest to do it well and never to try to shirk your responsibility, but if it is not within the scope of your duties, keep your mouth shut, do not gossip, and pay no attention, even if the sky falls. What responsibilities do you have as to whether the country rises or falls? You have a responsibility to be a good citizen. According to the teachings of Jesus Christ, “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in you own eye?” 

      I have several colleagues who often criticize the decisions of the leadership as well as the work and behaviour of other colleagues. Ultimately, they were a nuisance and could not play out their strengths, and so ended up complaining but unfulfilled.

      An assistant General Manager was very talented and could have had broad future prospects, but because he was too critical of the decisions of the General Manager, he was soon dismissed. That is to say, a person, no matter how capable they are, must be sure to place themselves in the right position. Every man should confine himself to his own duties,otherwise, it is "overstepping".

      · What is the biggest strategic issue in Life?

      Jesus tells us clearly, “For what a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world,and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”That is to say, the greatest strategic issue of Life is the issue of the soul.

      From novels, history, and reality, we learn that many people have lost their souls for money and wealth, many have forfeited their souls for power, and many have lost their souls for fame and lust. These are all strategic mistakes of Life. Similarly, many people have forfeited their souls for their families, their ethnic groups, their religious or political parties, or for their countries. These people have also made strategic mistakes of Life.

      Everything is but a game. Only the soul is real. The issue of the soul should always be kept in first place because everything revolves around it. In this way, "Once the key link is grasped, everything else falls into place.” Now, everything is clear and everything else in Life is to play the game. You have developed a mind which does not abide in form, sound,smell,taste,touch and dharma. And the Tathagata comes.”

      That is the Life strategy of great wisdom and intelligence.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • It was We who Sold our Own Liberty
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It was We who Sold our Own Liberty

      (Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

      Liberty is supreme and priceless, and it is the feature of life in heaven and shows the level of a LIFE. The more liberty, the more heavenly; the less the liberty, the more hellish.

      “Liberty, love! For my love I will sacrifice life,

      There two I need, For liberty I will sacrifice my love.”

      —Petofi Sandor

      “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

      — Patrick Henry.

      Liberty is the greatest wealth in life. Losing it is losing life; gaining it is gaining life. So, what is liberty?

      Liberty is the infinite power of a life to use its eyes, ears, nose, body, mind, and tongue while acting with desire but never overstepping it.

      Seeing what you want is the liberty of your eyes
      Hearing what you want is the liberty of your ears
      Going where you want and using your hands and feet as you want is the liberty of your body
      Saying and thinking what you want is the liberty of your mind, namely the liberty of your spirit and soul
      The liberty of your eyes, ears, body, and mind form the liberty of your life.

      Those who have eyes but are forbidden to see, have ears but are forbidden to hear, have a mouth but are forbidden to speak, have feet but are forbidden to walk, have hands but are forbidden to act, and who want to lead their own lives but are banned from doing so have lives with no liberty. We will not discuss the liberty of Gods, Buddha, Celestials, Saints, devils, monsters, or even plants and animals, we will only talk about that of humans. People have very little liberty. In other words, they rarely keep it in full. Why do we not have liberty?

      Because we sell it. How do we sell it? It is mainly sold through three channels or aspects:

      Culture – People sell themselves to traditional cultures. They accept traditional cultural values, such as the belief that, “people should marry when they grow up”, but when they step into marriage, they sell their own liberty. Traditional culture says “Never travel far from the company of parents”, then the body has no liberty. Traditional culture says, ”Love your nation and love your people”. Come on! They have sold their liberty to their own nation and culture. And so on.

      Morality – They sell their liberty to their own values and beliefs. Party loyalists and religionists are stark examples. So-called “proponents of liberty” are actually kidnapped by their morality and sell their liberty to morality. If they sell their liberty to the belief in evolution, then they will not accept the value of creationism. As a result, “the survival of the fittest”, “the law of the jungle”, and “winners are kings while losers are gangsters” becomes their creed of life. It will be hard to avoid the fighting to death,and liberty can’t be found anywhere. They need to remember that anyone without liberty is unable to offer it to others just as the poor can not bring wealth to others and ugly people can not bring beauty to others.

      Mechanism – As long as there are constitutions, laws, regulations, doctrines, disciplines, contracts, and the like which restrict and bind them, people will sell their liberty to that which they set for themselves. Their state is a mechanism. They believe in their state, and they sell their liberty to their country. Marriage families are mechanisms, and as long as they consciously enter into marriage families, it is no doubt that people will sell their own liberty to the marriage family. A contract is a mechanism. When a contract is signed, liberty is sold to the contract.

      When we do not feel free today, we have to rethink that we have no liberty because we sold it. For that, it is as normal that we have no liberty as if we sell our house and then have nowhere to sleep. That is all our fault and we have no excuse to complain to others! In addition to the three main channels to sell liberty listed above, we also have the following list of small channels through which it is sold:

      These include jealousy, blaming, comparing, fighting, killing, worry, fear, desire, money, power, fame, lust, and so on. As long as we are infected with any of these negative emotions or inner anxieties, or indulge in any desires, our liberty will be restricted or even lost.

      For example, if we fear something that restricts our liberty, then we sell our liberty to fear. When a country perpetrates a national terror policy and makes people live in fear from morning till night, then the people’s liberty will be deprived completely and they will have to live a life more like that of a dog than a human. Tracing back to the source, the country might not be bad, but the people have sold their liberty to fear. As more and more citizens of a country become willing to sell their liberty to fear, this terror policy becomes the perfect way for the state to control its people. The bondage of the individual is self-inflicted and the slavery of all is caused by the collective. If one wants to enjoy liberty from such an environment, there is only one thing to do: Escape!

      Where to go?

      To a free place.

      If there is no free place on the earth,

      Escape to heaven!

      July 23, 2017更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Infants Who Never Grow Up
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Infants Who Never Grow Up

      (Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

      Everyone has a natural attachment to their mother and no one wants to leave her swaddling cloth. One can drink their mother’s milk and feel safe in her arms, so one would ever want to leave their mother’s side. However, those who never leave their mothers will never grow up, so if you are to grow up, you must do so. Of course, I do not mean to leave her physically, but rather to leave her spiritually and psychologically, or you will never grow into maturity.

      Leaving one’s mother is painful, but to not do it is to remain an infant who never grows up. Leaving the mother takes these four steps:

      Cutting the umbilical cord. This step is done right after we leave our mother’s body.
      Weaning. This step is forcefully done when we transition from being babies to becoming children.
      Cutting loose from home. This step usually happens when we marry.
      Cutting the emotional attachment. This step is gradual and melts away as our mothers leave the mortal world.
      This is as natural a process, as it is an uncontrollable one, and it describes our growth process. This is not being heartless, it is simply our journey of LIFE. Many people have left their mothers in form, but not in essence. Their “mother complex” is transformed and demonstrated in other ways.

      When we were young, we thought that we could not survive without our mothers, and when we grew up, we felt that we could not endure without our states. People all over the world defend their states. National defence is designed to protect the mother state, and so military expenditures on national defence worldwide is alarming. This is an unnecessary waste. If people around the world had no states, civilization could ascend to a much higher level, but people are attached to their mother states, and no one wants to wean. The ideal of the absence of the state is not a fantasy and if everyone were to become Chanyuan Celestials, then states would naturally disappear and they would become historical memories. The more powerful and intrusive that states become, the more contradictions and conflicts that they inflict upon their people, the heavier that the burdens they place upon them always become. Therefore, the absence of the state is the ideal dream of the sages and saints of mankind.

      The role of religion is in fact the mother’s role. The feelings of religious believers to their own religions are actually the subconscious reflections of infants’ attachments to their mothers. Pledging to protect their mother is an inherent nature contained within every person. The fanaticism of religious believers is the perfect manifestation of this inherent nature. The Greatest Creator is not in religion, and this is understood by every follower, so why do they still maintain their religions? Because their followers are unwilling to wean. Maintaining religions is actually a kind of natural complex of maintaining their mothers to infants who have never grown up. As long as we take a rational analysis, we can see that throughout history, much misery and many disasters have been the outgrowths of religions. Religions confused people’s minds, paralysed their instincts, created barriers and shackles to the full display of human nature, and diverted people from the Great Way and led them astray. If religions are everywhere, then our minds can never be at peace, and disputes will continue. Therefore, the absence of religion is the desired dream of the sages and saints of mankind.

      Political parties are also umbrellas playing the role of the mother. We have a saying, “back to the arms of the party”, which, is the best footnote to the meaning of political parties. The reason that people join political parties is to be embraced by others so they can enjoy a steady flow of “milk” and a sense of safety. Claiming to be serving the people and the nation is but a cover. There are tens of thousands of political parties of various sizes worldwide, but their existence is a sign that people are still savage and ignorant. The power struggles between political parties have always flashed with knives and swords for life and death. Superficially, it is for democracy, but actually it is to inflate their “mother complexes”. To reach substantive purposes, they resort to various conspiracies in both light and shadow, adding endless suffering and problems to society. So, the absence of all political parties everywhere is the noble ideal of people climbing to the highest realm of Life.

      The other “organization” acting in the mother’s role is the family. It is said that the family is the cell of society, but these “cells” are inherently cancerous and everyone’s life troubles and misfortunes stem mainly from them. It is the bane of selfishness, greed, and infinite lust, and if they are not destroyed, the vicious cycles that people endure will never end. Why do people want families?Because people need to get their “milk” and their sense of security from them. People are reluctant to grow up and they all hope to cling to their mother’s arms forever.

      States, religions, political parties, and families take on the roles of mothers and as long as we still cling to them, we can only be described as infants who have never grown up. New era consciousness requires people to step out of infancy because those who cannot think outside the infant’s crib have no road to heaven.

      Before the birth of Lifechanyuan, the existence of states, religions, political parties, and families was justified, but now their presence is irrational. Previously, we thought that those who sacrificed for their states, religions, political parties, and brought honours to their ancestors were great and respectable. Now, we know they are pathetic and are infants who have never grown up.

      January 15th 2006更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Looking for Your Own Garden of Eden
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Looking for Your Own Garden of Eden


      ( Translated by Transn and Edited by Kaer)

      Even tigers may be teased by dogs when they leave the remote mountains and come to lush and flat areas, dragons can be duped by shrimp when they are in shallow water, camels along the coast are harder to ride than donkeys, and domestic captive phoenixes are worse off than chickens.

      The tiger is the king of the mountains, but tigers can only give play to their power and prestige in the mountains. Once they come down to the plains, a pack of wild dogs will dare to tease them.

      Dragon are lords of the abyss, but dragons can only summon wind and call for rain in the abyss. If they fall into shallow depressions or ponds, the little shrimp and small fish can dupe them.

      Camels can only demonstrate their most valuable qualities in deserts, but if one lives along the coast, it would be less useful than a donkey.

      Phoenixes can roar out songs and show their magnificence in the quiet of plane trees, but if they are unfortunate enough to be kept in cages with feathers falling and listless in form and spirit, then they are worse than chickens.

      These phenomena suggest such a truth, that all kinds of LIFE can only give full play to themselves and demonstrate their most precious qualities and values when they live in the environments suited to their natures. If they ares unfortunate to live in an environment not suited to their own characteristics, not only can they not play out their strengths, but they might even be teased and duped by other creatures around them.

      I call the environment which best suits one’s survival, their Garden of Eden.

      Everyone has their own Garden of Eden and it is only inside of it that they will live out their elegant demeanour. If you are away from your Garden of Eden, you will be frustrated and have difficult times and even be regarded as a “waste” or “good for nothing” by others around you.

      The White Swan was unfortunate to live within flocks of chickens and ducks in the beginning, being laughed at and mocked by them, and was ridiculed as, “the ugly duckling”. The genius painter, Vincent Van Gogh was spiritually enlightened, but had the misfortune to be living in a secular society, so he was unappreciated and taken advantage of all throughout his life and eventually died in poverty and with depression. Jiang Ziya, the founding minister of the Zhou Dynasty went to do business, but ended up with losses rather than profits. Chen Jingrun, who took the crown pearl of the Goldbach Conjecture, went to the market to buy vegetables and was ridiculed as being “a bit silly”.

      One who is kind should not be a commander. If you are kind and soft, then you should never lead an army into battle, for you would never become a general.

      One who is righteous should not engage in trade. If you have a strong sense of justice and are ready to help the weak, then you should never go into business, for you would never become wealthy.

      One who is honest should not enter into politics. If you like seeking out the truth from facts and adhering to the truth, then you should never enter politics, for you would never become a senior official.

      One who has a loving heart should not marry. If you have a loving heart, then you should never marry, for your love would be tied up and unable to shine with brilliance.

      One who has a noble soul should not mingle in the secular world. If you have a graceful heart, then you should never mingle in the secular world, for you would be regarded as silly and your beauty would go unappreciated.

      One who is unsophisticated should not engage in writing. If you are honest and simple, then you should never engage in writing, for your articles would not possess literary elegance and would likely invite scorn and ridicule.

      One of integrity should not engage in the art of war. If you advocate honesty and hate cheating, then you should never go into a war to confront others, for “The art of war is full of tricks”. Confronting others, whether civil or military, is all about tactics and tricks, so you would be doomed to lose.

      If you want to make your Life happy, joyful, free, and blessed, if you want to play to your strengths and expertise, if you want to stand out and rank high, and if you want to climb to the highest realm of Life and LIFE, then you must find your own Garden of Eden. If you come from the Thousand-year World or the Ten-thousand-year World of heaven, then you must not envy the world’s high positions and great wealth and not waste your time trying to get your ideal life from the mortal world, because its soil is not suitable for you to grow in, bloom, and bear fruit. Your Garden of Eden is in heaven, not in the mortal world.

      Seek out those people who appreciate you, are nice to you, and who like you, but do not try to change anyone, especially those whose ideas and views are always against yours. “A leopard cannot change its spots. One cannot change one’s essential nature”. To those people who have different frequencies of mind and consciousness, no matter how impressively you sing their praises, how you comfort them, how you attempt to persuade them, they will never appreciate your feelings or understand your intentions. Even if you open your heart to them, they will still be indifferent and persist in their old ways.

      When you find your Garden of Eden, you should cherish it. Never take for granted that you can do anything and give up your Garden of Eden. There was a Division Commander who battled like a fish in water and was very capable when he was in the army, but he grew proud and conceited and thought he would be capable in any environment, so he left the army and entered into civil administration. There, he expected to play a great role, yet after years of rushing about, he suffered setbacks everywhere and could not achieve anything. The hero in the army became good for nothing during peacetime. Why? Because he had left his own Garden of Eden. Never assume that cacti can grow everywhere or can please everyone.

      That which comes easiest is the most valuable, however, that which comes easiest is the mostly likely to be ignored and undervalued. The Greatest Creator has given each of us a chance to access their Garden of Eden, but many of us do not pay due attention and do not value and understand their Nature as much. Many people get it and then lose it. It is easy to lose than gain. What a pity!

      Look for your own Garden of Eden!

      I hope that everyone will find their own Garden of Eden!

      December 1, 2007更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Abandonment Is an Achievement
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Abandonment Is an Achievement

      (Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

      “Abandonment is an achievement.” — Xindeng Celestial

      It seems that “Abandonment is an achievement” is a contradiction, but it is actually great wisdom, though beyond the ordinary people’s comprehension and imagination. It embodies an ingenious realm; a boldness of vision that looks far ahead and aims high above the common and vulgar; a tactical strategy to have the situation well in hand, with great will to reach the top.

      The more you possess, the more trouble you have. It seems that will be much easier to abandon something at the proper time. If we constantly pursue possessions but refuse to ever abandon them, those possessions will become burdens and encumbrances. One who wishes to take a long trek to appreciate the attraction of distant scenery must take very little luggage, for the more they take, the more tired they will become, the slower their journey will go, and the less likely they will be to reach their destination. Life is but a journey which LIFE travels through in the mortal world, the destination of the journey depends entirely on how far we travel during our lifetime. Those who possess too much in the mortal world will not be able to reach a more wonderful place. If they cannot abandon their possessions, they will only continue marking time with the samsara of the mortal world.

      If we hold fast to something, we can not grasp anything else with our hands, if a room is filled with clutter, it is hard to add shiny, new appliances, if our minds are full of wants and desires, our spirits will be so exhausted that we will find it impossible to appreciate a new realm with dense willows and bright flowers or reach a spiritually pure land. Therefore, abandonment is an achievement. To abandon the past is to achieve the future; Abandoning a profession frees us to engage in another one. It is only by abandoning private ownership that we can achieve public ownership or even non-ownership; only by abandoning being a human that we can achieve being a Celestial Being or Buddha, only by abandoning the mortal world can we reach the fairyland, only by abandoning the traditional family that we can enter the new oasis for life, and only by abandoning the state, that we can enter the Great Unity.

      Abandon, abandon, abandon! Open a door and others will close automatically, but close a door and others will open automatically. As with a woman, when single, men will flock to her actively, but once she becomes engaged or married, they will stay away from her.

      Xindeng celestial’s full quote was, “People say that it is tiring to live. Why might life be tiring? Because they are unwilling to abandon, and they always want more. Having obtained wealth, they still want reputation, fame, and status. Not realizing that the more they possess, the heavier their burden becomes, they will get more and more exhausted throughout their journey of life. Actually, abandonment is an achievement. Anyone who wants to lead a relaxed and free life in the mortal world must learn to abandon. Only continual abandonment will lead to continual transcendence”.

      What should we abandon as people? That depends on where we want to go. If we want to go to hell, of course we should abandon sincerity, kindness, and beauty, so that we can gain falsity, wickedness, and ugliness. Only by breaking through the moral bottom line, can we revel in evil of every kind; only by abandoning love, can hatred sprout, grow, blossom, and bear spiritual fruit; only by abandoning faith and honesty, can we be petty men; only by abandoning hope, can we get despair; only by abandoning sublimation, can we ensure that we will continue the samsara in the mortal world, struggling in a boundless sea of bitterness. So, abandonment is achievement.

      Generally, my purpose is to lead mankind into the Lifechanyuan era (To learn about the identifying brands of the Lifechayuan era, refer to my “800 Values for New Era Human Being”, which describes the Lifechanyuan era with specific details). For individuals, I am here to guide people to the Thousand-year World, the Ten-thousand-year World, and the Elysium Islands Continent. For this, I need people to abandon states, religions, political parties, and family lives. Only by abandoning these four items, can we achieve happy, joyous, free, and blessed lives which are characterized thusly:

      “The talented will be put to good use and the whole world will be one family”

      “No one would pocket anything found on the ground and doors are not bolted at night”

      “To unify all thoughts and all beliefs into the Greatest Creator’s will and all religions into one uniform belief system”

      “Everything will be in complete harmony and everyone will be happy”.

      As for the individuals, people need to abandon these nine (9) thing

      Traditional families
      Political parties
      Private ownership
      Outdated regulations, corrupt customs, and moralization that restrains human nature.
      The ways of God and Buddha
      Their egos.
      “Abandonment is an achievement”:

      Without abandoning marriage, it is impossible to achieve a state of being happy, joyful, free, and blessed.
      Without abandoning the traditional family, it is impossible to achieve the life of a Celestial being.
      Without abandoning the state, it is impossible to achieve a realm of freedom.
      Without abandoning religions, it is impossible to achieve the freedom and purity of the soul.
      Without abandoning political parties, it is impossible to achieve peace and harmony.
      Without abandoning private ownership, it is impossible to achieve public ownership and experience the wonderful state of “Possess nothing and have everything”.
      Without abandoning all the outdated regulations, corrupt customs, and moralization that restrain human nature, it is impossible to achieve natural, unrestrained and elegant lives.
      Without abandoning the way of God and Buddha, it is impossible to achieve the way of the Greatest Creator.
      Without abandoning the ego, it is impossible to achieve paradise, to free oneself from the trap, to walk out of the 36 Eight-Diagram tactics, to escape the territory of the mortal world, and to free oneself from “the Five elements” and out of the program of the realm of necessity. Then, it will be impossible to reach the Celestial Islands Continent of the Elysium world and never experience the glorious blissful state of “forgetting oneself to be completely relaxed and joyful”.
      Abandonment is an achievement. Continuing to walk in the old steps and secluding oneself, sticking to stale ideas, and clinging to bygone values will eventually lead to decay, corruption, decadence, and make it impossible to achieve freshness, pleasance, relaxation, and freedom.

      Abandonment is a painful process. The more you possess and the longer you possess, the more difficult it becomes to abandon and the more benefits you get from those possessions, the less willing you will be to abandon them.

      It is easy for ordinary people to abandon their state, but lawmakers would never do that willingly, for they are their state’s embedded first beneficiaries; it is easy for a new follower of a religion to disenfranchise, but not for priests and ministers, for they are the embedded first beneficiaries of their religion. A religious believer who has wallowed in their religion all their life will not abandon it easily because their confidence would collapse, they would be at a loss for what to do, and they would need to find a new track to follow. It might be simple for an ordinary political party member to abandon their party, but no party leader would ever abandon theirs, for once doing so, they would have nothing to play and could not command or control others.

      Common people look forward to the Great Unity, to lead lives of public ownership when the world will be one united family. Although it might seem easier for them to abandon private ownership, those who own property, especially those very wealthy people, will not abandon private ownership, for if everyone is really equal, how could they lead superior lives? How could they show off their wealth? How could they swagger before others or make others admire them? It is the same with married couples, the ones who are more stifled, abused, bounded, and exploited will hate their family lives, while the ones who benefit more from their marriages and family lives will hardly want to abandon them.

      Human nature includes the desire to control others and to have more and more people under their control, however not all people can be kings, religious leaders, political party leaders, or bosses of companies. For the vast majority of people, the desire for control will be played out, realized, and fulfilled in their families. Men want to control their wives, women want to control their husbands, both want to exercise parental control over their children, and children are genetically programmed to get as much from their parents as they can. So, families are the first battlefield of life where great and small wars play out daily. Many couples show “happy harmony” to the public, but are unwilling to complain about their bitterness.

      In fact, you will always suffer from the pain that comes along with possessing anything. The more you possess, the more pain you will suffer. In this world, it is the kings, presidents, religious leaders, political party bosses, and wealthy capitalists who endure the most pain. It is they who can not even lead peaceful lives day or night who are the most deserving of pity!


      “Abandonment is an achievement”!

      Abandonment is a great magic weapon to obtain mental and spiritual growth and is the best way to sublimate oneself and achieve a bright future. The core teachings of Jesus Christ and Buddha Sakyamuni dwell in it. The freedom and happiness of life and the secrets leading to the realm of heaven dwell in it too.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Consciousness, Structure, and Energy are the Three Elements of the Universe
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Consciousness, Structure, and Energy

      are the Three Elements of the Universe


      November 18, 2006

      (Translated by Treasure and Edited by Kaer)

      Look at the boundless world. What is caught by our eyes is material structure. Without structure, there is no material. For the various marvellous spectacle of LIVES, the differences lie in the differences of structures. Structures decide the forms of LIVES. We can choose the people who we want in crowds immediately because of their distinct structures. We can easily find a peony among many types of flowers because peony’s structures are distinctive, we identify everything by identifying their structures.

      The universe is full of invisible energy which only reveals itself by attaching itself to structures. Therefore, all visible objects that we see are structures combined with energy geometrically.

      Different structures absorb different energies; the wonder of the pyramids lies in their structures. Successful farmers do not grow the same kind of crops in the same fields every year because the land contains nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and different plants require them in different proportions. It is only by rotating crops constantly that the supplies of the various nutrients of the land will be distributed and utilized properly. Solar cookers and water heaters, heat water because of their structures; trains, trucks, and cars carry different loads because of their different structures; flies, bees, tigers, leopards, and sheep need different foods because of their different digestive structures.

      Who creates such a great variety of structures?

      Look at the various high-rise buildings in cities; who created them?

      Look at women’s beautiful clothes and makeup; who created them?

      All kinds of foods in supermarkets are like feasts for the eyes which cannot even take them all in, but who created them?

      There is no doubt that they were all created by people, but were they created by people’s hands and feet? Of course not, but by people’s consciousnesses; their hands and feet are controlled by their consciousness; without consciousnesses, nobody’s hands and feet would accomplish anything.

      So we can see that the eternal things in the universe are only consciousnesses, structures, and energy. All other things are illusory, showy but not substantial, and cannot last. Energy is neutral, just like air and water, and any consciousness can direct it. Therefore, we need not attach too much importance to energy because fragrant flowers can attract butterflies.

      What kinds of structures can attract what kinds of energy toward them naturally? We know that all structures are the products of consciousnesses, so we do not need to emphasize structures too much. The kind of consciousness we have decides the kind of corresponding structure that we will have. Unify all thoughts and all beliefs into the Greatest Creator’s will and all religions into one uniform belief system; this is the “one” consciousness.

      The universe has consciousness, if it did not, then there would not be such a variety of LIFE structures with thousands of postures and an infinite variety of material forms; then what is this consciousness? It is the Greatest Creator!

      When we find the Greatest Creator, we find the headstream and the core, all problems can be solved effortlessly, the indistinct and misty become bright and clear, the complex becomes simple, darkness morphs into light, the finite expands to the infinite, and misery becomes joy.

      The core beliefs of Lifechanyuan are to “Revere the Greatest Creator” and to “Take the Way of the Greatest Creator”; this is the path leading to heaven! Those who go against this great path are of heretical sects, and regardless of what of names they take, how dazzling or marvelous their theories sound, how inscrutable their magical powers are, or how many disciples or followers they attract, they are all the superfluous “tumors” growing in the body of humanity that will be eliminated.

      “Revere the Greatest Creator and Take the Way of the Greatest Creator”; this is the touchstone to determine good from evil, truth from falsity, and beauty from ugliness. Evil and ugly people do NOT revere the Greatest Creator nor take His way; theories and sermons are evil and ugly if they do NOT revere the Greatest Creator nor take His way; States, political parties, religions, or groups are evil and ugly if they do NOT revere the Greatest Creator, nor take His way.

      Consciousness is nonmaterial and the consciousness of the Greatest Creator manifests itself as “Tao”. The consciousness of the Greatest Creator runs through all tangible and intangible time and space everywhere, including both the material and the nonmaterial world and the positive and the negative universe; this is the genuine God.

      States of consciousness decide the forms of LIFE and their methods of survival. The “differentiators” of the LIVES of ignorant people, laities, mortals, sages, celestials, goblins, demons, devils, ghosts, and monsters are their types of consciousnesses. Therefore, we must emphasize our consciousnesses during our lives and our emphasis on consciousness must always be on “Revering the Greatest Creator and taking His Way”. Once this key link is grasped, everything else falls into their proper places, we get twice the results with half the effort, and find clear and bright paths to reach splendid goals. We will ultimately accomplish the spiritual state of immortality and attain the LIFE structure of higher-level space and reach the other shore to realize our ideal!

      I believe that all governments officials, industrial and religious leaders, and company bosses do understand these principles very well.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Promoting the Frequency of Vibration
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Promoting the Frequency of Vibration


      Everything visible, including human body, is an aggregate of structure and energy, while all images are made up of particles revolving at high velocity. All differences in physical forms are caused by the vibration frequencies of the particles that constitute these physical forms. The difference in vibration frequency leads to the difference in the form of an object.

      The LIFE in the universe exists in different levels. The higher the frequency of vibration, the higher the order of LIFE; the lower the frequency of vibration, the lower the order of LIFE; the higher the frequency of vibration, the more indefinite the form; the lower the frequency of vibration, the more definite the form. Take, for example, trees, animals, mankind, celestial beings, and god. Trees have a lower frequency of vibration than animals, thus animals are superior to plants. Humankind has a higher frequency of vibration, thus man is superior to animals. Celestial beings have a higher frequency of vibration than man, thus celestial beings are superior to people. God has a higher frequency of vibration than celestial beings, thus god is more advanced than celestial beings. Why cannot we see god with our naked eyes? Because god has an extremely high frequency of vibration. The higher the frequency of vibration, the more indefinite the form, therefore we cannot see god. This is something analogous to the vibrations of wings of dragonflies and bees. When dragonflies and bees stay motionless on petals or twigs, their wings have a very low frequency of vibration, so we can see their wings most clearly. But when they are in flight, we can only discern their wings most faintly, and when they are flying at a high speed, we can hardly see their wings. The slower the wings flap, the more clearly visible they are, the faster the wings move, the more invisible they are.

      Only by promoting the frequency of vibration can man achieve the celestial being.

      How to boost man’s frequency of vibration?

      We often say someone is too stupid or too slow in reaction. The reason why he is too stupid or too slow in reaction is that he has too low a frequency of vibration. People “Refuse to be convinced until they are faced with grim reality”, or “do not turn to a new leaf until it is too late” simply because the vibration frequency of their LIFE is too slow. In life some people are dull, stupid, obdurate, rigid, and stubborn because they have a very low frequency of vibration. Some people are flexible, intelligent, agile, and efficient because they have a very high frequency of vibration.

      The sense of happiness, pleasure, and delight a person feels is related to the vibration frequency of his LIFE. The higher the frequency of vibration, the more plentiful and wonderful the feeling of happiness and pleasure. The lower the frequency of vibration, the less and more retardant the feeling of happiness and pleasure. This is analogous to the sexual love between the man and woman, where the faster the penis twitches inside the vagina, the more easily the pleasure and orgasm can be felt, and the slower the twitches, the more difficult the pleasure and orgasm can be felt. The speed of the twitches is the frequency of vibration.

      To judge whether the vibration frequency of a person’s LIFE is high or low, we can simply get to know the state he is in. If he is always pleasant, happy, joyful, and blessed, then he has a very high frequency of vibration, if he is always distressed, troubled, sad, worried, anxious, puzzled, and frightened, then he has a very low frequency of vibration.

      The effective means to boost the frequency of vibration include: flexible, harmonious, gentle, active, optimistic, tolerant, understanding, caring, respectful, happy, peaceful, calm, and grateful. A person’s vibration frequency will not increase but will fall if he is impassive, numb, untrustworthy, remorseful, fearful, anxious, selfish, greedy, jealous, complaining, comparison-minded, furious, resentful, indignant, and arrogant. In one word, the less weed

      there is in the garden of soul, the higher the frequency of vibration; the more weed there is in the garden of soul, the slower the frequency of vibration.

      The poorer the power of comprehension, the slower the promotion of vibration frequency. To be aware, one must be sensitive in feeling and agile in response, one must be able to understand the wordless heavenly book, and one must also comprehend and practice in his daily life the teachings of god, Buddha, celestial beings and saints. The information age is the optimum time for us to boost our frequency of vibration, as well as the good opportunity for us to perfect ourselves. We should be quick and agile in response and action.

      Now it is the final moment for this phase of humankind. Irresolution and indecision at such a critical juncture will only cause you to be eliminated. Conventional thinking, traditional way of life, and traditional methods of self-refinery will not work. We must quickly boost the frequency of vibration and act promptly. The only one best way to achieve all this is to read as quickly as possible the last course for this phase of mankind and make it to the last flight.

      Feb. 2, 2012更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Three Steps to become a Celestial Being
      Three Steps to become a Celestial Being
      The Lecture Record from Xuefeng

      (Translated by Zhengjue and Edited byKaer)

      Three steps are needed to become a Celestial being and the ultimate goal of all Chanyuan celestials is to become Super Celestial Beings and reach the Celestial Islands Continent. This requires a triple jump; from the mortal world to the Thousand-year world, then to the Ten-thousand-year world, and finally to the Celestial Islands Continent.

      We do not become other forms of mortal life, but rather Celestial beings, by following these three steps:
      1. The first step is to abandon trouble, pain, sorrow,worry, and fear, and live happy, joyous, free, and blessed lives; this is the standard of Celestial beings. Upon reaching it, one will have become a Celestial being, exactly as those in the Thousand-year world. Annoyance, pain,and fear come from the imperfection of consciousness; the weeds of one’s soulgarden.

      2. The second step requires that one’s mind must not abide in form; it must follow predestined relationships, be carefree,must follow its destiny, and must maintain a condition of pleasure. This is for the second level, the Celestial of the Ten-thousand-year world.

      We all still have many things in our hearts which come from worldly social conditioning and will be in conflict with the love that is found in Lifechanyuan. To follow predestined relationships and be carefree is to expand one’s internal nature as much as possible, to remain free in all situations, and to maintain a condition of pleasure, not joy. However, a long journey still remains ahead.

      3. The third step is one in which the soul is not constrained by emotions; everything is nature, they live in nature, they are flexible, accommodating, and agile, and they possess sixty-four (64) magical powers. The change is infinite and they are always in a blissful state. This is the Super Celestial Being.

      The universe is the dance of nature and each of our performances every day is an expression of our nature and our expanding physical structure, so everything lives within nature and everything is nature. It is flexible and tactful, never in conflict with anyone, has no dissatisfaction, has very high sensitivity, and any stimulation by any bit of information produces an instantaneous response. There are not any magical powers after one has passed beyond the first two steps. Those who reach this realm can self-refine. Those have endless changes and always maintain a condition of pleasure; this is the supreme realm of the Celestial being.

      These three steps are necessary to becomea Super Celestial being, and they are really very simple. Have you become a Celestial being? Theoretically, long speeches and classical or profound lectures are quite simple to give, but they do not produce their desired results easily. For example, it is not easy to get rid of troubles and it is not easy to be happy, joyous, free, and blessed at all times, but in our home,you WILL get there soon.

      If you still have troubles, pains, sorrow, worries, and fears, then you are not a Celestial.
      If something troubles your mind or if your mind abides in form, then you are not a Celestial.
      if you have desire, pursuit, and persistence in your mind, then you are not a Celestial.
      If you still have mind, you cannot act by following nature without any magical powers, and you cannot rid yourself of physical and temporal constraints, then you are not a Celestial.
      If you are always happy, then you are not a mortal, but a Celestial.
      If you are always pleasant, then you are not a mortal, but a Celestial.
      If you always feel bliss, then you are not a mortal, but a Celestial.

      Becoming a Celestial or Buddha is simple,but can you do it?
      Our goal is to become a celestial. It's simple in theory, but it's hard to do. The theory is clear, and the road map is clear.As long as you do like this, the facts will tell you that you can undoubtedly becomea celestial being .
    • The Ninth Mystery
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Ninth Mystery


      There have been some mysteries in human history, such as the sudden disappearance of the Maya collectives. What causes the sudden disappearance of the vast majority of the Maya? Anthropologists, historians, archaeologists and scientists can't explain it. Now, let me show you how the Mayans have become immortals collectively.

      You will ask, is that possible? Let me tell you, this is the truth. Whoever masters this secret can become immortal.

      There is a historical site in South America, where people have found some recorded mysteries, commonly known as "Peruvian manuscripts". Now I will briefly translate some of the "Ninth Mystery" to you for your reference and reflection.

      When primitive humans came along, we continued this evolution unconsciously by conquering others and gaining energy and moving forward a little bit, and then being conquered ourselves by someone else and losing our energy. This physical conflict continued until we invented democracy, a system that didn't end the conflict but shifted it from a physical to a mental level.
      We are bringing this whole process into consciousness. We can see that all of human history has prepared us to achieve conscious evolution. Now, we can increase our energy and experience the coincidences consciously. This carries evolution onward at a faster pace, lifting our vibrations even higher.

      Our destiny is to continue to increase our energy level. And as our energy level increase, the level of vibration in the atoms of our bodies increase. It means that we are getting lighter, more purely spiritual.

      As we humans continue to increase our vibration, an amazing thing will begin to happen. Whole group of people, once they reach a certain level, will suddenly become invisible to those who are still vibrating at a lower level. It will appear to the people on this lower level that the others just disappeared, but the group themselves will feel as though they are still right here-only they will feel lighter.

      When humans begin to raise their vibrations to a level where others cannot see them, it will signal that we are crossing the barrier between this life and the other world from which we came and to which we go after death. This conscious crossing over is the path shown by the Christ. He opened up to the energy until he was so light he could walk on water. He transcended death right here on Earth, and was the first to cross over, to expand the physical world into the spiritual. His life demonstrated how to do this, and if we connect with the same source we can head the same way, step by step. At some point everyone will vibrate highly enough so that we can walk into heaven, in our same form.
      The more beauty we can see, the more we evolve. The more we evolve, the high we vibrate. The Ninth Insight shows us that ultimately, our increase perception and vibration will open us up to a Heaven that is already before us. We just can't see it jet.

      Well, this is all for my translation. Hope that the information I bring will strengthen your will and confidence for becoming immortal. And hope that everyone can rely on youself,explore and find your own way.

      June 9, 2006更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net