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All the things will be sad for a couple who's poor and lowly...

It goes without saying they live in a cold and strange city.

Among various kinds of sadness, none is more serious than a dead mind. Most of people live for a hope. No hope, no live.

There is no doubt, it seems no hope for you and your husband to live here. With the hardness of our life, a lot of social and family problems have come to pass.

In addition, we should not neglect the side-effect of the Internet. Others' magnifico sometimes aggravate the poor and lowly couple's life.

It's not your or his fault. No one takes this responsibility. According to my personal experience, there are several ways we can throw our lives out of the mire:

1. Build up a goal and try to achieve it.
2. Go back.
3. Try to be contented to the current situation.
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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 我该怎么办?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛大过年的, 本不应该聊这个话题, 可我已经是一忍再忍, 不吐不快了. 和先生来加已经1年多了, 他是学ee的, 专业工作不好找, 又来到一个小城市(因为我表姐在这里). 但是一来之后, 我们两个都找到了为生的活计, 也是算不幸中的大幸.
    我们结婚4年, 都是30出头,目前还没有孩子. 我认为生活暂时算安定下来了, 可以考虑下一步了的生活了, 但是他认为不可能一辈子打GL, 就说一定要读书, 我也支持他. 但是好他好像生活除了这个目标, 把什么都抛在脑后, 生活中任何杂事家务, 都是我在操心, 有时候说去一起买菜什么的, 都不愿去, 说打搅了他学习, 其实也就3分钟热度, 每天下班回家都说累, 要他辞职也不愿意, 这样也就不干家务了, 说是学习, 也是花时间上网玩. 人不可能不吃饭, 不洗碗洗衣服, 有时候我也很烦, 但还不得不张罗吃喝, 脑子里也向着忙完这顿就得想下顿, 因为这种事是从来不会在他的操心范围, 我都会想好的. 要征求他的意见, 大部分是"UP TO YOU".
    不但如此, 他还非常不愿意交朋友, 上次我帮助一对武汉来的朋友到我的城市落脚(我先生也是武汉的), 他非常不高兴, 说我是傻瓜, 别人早晚会过河拆桥的, 我也不图报答, 只是能力之内的帮助. 我怕他的态度得罪了朋友, 干脆也不想交朋友了. 就是我表姐加我也很少去, 社交活动, 我也是要么自己去, 要么和他别别扭扭的参加, 好像我欠了他, 因为他认为这是浪费他的时间. 我和他说过, 生活不论是逆还是顺, 都要心平静气地渡过, 上学是不错的, 但也不要为了一个目标, 放弃了生活, 每天都要从中发现乐趣, 比如旅游, 是很陶冶身心的, 但他认为是浪费时间: 就是看些破房子, 中国的还没看够呢, 这加拿大更没有看头.
    我想, 我的年纪, 说年轻也不年轻了, 乘还没有孩子的时候, 自由自在的享受一下生活(力所能及). 可他永远认为在浪费时间. --可我认为生活学习两不误也是可能.
    提到分手, 他也是这句话" UP TO YOU", 有时候, 我觉得生活太没有乐趣了, 该何去何从呢? 难道就像现在这样" 周一到周五, 每天下班回家, 我是洗碗, 做饭, 洗完澡上网读小说,休息, 他是回来洗澡, 吃饭, 上网,休息" 周末整天上网, 我再洗衣服?
    我到底该怎么办? (从中我发现, 婚姻真是爱情的坟墓, 我也谈不上爱不爱了, 好像做了一种选择, 我也懒得去打破它, 尽管我有时候真的很想, 但想着两个人的力量总比一个人强, 就犹豫了.
    真的, 我渴望认识人, 想体验真正的生活, 甚至有时候想再有小说中的生命邂逅, 只为精神需要.......
    我该怎么办呢?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • try to understand your hubby, he maybe very depressed in deep heart, you are little bit depressed too, you guys should talk to each other very often, suggesting him to guit internet for 3-4 weeks, do whatever else he
      want,see if it works
      • True. Surfing could damage family life badly. It's not just for man. It could be to anyone. I was pretty addictive to internet till my husband blocked a bunch of BBS.
        You can do that too. First let him quit internet totally for a few weeks. Then just block Chinese forum. He would be a good hubby after then :)
    • 没有过不去的 年关. 明年再说吧.
    • tell him u need a real man instead of a lazy "master".
      make a realistic plan with ur husband like travel, study, etc. share ur interests with him to find out what u both enjoy to do together. assign some house works to him tell him u can't handle them urself. encourage him to go out for all kinds of activities. please, please don't try to change him, otherwise he might feel offence.
    • 现在的男孩子怎么都这样,sigh
      • “都”从何来?
    • All the things will be sad for a couple who's poor and lowly...
      It goes without saying they live in a cold and strange city.

      Among various kinds of sadness, none is more serious than a dead mind. Most of people live for a hope. No hope, no live.

      There is no doubt, it seems no hope for you and your husband to live here. With the hardness of our life, a lot of social and family problems have come to pass.

      In addition, we should not neglect the side-effect of the Internet. Others' magnifico sometimes aggravate the poor and lowly couple's life.

      It's not your or his fault. No one takes this responsibility. According to my personal experience, there are several ways we can throw our lives out of the mire:

      1. Build up a goal and try to achieve it.
      2. Go back.
      3. Try to be contented to the current situation.
      • 4, cut off internet
        • To be serious, that's true. Sometimes we should return to the life from the virtual community.
      • thank you for your reply.
        However, I am not poor( we have enough money to live on) In fact, I am supposed to buy house for future life here. But he says, he doesn't want to stay in Canada. USA is his dream. BTW, I just got a better job( office job) which is my specility. Except marriage, I am not bad. But he is a General Labor....
        • There is only few, very few relationship between poor and money here...Poor means lacking in a specified resource or quality; lacking in value, insufficient; inferior; and so on...
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Just like Canadian Government's policy in immigrant, money means the past, your ability or potential means future. Most of people don't feel convenient if they don't have a bright future except he/she is as rich as a millionaire.

          In Canada, we lost our network (of course you can build up again, but how about your husband? Do you think about that and care about it?) This is the most important resource for a human.

          We lost our quality and value here. Some even go to labor like your husband. Does he have the quality and value in China? Do you happen to help him to balance the difference? Do you think he can persuade himself to accept the reality?

          Of course, generally, normally, there is no doubt, I am greatly convinced, that all the things I mentioned above should be considered by a man or a human or a husband himself, not some others. However, to your specific case, we have reasons to believe he may not realize these and you care these largely. He should know but he didn't know. Then? If I were the lover of him, I will try to lighten him.

          You have money, that's good. At least is better than those who hasn't money (do anyone lack money for living here?) But keep in mind, money is just money. Life is not just money (except too much money to spend out like Jack Cheng).

          There is no doubt that most of ladies are easier to melt into the society than men. That's very fortunate! Otherwise, you will not have enough time to think about these troubles and try to solve them. Try to use these money and your advantage effectively (send him to a school, for example) to restore his value, then you will be happy.

          At that time, money and husband will be yours again. Life is go into a new level.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • hey, the first point is stolen from my ideas, I didn't know u also have such sad experience. how did u fix ur relationship at last?
        • Scared me, how do you know my relationship? The relationship seems to mean a kind of status of boring, menial, and poor between lady and gentleman...
    • 别怨他没有情趣吧。一个人心境焦虑的时候是不会因为别人说什么而摆脱出来的。长远看,其实他是对的,虽然这个过程中你感觉倍受冷落。如果上网可以让他缓解焦虑,那你能做的
      • 哎, 人生苦短!
        我已经尽自己最大努力想要陪他达成目标, 揽下家务, 能自己做的也不会去打搅他, 但问题是婚姻是共同的, 并不是说有了一张证书, 就是保险箱, 还要去经营她, 包括和双方家庭的沟通, 自己的社交圈等等, 问题是偶尔我出去和朋友聚聚(非常有限的), 回来都是冷言冷语, 要是花些钱买东西也不想让他知道......
    • 理解一下他吧,我年轻时也有过你的想法。男人的压力有时会更大,只是不说而已。而家里就是他舒缓压力的地方。忍过这段时间就会好的。
      • 我没有不理解他
        只是我不明白, 当我有压力的时候, 我该找谁去发泄呢? 我已经不是做梦的年龄了, 记得看过琼瑶的小说" 在水一方", 里面的那个"卢友文"因为自身问题而写不出宏篇巨著, 就责怪婚姻的拖累, 我也听到过这种抱怨, 真是伤心!
        • 是呀,你说的很有道理!
          • Yesterday, I felt very sad. I told my daughter my feeling. She told me"think things on brighter side." She said that is what her teacher always says.You will feel better.
      • 我看大家不要乱参谋,只是较同意胖厨的观点,就是夫妻两人要多交流,沟通。
        • 说得容易!我倒是常常迫使我LG和我交谈,但总是我说他装作听的样子,问他什么他就没反应。婚姻就是爱情的坟墓。
    • 只为精神需要,不太可能啊。。。。。。。
    • 多跟他撒娇。
    • 自己玩吧, 在兼顾家庭的同时, 自己找些事情和朋友...多和女性交往, 免得引起不必要的猜疑...
    • whatever you do, don't lose your independence. if he doesn't like to make friend, you mustn't keep youself away from your friends because you never when you will need a friend.
    • 看来你老公是不是更年期综合症
      • 谢谢诸位的建议和开导...
        对我来说, 我很相信性格决定命运, 我特别心肠软, 容易原谅人, 总是往好的方面想, 这样反复, 我很害怕所有的一直都磨光了....
        • my suggestion...
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Write the words above (your feeling, your concern) in your dairy, and let him notice it. then discuss it with him (purpose: do not show him the words in rolia, that may hurt his selfrespect). From your words, I can feel he is feeling shamed for his current situation and get very depressed. And actually he is trying to escape from his responsibilities as a husband and as a man. Communicate with him, show him respect, show him love, and also let him know your feeling. Try to help him to rebuild confidence, and also let him realize his responsibilites in the family. When communicate, choce a good time, the time he is in good mood and willing to open his heart, such as after a romantic dinner out, a walking in the beautiful park, or after making love...

          If still cannot work out, you may try seperate from him for a while, let him and yourself to live along for a period to see how both of you feel. Distance may let you two realize how important of each other, then he may change his way of treating u.

          After all the efforts, should he still ignore u and ur feeling, still think making you happy is a waste of time , you may already dont feeling like to share heart with him. then go ahead, u really deserve a better life.

          Good luck更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 即不缺钱,又有办公室的工作,比多数家庭幸福很多了。加拿大生活就这样不温不火,没激情没人情。爱清净的人喜欢,不甘寂寞的能留的就留,不能的就溜。
    • 婚姻难道真的是爱情的坟墓?
    • sigh,婚姻就是爱情的坟墓,移民是婚姻的掘墓人