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I am the master of my fate;I am the captain of my soul -the poem Mcveigh quoted before his execution.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank what ever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried alound.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the sade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 比较辩证题:麦克维之死与张君之死的区别!



    • 爱因斯坦坚决反对死刑,原因:1、死刑使冤案的平反变得不可能。2、死刑对行刑者(杀人者)的心理有很大影响。
      • 有道理,可是没有死刑,那些恶人怎么办,关起来还浪费粮食。
        • 赖昌星在朱总理答应不判死刑后将被从温哥华引渡回国。
          • 我觉得关到七八十了再出来也行,就是很点儿浪费米。
            • 让他自己干活挣米,呵呵。
              • 那他要干两个人的活才行。因为还要有个人不干别的,看着他。你看那张君不就是总想跑吗?
    • 反对死刑!人的生命是上帝赋予的,任何人都没有权利剥夺别人的生存权力。对干了坏事的人应该想办法教育他改好,而不是用这种方式,这样和杀人犯有什么区别?
      • 有些人教育不好了,怎么办?
        • 不可能!人性本善,是由于外界的环境和客观因素才会变坏。我相信每个人的本质都是好的,所以坏只是一时的。
          • 那他就有权利剥夺别人的生命吗?别人的生命就不是上帝给的吗?照你这样说,所有的杀人犯都无罪了?无稽之谈!
          • naive! You just give me a reason I can kill you and you can't kill me
      • 那你把他关一辈子是不是剥夺了他自由的权利呢?自由和生存同样重要哇!最好犯了案跟没事儿一样,难道杀168个人不算什么?而这些亲属和幸存者还要老老实实交税来供养他?
        • 说得好!!!
        • 关于死刑的问题讨论起来太复杂。你的问题有你的道理,我没法回答。但我坚持我的观点,死刑是太残忍了,我无法接受。得饶人处且饶人,冤冤相报何时了。
          • 倒不是冤冤相报,他在外面大家也提心吊胆。
            • 是啊,真放出来,我也挺怕的。所以这是个太复杂的问题,永远不会有答案的。
      • You should tell this to those killers, not to the victims
    • I am the master of my fate;I am the captain of my soul -the poem Mcveigh quoted before his execution.
      Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
      I thank what ever gods may be
      for my unconquerable soul.

      In the fell clutch of circumstance
      I have not winced nor cried alound.
      Under the bludgeonings of chance
      My head is bloody, but unbowed.

      Beyond this place of wrath and tears
      Looms but the Horror of the sade,
      And yet the menace of the years
      Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

      It matters not how strait the gate,
      How charged with punishments the scroll,
      I am the master of my fate;
      I am the captain of my soul
      • From his face we could see that this is a dangerous guy.
        • Not like in China, the America media reported his story from different angles that helped keep the dignity of a man, no matter he is a killer.
          • Something seems same. In China many young school girl said they just falled in love with the killer Zhang1 Jun1, for his braveness and strong will.
      • 这首诗是首好诗,只可惜小麦他表错情了!
    • 死刑最大的意义并不在于惩罚,而在于它的威慑意义。
      • 更多的是公平原则,一命还一命!
      • 中国人这么多,不杀怎么办!
        • 那倒不能那么说,该杀的一定要杀,不该杀的还是要改造。只不过杀的大多数是那些生活在最底层走投无路被逼上绝路的人,而那些真正的贪官,骑在人民头上作威作福的民族败类杀的太少了,偶而有几个也只不过是做做样子,或者说被开刀的没有硬后台罢了!
    • 老步什说的, 中国人的本质就是不珍惜生命, 个人或政府, 猫头鹰或副市长
      • 那加拿大叫一大堆人来做LABOUR就是珍惜生命?
        • 谁叫你来了?还不是自己愿意。
        • I have seen the warning of the difficulty of the new life here from the official documents not less than 5 times.
          I guess most of us have ever prepared one of the FAQs for immigration interview:"What if you couldn't get the job of your major in a short time? " Do you still remeber how did you answer?