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One other important investment for new comers: Ontario House Ownership Saving Plan (I forgot the exact name), if the total income of you and your spouse is less than $80K, buy it.

You can open the account at your bank.

Benefit: The ontario government will grant you up to $500 per person each year for up to 5 years. You get it when you fill out your tax return.

1. Your can save in this account for at most 5 years
2. You must buy your 1st house as your primary resdential within 7 years.
3. The grant is calculated by your income. If your income is more than $40K a year, you will get NO grant. Income can be calculated by the sum of you and your spouse.
4. Some others, like you can't buy your house within 90 days you open your account.

Since the bank (or any investment agents) will get NO benefit from this plan (they don't get the admission), no one will promote it. Ask your bank representitive for all the details.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 请教RESP问题,哪种好?昨天heritage的代理上门介绍,他们是保本的,98,99,2000年的回报都在8%以上,年管理费0.5%,会员费3900(孩子上大学时退还). 其它mutual fund都不保本,年管理费2.5-3%.有经验的大侠请进
    • I also want know it!
    • 先别着急买,一定要多看几家。他们都说自己的最好,你可以把各个公司的代理都招到你家,自己比较清楚再签合同。(注意做好笔记)
      • I need to get some advice from you, a guru in every field.
        • Not in IT,Electronics,Car,Home improvement,。。。。。。。。。。
    • 我也正在着手此事,明晚有一营业代表到我家宣讲,到时交流交流。
    • when it is too good, it is too good to be true.
      • 各位,我正在给一家indpendence broker co。做tele marketing,也许有你想知道的东西,给我个机会吧。(现在。。。快丢饭碗了:):)
        • hoho, come on! please contact me.
    • Even before choosing a RESP fund, consider this
      RESP can get government match up to 20%, but you contribute after-tax money. My order of contritution to RRSP and RESP is: First contribute to all my RRSP room which can be matched by my employer; Then I still contribute to RRSP because I can borrow from it to pay for home-purchase down payment (thus your down-payment is tax-shielded). The last thing I consider is RESP. For principle guarantee, are they guranteeing positive growth for every year, or over the life of the investment? if it is the latter, it's no big deal at all. chances of well diversified fund earning less than interest rate over a long period is next to zero. Paying membership fee might be a little better than a higher management fee, only if you contribute the top amount every year.
      • 但是据我理解,RRSP只有在65岁以后提才可以免交罚金。你65岁时,你的孩子可一点早过了大学年龄了吧? 而且第一次购房用RRSP,限制多多。
        • Right... My approach only works for folks with little children and haven't bought first home.
          Point is, RESP room can be carried over. After you utilized the RRSP aided home owner plan, you can catch up with your RESP contribution. Naturally I expect myself to have saved enough for downpayment well before I turn 65. As far as I know, you can't even borrow from RRSP if it's not you first home purchase. so the limitations are something you have to deal with anyway.
        • 我想你把概念搞混了。RESP 和RRSP 是不同的, 一个是儿童教育基金,一个是退休基金。
      • Do you mean the RESP is not worth to invest? What is exactly about membership fee? Can I get more info from you, Rounder?
        • no, no, don't get me wrong. RESP is good. any free lunch is good. It's just different priority for different people at different life stages.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If your child is a new born, you have enough time to catch up with the RESP contribution, like make a lump sum contribution within the carry over period, when you feel more financially secure. But if you miss the tax benefit for house purchasing, you just miss it. If you are like rounder who don't have the luxury to buy all the good stuff at once, you need to prioritize according to your own situation.

          For the membership fee, I haven't read Egg's terms.(Correct me if I am wrong,Egg. ) But if I have to make an intelligent guess, usually it will be designed in a way that only those who contribute the full amount can benefit from it. Say this year you only want to contribute $500 instead of $2000, under a pure management fee structure, you pay 1/4 of the management fees. But with the membership fee, you essentially are paying a flat annual fee (the interest on your membership) and a smaller variable part. So there is a financial dis-incentive for low contribution.

          Finally I am not a trained financial advisor so don't take it as an experts opinion. If it can help you throw some good questions at your broker, I will be happy.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Through RESP investment, you get two benefits:
          1. Every year the government gives you $400 (or 20% of you investment, which is less).

          2. The interest of that investment is tax-free (in fact, when your child uses these money, s/he will pay the tax, but since s/he has no other income, the tax rate is fare low)

          And, it has some restrictions, for example,
          1. No matter how much you buy, you can get at most 400 a year
          2. Your kid must study at post-secondary school to be able to get these benefit. The restrictions are not the same on this, so check with your institution.
          3. If you quit, you will lose a lot. Also, ask the salesman and be aware before you enroll.

          Personally, I only want to get the 400 bonus, and don't care much about the interest. Select one of the largest institution.
      • 你讲得很有道理。RRSP将来提取时,是必须一次性取还是可以分期取?
        • rrsp 转成rrif,可以每个月取,也可以每年取,也可以继续投资
    • One other important investment for new comers: Ontario House Ownership Saving Plan (I forgot the exact name), if the total income of you and your spouse is less than $80K, buy it.
      You can open the account at your bank.

      Benefit: The ontario government will grant you up to $500 per person each year for up to 5 years. You get it when you fill out your tax return.

      1. Your can save in this account for at most 5 years
      2. You must buy your 1st house as your primary resdential within 7 years.
      3. The grant is calculated by your income. If your income is more than $40K a year, you will get NO grant. Income can be calculated by the sum of you and your spouse.
      4. Some others, like you can't buy your house within 90 days you open your account.

      Since the bank (or any investment agents) will get NO benefit from this plan (they don't get the admission), no one will promote it. Ask your bank representitive for all the details.
      • good one. I am not aware of it.
      • I forgot to mention that you can only distribute $2000 a year a person. So, in the best case, you save $2000 a year for your house, and get $500 from government.
        • really? how can I get the information in detail? thank you!
          • 有没有什么保险经纪对你许诺说他是理财顾问?给他打个电话问问。
          • The easiest way is to call the representitive of your bank. Since the most you can save is 4000 (including your spouse), the interest really doesn't matter.
    • Egg, I bought RESP for my daughter from CST (Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan, check www.cstplan.com). The other biggest one is USC. Bought from the biggest one, that's my opinion.
      • everyone says he, and only he, is the biggest. what can I do?
        • 1. Let them show you some comparing charts or tables 2. Get the URL of that institution, and check their web site. Biggest ones I know are CST, USC, and one called Industrial Alliance (or something like this).
          My opinion, don't invest RESP in bank. To be frank, it's not a big amount of money, and don't need to spend too much effort on managing it. So, choose a large institution (like USC or CST) that are dedicated in RESP.

          And, trust me, there are really little different among these biggest ones.

          Pay attention to the terms on when/how you can quit, withdraw these money, and ask at least 3 agents before you buy.
          • 为什么不要在bank买RESP?我觉得bank的基金也不错,我就是在TD买的,五种基金,从去年九月开始到现在收益超过10%。
            我觉得关键是要分散投资。要多买几个品种,按月投入,这样你的投资是phased in。千万不要集中在一个基金上而且一下子把钱砸进去。有的人为了早点拿到政府的$400,一次就放进去$2000。这在目前的市场行情下,十有八九会赔的。我的五种基金里有两个是 表现很差的,其中nasdq跌了一半还多,但由于是phased in投资,加上有两个好的,所以没有陪反赚。这真得感谢当时我找的投资顾问,要按自己的想法,总共就那么点钱,没必要分散。现在看来听顾问的话还真是做对了。
            • 管理费贵吗?听说要2.5-3%每年,那我们还挣什么钱?
              • 今天特意去TD问了一下,不直接向投资者收管理费,他们的成本已经打进基金价格里了。不过最近看了一些资料,从投资角度考虑,首先是买RRSP,有了更多的钱再考虑买RESP。有兴趣大家可以多在这方面交流。
            • 可不可以介绍你的投资顾问给我,嘻嘻!
              • 可不可以留下你的联系电话给我?
                • cherry126@fm365.com
            • 为什么会陪?政府的20%不是肯定会拿到吗?利息其实是小数呀
      • 我今天也买了CST的,我听了介绍,觉得不错,就给了支票了。是不是太草率拉?
        • 就是付了支票,你仍然有2个月的冷静期,即加拿大法律规定在付款后的60天内,你仍有权力拿回你投资的全部,分文不少, so don't worry about.就我个人认为以CST公司作为RESP的长期投资还是比较稳定的,(仅供参考:))
    • 我是买的Mutual Fund. 我买了3年了。我觉得买Mutual fund作为给孩子的教育基金比较灵活,
      我随时可以根据市场作调整,今年买这种Fund,明年买那种fund, 如果没钱,甚至可以不买。反正政府都会给你20%。但是象Heritage, CES,或者USC, 这些公司提供的教育基金,你一旦买了他们的,要一直买下去,中途不能因为经济不好停,即使停了一年, 你必须在下一年补足,不然你以前投的不能全部拿回。而且你如果买了这些公司的教育基金,第一第二年投的钱,都作为了这些Agent的佣金了,而且是拿不出来的。记得Toronto Star有关专栏作家写过这样一个故事,一个人给孩子买了USC8000元的教育基金,但等他年底拿到Statement,却只剩下3000元,因为这些公司的入门费太高(变成了Sales的佣金了),当然如果你一直买下去,20年后,回报率不会太低,但是象这个人如果过只买了2年,要取出来,真的损失很多。但象我买的mutual fund,我任何时候可以取出来,只是要把政府补助的20%退回去,并且把因为政府补助的20%而增长的钱要缴税,我每年投进去的2000元分文不少,可以取出。并且根据市场变化自己调节,回报率应该比教高。
    • 瞎说两句,egg请进
      看你在什么地方买,如果你在银行里买的话,trustee fee 是有可能被免掉的,而且你买resp并不妨碍你买mutual fund , 因为你可以开了resp得账号之后,这笔钱你可以存着,也可以买成mutual fund,对于rrsp,也是一样的。
      至于投资方式,可以一次买几千块钱,也可以一个月定期的买--monthly investment plan.总之方法灵活多变,每年最多可以从政府哪里得到400元的
      • 怀 疑 被 误 导
        事 实 上 , 没 有 不 收 管 理 费 的 基 金 ,如 入 门 费 利 息 , 须 注 意 合 同 以 英 文 版 为 准 。请 代 理 将 保 证 以 中 文 形 式 写 下 , 否 则 以 后 无 法 申 诉 。 我 认 为 终 有 一 天 你 会 发 觉 被 误 导 。
        • 当然不会背误导 原则上当然是收的
          原则上当然是收的,但是各个银行都有自己的小方针,免trustee fee就是期中的一种,因为我本身就在银行工作,接触的就是这类resp&rrsp以及各类基金,所以我知道有很多顾客的trustee fee 都是被免掉的
        • 另外,resp不是基金,只不过resp的资金可以用来投资基金罢了