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Market America is not a hoax.

I am in it. I am making money but not as much as I hope. But I see with my own eye that as long as you work up the requirement MA keeps what it promises. The only difference between your friend and the successful ones is your friend didn't persist enough. Like anything else if you don't word hard enough you won't make it!! As Chairman Mao said "If you want to know how a pear tastes eat it" You have to experience it then say "yes' or "no". Just like you came to Canada then you know how it is like. It is not a heaven not a hell either. Successful people just did what unsuccessful people didn't do or what they are not willing to do.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 衷心感谢各位,和Rolia, 我在PRIMERICA “面试”经历。。。
    前几天,莫名其妙地接到一个电话,叫我去面试,说是financial service, 我想反正没事,去看看:
    第一次面试:10分钟, 谈谈你的经历和特长。。。然后叫我等第二次面试。
    第二次面试: 有40~50人一起看录象,还有听他们的公司介绍,1。5 小时。
    第三次面试10:30, 但一直等到11:30,我问他们公司的运作情况和制度, 我的感觉类似传销但和美安有有所不同。但当我说我的英语不够好,是否可以将她给我介绍的东西copy一份给我时, 回答:no.
    然后,要我明天报名,签约。。。签约培训后,Full time 在公司上班。
    • 我以前把建立往workopolis上一贴,就惹来好几个Primerica的电话,我当时就想,这么容易就能得到的工作肯定有问题。
    • haha, I got a voice message from them too! Thanks, guys!
    • 美安的英文叫什么
      • Amway?
        • 安利
      • Market America
        • anyone know anything about it?
          • 是一家骗子公司。Mouse 会。别上当。
            • 你怎么知道的呢?
              • 肯定是上当受骗过了呗。
                • 但为什么有人就能赚到钱呢?
                  • 演说开始了
                    • 我本身可没有做啊。我是真的不太明白。
                      • 没做?何来这个帖子?#979831
                        • 我的朋友有赚钱的。
                          • 你现在用的这些招数就是你朋友教的?
                        • 唉,明明他自己就是其中一员,居然还装出一份纯洁的模样:(
                          • 9494
                          • 我虽然没有做,但我也并不觉得美安它本身有什么不好。任何的事情都有好和不好的2个方面。我不去做它是因为我觉得我本身在这方面的能力不是很强。
                          • 不装出一份纯洁的模样怎么能欺骗革命群众? 我真是服了传销的创始人了,能把人变得面目全非. 就象被吸血鬼吸了血后马上返身再吸同胞的血.
                            • 哈哈。真是有意思,我们已经把这个话题炒成了热点了。那我想问问你们,你们有谁是真正做过它呢?你们不也是听得吗?我也是听?为什么有这么大的不同呢?
                          • 巨同意up
                  • 可那是其中的千分之几啊?你没自己算过?光听别人说可不行,自己去算好了。
                    • MM,那个人肯定是美安的
                      • Yes, I think so, You are Right!
                • 先不忙肯定,我什么事情也没有发生。但我有个朋友被骗的很惨,一提起美安,她恨的不的了。
                  • 每月也就是花100多刀的东西,即使买的是废品,也不会是多大的骗局。何来骗得很惨?
                    • 朋友的事,我不想公开。但你口气也太。。。“每月也就是花100多刀的东西,即使买的是废品,也不会是多大的骗局”积少成多,这个道理你应该懂。我认为:每月花100多刀买的是废品,就是一个大骗局。
                      • Market America is not a hoax.
                        I am in it. I am making money but not as much as I hope. But I see with my own eye that as long as you work up the requirement MA keeps what it promises. The only difference between your friend and the successful ones is your friend didn't persist enough. Like anything else if you don't word hard enough you won't make it!! As Chairman Mao said "If you want to know how a pear tastes eat it" You have to experience it then say "yes' or "no". Just like you came to Canada then you know how it is like. It is not a heaven not a hell either. Successful people just did what unsuccessful people didn't do or what they are not willing to do.
                        • 居然把毛泽东也搬出来了!有些教训和经验不一定要直接获得。可以从书本上掌握的知识来间接获得。我从不和做美安的所谓成功人士打交道,你的发财梦继续做下去吧。
                    • 对于“每月也就是花100多刀的东西……何来骗得很惨?”的,当然无所谓,我等穷鬼则不同了。