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TREES by Joyce Kilmer


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  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 诗歌欣赏:Trees by Joce Kilmer
    I think that I shall never see
    A poem lovely as a tree.

    A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
    Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;

    A tree that looks at God all day,
    And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

    A tree that may in Summer wear
    A nest of robins in her hair;

    Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
    Who intimately lives with rain.

    Poems are made by fools like me,
    But only God can make a tree.
    • 参考译文: 《咏树》----乔埃斯·基尔默 +1





      • 翻译的很美
    • 《咏树》是乔伊斯.基尔默 (1886-1918) 的最著名诗歌。基尔默既是诗人,
      又是新闻记者兼文学评论家,第一次世界大战中在法国的玛恩河大战中降亡。基尔默出生于新泽西州新不伦类克,毕业于拉特格斯大学和哥伦比亚大学,1911年出版了第一本诗集 《爱之夏》。《咏树》于1913年先发表于《诗刊》,后作为基尔默诗集《咏树及其它诗篇》
    • TREES by Joyce Kilmer
      • 歌曲:《咏树》
      • 诗朗诵:《咏树》 +1
    • 最近很忙,也很累,每天回家的时候天都已经黑了,今天趁天色还亮着提前回家,看到地铁站出口处,那些下午阳光照耀下的树木,依然在这晚秋的风中坚挺,树枝上剩下的叶子也在风中摇曳着,悠然而发感想,忆起了这首诗歌。
      • O Wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being Thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,..............
      • Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere; Black rain, and fire, and hail, will burst: O hear!
      • The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
        • 好~
          • 喜欢自然的人容易被自然现象感动,随性有感而发。
        • 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
          • 因为经过冬天的寒冷,才渴望春天的到来,晚上下雪了,这是多城的第一场雪,在森林山村子里走了走,雪花飘在空中落在脸上很轻柔,踏雪的滋味很清爽。
            • 很哲理的雪莱。因为他,我从来不感到冬天不可忍受了。因为春天就在冬天的尾巴上,嘻嘻。
    • 原文及译文都很精彩. 可出个"混混英文名诗中译及欣赏集"
      • 谢谢欣赏!结交了一些搞英语文学研究的人,有时间向他们请教点问题,他们就推荐点英文精品供我阅读,我无私跟大家共享,有时间就贴上来。
      • 译文和原文一样是转帖。
        • 四月同学早。
          • 今天难得8点就起床了, 你也早哈!
            out of blue 这么来一句,what for a?
            • 你和胖子小同学一样,总是在正确的时间出现在正确的地方。你哪里下雪了吗?
        • 你又点破了那层窗户纸, 跟有文化的人在一起, 伤不起啊....hahaha
    • 描写树木的诗歌,我还是更喜欢美国的ROBERT FROST,特别爱他的The Sound of Trees。 约翰.肯尼迪总统宣誓就职时,FROST专门为他写了诗,也是脍炙人口的。FROST可以用最白菜的语言写出最典雅优美的意境,我最爱的美国诗人,无与伦比,I LOVE HIM, 小混。
      The Sound of Trees

      By Robert Frost

      I wonder about the trees.

      Why do we wish to bear

      Forever the noise of these

      More than another noise

      So close to our dwelling place?

      We suffer them by the day

      Till we lose all measure of pace,

      And fixity in our joys,

      And acquire a listening air.

      They are that that talks of going

      But never gets away;

      And that talks no less for knowing,

      As it grows wiser and older,

      That now it means to stay.

      My feet tug at the floor

      And my head sways to my shoulder

      Sometimes when I watch trees sway,

      From the window or the door.

      I shall set forth for somewhere,

      I shall make the reckless choice

      Some day when they are in voice

      And tossing so as to scare

      The white clouds over them on.

      I shall have less to say,

      But I shall be gone.
    • 添枝加叶
      • 很有意境!以后我有空就贴一些好的文学作品供大家欣赏。
        • 我看不到秋同学的,真遗憾。
      • 打开了,很艰难,但啥都没。
      • 再添枝加叶

        • 终于看到了。秋同学,也才华横溢呐。 你拍的照片?
          • 受你们才子才女的熏陶啊. 这是球场上的一棵树.