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有篇文章中有介绍,但我不明白什么是““pro camera” app“,“the default camera app “,” Hipstamatic “,“Android“,” VSCO, Snapseed,“等术语。

Use the right apps

Every smartphone is different in terms of performance. I recommend trying out different smartphone camera apps to find what works for you the best.

For iPhone I recommend the (you can prefocus and tap the screen to shoot). You can always use the default camera app too. Hipstamatic is also good for cool looking effects.

For Android, either use your default camera app, or download the Google camera app. Use whatever is faster and more responsive.

For editing and post processing, I recommend VSCO, Snapseed, or a combination of both.

If you don’t like sharing your photos as squares, use “Squaready” on the iPhone, or “Square InstaPic” on Android (to share your photos as a rectangle by adding a white or black border).

You can also try using mobile Lightroom on an iPad, but I find it still a bit clunky.
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 重庆磁器口
    • 太艺术了。像走进Homesense的画廊。( ✌'ω')✌ +1
      • 玩童也逛HomeSense? It doesn't make any sense。 +1
        • LOL…
        • >_<!
    • 奇怪的地方就在这里。如果我从这个地方经过,看到的一定不是照片上的这些东西 +1
      • 不错。男生和女生视角会不同。如果男生也拍这样的照片,力量感会更强些,而女生会柔些,细腻些。
        • 男生的话根本就就不会去看那些篓偻袋怠的地方。看哪?解放碑妹娃子啊。
          • 文艺男有时也会这么干的。不过大多数男生都喜欢登高拍个全景啥的。
    • 喜欢! 耳朵的照片张张都可用来做新闻图片~~~ +1
      • 谢谢:)
        • 你的图片很有感染力~~
          • :)
    • 都挺好的。。手机拍还有构图,真不错啊。。就是有点模糊。。换新手机,低光会好
      • 最有建设性的意见,谢谢。现在用的是iphone 5,还好好的,就丢弃不用了吗?
        • 也是好多年前的了,不算败家:)
          • 换成什么型号的?
    • 太漂亮了。一幅幅都跟油画似的。 +1
      • 谢谢推荐 :)看来要换成 iphone 6s 或 iphone 6s plus. I consider myself a serious user.
      • 你觉得哪一款最适合照相。
        • 有篇文章中有介绍,但我不明白什么是““pro camera” app“,“the default camera app “,” Hipstamatic “,“Android“,” VSCO, Snapseed,“等术语。
          Use the right apps

          Every smartphone is different in terms of performance. I recommend trying out different smartphone camera apps to find what works for you the best.

          For iPhone I recommend the (you can prefocus and tap the screen to shoot). You can always use the default camera app too. Hipstamatic is also good for cool looking effects.

          For Android, either use your default camera app, or download the Google camera app. Use whatever is faster and more responsive.

          For editing and post processing, I recommend VSCO, Snapseed, or a combination of both.

          If you don’t like sharing your photos as squares, use “Squaready” on the iPhone, or “Square InstaPic” on Android (to share your photos as a rectangle by adding a white or black border).

          You can also try using mobile Lightroom on an iPad, but I find it still a bit clunky.
          • 手机自带的照相机,和第三方独立开发的手机app。还有之后的图像处理。我个人认为没必要做图像处理
            • iphone 上有些处理软件呀,BTW,什么是app?
              • 天啊。手机盲。就是可以下载安装,之后就是每个图标,点开后可以运行的应用程序。applications, 简称apps。你从来没用过app store? 那里面全是apps,到那里去search一下吧 +1
                • 哈哈哈,谢谢扫盲。也表扬一下我吧,不耻下问。APP store 在哪里?能不能请你解释一下我上面罗列的那些术语是什么意思?
                  • App store就在你手机桌面上。其他东西,我不知道怎么跟你讲,就不讲了
                    • 谢谢。为什么不继续扫盲呀,你一说我马上都明白了。
                      • 我的耐心不好啊。上次比利时的月亮,我是彻底怕了。其实真相是我也不知道其他是啥。ANDROID是GOOGLE推出手机系统,比如三星就用的ANDROID
                        • 哈哈哈,比利时的月亮和多伦多的月亮是同一个月亮,但因为经纬度的问题,两个地点拍出的月亮不应该是一摩一样的。就如同初一和十五的月亮是同一个月亮,但拍出来却完全不一样的道理。我的理解没错吧?
                        • 看,你一说我又明白了,绝不争辩。谢谢老师。
        • 该文作者用的是: Galaxy S6 processed with VSCO b5 preset 我不明白这是什么款的手机?
        • The shortest verdict is LG G4.
          "The short verdict is that there are two clear winners here: the LG G4 and Samsung Galaxy S6. Both take excellent photos and videos, and are also great phones. If you want us to declare only one winner, then the G4 narrowly pips the S6 to the post by virtue of its excellent three-axis stabilisation."
    • 这么好的贴,这么快就沉下去了,以后把这样的贴放在梦想天空,那里有些好玩的和玩的好的人,绝对有观众。
      • 谢谢鼓励和支持,准备做个手机党,将手机扫街进行到底:)
    • 是有艺术范儿,不,就是艺术照!