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My parents never treat me so well like that. They seems to treat me like a labour for them more than a son...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛They also have a daughter, whom I should call sister. I never enjoy such warm care from family. I am really getting jealours. I always doubt wheather I am really born by them, or same dad different mum.
But tough youth lifehood train me a lot, I feel very comfortable in Canada lonely. Now I have got a wife and a stable job. It's god who cares me. All achievement are generated by my 2 hands and 2 feet. If anyone here wanna listen to my sad story in my youthhood, pls follow this post.
My wife gonna come to join me. I have been waiting for her over 1 year, since I landed here. I find a job, and have a stable income. So I went back old place to marry her months ago. I will have a completely new life in North America. I will forget the doom happended in China forever. I will forget the sad life along with the former family forever. I am poor on economic, but rich in the bottom of my heart. The most whealthy belongings of mine is a wife, which so much rich people here hasnt. They still have to go to night club or waste a lot of money to " buy " a wife from abroad.
Am I rich though?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 谁言寸草心系列之 父亲节献礼
    • 真希望有一天,我的女儿也会写出这样的文字。
      • 呵呵,一定会的,放心好了。不过以你女儿这么小就会写那种英文诗来看,估计写的话,也是英文的。:P
        • 去年父亲节,女儿的贺卡写着:Thank you for taking me wherever I want to go. 今年,女儿写的是:A special thank to the most special father. 说心理话,我已经很美了。
    • 嗯,嫣然,写的好。就是想不明白怎么放到“生儿育女”栏目里去了……^_^
      • 为什么不?不是我爸妈生了女儿,才有这么篇文章吗?而且我也想让坛子里的年轻父母以及准备要孩子还没有要孩子的夫妻,看看我写的感谢父亲的文章。相信,你们以后也会被孩子们用更美丽的文字感动着。:)
        • 将来也应该包括你自己:)
          • ^_^
    • BRAVO! Strongly recommend to be included in textbook! Much better than most nonsense/political articles in today's textbook.
      • five
        • 21
    • 别担心,你的Mr. Right会出现的,你的加拿大身份也会解决的
      • 呵呵,爸爸妈妈警告过我了,如果想借助结婚留下来,趁早回家。:P
        • 可以用实际行动让他们转变看法。 : P
      • 当然乐,为了身份勉强自己嫁一个人是万万不可的,俺相信嫣然妹妹也不会干这傻事,对巴?
        • 呵呵,这个问题不讨论了。早已经有定论了。:)
          • 严重同意,想借婚姻来达到某种目的前,一定要想清楚是不是值得。甜MM真是个聪明女孩~~~ :-P
          • (要是一举两得多好)
    • good girl!
    • 你爸妈太宠你了,还好,没把你宠坏。上完学快回家吧,你最好收在父母身边。
    • 不错不错,母亲节没写点什么?补上吧?
      • 我想应该写了吧? 不过嫣然真是个不错的女孩子。
      • 小声说: 女孩子么, 当然只恋父亲.
      • 呵呵,我妈?笑话太多。我的性格中开朗一面大都随了妈妈。如果写妈妈,一定是很搞笑的,不会像给爸爸写得这么深情了哦!:P
    • 写得真好,不过我好惭愧哦,都没给爸爸打电话,晚上一定补上。:(
    • 嘿嘿,叫声师傅吧.要不是昨天我督促你,怎么写得出来这么好的文章?:>
      • 哼!昨天打击我,我还没找你算帐呢!还敢@#%$%$&^?
    • Good girl!
    • I'm really impressed by your article!
    • 我的女儿将来长大以后能够这样写我,我就可以快乐地闭上眼睛了。。
      • 那你现在做的有他父亲好吗?
    • 不同的父亲有不同的关爱方式,有些并不是当时所能体会到的,谢谢嫣然的好文让我回忆起父爱的点点滴滴。
    • 嫣然的父母真是模范父母。 所以孩子也乖巧可爱。 实际证明, 家庭幸福的孩子性格就比较好, 例如我 ,西西
    • 现在我才知道,嫣然女士不仅有嘹亮的歌喉,而且还有与我共同的爱好--拉手风琴。尽管你听从了父亲的意见放弃了报考音乐学院的机会,但相信你并没有放弃自己的爱好。因为人生有许多梦,少年的梦将伴随你终生。
      • 你们都会拉手风琴?在加拿大好像不是很多啊.
        • 很多。只是这种乐器在北美没有象在欧洲和中国那样受欢迎而已。而且,手风琴在这里很贵,买它就不如买钢琴了。
          • 我的孩子一直在学习手风琴,所以我们来的时候特意带来了手风琴,现在孩子大了,自己愿意练习了,拉的越来越好,当爹的听着真是高兴,虽然听得不是很懂。。
    • 在温馨家庭成长起来的都是规矩孩子,对比一下张宇(?)在"姐姐"第一句就唱:"我的爸爸是个混球...",酷!
      • 张楚,还有周杰伦的“凭什么打我妈”一类的...赫赫
        • 谢谢.在你面前显得我才疏学浅...
      • ZhangYu is right. He is OK. You shouldnt make such comment to him. His family doesnt treat him well though.
      • who on earth you are? And who " zhangyu(?) " you are refering? Are you a man? Sorry bother you if you are a woman or girl.
    • Excellent, we really should respect our parent, especially father.
    • Which day?
    • 感动,想起了同样的冰天雪地里,父亲给我送热乎乎的饭,想起了父亲的宽容与理解,也想起了自己曾多么可恨的和父亲争吵过。我马上回家了,老乡,需要我替你给父母捎去问候吗?
      • 呵呵,谢谢你的好意。不过我怕我那个疼我不知道怎么疼好的老爸拷问我和你的关系,所以,呵呵,还是好意心领了吧!:P
        • ok了拉。我已经到家了。
          • 羡慕死了....:)
            • 羡慕啥,打个飞机回来,俺领你好好转转~~现在咱家变化好大啊,越来越好了~~~~
    • My parents never treat me so well like that. They seems to treat me like a labour for them more than a son...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛They also have a daughter, whom I should call sister. I never enjoy such warm care from family. I am really getting jealours. I always doubt wheather I am really born by them, or same dad different mum.
      But tough youth lifehood train me a lot, I feel very comfortable in Canada lonely. Now I have got a wife and a stable job. It's god who cares me. All achievement are generated by my 2 hands and 2 feet. If anyone here wanna listen to my sad story in my youthhood, pls follow this post.
      My wife gonna come to join me. I have been waiting for her over 1 year, since I landed here. I find a job, and have a stable income. So I went back old place to marry her months ago. I will have a completely new life in North America. I will forget the doom happended in China forever. I will forget the sad life along with the former family forever. I am poor on economic, but rich in the bottom of my heart. The most whealthy belongings of mine is a wife, which so much rich people here hasnt. They still have to go to night club or waste a lot of money to " buy " a wife from abroad.
      Am I rich though?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • as long as you believe, i guess so.
      • 我不知道为什么你父母给你那种感觉,但是至少,当你做了父亲,一定不要那么对孩子了哦!:)
        • I had watched the tape they were on the bed, while she wasnt my mum. He induldged his daughter consuming over 400,000RMB for studying abroad and traveling abroad...
          while I never attrive a new clothes from him, never gained a gift from his kins, never got his daughter's help, never heard a tender voice from both of them...but I did a lot for them... carried heavy stuffs, moving house decorating materials... What's move is they sueeze my energy, time...stop me developing...stop me immegrate...
          In their mind, to born me is for their rest life. If not, why born me and raise me? Just waste money for them. Why not raise a dog or a pig? I hear about such words since I was only no more than 5 yrs old.
          I recommend you and guys' comment and suggestion, if you are interested. Thanks.
          What's the reason or meaning to stay with them any more?
          • 无法想像你过的是什么样子的生活,但是毕竟,你现在不是可以好好的生活了吗?希望你幸福。^_^
          • 无法相信和理解!
    • 爸爸对女儿是不是都这样?我对我女儿也是发自内心的硕大的父爱。谁谈谈妈妈对女儿一般是怎样的?
    • 爱孩子是应该的。但是把孩子当成生活的主旋律是可悲的。最可悲的是这样的事情在中国很普遍。
    • 巧笑MM的这片文章写的太好了, 我看过多次了.不过我只有羡慕的份, 我的情况与你相反, 我都没有勇气写出我的经历, 可悲.