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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. When were you first introduced to your sponsor? Date: _________________________(dd/mm/yyyy)
Who introduced you?
Please describe the circumstances of this introduction:

2. When was the first time you met your sponsor in person? Date: __________________(dd/mm/yyyy)
Did you and your sponsor go on any outings together? YES / NO**
Outing photographs attached? YES / NO**

3. Was there a formal engagement ceremony? YES / NO**

Date: ____________________(dd/mm/yyyy) Location(city/country):_________________
How many persons attended this ceremony? No.of guests: ___________________________
Did the followinf persons attend your engagement ceremony:
Your sponsor Yes / NO**
Your parents YES / NO**
Your sponsor’s parents YES / NO**

4.Was there a traditional/customary marriage ceremony? YES / NO**
If yes, please attach wedding photographs.
Date:_______________(dd/mm/yyyy) Location(city/country)______________________________
How many persons attend this ceremony? No. of guests __________________________________
Did the following persons attend your marrage ceremony?
Your sponsor YES / NO**
Your parents YES / NO**
Your sponsor’s parents YES / NO**

5. Is your sponsor or any of his /her family members a relative of yours or any members of your family?
YES / NO* If yes, please explain how are you and your sponsor are related:

6. Do you have any members living in Canada? YES / NO*

if yes, please provide the full name(s),date(s) of birth, occupation(s), full address(es) and date(s) of landing in Canada ,on a separate piece of paper.
Are your family members living in Canada acquainted with your sponsor? YES / NO*

7. How do you and your sponsor communicate? (e.g., by phone calls, by letters, etc.)

How often do you and your sponsor communicate? ________________________________________

8. When did your sponsor depart after your Engagement? _______________________(dd/mm/yyyy)
Did your sponsor return to visit you after the engagement/wedding? YES / NO**

If yes please clearly indicate the number of times your sponsor has returned to visit you after the engagement/wedding, the date and the length of each visit, on a separate piece of paper.

9. How often do your relative financial support from your sponsor?___________________________
How much? _______________________________________________________________________

I have this amount of money(in Canadian dollars) to accompany me to Canada:CAD$_____________

10. Where did your sponsor live before going to Canada?

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Where does your sponsor live now and with whom?____________________________________

Current address of your sponsor’s parents:

Address: _______________________________________________________________________

11. Has your sponsor ever submitted a sponsorship application for another person before? YES / NO*
If yes, please provide the additional information on a separate piece of paper.

12. Have you or your sponsor ever been married or engaged before? YES/NO*更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 快快快,朋友们,我下个月就要面试了,大使馆要求在面试前七天将我老公的地址和电话发传真给他们,可我老公现在已经回来,请问这个传真还需要发吗?
    • 要发的!一定要按他们的要求做!解释一下,但理由要充分!
    • 要你面试,你老公还赶回来,胆子可真大呀,不怕热麻烦呀??
    • 这样被拒签的可能性很大,移民官认为你老公这个时候应该在加拿大打工才对.
    • 我老婆也收到通知,2月份面试。并要求,如果担保人在中国,必须一同去面试。说明担保人可以回国的。
    • 哇,朋友们,可别吓唬我哦!如果象forest说的,那我不很有可能被拒签?? 我想问问大家,关于这个问题,有没有什么具体的规定?或者说象我这样的情况拒签率会很高?
      • 不要害怕,我在加拿大打电话给过移民局问过这个问题,那里的人非常肯定的告诉我,担保人在被担保人没有拿到签证期间是完全可以回中国的,其实这样只能更加证明你们的思念啊,怎么会影响签证呢?
    • 装配工,我的面试通知和你老婆要求的一样,快点抓紧办吧!
      • 面试回来,报告一下面试的经过,等你的好消息
      • 晴儿,麻烦你把你面试信里要求带的文件写出来好吗?若蒙回复,不胜感谢。
    • 没关系,老公回来一起面试效果更好
    • 申请团聚不是看老公有没有工作,而是看婚姻是否真实
    • 谢谢大家的指点!!!还有没有知道面试时可能会问到的问题?
      • 最近发现被要求面试的人好多啊,是什么样的情况会要你去面试?
      • 晴儿,我把面试常问的问题发给你,供参考!祝你面试成功!!
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. When were you first introduced to your sponsor? Date: _________________________(dd/mm/yyyy)
        Who introduced you?
        Please describe the circumstances of this introduction:

        2. When was the first time you met your sponsor in person? Date: __________________(dd/mm/yyyy)
        Did you and your sponsor go on any outings together? YES / NO**
        Outing photographs attached? YES / NO**

        3. Was there a formal engagement ceremony? YES / NO**

        Date: ____________________(dd/mm/yyyy) Location(city/country):_________________
        How many persons attended this ceremony? No.of guests: ___________________________
        Did the followinf persons attend your engagement ceremony:
        Your sponsor Yes / NO**
        Your parents YES / NO**
        Your sponsor’s parents YES / NO**

        4.Was there a traditional/customary marriage ceremony? YES / NO**
        If yes, please attach wedding photographs.
        Date:_______________(dd/mm/yyyy) Location(city/country)______________________________
        How many persons attend this ceremony? No. of guests __________________________________
        Did the following persons attend your marrage ceremony?
        Your sponsor YES / NO**
        Your parents YES / NO**
        Your sponsor’s parents YES / NO**

        5. Is your sponsor or any of his /her family members a relative of yours or any members of your family?
        YES / NO* If yes, please explain how are you and your sponsor are related:

        6. Do you have any members living in Canada? YES / NO*

        if yes, please provide the full name(s),date(s) of birth, occupation(s), full address(es) and date(s) of landing in Canada ,on a separate piece of paper.
        Are your family members living in Canada acquainted with your sponsor? YES / NO*

        7. How do you and your sponsor communicate? (e.g., by phone calls, by letters, etc.)

        How often do you and your sponsor communicate? ________________________________________

        8. When did your sponsor depart after your Engagement? _______________________(dd/mm/yyyy)
        Did your sponsor return to visit you after the engagement/wedding? YES / NO**

        If yes please clearly indicate the number of times your sponsor has returned to visit you after the engagement/wedding, the date and the length of each visit, on a separate piece of paper.

        9. How often do your relative financial support from your sponsor?___________________________
        How much? _______________________________________________________________________

        I have this amount of money(in Canadian dollars) to accompany me to Canada:CAD$_____________

        10. Where did your sponsor live before going to Canada?

        Address: ______________________________________________________________________

        Where does your sponsor live now and with whom?____________________________________

        Current address of your sponsor’s parents:

        Address: _______________________________________________________________________

        11. Has your sponsor ever submitted a sponsorship application for another person before? YES / NO*
        If yes, please provide the additional information on a separate piece of paper.

        12. Have you or your sponsor ever been married or engaged before? YES/NO*更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • breakenheart,谢谢你!
    • 我的状态变成2了, 我想不通为什么会要我面试?:-( 是不是面试的问题都差不多还是不一样啊?会不会被拒签啊?
      • 想不通吗?我帮你想。是某一方有过离婚吗?还是登陆后立即又回来结婚的?
        • 我老公是去年2月底登陆2星期然后回来, 我们是8月份结婚的.
          • 忘了说了, 我们都不是再婚的. 不过结婚没多久他就走了,只是因为那边公司催得紧,谢谢你快帮我想想, 我都担心死了.
            • 婚前认识少于半年,或婚后住在一起少于一个月的申请人都是面试的重点对象
              • 哦, 要是这么说的话, 那可能是因为我们结婚不到1个月他就走了. 可这是出乎意料的, 我面试时应该可以解释吧? 我想是真的总归可以签出来的, 给点鼓励吧.:-)谢谢大家的关心了.
              • 那完了,俺也属于这个范围的,咋办呀??要是补完材料,在来个面试,唉 不知道拖到何年何月了
                • 别自己吓自己啦, 让你补材料就应该不会再让你面试了吧.你是10月的吧别急, 快了.
              • 是真的吗?太可怕了,我们在一起三年了,但结婚不到一个月先生就去加拿大了,而且没有婚礼,也没住在一起过。怎么办?
                • 只要你交的材料多应该没问题吧, 我们材料不多呀.
    • 晴儿, 装配工, 你们的进程是怎样的? 能不能让我参考参考啊?
    • 战友们,我已经面试回来,一切都很顺利,这些天谢谢朋友们的关心和鼓励。祝大家都能早日团聚, 加油啊,朋友们!
      • qing , please tell us your interview process in detail if you don't mind .
      • 晴儿,面试结束后,当时就给签证吗?问了些什么问题?
        • 装配工, 你说说你的进程, 好吗?
      • 能否把你的面试经历写出来,给朋友们借鉴一下?谢谢。
    • 面试的感受