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OK,报税就可以,tax resident。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛«You are a factual resident of Canada if you keep significant residential ties in Canada while living or travelling outside the country. The term factual resident means that, although you left Canada, you are considered to be a resident of Canada for tax purposes.»

Regarding the Canada child tax, the Universal Child Care and the provincials benefits:

The Canada child tax benefit
«If you are eligible to receive the Canada child tax benefit (CCTB), you will continue to receive it and any related provincial or territorial benefits to which you are eligible during your absence from Canada. However, you will have to file a return each year so we can calculate your CCTB. If you have a spouse or common-law partner, he or she will also have to file a return each year.»

The universal child care benefit
«If you are eligible to receive the universal child care benefit (UCCB), you will continue to receive it during your absence from Canada. The UCCB payments are usually taxable to the spouse or common-law partner with the lower net income.»

All you need to do is filling up your taxes and state all your income, including what you earned abroad.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 不在加拿大居住了,但还报税,继续领取小孩的津贴有问题吗?
    • What does the regulation say?
    • 别被税务局察觉就什么问题都没有
      • 怎么可能不察觉,美国收入也要报税阿,都美国W2了,还能在加拿大居住?: (
    • OK,报税就可以,tax resident。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛«You are a factual resident of Canada if you keep significant residential ties in Canada while living or travelling outside the country. The term factual resident means that, although you left Canada, you are considered to be a resident of Canada for tax purposes.»

      Regarding the Canada child tax, the Universal Child Care and the provincials benefits:

      The Canada child tax benefit
      «If you are eligible to receive the Canada child tax benefit (CCTB), you will continue to receive it and any related provincial or territorial benefits to which you are eligible during your absence from Canada. However, you will have to file a return each year so we can calculate your CCTB. If you have a spouse or common-law partner, he or she will also have to file a return each year.»

      The universal child care benefit
      «If you are eligible to receive the universal child care benefit (UCCB), you will continue to receive it during your absence from Canada. The UCCB payments are usually taxable to the spouse or common-law partner with the lower net income.»

      All you need to do is filling up your taxes and state all your income, including what you earned abroad.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Makes sense. 交税有福利,不交没福利,不能交税没福利,不交有福利,总结完毕!
        • NIKE, 堪称加版星爷。。。。。。。。。。
        • 你是 absence from Canada, or reside /work overseas?
          • TN Visa本质上还是temprary working visa,有起始和结束时间,不算permanent,CRA还是看你Intention,这个太可以多种解释了
    • 可能在入籍时有问题。CIC有时会追查CCTB.
      • 有什么问题?我LD刚提交的入籍申请,地址都是美国的,汗!
        • 我不能确定CIC一定会追查CCTB. 但至少我遇到了这情况,此乃我的实际经验。
    • 有问题。抓住的话罚款。
      • 如果你是Factual residence,并file tax each year,就应该得到
    • 写个东西传真过去自己留底,如果继续发就收着,将来有罚款拿出传真做证明肯定可以免罚款。大不了原款加利息退回去。
      • 也是个snaky办法. LOL
    • 多谢大家,暂时没时间研究,反正我2014肯定是要报加拿大税。这个是最新的官方link
      • 除非有Significant ties (三子,妻子,孩子,房子) 在加拿大,否则都是CRA说了算,但交税有福利,不交没福利,不能交税没福利,不交有福利,仍旧成立
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Evidence of intention to permanently sever residential ties

        1.17 Whether an individual intended to permanently sever residential ties with Canada at the time of his or her departure from Canada is a question of fact to be determined with regard to all of the circumstances of each case. Although length of stay abroad is one factor to be considered in making this determination (that is, as evidence of the individual's intentions upon leaving Canada), the Courts have indicated that there is no particular length of stay abroad that necessarily results in an individual becoming a non-resident. Generally, if there is evidence that an individual's return to Canada was foreseen at the time of his or her departure, the CRA will attach more significance to the individual's remaining residential ties with Canada (see ¶ 1.11 – 1.15), in determining whether the individual continued to be a factual resident of Canada subsequent to his or her departure. For example, where, at the time of an individual's departure from Canada, there exists a contract for employment in Canada if and when the individual returns to Canada, the CRA will consider this to be evidence that the individual's return to Canada was foreseen at the time of departure. However, the CRA would have to review each individual's situation on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the individual's remaining residential ties with Canada, including the contract of employment, are sufficient to conclude that the individual continues to be resident in Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 领儿童津贴,孩子必须在加拿大。不过若被查到,最终解释在CRA.
      • 哪里说的?官方文件里,只要是Factual residence,并且交税,就可以领,有一个条件是,孩子必须跟你一起住
      • 问题的关键就是,你是不是Factual residence? +1
        • 事实居住就是人必须在加拿大,与之对应的就是视同居住,那是为了征税和为难枫叶卡持有者而设立的。
      • 好像是必须住在加拿大。 +1
      • 请看下面的内容,似乎必须住在加拿大才有资格领取CCTB:
        4. Can I get the Canada child tax benefit?
        To be eligible, you must meet all the following conditions:

        you must live with the child, and the child must be under the age of 18;
        you must be primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child;
        you must be a resident of Canada; and
        you or your spouse or common-law partner must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, a protected person, or a temporary resident who has lived in Canada for the previous 18 months, and who has a valid permit in the 19th month.
        • 你这个可能是原来没有CCTB,要申请需要满足的条件,而且没有CRA的link,只是一些第三方的网站的解释
          • 请看如下链接
            • 我来理解以下这段文字: 前两条不说了,3. Factual residence is a resident. 4. 你或者你配偶是公民、移民、难民,或者有合理拘留并住满18个月。如果你是公民、移民、难民,不需要住18个月
    • 有便宜不沾叫什么来着。
      • LOL,其实交的税更多,只是要合理绕回来一点
    • 为什么不申请加拿大非税务居民?
      • 我们担保父母移民,估计不能非税务,还没具体问清楚
        • 我想多说一句:你对CRA政策的理解我不敢苟同,也就是我不认为你具备领取CCTB的资格。另外,你提到正在给父母申请移民,多一事不如少一事,不要因为一个小小的CCTB而影响了你父母的移民。得罪了。
          • 怎么说得罪了,我认为大家在这里讨论,起码在这个帖子里,都是帮助我呢
            • 谢谢。
        • 担保人必须在加拿大,而且父母移民后担保人也得在加拿大生活。仔细读你签名的担保合约。
          • 律师的解读跟你的不同。别吓唬自己人。不想在此争辩,就此问题问过律师。律师说,如果担保人在美国没问题只要一直报加拿大税说白了得交税!
            • 就算父母移民批下来了, 难道担保人都在美国,把父母放在加拿大独自生活?也不放心吧。那就失去团聚的意义了。。。
              • 比较难搞,不是说移民上的,是说实际生活上,搞不好我老还得回去。不过父母上面还有父母,所以他们肯定短登,我至少还有3年缓冲期,这年头变化太快,看不清4-5年后的事情,走一步算一步吧。
                • 不用着急到时候自有办法。
              • 楼主的主题是,是否在美国工作期间领取儿童补助,怎么扯倒父母移民了?
                • 算是这个问题的背景吧,没有担保父母就可以报非税务居民了,不交税也不想着收福利了
            • Go to CIC website, it states to sponsor parents or grand parents, you must be living in Canada. I read the sponsorship agreement before, it says what I said.
              • 你说的非常正确。

          • 貌似只需要担保十年即可。
    • 我有一个朋友他把孩子送回国让父母带养,
      • 你应该就说是自己把孩子送回国让父母带养,自己和老公在加拿大工作,每年报税且拿孩子牛奶金,几年后被政府查到让交罚金且退回孩子的牛奶金
        政府的理由是孩子没在加生活,没有牛奶金。 幸好只是罚款,未铸成大错, 遭受牢狱之栽.你十分难过, 追悔莫及,觉得不应该欺偏政府,这是捡了芝麻丢了瓜的呀. 望后来人引以为戒.

        有自己个人经历说,说才有教育意义,别人才更会相信. 用朋友的例子大家会怀疑,你朋友连这事都和你说? 罚他们的理由都告诉你了? 他们反而认为你是编的.
        • 你的回复真让我哭笑不得,无语!!!!不过我真想拿牛奶金,但是不幸的是自己太老了生不出来。
      • 我一定会打电话问清楚,你这个例子应该主要是因为孩子没有跟父母在一起,孩子必须跟claim牛奶金的父母同住