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2. 关于同性恋是不是天生的。我们都不是这方面医学专家,影响我们判断应该是最新的医学界关于“同性恋的起因”或者“同性恋是不是病”的一个普遍看法与结论。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛其实现在已有很多资料都阐述了“同性恋是天生的,不是选择“及“同性恋不是病”这样的观点。这里只引述《维基百科》的内容:

关于“同性恋是天生的”。---请看《维基百科》这段话“一些科学研究显示,通过对同性恋者的大脑解剖,..........,这表示同性恋是由基因决定的。” “性取向在个体出生的时候就已经确定下来了,不受环境影响而改变。性取向不是一种选择,也不是自己可以控制的。科学界的对于性取向的共识指出,性取向是持久性的,不可改变的。”




你贴中提出的“不能作为主流社会宣传的理由”。主流社会宣传的只是不歧视有不同“性取向”的人士,从来没看见过主流社会宣传“让我们都来搞基”。宣传平等有什么不对呢?为什么不能宣传呢?让孩子们了解这种现象是客观存在的,不必大惊小怪,整个社会对这种现象都见怪不怪了,自然也就不用宣传了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 六年级新增内容。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Human Development and Sexual Health (page 173)

    C1.3 identify factors that affect the development of a person’s self-concept (e.g., environment, evaluations by others who are important to them, stereotypes, awareness of strengths and needs, social competencies, cultural and gender identity, support, body image, mental health and emotional well-being, physical abilities) [PS]

    Teacher prompt: “A person’s self-concept and emotional health and well-being can be af¬fected by a number of factors. Some of these are external factors – they come from outside ourselves. Others are internal factors – they come from within ourselves. Can you give me examples of external and internal factors that are protective – things that help a person develop a positive self-concept and improve their emotional well-being?”
    老师:"个体的自我认同由许多因素决定。其中一些因素是外部的 - 即来自我们身外。一些是内部的 - 即我们自身。分别举出一些因素 - 那些能够帮助一个人开拓他的积极自我和提高他良好情绪的因素。"

    Student: “Protective external factors include having support from family and caring adults, having a safe place to live, and being involved in activities that make you feel proud of what you’ve accomplished. Protective internal factors include having a sense of purpose in life, being able to attain and sustain a clear sense of who you are, feeling that you have the right and are capable of taking steps to make things better, having clear boundaries, being optimistic, having high expectations of yourself, and having the skills you need to solve problems.”

    C2.5 describe how they can build confidence and lay a foundation for healthy relationships by acquiring a clearer understanding of the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur during adolescence (e.g., physical: voice changes, skin changes, body growth; social: changing social relationships, increasing influence of peers; emotional: increased intensity of feelings, new interest in relationships with boys or girls, confusion and questions about changes) [PS]

    Teacher prompt: “By getting questions answered and understanding that questions and changes are ‘normal’, adolescents will be better equipped to understand themselves, re¬late to others, respond to challenges and changes in relationships, and build confidence. What are some questions that young people might have as changes happen during puberty and adolescence?”
    老师:“ 通过答疑和对问题的理解,还有理解改变是'正常的',青少年可以更好的武装头脑以便了解自身,他人,应对挑战,和改变关系,建立信心。哪些是青少年对于变化可能问到的问题?”

    Student: “Is how I am feeling normal? Why is my body different from everybody else’s? How do you tell someone you like them? Who can answer my questions about…?”

    Teacher prompt: “Things like wet dreams or vaginal lubrication are normal and happen as a result of physical changes with puberty. Exploring one’s body by touching or mastur¬bating is something that many people do and find pleasurable. It is common and is not harmful and is one way of learning about your body.”

    C2.6 make informed decisions that demonstrate respect for themselves and others and help to build healthier relationships, using a variety of living skills (e.g., personal and interpersonal skills; critical and creative thinking skills; skills based on First Nation, Métis, and Inuit cultural teach¬ings, such as medicine wheel teachings connected to the four colour or seven grandfather teachings, or other cultural teachings) [IS, CT]

    Teacher prompt: “In many ways, dating relationships can be similar to other relationships, such as those with friends or family. Relationships we see online or in the media are not always accurate and can send false messages. What are some of the signs of a healthy relationship, and what are some signs of potential trouble?”

    Student: “In a healthy relationship, people show respect and care for each other. They try to communicate well and are honest with each other. Jealousy or behaviour that is too controlling can be signs of trouble.”

    Teacher: “How does knowing yourself help you to make healthy decisions when you are in a relationship?”

    Student: “Being clear about your own values, priorities, strengths, and needs can help you separate what is important to you from what is not. Knowing yourself well can help you see what you need to work on to make the relationship better.”

    Teacher: “What communication skills can help you send information, receive information, and interpret information in an effective way in a relationship?”

    Student: “Being respectful but clear about your ideas and feelings; listening actively; interpreting body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions; respecting signals of agreement or disagreement and consent or lack of consent; and negotiating – all these are important skills. A clear “yes” is a signal of consent. A response of ”no”, an uncertain response, or silence needs to be understood as no consent.”
    学生:"尊重的同时,清楚的表达自己的意愿,尽力倾听,解读身体语言,语调,脸部表情,尊重那些同意,不同意,答应,不答应的信息;协商 - 这些都是重要的技巧。一个明确的'YES'是同意的表示。回答'no',不确定的回应,沉默,应被理解为不同意。"

    Teacher: “What social attitudes and behaviours are important in building a healthy relationship?”

    Student: “It is important to have respect for others, show that you value differences, and be cooperative.”

    Teacher: “What should you consider when making any decision regarding a relationship?”

    Student: “My comfort level, my personal and family values, my personal limits, and the limits and comfort of others are some of the things I should consider.”

    Teacher: “Changing or ending relationships can be difficult. What are some ways to deal positively with changing or ending relationships?”

    Student: “Talk about how you feel with someone you trust. Think about what you can learn from the situation that you can apply in the future. Remember that although the hurt feelings can be very intense at the beginning, you will start feeling a little better over time. If you are the one ending the relationship, treat the other person with respect and consider how they may be feeling. Try to explain how you feel. Ending a relationship over the phone or online may not be a sensitive approach.”

    C3.3 assess the effects of stereotypes, including homophobia and assumptions regarding gender roles and expectations, sexual orientation, gender expression, race, ethnicity or culture, men¬tal health, and abilities, on an individual’s self-concept, social inclusion, and relationships with others, and propose appropriate ways of responding to and changing assumptions and stereotypes [PS, CT]

    Teacher prompt: “Can you give examples of some stereotypes that might have a negative effect on a person’s self-concept and social inclusion? What can we do to change stereo¬types and discrimination?”

    Student: “People who are overweight are sometimes labelled as lazy. That’s not fair. And it’s not fair to make assumptions about what people with disabilities are able to do. We need to base our opinions of people on who they are and what they do and not judge them by their appearance or make assumptions about them. There are also nega¬tive stereotypes about people who receive extra help or people who receive good marks in class. These can be hurtful and cause people to avoid getting help when they need it or, sometimes, to hide their abilities. Someone who has a mental illness like depression or an anxiety disorder may be seen as being different. We need to remember that mental illness can affect anyone, and it can be treated. Cultural stereotypes are also common. Sometimes people make assumptions that people from a certain cultural background all like the same things or are all good at the same things. That makes us misjudge them. To change stereotypes, we need to get to know people and respond to them as individuals. We need to challenge stereotypes when we hear them.”

    Teacher prompt: “Assumptions are often made about what is ‘normal’ or expected for males and females – for example, men take out the garbage; nursing is a woman’s job; boys play soccer at recess and girls skip rope or stand around and talk; boys are good at weightlifting and girls are good at dancing. Assumptions like these are usually untrue, and they can be harmful. They can make people who do not fit into the expected norms feel confused or bad about themselves, damaging their self-concept, and they can cause people to discriminate against and exclude those who are seen as ‘different’. Assumptions about different sexual orientations or about people with learning disabilities or mental ill¬ness or about people from other cultures are harmful in similar ways. Everyone needs to feel accepted in school and in the community. Why do you think these stereotyped as¬sumptions occur? What can be done to change or challenge them?”
    老师:"在考虑什么是'正常的'和期望时,男女经常被提前设定 - 比如:倒垃圾是男人的活;护士是女人的工作;休息时间男孩踢球女孩跳绳或聊天;男孩善于举重,女孩善于跳舞。这类假设通常不是真的,并且会伤害人。它们会使得没有能力融入他该去的地方的人,感到困惑和无能,摧毁他们的自我认知,造成对'异常'人士的歧视。那些针对不同性取向,或者有学习障碍的,或者有精神病的,或者来自不同文化的人的假设,同样有害。在学校或社区里,每个人都应被接纳。你认为这些成见和假设是哪里来的?怎么改变?"

    Students: “Stereotypes are usually formed when we do not have enough information. We can get rid of a lot of stereotypes just by finding out more about people who seem different. By being open-minded, observing and listening, asking questions, getting more information, and considering different perspectives, we can work to change stereotypes. We can understand people’s sexual orientations better, for example, by reading books that describe various types of families and relationships. Not everyone has a mother and a father – someone might have two mothers or two fathers (or just one parent or a grand¬parent, a caregiver, or a guardian). We need to make sure that we don’t assume that all couples are of the opposite sex, and show this by the words we use. For example, we could use a word like ‘partner’ instead of ‘husband’ or ‘wife’. We need to be inclusive and welcoming.” “If we have newcomers from another country in our class, we can try to find out more about them, their culture, and their interests.” “If we hear things that are sexist, homophobic, or racist, we can show our support for those who are being disre¬spected.” “If we hear someone using words like ‘crazy’ or ‘nuts’ to describe a person who has a mental illness, we can explain that mental illness is no different from other illnesses, and that we wouldn’t call someone names if they were suffering from any other illness.”

    "成见的形成和我们缺乏知识信息有关。我们其实可以简单去除掉成见,只要我们多与不同的人解除。还可以通过开放的视野,观察倾听,问问题,获取更多信息,从不同的角度看问题,来改变成见。我们可以对人们的性取向有更好的了解,比如:读那些描述不同类型家庭和关系的书。并不是每个人都有一个母亲和一个父亲 - 有人有两个父亲或母亲(或者只有单亲,或是一个祖父母,一个照顾者,一个监护人)我们应确保我们不能自动就假设所有的伴侣关系中,性别都是相反的。用词上也要注意。比如,我们可以用'配偶'代替'丈夫'或'妻子'。我们应有包容心。"



    "如果我们听到有人对精神病患者用'疯子','癜狂'之类的词,我们可以对他们解释,精神病和其他疾病没有不同,我们不可以侮辱人,当他们处在不论哪种疾病的痛苦中。"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这个大纲非常好啊,没有任何地方不妥。我们从小没有受过这样的教育,挺遗憾的。
      • 谁生的孩子自己负责。stereotypes这个帽子不要批发。
        • Stereotypes are usually formed when we do not have enough information.
          • 吹就一个字
      • 很庆幸没受这样的教育,不然一好奇,没准废了。请你真的不要在发言了。
        • 你真可笑,把自己当网管了?摆正自己的位置哈。
          • 傻吧,这叫专给你添堵呢
      • 这种事情不能从娃娃抓起。别人私下怎么性行为我不干涉,但教坏孩子坚决反对。另外我不明白老师没教你如何囗交肛交,你有什么遗憾的。
        • 你再去上面六年级大纲去看看,哪里提到口交肛交了,怎么就认定了是老师要教口交肛交了呢?七年级提到口交肛交也只是告诉学生任何一种性行为都是有传染病危险的,也不能说是教口交肛交啊。这不就是正常的生理卫生课吗?
    • +1000
    • 那些要示威的家长,你们有没有好好读读大纲?哪些内容让你们“自己”觉得“童真无邪的象牙塔,瞬间将变成乌烟瘴气的色情场所”了, 哪些内容 “將要對我們的孩子和社會秩序的嚴重傷害了”?
      • 这是另外一场case的前奏吗?:-)
        • 不明白,什么case?只是希望大家认真读一下大纲,别人云亦云。
      • 其实对于新教案,有反对的声音是正常不过的事情。但非要给形容成世界末日,大有不反对就不配为人父母就有些过了。使人不得不想一想到底要干什么。
        • 要干啥?
          • 我哪知道
      • 比你读的多, 所以才担心。 不要总是自以为是的以为世界上其他人都是傻子
        • 同意,教坏孩子是伤天害理,坚决反对新大纲。教育局有钱和时间应该把数学英语大纲提高一些
    • 非常感谢。。。和朋友们分享了!
    • 多谢你的翻译!可是就这么多吗?怎么没看到大家吵吵的那些词?
      • 你马上就要看到了。往下看。
    • 再次感谢!我逐条和反教案人士提供的有问题条目进行了比对,全都包含在拜月的翻译里了。大家自己看看吧。
    • 顶。。。
    • 七年级增加的内容
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Human Development and Sexual Health (page 195)

      C1.3 explain the importance of having a shared understanding with a partner about the following: delaying sexual activity until they are older (e.g., choosing to abstain from any genital contact; choosing to abstain from having vaginal or anal intercourse; choosing to abstain from having oral-genital contact); the reasons for not engaging in sexual activity; the concept of consent and how consent is communicated; and, in general, the need to communicate clearly with each other when making decisions about sexual activity in the relationship

      Teacher prompt: “The term abstinence can mean different things to different people. People can also have different understandings of what is meant by having or not having sex. Be clear in your own mind about what you are comfortable or uncomfortable with. Being able to talk about this with a partner is an important part of sexual health. Having sex can be an enjoyable experience and can be an important part of a close relationship when you are older. But having sex has risks too, including physical risks like sexually transmitted infections – which are common and which can hurt you – and getting pregnant when you don’t want to. What are some of the emotional considerations to think about?”
      老师:"‎节制这个词,对不同的人有不同的涵义。对于要不要性交,不同的人理解都不同。在你的脑海里应有一个很清晰明确的意识,什么是你觉得舒适的,什么是不舒服的。与性伴侣交谈这些,是性健康的重要组成部分。等你们长大以后,与伴侣的性生活可能是很享受的,并是你与他关系中很重要的部分。可是性交同样会有风险,包括通过性传遍的感染 - 这些很普遍而且可能会伤害你 - 当你毫无准备时造成你怀孕。哪些是情感上该考虑的事情?"

      Student: “It’s best to wait until you are older to have sex because you need to be emotion¬ally ready, which includes being able to talk with your partner about how you feel, being prepared to talk about and use protection against STIs or pregnancy, and being prepared to handle the emotional ups and downs of a relationship, including the ending of a rela¬tionship, which can hurt a lot. Personal values, family values, and religious beliefs can influence how you think about sexuality and sexual activity. A person should not have sex if their partner is not ready or has not given consent, if they are feeling pressured, if they are unsure, or if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.”

      C1.4 identify common sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and describe their symptoms

      Teacher prompt: “Common sexually transmitted infections include human papilloma¬virus (HPV), herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and hepatitis B. Some have visible symptoms but most do not, so it’s hard to tell if you or someone else has an STI. All STIs can have a significant impact on your health. What are some symptoms of an STI? If an STI has no symptoms, how can you find out if you have it?”

      Student: “You can see some STIs, such as pubic lice or genital warts, and other STIs have symptoms such as redness or pain while urinating. Even if you don’t see or experience any symptoms, you should be tested by a doctor if you are sexually active. Depending on the STI, tests can be done by taking swabs from the cervix, vagina, or urethra or by taking urine or blood samples.”

      C1.5 identify ways of preventing STIs, including HIV, and/or unintended pregnancy, such as delaying first intercourse and other sexual activities until a person is older and using con¬doms consistently if and when a person becomes sexually active.

      Teacher prompt: “Engaging in sexual activities like oral sex, vaginal intercourse, and anal intercourse means that you can be infected with an STI. If you do not have sex, you do not need to worry about getting an STI. (By the way, statistics show that young people who delay first intercourse are more likely to use protection when they choose to be sexually active.) If a person is thinking of having sex, what can they do to protect themselves?”

      Student: “They should go to a health clinic or see a nurse or doctor who can provide important information about protection. People who think they will be having sex some¬time soon should keep a condom with them so they will have it when they need it. They should also talk with their partner about using a condom before they have sex, so both partners will know a condom will be used. If a partner says they do not want to use a condom, a person should say, ‘I will not have sex without a condom.’ If you do have sex, it is important that you use a condom every time, because condoms help to protect you against STIs, including HIV, and pregnancy.”

      Teacher prompt: “HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a serious viral infection that can be controlled with treatments. HIV attacks the cells in the body that help to fight infections until they are no longer able to do their job. With treatment, the damage that HIV does to the body’s immune system can be slowed or prevented. But HIV infection cannot be cured. The only way to know if you have HIV is to get an HIV test. Today, when people get tested for HIV early in the infection and access HIV treatments, they have the opportunity to live a near-to-normal lifespan. HIV can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), a state of health in which a person’s immune system has been weakened by HIV and the person can no longer fight other infections. It is common for a person with AIDS to develop other infections, such as pneumonia or some kinds of cancer. HIV can be transmitted whether or not someone has symptoms of the infection. However, HIV treatment can reduce the amount of HIV in someone’s body to the point where it is much less likely that HIV will be transmitted. HIV transmission results from specific activities and does not occur through everyday contact with someone living with HIV/AIDS. What are some of the ways a person can be infected with HIV, and what can be done to prevent the transmission of HIV?”
      人类免疫缺陷病毒,是一个非常严重的感染,可以被控制。HIV攻击人体免疫细胞直到这些细胞不再工作。通过治疗,HIV引起的人体免疫系统的损坏,可能会减慢或防止住。但HIV不可治愈。唯一知道你是否感染此病毒的方法是去检测。时至今日,对该病毒早期的检测和治疗可以使感染者的寿命接近正常人。HIV可以导致爱滋病, 一种人体免疫缺陷的疾病。爱滋病人感染上其他疾病,比如肺病和癌症,是非常普遍的。HIV病毒携带者可能有,也可能没有症状。然而,对HIV的干预可以将一个人体内的HIV病毒数量降低到一定的值,这样大大减少HIV的传播。HIV病毒的传播,是一些特定的行为的结果,与HIV/AIDS人的日常接触并不会造成传播。什么是那些令人感染上HIV的方式?怎样防止它的传播。

      Student: “HIV is transmitted through contact with bodily fluids – semen, blood, vaginal or anal fluid, and breast milk. HIV cannot live outside the body. For you to be infected, the virus must enter your bloodstream. That can happen through the sharing of needles as well as through unprotected sexual intercourse, which is the most common method of infection. To prevent the transmission of HIV, avoid behaviours associated with greater risks of HIV transmission, like vaginal or anal intercourse without a condom and injection drug use. It is very important that you use a condom if you do have sex. Avoid sharing drug use equipment or using needles that have not been sterilized for any purpose, includ¬ing piercing, tattooing, or injecting steroids. One of the best things you can do to stop HIV is to stop the stigma that is associated with having the infection. Gossiping about someone with HIV or avoiding everyday contact with them makes it more challenging for people to tell others that they have HIV or to get tested for HIV. These things make it easier for HIV to spread.”
      学生:"HIV是通过体液传播的 - 精液,血液,阴道或肛门的液体,还有母婴传播。HIV离开人体是不能存活的。要想被感染,病毒必须进入到你的血管,被针扎伤或没有防护措施的性接触,都可能使得病毒必须你的血液里。为了防止HIV传播,应避免高风险感染上病毒的行为,比如没有避孕套的阴道交和肛交,向体内注射药物。性行为时用避孕套是非常重要的。避免与人共用药物,避免任何目的的未消毒的注射针头,包括在身体上打孔,纹身,注射类固醇。有一个最好的停止HIV传播的方法,就是停止污蔑。议论HIV携带者,或者阻止任何人与他们接触,这些都使得HIV携带者更加难以告诉他人实情,更难让他们去检查身体。这会使得HIV传播的更快。"

      C2.4 demonstrate an understanding of physical, emotional, social, and psychological factors that need to be considered when making decisions related to sexual health (e.g., sexually transmitted infections [STIs], possible contraceptive side effects, pregnancy, protective value of vaccinations, social labelling, gender identity, sexual orientation, self-concept issues, relationships, desire, pleasure, cultural teachings) [PS]

      Teacher prompt: “Thinking about your sexual health is complicated. It’s important to have a good understanding of yourself before getting involved with someone else. It’s not just about making a decision to have sex or waiting until you are older. It’s also about things such as your physical readiness; safer sex and avoiding consequences such as pregnancy or STIs; your sexual orientation and gender identity; your understanding of your own body, including what gives you pleasure; and the emotional implications of sexual intimacy and being in a relationship. It can include religious beliefs. It includes moral and ethical considerations as well, and also involves the need to respect the rights of other people. Can you explain what is meant by a moral consideration?”

      Student: “A moral consideration is what you believe is right or wrong. It is influenced by your personal, family, and religious values. Every person in our society should treat other people fairly and with respect. It is important to take this into account when we think about our relationships, sexual behaviour, and activities.”

      Teacher: “Like any other decision, a decision about sexual health requires you to look at all sides of an issue. How can you do that?”

      Student: “You need to consider the pros and cons of any decision you are making, and how those decisions will affect both you and others.”

      C3.3 explain how relationships with others (e.g., family, peers) and sexual health may be affected by the physical and emotional changes associated with puberty (e.g., effect of physical maturation and emotional changes on family relationships, interest in intimate relationships and effect on peer relationships, risk of STIs and/or pregnancy with sexual contact) [IS, CT]

      Teacher prompt: “How can the changes experienced in puberty affect relationships with family and others?”
      Student: “Adolescents may be interested in having a boyfriend/girlfriend. They may feel ‘grown up’, but still get treated like a kid, and this sometimes leads to conflicts with parents. They may want more independence.”
      青少年可能会想要交男朋友/女朋友。他们可能觉得自己'长大了'可还是被当做是小孩。这可能会引起他们和家人的冲突,他们可能会要更多的独立。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢谢!
      • 辛苦了。 这些内容理论上没什么错,关键在于老师怎么讲和孩子怎么理解,这个就太复杂了。建议无论是支持的还是反对的家长自己先学习一下,然后和老师谈谈,起码能解答孩子的疑问。
        • 我就是这样打算的。明年开学就跟老师定时间,专门探讨这个问题
          • 我很是关心谁来讲这些内容,专门的老师还是普通的老师,老师们接受过专门的trainin没有?用什么的方式来讲解,等等一系列非常具体的问题。 现在好像没人讨论这些,都抗议去了。
            • 我已经和我孩子的老师沟通过了,有专门的老师来教,在教敏感内容前会有家长信,家长需签字同意孩子学这些内容。
              • 是吗。不知道是男的,还是女的老师。是不是应该分开讲啊,男老师讲男孩部分,女老师讲女孩部分,像国内那样。
                • 我孩子学校是女老师,好像不分开吧,这点忘了问了。
                  • 至少以前是分开讲的,以后也是这样的吧。
                    • 分开最好。 老师说家长可以因为自己的种族,信仰为理由拒绝孩子上特定的内容。学校可以安排不上的学生做其它的事情。
                      • 那就太好了。
                        • 我是担心即使孩子可以不上,会不会被其他同学笑话。老师说其实现在有的穆斯林家庭就选择不上,让我放心,没有问题。
                          • 犹太人应该也不愿意上吧。圣经旧约里有对同性恋的指责。不知道印巴人什么反应?
                            • 巴基斯坦人和非洲来的很多是穆斯林,肯定有选择不上的。我的巴基斯坦同事要求他的孩子天天背古兰经。
                            • 我也正琢磨呢,按说穆斯林/犹太人的反应会更大吧,没听见声音啊~
                      • 这里的老师大多数还是很care这份工作的,肯定不希望因为上这门课给自己带来不必要的麻烦。讲课时应该会比较忠实于大纲的。
      • 谢谢花这么多时间。真希望能有更多人关注新大纲的内容,理性分析后再表达自己的诉求。
      • 辛苦了。在这个新大纲实施之前,家有7年级小孩的,现在已经了解懂得性交、口交、缸交和阴道交的请举手。。。
        • 小孩子知道也不会告诉你他们知道的的。 华人孩子可能知道的不多,但老外孩子就不一样了。这个大纲是面向所有孩子的。
          • 主要还是面相本地白人孩子的,政府更在乎他们
          • “小孩子知道也不会告诉你他们知道的的。 华人孩子可能知道的不多,但老外孩子就不一样了所以”,这都是你的猜测,还是有数据支持?抗议新大纲的人里,是老外多还是华人多?这个如果你没有数据,可以从视频里看到或者去现场观察抗议活动。。。
            • 老外因为宗教信仰分为很多种的,有保守的有开放的,这个不用质疑吧,所以有老外反对很正常。主要和自身背景关系比较大。
              • “有老外反对很正常”,我没有任何质疑。我的话是真对你的“华人孩子可能知道的不多,但老外孩子就不一样了”说的。如果真象你说的这样,那抗议的人是不是应该华人多于老外?因为老外的孩子知道的多,所以家长对新大纲并不担心。是不是这个逻辑?
                • 我说过了,老外的宗教信仰差异很大的,相信保守宗教的老外很定有反对的,这里反对派同学给出的link里就有宗教人士的。外加考虑华人所占比例以及华人不爱出头的原因,你在抗议活动中看到很多老外面孔一点不奇怪。
                  • 我咋看昨天大部分是华人呢? -wengq(Gary); 15:37 (#9317538@0
                    • 同学,"很多"和"大部分"并不矛盾吧。再说,昨天的示威在世家堡,示威的通知在rolia上就贴了好几遍,外加几个Id不遗余力地在各个群里广播,华人要是少了是不是太对不起象你们这样的铁杆反对派?
                      • 同志,忘了自己昨天的话了吧:有话好好说。别太激动,说“昨天大部分是华人”的是你的同志,不是我。昨天去的“大部分华人”是不是太对不起象你们这样的铁杆支持派?
                        • 你怎么归类我都没意见,这下你满意吧。
                          • 又把你划为铁杆支持派了?LOL
            • 不用具体数据,就说个现象吧,黑人女孩子少女时就当妈妈的比例比其他种族高不少。这个大纲对于性方面比较早熟的人群,比如黑人,就比较有帮助。
              • 嗯。可能黑人白人是比较热麻烦比较容易出问题的一群,大纲是针对他们的。中国人和印巴人和菲律宾人都老实传统,就不用操心了。
              • 对华人也有帮助。比如,以前可能很多7年级小孩不知道更不懂口交肛交阴道交,新大纲就帮他/她们知道了;如果新大纲讲得不够清楚具体,他/她们可以上网去搜,这个年龄的孩子好奇心和求知欲都是很强的;再说,网络时代,学习还是很方便的,图文具现声情并茂,是吧?
                • 你要非这样想别人也不能说什么。你自己多保重。
                  • 我是不是非这样想不打紧,你保重自己孩子不这样想很打紧。当然,这只是我的观点,你可能认为不打紧。。。
                    • 多谢,我的孩子我自己会用心的,就不劳你操心了。
            • 我咋看昨天大部分是华人呢?
              • 你看的什么区?什么机构组织的?QUEEN'S PARK 你去看过吗?
                • QUEEN'S PARK 难道不是四月吗?
                  • 难道3月没有过?
                    • 有过?我不知道。你去了?介绍一下嘛。
                      • 我对你没那个义务。。。
                        • 能不能告知一下是三月几号?我关注这件事已经很长一段时间了,确实不知道已经有一次示威了。
                          • 不知道就好,呵呵
                            • 你这是什么意思?
                              • 怕你去搅局、踢馆、砸场子?
          • 新教纲的与时俱进是基于6年级学生已经在网上其他途径接触过口交肛交为前提,这显然是Ben Levin的逻辑。要是按照AV内容来教,那人兽交也要包括吗?
            • Good point!
              • 就是啊,口味太重,不说了
        • 现在不是懂不懂的问题了,社会环境不好。如果不能避免新教纲, 那么做家长的一定要自己教导适龄孩子正确的对待性行为,那些可取那些不可,及不正当性行为的危害和自我保护。
          • 这么久也没人举手,是不是这坛子里的强烈支持派和反反对派们自己7年级的孩子们现在也还都不懂“口交肛交阴道交”?还是都懂了,所以TA们一点儿都不担心新大纲告诉TA们的孩子们这些内容?
      • 坚决反对新大纲
    • 辛苦了。希望在这里听到反对派发表意见。
      • 教育变革只注重在性教育本身就是错误的, 从2010年到2015年他们只在意Health and Physical Education不是很可笑, 那究其原因是为什么? 看看孩子们的数学和写作是多么让人寒心, 为什么政府不投入更多精力关注这些。
        • 正解
    • 我反对这个大纲,没有时间和精力象拜月那样做了大量的工作,这一点我很佩服她。请参看这个网站,这上面列举了1、3、4、6、7、8年级新大纲的不当之处,请对照拜月的翻译,大家讨论。概括的说我个人觉得新大纲有些激进,有些词给对应年龄的孩子早了些,也有一些语句有不妥之处
      • 支持,反对孩子在那么早的年龄知道什么是gj.
    • 我仅举一例

      Teacher prompt: “Things like wet dreams or vaginal lubrication are normal and happen as a result of physical changes with puberty. Exploring one’s body by touching or mastur¬bating is something that many people do and find pleasurable. It is common and is not harmful and is one way of learning about your body.”

      • 你的担心不是没有道理。这部分的内容除了强调无需有负罪感,还应该象你说的那样强调过量无益。
        • 时代不同了我同意,但是我应该代表我自己的诉求,或者说华人应该代表华人的诉求,如果我们不代表我们自己,还能指望谁来代表我们呢
          • 我认为三年级和六年级的内容都没什么问题,七年级你举的这条写的是不太完善。仅此一条或几条,全面否定新大纲可能做不到。只有跟老师谈谈,或是选择不签家长CONSENT。
            • 还有一个,就是如果班里的孩子全部或大部分选择上这个课,会不会把孩子搞得跟大家格格不入呢?不上课的好处到底有多大,需要权衡一下。
              • 就是这个道理,所以才要反对呀,如果新大纲实施,个人选择不上课,那个人就变成格格不入了。
            • 是不能全面否定新大纲,大部分新增内容都能拿到台面上,否则也不可能通过。反对的也就是那么几条而已,但是就是一小部分内容对孩子有可能的未知的影响是我所顾虑的。我不想我自己的孩子成为新大纲的试验品。
        • 对于已经experience过自慰手淫的孩子,告知正常无需负罪感来进行安抚,可以理解,但这需要专业心理辅导人员进行,我不认为每个讲课的老师都有这个专业能力。也不认为这是一个需要普及给所有孩子(包括多数没有手淫过的孩子)的内容。
          • 怎么证明七年级的孩子多数没手淫过?
            • 怎么证明七年级的孩子多数手淫过?你有证据?
              • 密歇根大学的数据:Most children—both boys and girls—play with their genitals (external sex organs or “private parts”) fairly regularly by the age of 5-6 years. By age 15, almost 100% of boys and 25% of girls have masturbated to the point of orgasm.
                Estimates of the rate of adult masturbation are about 95-99% of men and 40-60% of women.
            • 这是个有趣的问题,应该由大纲编写方来回答。如果没有统计数据证明“手淫正常”有需要在6年级普及,那么加入6年级大纲里就是强奸民意了。
              • 是七年级,不是六年级。“这个问题应由大纲编写者来回答”,我完全赞同你这个观点。你我都不是教育专家,也没有相关统计、普查数据,但我相信大纲的编写不是由一个人一拍脑门来决定、完成的,我认为他们应该会有相关的统计数据和教育研究结果做为依据。

                • 真的是6年级.... : ) 楼顶拜月6年级新内容里就能看到,c2.5的最后,老师prompt那段。
                  • 啊噢,抱歉。
                • 大纲是Benjamin Levin指定专家们写的, 你知道加拿大有多少专门研究同性恋行为的专家吗?他们现在的网站上还在招人呢。
                  • 是不是反对大纲,取决于大纲内容,不扯别的哈。研究同性恋的多一点有什么不好,这么多没整明白的事,应该研究清楚。否则社会能进步吗,还停留在中世纪呢。
                    • 不要开口闭口骂人家封闭,我告诉你反对的人中学历比你高的人多了去了。一副骂街的嘴脸
                      • 从议论大纲,到大谈同性恋,现在你又扯出党派,一个个去追问别人的哪个党的,连汉奸这个词都用上了,这和那些把孩子利益当政治砝码的政客有什么区别?
                      • 你一会说政党一会儿说汉奸,这又把学历扯出来了。这不是越扯越远吗?
      • 吃饭无害吧?大量频繁地吃饭是有害的。是不是我们不应该对孩子提吃饭?其实人的生理活动都是可以自然调节的,无论是吃饭还是手淫,都会自然的限制在一定量之内。
      • 完全赞同你的观点。
    • 八年级增加的内容
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Human Development and Sexual Health (page 215)

      C1.4 identify and explain factors that can affect an individual’s decisions about sexual activity (e.g., previous thinking about reasons to wait, including making a choice to delay sexual activity and establishing personal limits; perceived personal readiness; peer pressure; desire; curiosity; self-concept; awareness and acceptance of gender identity and sexual orientation; physical or cognitive disabilities and possible associated assumptions; legal concerns; awareness of health risks, including risk of STIs and blood-borne infections; concerns about risk of pregnancy; use of alcohol or drugs; personal or family values; religious beliefs; cultural teachings; access to information; media messages), and identify sources of support regarding sexual health (e.g., a health professional [doctor, nurse, public health practitioner], a community elder, a teacher, a religious leader, a parent or other trusted adult, a reputable website) [PS]

      Teacher prompt: “How would thinking about your personal limits and making a personal plan influence decisions you may choose to make about sexual activity?”

      Student: “Thinking in advance about what I value and what my personal limits are would help me to respond and make decisions that I felt comfortable with in different situations. I would be able to approach a situation with more confidence and stick to what I had planned. I would be less likely to be caught off guard and have to react without having thought through the options and possible consequences.”

      Teacher prompt: “Why is it important to get information from a credible source before making a decision about being sexually active? Why is this important for all students – including those with physical or cognitive disabilities?”

      Students: “Having more information – and information that you can trust – helps you make better decisions for yourself. Taking time to get more information also gives you more time to think. Teens who consult a health professional before being sexually active are more likely to use protection, such as condoms, if they choose to be sexually active.” “Teens with physical or cognitive disabilities still need information about sexual health, just like everybody else. They may be dealing with different issues, like adapting sexual health information to their particular needs, or with variations on the same issues, like privacy and self-image.”

      C1.5 demonstrate an understanding of gender identity (e.g., male, female, two-spirited, transgender, transsexual, intersex), gender expression, and sexual orientation (e.g., heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual), and identify factors that can help individuals of all identities and orientations develop a positive self-concept [PS]

      Teacher prompt: “Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense or feeling of being male or female, which may or may not be the same as the person’s biological sex. It is different from and does not determine a person’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation refers to a person’s sense of affection and sexual attraction for people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes. Gender expression refers to how you demonstrate your gender (based on traditional gender roles) through the ways you act, dress, and behave. Gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are connected to the way you see yourself and to your interactions with others. Understanding and accepting your gender identity and your sexual orientation can have a strong impact on the development of your self-concept. A person’s self-concept can develop positively if the person understands and accepts their gender identity and sexual orientation and is accepted by family and community. It is harder to develop a positive self-concept, however, if the way a person feels or identifies does not meet perceived or real societal norms and expectations or is not what they want, or if they do not feel supported by their family, friends, school, or community. A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with their feelings of uncertainty. What kind of support do people need to help them understand and accept their gender identity and sexual orientation?”

      Student: “Having role models that you can relate to – for example, people of similar ages or cultures – is important. So is having all gender identities and sexual orientations por¬trayed positively in the media, in literature, and in materials we use at school. Family, school, and community support are crucial. Additional help can come from trusted adults, community organizations, and school support groups such as gay-straight alliances.”
      "在有你相关的团体中成为模范 - 比如,和你年龄文化相仿的人群 - 很重要。在媒体,文学作品,学校用的资料中,对所有性别认同和各种性取向的正面描述。家庭,学校,社区的支持很关键。另外的支持来自信任的成年人,社区组织者,学校社工组织,比如同性恋者联盟。"

      C2.4 demonstrate an understanding of aspects of sexual health and safety, including contraception and condom use for pregnancy and STI prevention, the concept of consent, and matters they need to consider and skills they need to use in order to make safe and healthy decisions about sexual activity (e.g., self-knowledge; abstinence; delaying first intercourse; establishing, dis¬cussing, and respecting boundaries; showing respect; need for additional information and support; safer sex and pleasure; communication, assertiveness, and refusal skills) [IS, CT]

      Teacher prompt: “What do teenagers need to know about contraception and safer sex in order to protect their sexual health and set appropriate personal limits?”

      Student: “Teenagers need to know about the benefits and risks of different types of contraception. They need to understand that the only 100 per cent sure way of not becoming pregnant or getting an STI, including HIV, is not having sexual contact. Those who choose to be sexually active also need to know which contraceptive methods provide a protective barrier against disease as well as pregnancy. Condoms provide protection against both pregnancy and STIs – but to be effective, they need to be used properly and used every time. Teenagers need to understand how important it is to talk with their partners about sexual health choices, consent, and keeping safe. They have to develop the skills to communicate their thoughts effectively, listen respectfully, and read body cues in these conversations. This takes practice.”
      "青少年应该了解不同避孕方法的优点和风险。他们必须知道,唯一一个100%安全的使你避免染病包括HIV和怀孕的方法,就是避免性接触。那些想要性生活的人应该知道,哪种避孕方法提供了一个积极的对疾病和受孕的护拦。避孕套提供了一个保护 - 但要想有效果,你必须正确的使用,并且每次都用。青少年必须知道交谈有多么重要,与你的配偶交谈关于性方面的选择,同意,还有保持安全。他们应该学习怎样更有效的发展他们的交流技巧,尊重他人的倾听方式,在交谈中解读身体语言,这需要实践。"

      C3.3 analyse the attractions and benefits associated with being in a relationship (e.g., support, understanding, camaraderie, pleasure), as well as the benefits, risks, and drawbacks, for them¬selves and others, of relationships involving different degrees of sexual intimacy (e.g., hurt when relationships end or trust is broken; in more sexually intimate relationships, risk of STIs and related risk to future fertility, unintended pregnancy, sexual harassment and exploitation; potential for dating violence) [IS, CT]

      Teacher prompt: “There are pros and cons to being in a relationship, and when you are in a relationship, there are positive things and drawbacks associated with different levels of intimacy. All of them are important to think about. There is a range of intimate behaviours that people can use to show caring and connection in a relationship, and different levels of risk associated with different levels of intimacy. Intimate behaviours can include holding hands, hugging, kissing, touching bodies and genitals, and engaging in sexual intercourse. When considering the level of intimacy that is appropriate for their relationship, what does a couple need to think about?”

      Student: “Both individuals need to consider their own values and beliefs and treat each other’s choices and limits with respect. If one partner chooses to abstain from a sexual activity – for example, a person might want to kiss but not want to have any genital contact – the other partner needs to respect that decision. Both partners need to have the confidence and comfort level to talk about how they can show their affection while respecting each other’s decisions.”

      "双方都应考虑各自的价值感和信仰,并尊重对方的选择和承受力。如果其中一方选择避免性行为 - 比如,一方想吻对方但不想有任何生殖器接触-另一方应该尊重。在交谈中双方都应有足够的信心和舒适程度,来面对他们怎样才能表达他们的感情和尊重对方的决定。"

      Teacher: “Being intimate with someone includes having a good understanding of the concept of consent. What are some of the important things that we need to understand about consent?”

      Student: “Consent to one activity doesn’t imply consent to all sexual activity. It is import¬ant to ask for consent at every stage. Consent is communicated, not assumed. You can ask your partner simple questions to be sure that they want to continue: ‘Do you want to do this?’ or ‘Do you want to stop?’ A ‘no’ at any stage does not need any further explanation.”


      Teacher: “How can being in an intimate relationship affect other relationships in your life?”

      Student: “When you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, sometimes friends treat you differ¬ently. You might start hanging out with different people or spending less time with some friends. You might have less time to spend with family. It’s important to be aware of what is happening, so that you can take steps to avoid neglecting other relationships that are important to you.”
      “当你有了个男朋友或女朋友,其他朋友待的方式可能改变了。你可能要和不同的人呆在一起了,或者和以前的朋友疏远了。你和家人相处的时间也许也短了。意识到即将发生这些变化,是很重要的,这样当那些对你同样重要的关系要受到负面影响时,你能采取步骤。”更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢谢!辛苦了!
      • 能麻烦你把7年级,8年级的分别开贴吗?那样明显易读。谢谢。
        • only BAN ZHU can do it.
      • 八年级内容没什么不妥。可能有人对性别认同那段不舒服。
      • 得到证实,确实讲了至少口,肛,正常,阴道,三种方式。作业是自己做调研,它们和性病存在的关系和防范。不管你家长多不愿意,反正知道了。如果要查疑补缺,自己加餐吧。
        • 还要自己做调研, 鼓励回家上网搜?
          • 确实如此。。。想起昨天,虽然半开玩笑地一些话,但是一语道破天机。让孩子过早明白有什么好处?教育局毁人不倦!!!明显就是其他孩子有性行为了,你也得跟着学的意思。其它人有什么癖好,你也得跟着学!老祖宗讲的非礼勿视,非礼勿听是做不到了。
        • 不是说怕孩子从非正常渠道了解吗, 这回家再一搜!。。。。。。
    • 我是反对 gender identity 这个概念的引入, 性别认同, 实际上是一种病态的性别认同障碍。“同性恋基因”也是谎言, 带有遗传信息的DNA或RNA序列,根本没有这一条链。尊重一小部分人的选择,但是绝不能作为社会主流进行宣传的理由。
      家庭教养和生活环境对儿童的性别认同有着重要的影响,性别角色的差异更多的是儿童通过观察学习和模仿而来的,而不同的文化背景和抚养方式既可以扩大也可以缩小这种性别角色的差异。 我们问什么要给孩子大肆宣扬这个概念呢?

      • 我有不同看法:
        • 1.对gender identity这部分。大纲里关于这部分的中心思想是:
          “A person’s self-concept can be harmed if a person is questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation and does not have support in dealing with their feelings of uncertainty. 一个人的自我认知会被损害掉,如果他的性别认同或性取向被质疑,并得不到感情上的支持。”

        • 2. 关于同性恋是不是天生的。我们都不是这方面医学专家,影响我们判断应该是最新的医学界关于“同性恋的起因”或者“同性恋是不是病”的一个普遍看法与结论。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛其实现在已有很多资料都阐述了“同性恋是天生的,不是选择“及“同性恋不是病”这样的观点。这里只引述《维基百科》的内容:

          关于“同性恋是天生的”。---请看《维基百科》这段话“一些科学研究显示,通过对同性恋者的大脑解剖,..........,这表示同性恋是由基因决定的。” “性取向在个体出生的时候就已经确定下来了,不受环境影响而改变。性取向不是一种选择,也不是自己可以控制的。科学界的对于性取向的共识指出,性取向是持久性的,不可改变的。”




          你贴中提出的“不能作为主流社会宣传的理由”。主流社会宣传的只是不歧视有不同“性取向”的人士,从来没看见过主流社会宣传“让我们都来搞基”。宣传平等有什么不对呢?为什么不能宣传呢?让孩子们了解这种现象是客观存在的,不必大惊小怪,整个社会对这种现象都见怪不怪了,自然也就不用宣传了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 3. 把“同性取向”与“同性行为”要区分开来。你上面提到的例子是有选择的、可控的“同性行为”,而不是我们广泛意议上讨论的、与生俱来的“同性取向“。

    • 已经有家长提出过把肛交,口交,阴道性并列的问题提出来了, 肛交导致男同感染爱滋病的比例高是有统计数据支持的。 不应该暗示孩子肛交,口交是安全性爱方式。虽然性取向是天生的,但性行为方式是可以模仿的。
      Teacher prompt: “Engaging in sexual activities like oral sex, vaginal intercourse, and anal intercourse means that you can be infected with an STI. If you do not have sex, you do not need to worry about getting an STI"

      肛交时直肠粘膜破损,使精液中的艾滋病毒可以藉此得到传播, 同性性交中的肛交成为最容易传播艾滋病毒的一种性行为方式, 这么重要的信息不应该"不小心"忽略掉吧. 不是所有性取向的人都需要肛交的吧,不应该把肛交作为安全性爱方式传达给孩子。
      • 夹带似货,左棍招术. 很可能是那个脔童案犯写的
        • 主张肛交正常化,是不是很误到孩子呢?如果男孩子去模仿了,即使不是同性恋,是不是就等于说男人和男人的性行为,等同于男人和女人的性行为,都是正常社会性行为之一, 只要双方认可。 那么以后是不是就没有淫乱和性乱的概念了。
          • 仅以一校G8为例,老师没有直接讲多种形式并列等同。而是把问题推给孩子让他们自己上网找,找书看。但是另一方面也没有提出后门的特殊性,不是一般人的选择。即暗示是三种之一。正常与否自己判断。得病与否自己查去。我想我得到的回馈应该不是全部。
            • Teacher prompt: “Engaging in sexual activities like oral sex, vaginal intercourse, and anal intercourse means that you can be infected with an STI. 是七年纪的内容,看上去是把三种性行为并列的。
              • 调查结果是都有可能传上。重点是学生该怎么做。还好,老师哪个也不提倡。下面一个问题是如何保护自己,好像只提了TT的事。
                • "都有可能传上" 是对的,但是肛交已证实比阴道更容易传播艾滋病,是最容易传播艾滋病的性行为. 不提出来有点儿别有用心的意思。
                  • 是。老师没提这些。
        • 确实有很大嫌疑。古怪的很。XX对绝大多数人都是不可接受的方式吧?也要提一提。如果哪个大孩子想试试,就要了小孩子的命了。老师的解决方式给出的好像是TT。我认为,这是强奸犯,解决方式是刀和枪,差距很大。:)
        • 很有技巧的手法. 严格来讲, 这句话真的很科学, 没有问题. 仔细分析: 1. 暗示三种都是正常性交 2. 只说都有危险, 而不说肛交比其他两种危险大很多. 3. 坛子上哪位6年级时就知道有肛交这回事?
      • “同性性交中的肛交成为最容易传播艾滋病毒的一种性行为方式, 这么重要的信息不应该"不小心"忽略掉吧?不是所有性取向的人都需要肛交的吧?不应该把肛交作为安全性爱方式传达给孩子吧?“看来坛子里新大纲的强烈支持派和反反对派们是不打算回答你这些问题了。
        • 既然大纲已经提出,教学上一定会讲到,至于怎么讲任课老师把握,就是大纲再冠冕堂皇,也会有极大的自由发挥的空间。我们8年级的还自己上网查呢。反正已经污染了,只能把不明确的单提出来明确一下。再说老师的问题,这里学校可能有20多个老师都讲这个课,谁怎么样。。。
          • 从正面理解本次作业,确实明确了三种都是传染的媒介。而且作业是从一个性病的调查开始,科学的态度是我赞赏的。我只是稍有欣慰本校拿捏的到目前为止还好。但是这并不代表我同意教局的做法。另外不要天真地认为分开授课,其实是分开坐在一个教室,都听的见的。等于没分。
      • 大纲是说无保护的三种性行为都是危险的。你却理解成三种性行为一样好。好比老师说不应该偷东西,强奸和杀人,可学生却理解成偷东西,强奸和杀人一样好,或者责怪老师为什么不强调杀人更坏。
        • 正常性行为有什么危险。吓说八道
          • 你的正常性行为是"阴道交'"吗? 大纲说学生无论是阴道交,还是口交,肛交都有可能染上性病,这还不危险?Engaging in sexual activities like oral sex, vaginal intercourse, and anal intercourse means that you can be infected with an STI
            • 这个居然成问题了?你要实在忍不住找人结婚不好吗,有啥危险?非要到处鬼混试这交那交的
              • 新大纲的教育对象是学生知道吗?你让想让新大纲鼓励学生去结婚?
                • 能教更好,只要学生心理评估合格。教了不学,再随他去吧。
                  • 心理评估合格就可以结婚?真按你这么教就进监狱了。
                    • 监狱是你家开的?
          • 是性行为就有危险,就看你怎么保护。
            • 我不保护。你怎么保护吗?
              • 你是说你中学时不性交还是不保护性交?这里的讨论都是教育学生时代如何做。成人以后怎么样是另外一回事。
                • 你到底想打听啥?我要没上中学怎么办?你中学怎么性交?
                  • 我中学觉得危险,所以不性交。你说不保护,所以我奇怪你是不性交所以不用保护,还是性交但不保护。
                    • 我一直觉得危险
    • ‘I will not have sex without a condom.’ If you do have sex, it is important that you use a condom every time, because condoms help to protect you against STIs, including HIV, and pregnancy.” 如果认为安全套可以预防一切,最好先google 一下。

      转一个偶看到的: 还有许多中国人不了解避孕套的真实作用—它不能防御艾滋病病毒。我曾对一个宣传避孕套防性病/艾滋病的推崇者说:“你不要过分宣传避孕套的防艾滋病的作用。”他说:“你不叫他们用避孕套,叫他们用啥?”我再次告诉大家,避孕套不能防御性病/艾滋病,它只能给人们造成心理上的安全感,使人们更麻痹、更丧失警惕性,促使性病/艾滋病的流行与蔓延。至于“叫他们用啥?”我再次郑重地告诉群众:“洁身自爱”,才是惟一保护自己、家庭、社会,健康向上的防御性病/艾滋病的办法.
      • 延迟性行为的益处在大纲另外一处有讲。
      • 大纲里是这么写的 “唯一一个100%安全的使你避免染病包括HIV和怀孕的方法,就是避免性接触”
        • 大纲这句话是要保证政治正确,要偶说就是放屁,谁家会鼓励孩子一辈子没性行为,不生孩子啊。大纲绕开了不同性行为,危险程度不同,误导孩子阴道交和肛交传播性病机会一样,是不科学的。
          Anal Sex 

          The Criminal Code of Canada states that persons under the age of 18 cannot engage in anal intercourse except if they are legally married. For those over the age of 18, anal intercourse is legal only when it is practiced in private between 2 consenting adults. This section of the Criminal Code has been declared unconstitutional by federal courts of appeal, as well as by courts of appeal in Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec. The courts in this case ruled that a higher age of consent for anal sex, than for vaginal sex, discriminated against gay men and violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom.

          As long as the Criminal Code remains unchanged, the possibility that people could be charged with this offence still exists. Therefore, gay rights activists are lobbying to have a uniform age of consent for both anal and vaginal sex. Activists have also objected to the fact that anal sex is the only sexual activity in the Criminal Code that is limited to two consenting partners.
    • 如果孩子说"我在学校学的,肛交很正常,我不是同性恋但也可以和喜欢的男生进行性行为",是不是孩子只要使用避孕套,家长就应该支持吗?
      • 哪一条说或暗示肛交是正常的?能不能把条目列一下?
        • Teacher prompt: “Engaging in sexual activities like oral sex, vaginal intercourse, and anal intercourse means that you can be infected with an STI. 七年纪的内容
          • 那个只是列举了3种方式,没有说那个正常那个不正常。
            • 没说不正常就是正常,对吧。 但是口交和肛交是同性恋特别的性方式,常规性趋向人群是不一定要采取的, 为什么不讲清楚呢? 而且口和肛也不能做为常规性趋向人群的性器官来认识吧。
              • 我理解是讲有这些方式的存在,愿意那种方式是很私人的事情,不同的人用不同的方式,没有好坏正常不正常之分。这些东西是老外写的,记得以前有人在网上提过老外夫妇(普通夫妇,不是同性的那种)有些是用肛交那种的。
                • 异性配偶的私生活不在此讨论之列。这里说的是常规性取向的人,要不要被教育认为阴道性交和肛交口交都是安全常规性行为。 特别是肛交其实是比较高危的性行为。
                  • 其实3个都不安全,应该在讲解的时候介绍一下每种方式的不安全方面。当然这个也可以当做作业让孩子自己学习。学校只是点到为止,这样才不会犯政治错误。
                    • 咦?我前面说“如果新大纲讲得不够清楚具体,他/她们可以上网去搜”去学,你说是我“非得这样想”。现在你这个激烈支持派怎么和我这个激烈反对派想法一样了?——“让孩子自己学习”!你是不是犯了“政治错误”?
                      • 请别忘了上下文,我那句话是回你说的的"对华人也有帮助"。
                        • 正是因为”对华人也有帮助"才促进了你说的“让孩子自己学习”嘛,二者不矛盾嘛。。。
                          • 我怎么觉得咱俩用词一样可意思差别很大呢?anyway,明白大纲说了什么,知道老师会讲什么,心中有数,再回答孩子的问题是才能把咱的观点灌输过去。对不?
                            • 你的感觉让我觉得很欢乐:)
                    • Google 肛交的危害
                      肛交的其他危险: 尿道炎、肛门括约肌松弛、肛门粘膜充血、红肿或肛裂,甚至出现大便失禁、直肠脱垂,肛门湿疣、息肉、直结肠炎,甚至还有得肛门癌的可能。另外,肛交和其他不安全的性行为一样,有传播性病的风险,特别是在感染HIV(艾滋病)病毒方面,要远远大于其他性行为,这也是同性恋成为艾滋病的高危人群的原因之一...怎么能说三种一样? 说三种性方式都会感染性病,是不是变相掩盖不安全性行为的危险性
                      • 学习了。
                • Guang! 7年级小孩通过新大纲的学习会懂得:口交肛交阴道交,“不同的人用不同的方式,没有好坏正常不正常之分”,
                  • “不同的人用不同的方式,没有好坏正常不正常之分” 这句话是自己的结论还是教材上说的?我没有别的意思,是不想拉掉教材上的内容。谢谢!
                    • 别,那是我对那句话的理解,大纲上就是列举了3种方式,其他的啥都没说。
                      • 教材是说三种方式都是坏的(危险的),你自己加的“不同的人用不同的方式,没有好坏正常不正常之分”。
                        • 理解错了?那我面壁去了。看来学无止境啊。
                        • 看,孩子没被误导,家长先被误导了——新大纲改得好!LOL
                          • 这个孩子哼会所话吗
                  • 如果你非要强调一种比另一种好,肯定会有人给你举出反例,聪明的老师不会给自己惹麻烦的。你回家自己怎么教是另一回事。
          • 这明明是讲性行为的危险啊,你儿子如果在学校学了新大纲的教育,他应该说性行为是危险的,不应进行性行为。
            • 不同性行为危险度是不同的,对人体的伤害度也是不同的。 一父一妻的婚內性行为有多少人得性病啊。而同性性行为危险性高,这是有科学依据的,故意混淆是不是误导孩子,学完这段就成任何性行为都是危险的了。
              • 绝大多数学生连结婚年龄都不到,怎么保持一夫一妻的性关系?学生之间的性关系基本上都是杂乱的,危险的。
                • 学生之间性关系混乱不是不告之他们肛交比阴道性交传播性病风险高的理由。另外,你说学生之间性关系混乱要有数据支持,信口开河也算歧视学生吧。
                  • 我才懒得去找什么数据支持。反正我会告诉我的孩子中学性行为是危险的。你愿意告诉你孩子中学中某种性行为是安全的,那是你的事。
                • 多少学生会在小学阶段就性生活混乱。加拿大法定最低性交年龄是16岁。 而 低于16岁有严格的年龄界限,这都是为保护未成年人。而且加拿大刑法规定18岁以下肛交违法,虽然同性恋者指出这违法宪法,但只要刑法还没更改,任何和18岁以下未成年人肛交的都有可能被指控。
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Age of Consent 
                  The age of consent refers to the age at which people are able to make their own decisions about sexual activity. In Canada, the age of consent was raised from 14 to 16 in 2008, with the passage of the Tackling Violent Crime Act. However, some exceptions to this age of consent remain. Unmarried persons under the age of 18 cannot consent to anal sex. Someone under the age of 18 cannot legally consent to have sex with a person in a position of authority such as a teacher, health care provider, coach, lawyer or family member. As well, 12 and 13 year-olds can consent to have sex with other youth who are not more than 2 years older than themselves. There is also a provision called the 5 year peer group provision, which means that youth aged 14 or 15 will be able to consent to sex with partners who are no more than 5 years older than themselves.

                  Many worry that raising the age of consent deters youth from asking for sexual health information and treatment. Advocates of sexual rights for youth argue that criminalizing sexuality is not an effective way to deal with issues of abuse and exploitation, and that raising the age of consent only forces youth to neglect their sexual health for fear of legal consequences.

                  Anal Sex 
                  The Criminal Code of Canada states that persons under the age of 18 cannot engage in anal intercourse except if they are legally married. For those over the age of 18, anal intercourse is legal only when it is practiced in private between 2 consenting adults. This section of the Criminal Code has been declared unconstitutional by federal courts of appeal, as well as by courts of appeal in Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec. The courts in this case ruled that a higher age of consent for anal sex, than for vaginal sex, discriminated against gay men and violated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom.

                  As long as the Criminal Code remains unchanged, the possibility that people could be charged with this offence still exists. Thereore, gay rights activists are lobbying to have a uniform age of consent for both anal and vaginal sex. Activists have also objected to the fact that anal sex is the only sexual activity in the Criminal Code that is limited to two consenting partners.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 新教案讨论那么多性关系, 居然不讨论这些法律问题和如何保护自己。 真不愧为是哪位恋童癖指导出来的。
                  • 谢谢你贴中有关法律的内容。我同意新大纲应给加入相关法律和肛交的危害等内容。但反对加的家长都是说新大纲教的太早,太多,说教的太少的寥寥无几。另外加入更多内容,同时保持政治正确,是不容易达到的。
    • 学习了,谢谢。我对新纲加入的consent是很抵触的。旧纲说对性行为一律说不。新纲加入consent概念。
      6年纪提到一个clear的yes就是yes. 7年纪第一段这几项是并列的:推迟发生性行为;不发生性行为的理由;同意的概念和同意是怎样被交流的;总的来说,双方决定发生性行为,就要有充分明确地交流。

      这一点,我支持老纲,反对新纲。g1-g8, 不想有yes. 确实现在孩子的成长环境不同了,他们有可能通过不同的方式接触到不合适的信息,但他们始终是孩子,到最关键的时候,最帮助他们的会是学校,家长不停强调的No, 尤其刚teen的年纪,在他们开始对家长的权威挑战了,这时学校更应发挥影响力,对这个问题,强调no, 就是No, 不要模糊不清有选择。
      • 旧大纲根本就没有consent的概念,所以孩子容易被成人利用,受了侵害而不知反抗。
    • 我的一些想法
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛首先要感谢拜月的翻译,确实需要不少时间和精力。










      如果保守党真的在安省只有一万个党员,那我们就去参加保守党吧,只要十块钱。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 不入党了?是不是不符合条件呀?
        • 呵呵,我震惊于根本没有条件,给钱就入,这也太容易,太让人怀疑了。我希望反对教案的是安省大多数,这样下次一定会把自由党选下去。
          • 有条件吧? 党纲要同意才行。不能双党籍
    • 7年纪的那些是最有争议,我觉得这些数据至少说明它是有针对性的,不是毫不相关的。性行为:15岁之前8%,15-16岁21%。9年级30%口交,20%其它性行为。异性肛交15岁2.8-4.6%, 20-24年龄段 30%


      女: 15岁4.6%, 20-24年龄段 30%
      男: 15岁2.8%,20-24岁 32%

      Table 7
    • 非要说拜月拿了自由党的好处的人,除了是高级黑,没任何意义。还是多想些如何抗争的方法更有意义,如果不是故意捣乱的话。
      • 这个应该拜月同学自己来回答最好了。不得不佩服她的语言翻译能力,同时对她所用的时间很是惊讶。不仅仅快速,准确翻译。而且出炉的如此迅速。即使没有全职工作,就是全职主妇,这也要牺牲多少家人时间啊。佩服了!
        • 说实话,对自由党越来越丧失信心了。不过大家也别太紧张了。这就一网络论坛。至于谁当了走狗了之说,就没必要了吧。虽然翻译得用词拿捏很准,含糊度也掌握得很好。只能说翻译者的政治细胞很高。不能就说翻译者拿谁的钱了吧。
          • 那些政客们有专门雇佣的水军来引导舆论的。如果你做股票,你就知道这边的上市公司还会专门雇佣写手来鼓吹公司抬高股价的的。你如果用过seeking alpha,这样的例子最后被揪出曝光的不少见。更不要说那些政客了。
    • 顶一下!
    • 为什么不教育孩子肛交是不正常的病态的性行为?上帝造人,肛门这个器官是用来排泄的,而不是用来乱插发泄的。难道同性恋文化想占据主流?这个教育大纲实施后,下一步政府是不是该将所有医疗机构的肛肠科和妇科合并?
      • 确实这样,12岁的孩子根本就不该交什么是gj,教也应该告诉孩子这是不正常的病态的行为。支持你!
      • 因为同性恋已经合法了,你不加这个屁眼活,你就是歧视同性恋啊
    • 最后一句话也适合同性恋。
    • "如果我们听到有人对精神病患者用'疯子','癜狂'之类的词,我们可以对他们解释,精神病和其他疾病没有不同,我们不可以侮辱人,当他们处在不论哪种疾病的痛苦中。"。精神病很多是遗传性的,同样是基因问题,为什么要称之为病?
      • 对呀,这个问题没想过,很尖锐啊。如果说同性恋是天生的,是基因。那么同遗传精神病有什么不同么?为什么精神病可以叫病,而同性恋就不能是病呢?谁有解?
        • 昨天有朋友更正过了:新大纲宣讲灌输的只是同性性行为,跟“恋”字无关
          • 那叫啥,同性病?叫同性恋反而让人更同情一些。多少有点感情因素。你说只是个性行为,叫什么吧。同精神病发病的区别呢?如果都是遗传和基因的话。那中文叫它什么合适呢?咱笨人一个,实在不明白这人类进步的速度。谁知道?
            • 就是性行为。谈到同性性行为时,新大纲里提到“恋”这个英文词了吗?
          • 如果跟恋无关,岂不是更不应该了?
          • 是不是SM之类的也该列入大纲啊?也是性行为呀?而且同性、异性均可呀?
            • 别着急,一步步来。这个新大纲先通过实施,过一阵看没多少人反对的话,再把你说的那些加进去。。。
    • 新的性教育大纲总共有两百多页,楼主摘录的不过是其中极少一部分,管中窥豹,只见一斑,又或是盲人摸象罢了。
      • 我题目已经写了,这是新增加的部分。新旧一致的部分没有摘抄。