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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

网络安全的前景应该不错, 看看前一阵的中美黑客战就知道现在的网络安全性有多差了. 可是现在这年月, 什么都不景气, 谁知道呢. 如果你对网络安全感兴趣, 我倒有些建议

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我假设你是个新手, 如果你已经是高手, 当我没说就是了.

- TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I- Stevens, Wright - ISBN 0201633469
最经典的有关TCP/IP的书籍, 稍微有些过时(94年出的, 缺少VPN, IPSEC等), 但绝对是好书.

- Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I, 4th Ed. - Comer - ISBN 0130183806
另外一本非常经典的书, 其第四版有许多新的update, 如IPSEC等.

- Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Ed. - Zwicky, et al - ISBN 1565928717
- Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker - ISBN 0201633574 (2nd Ed, 020163466X will be published Oct 2001)
两本非常经典的构建防火墙的书. (必读必读)

如果你要拿CISSP, 这本书必读:
- Information Security Management Handbook, Fourth Edition
- ISBN 0849398290

建议读以下这些书: (其实许多也是必读)
- Hacking Exposed, 2nd Ed. - Scambray, et al - ISBN 0072127481
- Practical Unix and Internet Security, 2nd Ed. - Garfinkel, Spafford - ISBN
- Applied Cryptography, 2nd Ed. - Schneier - ISBN 0471117099
- Network Intrusion Detection: An Analysts' Handbook, 2nd Ed. - Northcutt -ISBN 0735710082
- Intrusion Signatures and Analysis - Northcutt - ISBN 0735710635
- SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems - ISBN 0201615983


- http://www.google.com/ -- excellent search engine
- http://www.securityfocus.com/ -- security news and education
- http://www.sans.org/ -- security training and reading
- http://www.cert.org/ -- general security news, alerts, exploit information
- http://packetstorm.securify.com

Firewalls (http://lists.gnac.net) -- 我从这个list学到了许多.


- Linux (ipfw, ipchains, iptables)
- ipfw (FreeBSD)
- Ipfilter (for *BSD, solaris, irix, HP/UX)
- nmap (network scanner)
- tcpdump (packet sniffer)
- snort (free IDS tool)
- Windows (argh!!): Proxy server, ICA Server

太多了, 有时间我得把这些整理整理放在我的Web site上.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 再提一个在加找工作的问题:网络安全方面(如Firewall等) 前景如何? 对English 要求怎样? 如今Programmer太多,Cisco方面的机会似乎多数人不看好,希望Jabber,火姐等等前辈多多指教。
    • 网络安全的前景应该不错, 看看前一阵的中美黑客战就知道现在的网络安全性有多差了. 可是现在这年月, 什么都不景气, 谁知道呢. 如果你对网络安全感兴趣, 我倒有些建议
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我假设你是个新手, 如果你已经是高手, 当我没说就是了.

      - TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I- Stevens, Wright - ISBN 0201633469
      最经典的有关TCP/IP的书籍, 稍微有些过时(94年出的, 缺少VPN, IPSEC等), 但绝对是好书.

      - Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume I, 4th Ed. - Comer - ISBN 0130183806
      另外一本非常经典的书, 其第四版有许多新的update, 如IPSEC等.

      - Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Ed. - Zwicky, et al - ISBN 1565928717
      - Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker - ISBN 0201633574 (2nd Ed, 020163466X will be published Oct 2001)
      两本非常经典的构建防火墙的书. (必读必读)

      如果你要拿CISSP, 这本书必读:
      - Information Security Management Handbook, Fourth Edition
      - ISBN 0849398290

      建议读以下这些书: (其实许多也是必读)
      - Hacking Exposed, 2nd Ed. - Scambray, et al - ISBN 0072127481
      - Practical Unix and Internet Security, 2nd Ed. - Garfinkel, Spafford - ISBN
      - Applied Cryptography, 2nd Ed. - Schneier - ISBN 0471117099
      - Network Intrusion Detection: An Analysts' Handbook, 2nd Ed. - Northcutt -ISBN 0735710082
      - Intrusion Signatures and Analysis - Northcutt - ISBN 0735710635
      - SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems - ISBN 0201615983


      - http://www.google.com/ -- excellent search engine
      - http://www.securityfocus.com/ -- security news and education
      - http://www.sans.org/ -- security training and reading
      - http://www.cert.org/ -- general security news, alerts, exploit information
      - http://packetstorm.securify.com

      Firewalls (http://lists.gnac.net) -- 我从这个list学到了许多.


      - Linux (ipfw, ipchains, iptables)
      - ipfw (FreeBSD)
      - Ipfilter (for *BSD, solaris, irix, HP/UX)
      - TIS FWTK
      - SSH/OpenSSH
      - PGP/GnuPG
      - nmap (network scanner)
      - tcpdump (packet sniffer)
      - snort (free IDS tool)
      - Windows (argh!!): Proxy server, ICA Server

      太多了, 有时间我得把这些整理整理放在我的Web site上.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 太有用了。多谢多谢。
        • 可惜书基本上很难买,有地方下载电子版吗
          • 你看这个站点能不能上去。前面有人说上不去?!
          • Handbook of Information Security Management
      • 该贴也值得进FAQ.
        • 难道你真是封了Rolia的人?
      • I am happy to have seen another guy who has a clear-cut picture of his working field.
      • Thank you ! You had answered my further questions. BTW, what is your web site? Maybe we could discuss something.
        • Sorry, I don't have one yet :-) But I promise I'll put up one. What further questions I answered? I thought I forgot to answer one of your questions, that is English...
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛English is important in this field.

          Say you are a consultant doing a security audit for a company, or reviewing their firewall architecture or their security policy. You need to write a report about your "finding of fact". You find a weak point and you must stand up and say "no, you can't do it this way" and you have to give ample reasons why. Being misunderstood by your client is not a good thing.

          I think reading an English forum or newsgroup can help a lot. One such is http://slashdot.org, in which you can find a lot of insightful comments, stupid comments, immature comments, rant, flame war...whatever they are, try to learn their speaking style. Trust me, they are not the same with what we learned in China.

          On a side note, I don't really think an English corner in China will help a lot. They are different. For those still in China, you'll know what I mean after you come here. I was like a deaf and dumb when I find my first job. When I was in a meeting, I didn't understand what they were talking about. I couldn't say things properly. And my speaking was full of grammar errors. Well, time will change that.

          Well, you want to improve your spoken English in a short time? Here's a trick: tape as much TV programs, dramas, films as you can, or rent videos from Rogers Video or BlockBuster. Shut youself in a room and review those and try to catch *every* word. If you don't understand what they are talking about, turn on captions. Then turn it off to see if you can catch those words. Do it intensively for 3 months and I am sure you'll be speaking like a native speaker.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Oh, sure we can discuss things. I like discussing technical stuff.
      • Dennis! palease give a hand. Do you have any idea on this?
        We have a board supporting TCP/IP suite. ftp server couldn't be connected twice and hung ftp client. But telnet server works well. Additionally there are two channels in this board. Only channel II has this problem. Now I have mixed information. I trace the code and notice that TCP task received second connect passive message but valid field in TCP struct is NULL and result in connect fail. Finally ftp server always wait message from session layer.

        That's an old board, TCP/IP and RTOS we bought before, no support now,and no efficient debug methods. so process is very slow.
      • 你是这里真正的高手!如此清晰的条理,确实适合做安全分析。不过网络安全还有开发的一方面,例如PKI工程师。不知道你是不是也穿黑西服戴墨镜?
        • As I said in a previous post, I am no expert. Just so you know, I'm not even CS major.
          I switched to IT in early 97...several months after I came here and found there's no hope in finding a job in my major.

          Just curious, what kind of development is involved in network security (except refining code like what those OpenBSD guys are doing)? What does "PKI engineer" do? Please pardon my ignorance but this is the first time I heard that term. (Look, I'm stupid.)
          • PKI:Public Key Infrastructure。网络安全一般包括安全管理/审核和开发,例如PDA,VPN Box,Firewall等产品的R&D,更理论的就是加密算法和结构模式的研究了。
            • Thanks mildkiller. I know what PKI is, I just never heard of PKI engineer.
              Those R&D stuff is more likely the vender's job, I don't think security consultant will get involved in a particular product's R&D. They do, however, point out security flaw/bugs in certain product.

              But maybe I'm wrong.
      • 我查了以下贴发现了这篇不知这位大虾是否已经整理好小弟正在被赶鸭子上架作SSL方面的programming
        工作感觉吃力如果能有整理好好的关于sercurity programming的资料必然会功力大涨.希望向各位学习学习再学习!
      • PGP 有open的source code吗?
        • 当然有了,PGP从一开始就是Open Source的
    • Whatever field you are in, you can get a job if 1) Your skill set is comprehensive; 2) Your communication (including English) is good.
      • Indeed. I'd add another one: 3) Good Atitude, always willing to learn and feel happy about it.
    • 还用说么,没看到现在招人都招不到么,给多少钱都招不到人,只不过学的时候东西多一些.
    • I am very glad that someone is interested in this area. I am planning to take CISSP test by the end of the year. Maybe we can form a study group and learn all these things together.
      • that is a long way to go, good luck
        • Thanks. But I have to get it, although it's hard.