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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

我粗略地查了一下,普遍的用法大概是 got ...'s back。见链接。我又重写了一下,改正错误写法。

谢谢她及时处理我们小朋友的智力评估,因此小朋友可以很快的进入GIFTED PROGRAM的申请。麻烦大侠们给个英文。谢谢。

Dear Ms. ...,

Today we submitted the application for ...'s gift program. I am keeping my fingers crossed even though I am very confident in ...'s abilities.

Thank you very much for your prompt assistance to assess ...'s intelligence level (?), which is an essential factor to her application. It would not have been this smooth without your help. Appreciate your time and efforts.

Also thank you for your great service in our public education system and your continued care has been observed and appreciated.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 想给学校老师写张小条子,谢谢她及时处理我们小朋友的智力评估,因此小朋友可以很快的进入GIFTED PROGRAM的申请。麻烦大侠们给个英文。谢谢。
    • ...
      谢谢她及时处理我们小朋友的智力评估,因此小朋友可以很快的进入GIFTED PROGRAM的申请。麻烦大侠们给个英文。谢谢。

      Dear Ms. ...,

      Today we submitted the application for ...'s gift program. I am keeping my fingers crossed even though I am very confident in her abilities.

      Thank you very much for your promote assistance to assess her intelligence level (?), which is an essential factor to her application. It would not have been this smooth without your help. Appreciate you being our back on this.

      Thank you for your great service in our public education system and your continued care has been observed and appreciated.

      • 大赞一个!
        • 是啊,比那些动不动就对大家指指点点的半瓶子醋,境界不要高太多了伐!
          • 呵呵,只是我不怕丢丑而已。
          • 从语言结构上来说,该实例比较高大上, 这种语体(风格)是否适合楼主跟老师之间的互动往来呢? 试想一哈,老师看完这个感谢信之后,给这位学生家长的英文水平标注High,以后都用相应高大上的给家长写条子?...
      • +1! and a bit changes here: 1. promote -> prompt; 2. Appreciate you being our back on this. -> Appreciate your being our back on this. (i.e. you -> your)
        • 谢谢。我写错字是常事,重要的 EMAIL 都会再检查1+次。
          • 谢谢热心帮助,it is very much appreciated. :-)
          • +1. u r welcome. :)
        • 不懂这个语法/意思,什么是【your being our back on this】。哪个是主语,哪个是动词?
          • 我粗略地查了一下,普遍的用法大概是 got ...'s back。见链接。我又重写了一下,改正错误写法。
            谢谢她及时处理我们小朋友的智力评估,因此小朋友可以很快的进入GIFTED PROGRAM的申请。麻烦大侠们给个英文。谢谢。

            Dear Ms. ...,

            Today we submitted the application for ...'s gift program. I am keeping my fingers crossed even though I am very confident in ...'s abilities.

            Thank you very much for your prompt assistance to assess ...'s intelligence level (?), which is an essential factor to her application. It would not have been this smooth without your help. Appreciate your time and efforts.

            Also thank you for your great service in our public education system and your continued care has been observed and appreciated.
            • 其实想问的这句话里是为啥楼上的想要改【 (i.e. you -> your) 】,没觉得改了更好,还是不通。
              • 既然有错误的可能性,避免就好了呗。多大个事儿。
                • 既然有人纠正,两个版本居然还都没看懂就讨论一下呗 。没准里面有点新的可以借鉴/学习。都用简单句型来避免错误还能有进步?
                  • 你是铁了心要砸贴了,好吧!
                    • 其实最一开始的那个版本。。。以为是你的美国籍秘书给起草的,很是惊艳。不该放在【。。。】里。
                      • 咳咳,不是美国籍哈,是美国银哈。我自己写的!大概花了 2 分钟。刚问了秘书,她说:Thank you for having my back.,或者 Thank you for watching my back. 是通常的说法。满意了你?
                        • Thanks for having my back. I promise to be off your back next time.
                          • :))
          • which would you say: "appreciate your help" or "appreciate you help"?
    • 还是自己写真诚 语法无所谓 都能看懂 写得花里胡哨的一看就不是自己写的 就没意思了
      • 是啊,又不是给做reference的人写封感谢信(#8992381@0)要那么正式。 
    • 老师只是做了份内的事,没什么大恩大德需要感谢的。