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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Adult dogs spend approximately half of their life sleeping, typically twelve hours each day and some breeds may sleep as much as 18 hours per day! So, the question is, why do dogs sleep so much? And overall, what constitutes a “normal” sleep duration for a dog?

Since dogs sleep like humans, there are still two main types of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) and slow wave sleep, but unlike us they wake up more frequently than we do. So, although it may seem like your dog is sleeping so much, really there are far more breaks and interruptions than may initially meet the eye.

Plus the type of dog overall indicates how much your dog will sleep. For instance, a search and rescue dog will sleep less than a dog living in a home as a pet. The level of activity your dog gets will also hinge on the amount of sleep; your pet will sleep more than a dog that’s in motion 24/7.

Dogs may sleep out of boredom, but they also know when to be awake and aware of their surroundings and next thing you know, they’re back to taking a nap. Age plays a factor as well; as you can imagine, older dogs sleep more than younger dogs do.

A few critical things to remember about your dog while sleeping is simply the expression, let sleeping dogs lie. Seriously, if there’s no need to disturb your dog while he’s sleeping, don’t do it. Let him snooze.

Although you may notice that your dog does in fact sleep quite frequently (and what you may not know about why your dog sleeps so much is that in the middle of the night he may be awake while you’re snoozing so you’re just not aware of it), but be aware of any abnormalities in your dog’s sleeping pattern.

For instance, if your dog is ill, on medication, or depressed or senile or demonstrating symptoms, your dog may sleep more than normal. Plus, if your dog’s sleep is becoming so deep that he may not hear normal audio stimuli like doorbells, it’s time to take your dog to the veterinarian. So while it’s important to not interrupt your dog from its precious snooze time, be aware of any changes in your dog’s sleeping habits and start keeping track of the length and intensity of sleep if your dog seems a bit too out of it and unaware of things which previously used to wake him up.

Lastly, additional reasons contributing to why your dog may sleep so much, are its environment. If you create a healthy, peaceful environment via dog beds, dog mats or dog blankets, your dog is more likely to have a peaceful sleep than if he’s in an uncomfortable environment.

Overall, if your dog seems to be sleeping extensive amounts, that’s normal. For an extensive selection of dog beds and more information about dog sleep in general, count on The Dog Bowl, where nothing is more important than your pets’ health and well being.
There's no doubt about it: dogs sure know how to sleep. The amount of time spent napping varies from dog to dog and depends on the dog's age and personality. Counting little naps and longer snoozes, most dogs sleep about fourteen hours a day.

Nobody is sure why dogs sleep so much. The amount of sleep that an animal needs depends upon its species. Horses and cows may sleep only three or four hours daily, because they require long hours of grazing to supply their bodies with sufficient food. Bats and opossums may sleep closer to 20 hours.

The various breeds of dogs also seem to have different sleep requirements. Some very large breeds of dogs, like Newfoundlands, Saint Bernards, and mastiffs, often spend a great deal of their lives sleeping – perhaps up to sixteen or even eighteen hours a day.
Sleep Behavior of Dogs www.petplace.com/
Why do dogs sleep so much? www.thedogbowl.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 请问养狗的朋友,如果家里人上班的上班,上学的上学,难道就把狗狗关在家里八九个小时?
    • 那咋办。。。。?8、9个小时家没人还是别养了。。。。
      • 我估计60%的狗都是这样吧。要不然只能等退休,可等那时人也年纪大了,那乐趣也不一样。只能家里人安排好,有人晚点走,有人早点回来。
        • 8、9个小时家没人还是别养了。。。。 -tigar25(大忽悠之身未动心飞翔); 12:17 (#8987189@0)
          • 你怎么说话跟我的邻居老头一样?周末跟他聊天,他居然当着我的面说,我不应该养狗,因为我们家上班的上班,上学的上学。听的我很不服气。现在谁家不是双职工,大家不都把狗养的挺好的吗!我家狗也挺快乐的呀。
            • 俺记得pug不需要遛。。。。整天呆在家里一点事没有。。。。俺喷油以前有个husky单独在家超过一小时就得发疯。。。。墙上撞出N个大洞。。。。沙发咬得百孔千疮。。。。后来在出门只能把他拴在健身器架子上。。。。结果回来一看。。。。
              • 明显这哈石器已经被关出 深井冰 来了...
                • 你这中文说的,看了5,6遍才琢磨出来啥意思。
              • 这话在理,选一个fit 你家life style的狗很重要。
    • 是挺麻烦,不知道别人怎么处理,我们家儿子中午有一个小时午饭时间,他会冲回家让狗狗在后院放会儿风。
      • 我中午吃饭时间回家放他一次,当然,我上班比较近(开车单程10分钟光景)。
    • 是的`,这段时间狗狗享受充分自由,爱干啥干啥。
      • 比在大自然里更自由?
        • 狗不一定喜欢大自然,在家里有吃,有喝,睡觉有席梦思,比外面没吃,没喝,睡石子路,被别人欺侮好多了。
          • Agree. Humans make animals to produce "pets". And these produced pets can not survive the wild.
          • 那也得出去混过才知道啊...借一句恶俗 你连世界都没观过,哪儿来的世界观 , 哈哈哈~~~ 以前后院栅栏那边那条狗还在的时候,主人去旅游,寄养在Vet那里,天天关笼子,狗狗以为被遗弃了,领回来以后一段时间特别听话...
            • 太对了!我们休假一周回来,狗狗也变得好不少,我还纳闷怎么回事?难道那个老邻居顺便train他了?
              • 明显就是怕你再不见了...
            • 去camping的时候,外面大世界的,让他去跑,去追小动物,我门开着,他跑不出20米就回来了,如果他一出门,我一关门,他马上回来叫我开门。
              • 他有多依赖你啊... 一定要幸福啊!!! 哈哈哈~~~~
            • 他下个雨,打个雷,去后院上厕所都要叽歪半天,你让他去观世界,他如果可以选,肯定不去。
      • 翻垃圾啊~~~翻垃圾~~~找东西啊~~~找东西~~~
        • + 桌子椅子腿上磨磨牙,啃啃几双皮鞋 LOL
      • 下次装个摄像头看看就知道了,可能笑死你,可能感动死你...
      • 平时有人在,不让做的事,这个时候就可以随心所欲了。
        • +1 家里只要有人,辛巴从来不翻垃圾...
    • 我家的狗就睡觉。我在家他也就睡觉,也不干别的。
      • 没记错的话你家也是border collie嘛。。。。怎么会这么多觉。。。。?
        • 过了3岁就慢慢SETTLE DOWN了,白天睡觉居多。
        • 狗狗每天需要十几个小时的睡觉。过去CAMPING回来拼命睡觉,我们上一次CAMPING,中午时,我们TOMMY坐在我边上,用它那小爪爪拉我手臂一下,然后看着我。我说带你睡觉去,没想到真的跟了我到帐篷的窝中,睡了2-3个小时。第二天回家后,就没有以前CAMPING回来后的那种傻睡了。
          • 不知道你的材料是哪里来的,十几个小时是6个月不到的小狗,狗成年以后绝对不需要十几个小时,你家狗在外面睡不好是可能的,因为警醒。 \\狗狗每天需要十几个小时的睡觉
            • That’s just a general estimate, of course. Counting all those naps, you’ll find that your adult dog likely sleeps 12 to 14 hours a day. Puppies might get 18 hours a day of sleep. However,
              if your pet sleeps more or less than the average, that is not necessarily cause for alarm. Every pet is different.
            • 这个讲的具体点。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Adult dogs spend approximately half of their life sleeping, typically twelve hours each day and some breeds may sleep as much as 18 hours per day! So, the question is, why do dogs sleep so much? And overall, what constitutes a “normal” sleep duration for a dog?

              Since dogs sleep like humans, there are still two main types of sleep: rapid eye movement (REM) and slow wave sleep, but unlike us they wake up more frequently than we do. So, although it may seem like your dog is sleeping so much, really there are far more breaks and interruptions than may initially meet the eye.

              Plus the type of dog overall indicates how much your dog will sleep. For instance, a search and rescue dog will sleep less than a dog living in a home as a pet. The level of activity your dog gets will also hinge on the amount of sleep; your pet will sleep more than a dog that’s in motion 24/7.

              Dogs may sleep out of boredom, but they also know when to be awake and aware of their surroundings and next thing you know, they’re back to taking a nap. Age plays a factor as well; as you can imagine, older dogs sleep more than younger dogs do.

              A few critical things to remember about your dog while sleeping is simply the expression, let sleeping dogs lie. Seriously, if there’s no need to disturb your dog while he’s sleeping, don’t do it. Let him snooze.

              Although you may notice that your dog does in fact sleep quite frequently (and what you may not know about why your dog sleeps so much is that in the middle of the night he may be awake while you’re snoozing so you’re just not aware of it), but be aware of any abnormalities in your dog’s sleeping pattern.

              For instance, if your dog is ill, on medication, or depressed or senile or demonstrating symptoms, your dog may sleep more than normal. Plus, if your dog’s sleep is becoming so deep that he may not hear normal audio stimuli like doorbells, it’s time to take your dog to the veterinarian. So while it’s important to not interrupt your dog from its precious snooze time, be aware of any changes in your dog’s sleeping habits and start keeping track of the length and intensity of sleep if your dog seems a bit too out of it and unaware of things which previously used to wake him up.

              Lastly, additional reasons contributing to why your dog may sleep so much, are its environment. If you create a healthy, peaceful environment via dog beds, dog mats or dog blankets, your dog is more likely to have a peaceful sleep than if he’s in an uncomfortable environment.

              Overall, if your dog seems to be sleeping extensive amounts, that’s normal. For an extensive selection of dog beds and more information about dog sleep in general, count on The Dog Bowl, where nothing is more important than your pets’ health and well being.
              There's no doubt about it: dogs sure know how to sleep. The amount of time spent napping varies from dog to dog and depends on the dog's age and personality. Counting little naps and longer snoozes, most dogs sleep about fourteen hours a day.

              Nobody is sure why dogs sleep so much. The amount of sleep that an animal needs depends upon its species. Horses and cows may sleep only three or four hours daily, because they require long hours of grazing to supply their bodies with sufficient food. Bats and opossums may sleep closer to 20 hours.

              The various breeds of dogs also seem to have different sleep requirements. Some very large breeds of dogs, like Newfoundlands, Saint Bernards, and mastiffs, often spend a great deal of their lives sleeping – perhaps up to sixteen or even eighteen hours a day.
              Sleep Behavior of Dogs www.petplace.com/
              Why do dogs sleep so much? www.thedogbowl.com更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 多谢具体信息,我确实有发现辛巴有时在楼下晚上通宵玩球以后,早上眼里布满血丝...
            • 你是说反了吧,小PUPPY才精力充沛,成年狗每天用来睡觉的时间更长。我家3岁的狗去COTTAGE玩两天,回家要足足睡两天才能缓过神来。
              • 姐姐 3岁已经不算puppy了啊... 狗跟狗也差别很大的... 运动量大以后的补觉不是 每天 这种一般情况啊,辛巴下河游泳2小时,回家路上睡的都能打呼...
        • 他多动症的宅男,不是特别活跃的。
          • 俺家那个一刻不消停。。。。那天有人说三岁后就好了。。。。唉。。。。还有两年。。。。
      • 在家基本上就是脚边趴着假寐,其实是警醒的,我一动它就跟着,或者外面门口有人马上勇猛的起来大叫吓人家...上次把一个卖饼干按门铃的小姑娘吓的落荒而逃,连证都掉了,其实每次等我们主动去开门以后,它又总是摇尾巴或者去蹭人家卖萌...
        • 不错,狗狗是睡的不深,很警醒。
    • 我家的白天8小时自己在家睡觉,不吃也不尿。早晚吃喝拉撒+walking二次. 每天趴在窗口看我离家回家,是个非常阳光快乐的小家伙。
      • 我每天早上,走时给我们家的一个大treat,bully stick,chicken jerky 或装满点心的Kong。他可高兴了,每天一看我换衣服,都兴奋地围着我只转,巴不得我早点走。