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John Tory was hired by Rogers Communications Inc. as a lobbyist last July, which means they have been paying him money to influence government on their behalf

UPDATE: John Tory also remains on advisory committee of Rogers Control Trust, which in turn holds VOTING CONTROL OVER ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC., the dominant player in media, publishing, communications and entertainment in Canada, with the ability to hold untold influence over the voting public, while having endless amounts of profit to be gained by having insiders hold public office.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 【本周三第一个通知】DAVID退选了。目前多伦多市长选举只有三个人留下了。CHOW肯定出局,福特哥和TORY鹿死谁手,我们看着办。LOL。
    • CHOW肯定出局? What do you have to support your argument?
      • 闭上眼睛都知道是你的回帖。去你的。
        • Ford leads by 12%? HA HA HA
    • 非常讨厌John Tory,Rogers的背景,怪不得。
      • Rogers作为臭名昭著的罔顾消费者的流氓公司之一,John Tory功不可没. 我们还能让他来愚弄多伦多人吗?
        • FYI John Tory was CEO of Rogers Media, Rogers Cable never was he the CEO of Rogers Communications.
        • John Tory was hired by Rogers Communications Inc. as a lobbyist last July, which means they have been paying him money to influence government on their behalf
          UPDATE: John Tory also remains on advisory committee of Rogers Control Trust, which in turn holds VOTING CONTROL OVER ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS INC., the dominant player in media, publishing, communications and entertainment in Canada, with the ability to hold untold influence over the voting public, while having endless amounts of profit to be gained by having insiders hold public office.

      • 昨晚,福特哥,CHOW和TORY在North York意大利人社区的VILLA COLUMBO老人中心辩论,其中一个参与的老人情绪激动地责备了TORY,她说她尊重福特哥。LIVE的电视转播后来被掐断了。如果是指责福特哥,CP24肯定不会掐断。
        • 胖哥请你吃什么夜宵?英雄汗宝?
          • 管不着。
            • Or Happy Meal?
              • 福特哥也喜欢吃薯条儿。
                • Bingo! NYFs
    • 拳王泰森来多伦多盛赞福特是"Best Mayor in Toronto's History"。
      • The two have one thing in common - drug addiction.
      • 我认为还是不要去和泰森沾边好.
        • You are smarter.
          • 难说,你能确定泰森在多伦多没粉丝?无论如何,形象定位还是要的.
            • He does. A smart politician won't pick a drug addict as his campaign ambassador. When I saw the news my immediate reaction was that Tyson went down because of his severe drug addiction problem.
        • 泰森是浪子回头金不换的典型,我尊敬他。
      • JIMMY KEMMEL也喜欢他。都说他是一个风趣的拿得起放的下的人。
        • Making fun of Ford is his specialty. Love to watch it.
        • thousands Making fun. Love to watch it
      • Tyson说“我们都会犯错” “这不是他的错,他只是在过他的日子,我们都是人,我们无法知道你们在紧闭的房门后做了什么事情”
        ht2014年9月10日 07:39 来源:世界日报
    • David Soknacki drops out of mayoral race, citing voters’ desire to keep Rob Ford from re-election
      • 他做什么春秋大梦?他那些支持者就是NDP的支持者,多伦多不是NDP的天下,做梦。
    • 呼拉拉,估计福特哥的话题快没多少炒作效应了,咱们是不是开始制造下一个适合你风格的热点?
      • 不好意思,福特哥的事儿现在是最重要的事儿,直到10月底结束。你看红脖子们多么猖狂,我不能让他们得逞。
        • LOL
        • 哎,估计你和红脖子要两败俱伤了,邹大姐和福特哥都快没戏了...邹大姐要是退选的话,我就投票给福特哥...算是友情支持你一把...
          • I would vote for Tory in that case.
          • 切,你·没看昨儿他们仨辩论的实况?一个到场的老人家当场指责TORY,声色俱厉,泣不成声地。她却尊敬福特哥。你不要小看福特哥的群众基础。
        • Who wants a mayor who can't/won't even pay their own bills? 看: [John Tory owed pollster $46Gs for 2010 mayoral poll ]
          • 就是。自己都欠债不还。这样的人,当了市长,还了得?
            • 看了这篇文章才知: 自己可以花钱去 Poll的真相. 不知道这次又花了多少
              • 我把你这个连接单列出来了,引起大家的注意。