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你对逗号的作用是只知其一不知其二啊。"Sorry for disrespecting you, unintentionally."其实,逗号之后的部分【还可以】看做是【补充说明】:"Sorry for disrespecting you, but I did that unintentionally."


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / Somebody said: "Sorry for disrespecting you, unintentionally." It equals to "I am unintentionally sorry for disrespecting you." I knew what he meant, but the way it was phrased imprecisely interpret what he wanted to express.
    He could simply say "Sorry for disrespecting you. I said that unintentionally." or "Sorry, I didn't meant to say that." or "I didn't meant to disrespect you." or "I didn't say that intentionally."
    • You mistakenly put the adverb in the wrong place, little bit like putting the cart before the horse!
      • I like the phrase you use: put the cart before the horse, which reminds me of House of Cards, the memory is still fresh.
    • "Sorry for disrespecting you, unintentionally." is seen as "Sorry for my unintentionally disrespecting you."
      • 你的这句"Sorry for my unintentionally disrespecting you.",把my或you去掉任一个,句子就通顺了。所以那天你一写出来我就说它是病句。
    • Well put!
      • :)
      • 病句
        • "Sorry for disrespecting you".... according to my teenage son.... is "stupid", unless he is joking. 这也是我想说的。除非是以夸张的,讽刺的语气,我想不出还有那种情形,会有人这样说。
          • 语感比语法大师好太多了,赞一个。
          • 如果不是讽刺,挖苦,那这样的表达是有待商榷的,无论是在正式或非正式的场合。这不是语法的问题。
            "sorry for disrespecting you" or "sorry for being rude" is OK on paper, but I don't remember ever heard anything like that. People may say.... sorry for my comments on.... or I apologize for (what i said or die).. It is disrespectful and ....
            • 一家之言,欢迎讨论
              • 呵呵,无独有偶,前两天我也说过。“语感更好的,能听出里面的嘲讽。酱紫。”
                • geekcode(文心雕码),厉害!看看,这是俺当时的跟帖———:What Geekcode has mentioned is truly the presentation of the "linguistic intuition". -softface(探长); 00:09 (#8907772@0)
                • 你们俩英雄所见略同啊。Great minds think alike!
            • 这是语用的话题。刺哥的表达毫无语法问题,相反,其遣词运用了修辞手法,这是超出平铺直叙的英语的,哪里是那凭空挑剔的三剑客所能够理解的呢。没有金刚钻就揽瓷器,那是要砸缸的。还是看一点语用学吧。
              • 而红卫兵的 { 好心,给你一个地道的,你自己去琢磨琢磨: sorry for being rude to you,didn't mean it。} 则完全把原贴者的嘲讽的语气改成了真实的道歉,简直是强行叫人左脚穿右鞋。
              • The Three Musketeers... Excellent translation. Love it. Unfortunately it is all for one, not one for all.
          • 看看原帖的context,发帖者就是嘲讽的语气啊。可惜,蒲公英、冬暴、红卫兵都理解不了啊。
    • 回头再看这句"Sorry for disrespecting you, unintentionally."问题出在这个逗号上,逗号一点,"unintentionally“就修饰整句的谓语am。”Sorry for xxxx“这种表达省略了主谓”I am“,如果逗号去掉,说”unintentionally“修饰”disrespecting“也还说得过去。
      • Sorry for 之后的部分,更长的都有,之间有逗号的也不少见。
      • 你对逗号的作用是只知其一不知其二啊。"Sorry for disrespecting you, unintentionally."其实,逗号之后的部分【还可以】看做是【补充说明】:"Sorry for disrespecting you, but I did that unintentionally."
        • 下车吧你! -softface(探长); 19:11 (6 bytes. #8912210@0) more