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【仿老刺朗读】A private conversation --- 2014-07-30

Lesson 1 A private conversation

Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it however. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can't hear a word!’ I said angrily.‘It's none of your business, ’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’

Mine: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1n1zBWFO5Mi


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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 【仿老刺朗读】A private conversation --- 2014-07-30
    Lesson 1 A private conversation

    Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it however. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can't hear a word!’ I said angrily.‘It's none of your business, ’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’

    Mine: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1n1zBWFO5Mi

    • 这是你读的?
      • 当然啦,像不像老刺口音?
        • 好像哦。。。。我都糊涂啦。。。。
          • 我觉得还没有很像。里面有两个链接,一个是老刺的。这个才是我的
            • 读得不错。跟我不相上下吧
              • You are certainly better...
              • 啊?你读也是这调调?
                • I am sorry to say but hers is way better than yours. I mean way better.
                • 有时候还不如你呢。。,,
                  • 我这是恶搞老刺的调调啊,哈哈哈哈,别学啊
                  • You are even much better than his idol.
                    • 他读的挺好的。。。有语言天赋的
                      • Who? Yellow flower or his idol? Let's listen to the QUEEN's speech!
                        • 楼主很有天赋,酱油哥很努力,我真是这么觉得的。。。。不过。。。我也不赖呀。。。我也是这么觉得的。。。嘿!嘿!
                          • You are better than them all. Queen's Speech, please!
                            • 找不到了。。。时日久远了
                              • Come on, make a new one please.
        • 你骗我!
          • 骗啥了?就是我读的呀。
    • A good actor and excellent reading. You see this is much better than Monotone -dry and without harmony or variation in pitch. That's a ugly voice. Way to go.
      If this is indeed your voice.
      • Of course it was my voice. Was it your style? :D
        • No.
    • 这是刺哥的声音!刺哥6月6日的帖:(#8808524@0)
    • 我的在这里。主贴里有个link是老刺的
      • 绝了。老次就这调子,被你轻易模仿,正说明你的水平在他之上。
        • 哈哈哈,我纯属搞笑。跟老刺开个玩笑
          • Why not? I enjoy it. You are not a mean person like your idol.
            • 经常指出你的不足不等于mean, 你这么说太主观了。
              • 对。
              • You don't even qualify to do that. It's nothing to do with your comments on me but the way you treat many other Rolians. Softface, Eric, mikesmith, forfun, just to name a few.
            • We shall be easy to everyone no matter others are mean or not. It's a matter of ourselves. Regardless of who we are dealing with, be easy, period. You will be happy. Trust me.
              • I am always happy or I won't be here.
    • 参考。
      • Beautiful. 真给面子。
        • how much you gave, how much you will get back.
          • I get what I paid for, eh? 还是美音啊,一点也不像老刺嘛
            • 礼尚往来,你敬一尺,咱敬一丈不是。
              • 够姐们儿,不过黄花儿很快就要变蓝花儿了。
            • 那是老中英语,好意思比吗你?明摆着想贬低混混姐吗。
              • 哈哈,才看明白,是学你那。该学该学。
                • 恶搞老刺,多好玩啊
                  • More please.
                    • Sure.
      • 哇!这么简单的句子,您也读得这么好———令听者俺如身临其境!——那是因为很重要的原因之一:您的朗读角色意识非常到位!
        • 今后,还有谁再说朗读(有分角色的直接引语)不需要角色意识的? 叫他/她听听混混姐的录音!
      • 因为混混姐的语速一贯较快,所以,从选材上来说,这篇以简单句贯穿全篇的小文的不是最适合她的。建议下次直接跳到新观念第二册的下半部分。
      • 版主,从技术上来说,能否把主贴之后的跟帖设定为精华帖呢?
        • 完全可以的。我在会计论坛的一个跟贴就被版主单独拎出来,上精华。所以外坛的版主也该慧眼识明珠,该出手时就出手。
      • 为什么人家混混姐就可以做到把角色意识落实得这么到位?
        • 而,为什么有人专门拨弄其喉舌想要 accent reduction 的,却顾此失彼丢掉了角色意识了呢?
          • 曾记否? 俺对某坛友说其朗读缺乏角色意识,结果被批要求过高啥的,更有甚者(#8806524@0) (#8807052@0) ! 今,俺顶起旧帖大家看。
      • 听了好几遍你的录音,真地道,XMJDH!
      • 比我好。
    • 也试试。。。
      • 终于听到了米老鼠的声音,像是上海妹妹啊。
        • 挑战糖老鸭。。。LOL。。。呱呱呱。
          • 耳朵的南音很明显,我觉得是江沪一代的。
            • 红豆生南国。。。。现在就翘首以盼探长和兵哥。。。打架,我爱看。LOL 。。。。。
              • 我也是,更爱看兵哥这个胆小鬼吓得一愣一愣的,奏是不敢上音频。
                • 探长也不敢上音频,也从没写过文章,你不但视而不见,反而把它捧到天上。双重标准运用得很纯熟啊。只因他也违心地把你往天上捧吧?一对......
                  • 喂,打打酱油的,如果你把(#8905236@0)中的“它”给老老实实改成正确的,俺就一个个问题地来回应你!
                    • 你们几个吵来吵去,有点借题发作,不像是来交流英语学习的。没必要吧 :DDD
                      • 是啊。"双重标准运用得很纯熟啊。",俺主要才说到onlook(亦即winterstorm)缺失角色意识,他几个就说俺要求过高,甚至(#8806524@0)(#8807052@0)。。。
                      • 的确如此,翻翻onlook和winterstorm在此坛和其他各坛的旧贴,尤其是对老猫,老农,探长,eric,nothanks,wincity和其他一些比他在在某一方面要好要成功的网友的帖子,人品如何就会跃然纸上。
                        • 得了吧,你也挑过这些ID们的刺,就别奢谈人品了。。。。
                          • Well my tone is totally different. A person's meanness shows it all.
      • 耳朵MM这么年轻啊。读的相当好,比刺哥还要好~~~
        • 耳朵快来,给一个飞吻吧。
        • YAHOO......米老鼠战胜糖老鸭!鼓掌。。。。
      • 声音很年轻,读得很自然,不造作。有几个单词再准点就更好了。
        • 谢谢。我来这听的不太多,三,四人的吧,印像中你的最好听,刺哥发音也不错,但他的音质就是像鸭子糖。。。LOL,我不把他气死不罢休。
          • 久经沙场的糟老头子就那么容易被气死? 烟酒嗓,没办法,这老头儿太老了吗。
          • 越听到后来越懂
            口音有些重,前两三句俺一个词也没有听出来 :) 但是后来基本上听懂了。有几个地方吃音了。
            • 哈哈。。。我看你们在这闹闹的,像小孩一样,搞笑的要命。念的是新概念第三册 lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs。现在我的英文水平上升到 She don't......He don't 。
            • 谁啊?
      • 没我好
        • 不信, 上一个试试吗。
        • 痛不欲生。。。。没关系,米老鼠只踢糖老鸭屁屁。LOL ........
          • You sound like a lovely fairlady and you do look like a fairlady. Yet your writing and harsh style online is more like BG's idol with less meanness. Still I consider you as a fairlady.
            ha ha ha
            • What does BG mean?
              • 兵哥
            • 献殷勤也是技术活,way to go man
              • You bet. A life long task as well. Make your idol happy if you can.
                • Are you happy now, my idol? haha haha hahaha
                  • I am always happy and even happier now as I do enjoy the show. But I am not your idol . Won't be ever.
      • 耳朵的声音很年轻嘛
        • 哈哈。。。。不要听我的了,我到这来只拔糖老鸭的毛。你念的比糖老鸭好,千万别模仿他。。。。。LOL
          • +1
          • 本来我不想模仿任何人,昨天好几个人都说我的声音像他,我就狠狠地恶搞他一下,给大家一点娱乐
            • More please.
    • 真心认为meisuowei读的最地道,语速,重音,连贯,等等都很好。个人观点。我是抱着学习的心态,也贴了一段录音,欢迎交流指点。谢谢!
    • 这篇是刻意模仿老刺的调调,大家说我模仿得像不像?
      • Somewhat but not quite. Yours sounds like a stageplay with more artistic elements in it.
        • Artistic, what an appraisal!
          • It is indeed. You may consider entertaining us at Rolian New Year Gala.
      • 我能说我一边听一边忍不住笑吗?象!确实有几分象。你这几天贡献人气功不可没啊!
        • 哈哈哈哈,要的就是,大家笑
          • I am still waiting for your new production. Please.
    • 再听听,哈哈哈
      • 典型的中式英语,继续努力吧。
        • 典型的老刺口音啊,LOL
          • You are a thousand miles away.
            • Can a cracker handle the truth? LOL
            • 你的偶像探长正在房坛那边用几个马甲自言自语,估计一时半会儿帮不上腔了。
              • 是啊,什么softlace,softpace, 说不定还有个softnace,softmace, etc...
      • 红脖子的老中音就这个调,你能轻易模仿之,表明你的水平在红脖子之上。
        • 哈哈哈哈,要的就是,大家笑
          • 我两年前用英文写过些帖子,很自然地用了些俚语(比如:bang off a report, narrow miss, out front of the house, jack and jill , photo finish, etc...),结果引来口诛笔伐,全因当时的磁头和另外一两个id根本没见过那些词,
            • 不自量力,
              • 情况是这样的:
            • 他们连blow up都不懂,更不用说这些了。他们水平很差的。多数时间我就是娱乐一下而已。
              • 奉? ——这个"奉"字一下子就把那谁给误导到"奉天承运皇帝诏曰"那里去了,所以他才会说,{ per...译成 “此据”,即“在此根据.....”. ...可用一个字“ 此” 缀于签名之后。古时圣旨里的"钦此"就是个例子。} -softface(探长); 6.23 21:41 (#8840915@0)