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刺哥探长来看看Maria Zhang同学的英语

PKAANC 2014 Science and Innovation Day Maria Zhang

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 刺哥探长来看看Maria Zhang同学的英语
    PKAANC 2014 Science and Innovation Day Maria Zhang
    • 相当不错。语感好,基本上没有口音,也很漂亮。
    • Great, a little stage fright.
    • 看上去太忙叨人了。闹得慌。
    • 英语很流利, 大学毕业才到美国能够说成这样相当不错, 不知是清华哪个个专业毕业的。就presentation而言, a mediocre presenter.
      • 刺哥有空去看看 Lockheed Martin 的 CEO 的演讲。它网站上就有。
        • 谢谢
      • 同意刺哥。整体还不错,但是有几处的升调听起来挺不舒服的。
        • true. a bit excessive use of rising intonation pattern,
          usually found in teenage or young women.
          • 这话您来说,就比俺说,要好上好几倍呢。
            • hmmm..
              what's that suppose to mean?
              • 如果俺直说那种挺令人不舒服的升调主要出现在 teenage or young women,铁定有人要说俺性别歧视啥的嘛。
      • hmmm.. you either missed it
        or you didn't listen in too far.

        She said right there in the first a few minutes she graduated from computer science at Tsinghua.
        • Not really. Just the frist few setences up to 白客ground。
          • +1。漏看了你的帖。bikerground!
            • Oh
              there is a typo - sentence.
              • not a
                but 2, since you brought it up.
                • Excellent.
                  I am going back to JK.
                  • welcome
                    to be my kinder-mate. I've been waiting for new 小伙伴.
                    • Only 混混 call us 小伙伴。
                      • Who?
                        • too much for you today?
                          • What?
                            • creative learning
                              • How?
                                • Time is up. Nice graffiti today.
                                  • You will do better tomorrow. See you then.
    • 这么强的口音,说得太快听上去混乱。不能说慢点吗?都坐怎么高的位置了
      • Accent does not matter, like many Indian executives. some Chinese don't have accent, like native speaker, but can only say words like "amazing", "you know", "freaked out"...
      • 能不能进肉联前三?
        • 肉联无人能敌,连刺哥也比不上~~~楼上像是跟 maria 有仇似的,俺觉得 maria 基本上可以说没有口音
          • 同意。鞍山人肯定说大连人没什么口音。
    • 这还叫没口音?!典型的国内刚出来的英语水平
      • 牛。不过,话说回来,现在出来的孩子,比20-30年前出来的,口音强多了。
        • I wiped my eyes, thought Yahoo CEO was here reading the thread, haha
      • 听口气,小北是要 PK?
        • 我就别现眼了 我以前做过一个presentation 完后同事还说不错 事后一听录音 跟这女的一水平 恨不得找个地缝钻下去 极大挫伤自尊 肉联里听过几个大侠的录音 比这强多了 拉出去好几条街 不明白为啥都觉得她好
          • 跟这女的一水平?那你是肉联第一了。
            • 别埋汰我了 就说话支支吾吾这劲儿?!跟白痴似的
              • 哈哈。也别过谦了。人家这英语表达水平是啥级别滴呀? 雅虎的Sr Director!不是call centre的agent。
                • 在美国 尤其Yahoo这样的公司 口音绝对不是问题 只要有能力有野心就能上去 加拿大也一样 很多印度人 做到director也是口音很明显 不影响事业
                  • +1.马甲姐也说了嘛—— { But none of these really matters. Look at what she has achieved and where she is now... I admire her smartness and success. ( #8872239@0)
              • I believe you are telling the truth, I see most of Chinese immigrants don't speak fluent English, you don't need to feel ashamed.
    • 最近报道,她有官司:有人告她,以权势强迫他人行同性 性行为。
      • 就为这事儿才把她翻出来的吧
        • 不知道。不是我翻的。:)
      • 会不会是两人合伙谋公司的钱。她们有那么葱么?
      • 对方也是个中国人,看上去有点儿象故意加害。
        • 没看具体内容。索多玛的毁灭,自古有之。但是蕾丝边,现代才有吧,离谱得令人不解。
          • here you go
      • wow,有这等事?还是从前好,她这把年纪,早就儿女成群,外婆奶奶都快当了,就算没她现在的钱和地位,人生也比落到这个地步强。
        • +100.
    • 看着像中学里的班长兼学习委员,或者是大公司里被培养提拔的新经理,带着点小得瑟和小紧张。 虽然是清华北大毕业的, 看口音听上去像南方人。 相比杨澜,无论是英语还是气场都差了一百里地。
      • 杨澜的英语当然是没得说的,但她的音色可不敢恭维。
        • 探长你如果朗读能到 maria 的水平,你就是当之无愧的肉联王,谁不服俺就砸他~~~
          • 何必呢。
          • 朗读 和 连续地说,是两种不同的输出。
          • (#8872529@0)!回飞棒!You got boomeranged!
        • 她好像有声带息肉还是什么疾病,动过手术。
        • If I remember correctly, Yang majored in English, as a reporter, all questions she asked were well prepared. Maria has a very different background.
          • +1
      • 佩服你对口音的敏感度。。。
        • 赤果果的挑衅!
          Video blocked now..
          • I sort of sensed some "southern feeling" in her as well
            , not exactly from the accent though, more the way she speaks,. But word has it she is from Beijing.
    • Presentation: OK. Pronunciation/Accent: Good.
      English:don't know enough to form an opinion just by this. But I suppose it must very good/excellent given her profile.

      But none of these really matters. Look at what she has achieved and where she is now... I admire her smartness and success.
      • 马甲姐很客观
        • Really? Thanks,
          but mine does not really agree with yours. Are you saying you are not objective? hehe..
          • Thorny Rose!
            • If it is directed at me
              I'll just take it as a compliment. ha.
              • You scored again!
    • 朗读 和 讲说(presentation),是两种不同的输出。
      • 朗读,内容上只能忠实于确定的原稿(朗读者和撰稿人可以是相同或不同的人),表现形式上为声音上的输出(语音、语调、语气、角色区隔等)。
        • 探长连这个也要查字典?今天人家说太咸,你说“消化道内的钠盐含量在短时间内加大得太快了”,当时吓俺一大跳,俺还以为你不是人,是字典:)
          • 矮油喂~~~,你自己说不出写不出,看到别人写出来了,你就说别人是查字典的。你这个人啊吗,说你什么才恰切呢?
          • 俺向俺的偶像薄公保证,俺刚才啥词典啥google都没使,就是脑子里蹦蹦蹦跳出来的。
            • 探长真是字典神下凡啊~~~失敬失敬
          • 什么字典这么好? -wincity(红卫兵); 7.2 21:40 (#8855930@0)
            • .
      • 讲说(presentation),尤其是脱稿的,就和照稿的朗读大为不同,此时输出的不仅是声音层面的,更有意义上的(偏移可能的原稿、临时加工、添加、删减、)输出。所以,讲说,比朗读的难度系数要大得多。
        • 晕,这不明摆着的吗?
          • 晕:〖syncope;faint〗昏厥。大脑广泛供血不足所致的暂时性意识丧失
            • Make today your best day.
              Why not dizzy? It is not in your dictionary I assume.
              • best: of the highest quality, excellence, or standing
                • dictionary master.
                  • 他不是自封为 鱼竿 master的嘛!
          • 俺请红卫兵扶您一把? 俺这不是回应wincity(红卫兵)在(#8872226@0)的"朗读"说嘛!
          • 就是这样"明摆着的",也总是有人不明白呀,那就只好跟他解释一哈喽~。
    • 听到她把background说成bikerground就掐了,赤果果的北方口音。。。
      • True, a few errors here and there. Nonetheless, good is a fair rating.
        in my opinion.
    • wow, it's so