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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

Is your niece above 16 ? If the answer is yes, then you can run a Chinese language summer camp for the kids in your neighborhood. And what's more, if you would like to benefit a bit, you can charge each kid $10~$15 a day!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 跟大家打听一下,哪里有便宜些,最好能免费的英语学习班,给是visitor的侄女问的?
    • There are no free English language lessons for the visitors to Canada!But there are some for the visitors to the churches on Sundays!
      • 免费的英语学习班,好像只是针对新移民的耶。教堂,倒是有免费的英语学习班——不过他们的目的是传教。
    • May I venture to make one trespass on your generosity to ask how old your niece is ? 可否冒昧问一下您的侄女的芳龄? I've got very unique solutions for English learners (as visitors)of different ages .
      • 俺有高招啊!
      • 探长用词真是气势磅礴啊~~~venture,trespass,generosity,一浪高过一浪,令人叹为观止啊~~~
        • You may consider to work with a sobriety coach. Wish you good luck!
          • sobriety!欲与探长试比高啊~~~弱弱地问一声:consider 是不是配 ing 顺口一些
            • remain sober!
    • Is your niece above 16 ? If the answer is yes, then you can run a Chinese language summer camp for the kids in your neighborhood. And what's more, if you would like to benefit a bit, you can charge each kid $10~$15 a day!
      • 令侄女芳龄二八否?如是,则可为邻里8~12岁之国人小童5~8位开办一暑期国语夏令营,就着令侄女为辅导员和那些满嘴标准英文之香蕉人相互学习英语和中文互通有无。若好财,亦可酌收银两以冲学费(如每人每天10加元)聊作令侄女回国之盘缠。
        • 啊? 探长被批评说教唆visitor身份的人在加拿大非法打工!?
          • 那么,既然楼主的侄女不能够获取报酬(最多只能够算义工),对楼主而言岂非美事一桩喽?
            • 『君子好财,取之有道啊!』———"If you love the property,seek for it properly!"
        • 8到12,那意思就说8岁中文还说的可以的话,就有希望一直会了?
          • 差不多。
    • 楼主啊,where have you gone ?
      • :) Where have you been?
        • Ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.
        • I'm afraid not. If ditto is back here, you can ask him/her "Where have you been?", but since ditto has NOT BEEN back yet we have to use "Where have you gone?"
        • Gone with the wind?
          • not sure.
    • Hi, ditto, is your niece in an Engli$h class already?