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Welcome back! How have you been doing recently?

Did you make your first job in Canada? JYG is on his maiden tour in Europe now. Look forward to having fun!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 刺哥大肆鼓吹用英语发帖子,俺不用英语他就整天追在俺的后面 harass 俺,真是让俺哭笑不得~~~其实刺哥此举是 very misguided,在外语坛用英语发帖,有百害而无一利~~~




    所以俺有一个 presumptuous request:大家发帖,还是要尽量用汉语。
    • 你,和我们都一样,就是个普通网友,就不要立大旗觉得自己是根葱了。你以为刺哥追你就是为了你不写英文吗?
      • 混混姐说反了,刺哥追着俺是要俺用英语,俺不答应,他就恼羞成怒
        • You refuse to upload an audio clip of your reading. You are so afraid of showing your English writing. If you don't make mistakes you will never really make progress. Failure is the mother of success. Get real or stop playing the judge.
        • I am sorry to say that except googling or consulting dictionaries you are not able to write in English.
          • 恼羞成怒了吧?google 和字典是你那位偶像的两根拐杖,俺学英语,基本上从来不用这两样东西,而且俺一直在呼吁网友们不要用
            • Everyone is watching. It is easy to make your dream come true. Just write in English. Or you get zero credit.
            • After all the years learning you can't even write a sentence in English or make it a correct one...
        • 你啊,心眼儿就针鼻儿那么大小。你以为全世界就你对就你能就你行,别人也得这么跟着想啊。
          • 混混姐何必生气呢,俺说的是刺哥,又不是说你~~~
            • Your ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention.
              • 提醒各位网友一下:这个 nothing other than 和 conscious attention 很可能是原创。
                • The problem with you is that you have no introspection.
                  • 这个 introspection 可能也是吴用
                    • A simple sentence in English is worth a thousand words.
            • 吐口痰照照自己吧。早治早得益。
            • All of your unhappiness comes from your inability to perform in real sense or simply write in English.
    • It's the wrong place commenting in Chinese on others' English postings. You did compose a few sentences in English yesterday and you made apparent errors & mistakes. By refusing writing in English you won't get anywhere. You get no credit. Be real.
    • I have to agree with you on this - "英语不好的,如果你非要他用英语发帖,他觉得太难,很容易就放弃了。"
    • I now have a big question mark on your level of English literacy.
    • If you can't even write a sentence or a piece in English you won't be the judge. To restore your credibility, if there is any, just stop commenting in Chinese. Writing in English on an English forum like this one is a norm.
      • redundancy: a sentence "or a piece", credibility, "if there is any", an English forum "like this one". The last "one" is redundant too.
        • Good. But that's just what it was stressed on.
          • that's just what it was stressed on 不通顺
            • Well take it or leave it. That's just how I write. If you can't write in English yourself then your comments is meaningless.
              • 你是不用在乎啊,可惜网友们被误导了
                • Your guidance? To the drain.
                • 谁是正导啊?说来说去,不就你是正导吗?但凡别人说什么,你都推翻。这唯心到这个地步,真是叹为观止。怕网友被误导?你还有那个善心?无非就是为了维护自己是人间正导的这个心思吧。
                  • I really 有那个善心
                    • You are perceived by your audiences not yourself.
                    • 有什么样的善心的人,能在其他 IT 大拿提意见的时候说他们说的对你不适合,和你说的不是一回事,等等的,继续写你的什么系列忽悠网友?遇到比你强的人不承认别人比你强,继续忽悠人?这是善心?你也好意思。
                      • 混混姐对俺的误会真是太深了~~~
                        • 我看错了,安老师看错了,其他 IT 大拿也看错了 ... 还有谁没看错你吗?
                          • No never perhaps.
                      • 说实话,兵哥的系列还是有正面价值的,就算有显摆的成分,也要看读者怎么吸收,取舍。
                        • I have to agree with you on this one. As for his comments in Chinese on other Rolians' English writings or audio clips I wont' buy unless he proves himself otherwise.
            • There are many ways to emphasize on what I would like to. Today's topic is BG is an incompetent judge.
    • I can't agree with you this time Bingge, as everybody can choose what language he/she wants to put here. "Good or bad" is not for others to judge. As long as the poster feels good and does not violet any rules.
      • True. But if BG wanted to be the judge on others' English literacy level he has to write in English. It's as simple like that.
        • the problem is when I reply in Chinese posts get deleted, but truly I prefer Chinese for making fun
          • Both you and I are still learning English but not BG perhaps. I hardly see anything he writes in English spontaneously. Commenting or criticizing others' writing in Chinese? I don't buy it.
            • learning is part of life...
      • 俺不是反对用英语发贴,俺不过是主张要顺其自然~~~英语好但是夹生的网友要尽量用汉语发
        • Practice makes perfect. Just write more and over time you won't say something like (#8854684@0). It's normal by the way, now.
          • right, who cares what craps we put in here? just speak up! some people are too serious, come on, this is not a school here, just spam it up
            • V8
        • 英文夹生也可以发,不能怕出错,没有什么关系的,扫面子之类的,别人挑错,语气委婉也好,犀利也好,我是不介意的,就跟有人学口语时,老怕出错就不开口,进步很慢的。再说网上都是虚拟身份,谁认识谁啊?谁在乎谁啊?
          • Exactly
    • 怎么一大早又打起来了?难道真是那什么什么pause了?
      • If you don't admit I am the #1 I won't ever stop.
        • 那就真是那个什么什么pause了。
          • For sure.
      • $pause
      • 我怎么觉得两人在打情骂俏?
        • 俩大老爷们打情骂俏?那什么什么pride不是刚完吗?没过隐?
        • 小盆友常学老人家吵架:"你就是。。。";"你才是。。。呢!"。"你就是,你就是。。。";"你才是,你才是。。。!"~~~
    • 终结一下哈:俗话说,泥鳅也是鱼,狗尾巴花也是花。所以说破英语也是英语。CBC那帮人英语perfect吧?还不是成百上千的炒。国移英语够破吧,还不20万30万的往家里搬? So yo man slap mah fro!
    • 同意,英文长贴基本不看
      • what about my jinghua? :D
        • (用东北口音地)说,“不是响应刺哥,谁看!”。
          • they blocked you again?
            • Good to see you are writing in English.
              • 顺其自然~~~英语好但是夹生的网友要尽量用汉语发 -wincity(红卫兵); 10:11 (#8856471@0)
                • Good to know. But just don't pretend to be the judge. That won't work and it only makes you look even worse than what you are.
        • I didn't even notice there is one :)
          • oh, come on, have a look and give some comments.
            • Your points are valid, but I'm here mostly for fun. I don't want to put myself in learning mode for whole days.:)
              • that mode is for fun too. :D, enjoy your days
    • +1
      • Elaborate please. Thanks.
        • Plus one. LOL
          • No, it should be:
            - 1
            ... ...
            1.n LOL
            • BG, please verify what language it is. Thanks.
              • XML opened with IE~~~:))))
                • Thanks! You are better than you think.
              • 这个 verify 也是误用。看着网友被误导,俺就特别难过~~~
                • Thanks. If you don't know that's not a crime.. If you don't know but pretend you do then ... I go totally by how I feeling (#8854684@0)
                  Don't get a heart attack!
                • 你这个同志有一种强烈的反欺负心理 -wincity(红卫兵); 7.2 19:44 (#8855813@0)
                  • Absolutely. He is in denial over inability to write in English.
                  • 这话从何说起啊?要说欺负,也是俺欺负刺哥。挑了刺哥这么多错,俺也很痛苦啊,还不是为了网友不被误导~~~“真是为难、纠结、矛盾,好辛苦啊!” To be, or not to be? It‘s so torturing!(#8846208@0) softface (探长)
                    • 有一句话俺觉得很精辟: the only thing we need to fear is fear itself. (#8427565@0) "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself". So be bold, be aggressive, be the judge! (#8427490@0)
                      • 你这个同志最大的优点就是脸皮厚~~~说你误导,你高兴的象是猴子得了香蕉~~~某些同志就不一样,说她们误导,她们追你骂一辈子
                        • Please choose your words carefully. I respect your right but I am not your 同志.
                        • 你想当一辈子正导,就该骂。左一句误导,右一句误导,你好歹照照自己,有没有那个能力,德行,说别人误导。井底之蛙以为站在了高山之巅还满世界树大旗找教众。
                        • 你这个同志蒸的蒸的有一种强烈的反欺负心理!!!
                          • +1000
          • Is it not PL/1?
    • +1. 我说不出道道,但不难读出刺刺的英文句子的语感和用词都是国人的思维和表达。这种定势重复多了,又没人指点出来,误导自己和他人都是难免的啊。
      • Just a few flaws cannot mar the jade. 俺在外鱼摊偶尔说一两句允许伐?
      • Welcome back! How have you been doing recently?
        Did you make your first job in Canada? JYG is on his maiden tour in Europe now. Look forward to having fun!
      • 俺已经指出来了, 当然最好的办法还是他不要用英文发贴
        • Thanks but - I go totally by how I feeling (#8854684@0
        • If you are unable to write in English just feel at ease. A little peace of mind goes a long way. (#8260577@0)
    • 枫下论坛 FORUMS 友善 忍让 互助 宽怀 豁达 鼓励
      • Exactly
      • 这么快就又被封了?
        • Who and why?
    • It is good to write in English, especially for the one who wants to improve their language skills. There might be errors but he/she would have a chance to practice. Any kind advice would be welcomed. My two cents.
      • Exactly (#8859424@0)
      • 两种人用英语俺不反对,一种是英语不好的,一种是英语很好地。英语好但是夹生的,最好用汉语发。这种人英语已经定型了,靠发英语帖子来提高是不可能的。你属于第二类,刺哥属于第三类。
        • What's yours? Must be the middle one though. Is it why you are so afraid to upload a short audio clip or even write a simple sentence in English? "I go totally by how I feeling (#8854684@0)"
          • 刺哥不知道是真糊涂呢还是装糊涂~~~你翻来覆去地拿来挑衅的这个错句子,其实是你自己的,俺不过是模仿你而已
            • What a smart cookie! Are you able to write another sentence in English ? You have to lead by example.
        • Thanks. I'm flattered.