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I am forced to sit behind the wheel in my lonely car, which is meant to take me from my residence area to workplace in morning and back in afternoon, listening to whatever sound and/or noise that comes repetitively out of the thing called radio under the dashboard, with the goal of killing one-eighth of my workday, every day.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / "我每天花在上下班路上 3 小时’,这句话用英语怎么表达比较好?
    • have three hours on the road.
      • 往下看看,我觉得不管你们如何咬文嚼字,还是我的这个是正常说法。
        • 在汽车广播中有听到过,如 After three hours on the road,。。。。
        • To where? Disney land?
          • 当你说话的时候,假定对方已经知道很多context,非要把所有context表达出来,罗嗦死了。 比如你还要说, by driving a car on highway without any traffic。。。。。。。
        • Yes.
          • :)
        • No. 这个 have 口音太重。
    • I spend 3 hours on commuting everyday.
      • 可能,包括坐船去对岸上班。但是,命题说得很清楚,是在路上。
    • I spend 3 hours on commuting to and from work everyday.
      Commute 是否指往返,尚有争议。加上to and from 更准确些。常听到的还有:

      I spend 3 hours on daily commute. 但不够明确。
      • On both ways 是不是也可以?
      • 我觉得commuting back and forth比较好。
        • Commute means travelling back and forth daily or on a regular basis.
          • 一听就知道是高手
            • Yeah, pretend you don't know me.
              • From top to toe.
          • You are right to a certain extent. However, in reality, it is not uncommon that one has to clarify whether "commute" refers to "one way" or "to and from". So I would simply add "to and from" to avoid that clarification. Nonetheless,
            If the context is not so accuracy sensitive, I would simply go "I spend 3 hours on daily commute".
            • Let me paraphrase your words, hope you don't mind. :-)
              You're correct. However, it's not uncommon to stress that the word "commute" refers to "one way" or "back and forth", which is what I did before. I could also go with "I spend 3 hours on daily commute" as well, when I'm sure the person I'm talking to knows what I mean.
              • How
                dare you are! ha ha ha
                • Remember, I am a

                  ha ha ha ...
                  • And you are here to crack down on counterfeits.
                    • I said that, but I don't really mean it. Anyway, I can use Google and know some English and want to learn, so I do have a little bit of sense telling what's right or what's wrong.
                      Most importantly, I have a VERY BOLD face and am NOT afraid of making mistakes at all.

                      • I am totally convinced. You are better than you think.
                        Outperformed JYG in many fronts. HA HA HA
                        • Thank you for saying so, but I don't intend to compete with or fight any one, though my words are very harsh sometimes. :-)
                          • (#8844731@0)
                            • WOW, you got a wonderful gift.
                              • No kidding.
              • 狼版的读起来不是很顺,且有失原意,还是酱版的读起来更通一些,表达也更准确。个人感觉啊,No砸啊
                • 酱粉芬芳
                  • 卖炭老翁
                    • WOW, a young lady even knows about 卖炭翁 & 白居易! Applaud!
                      • a young lady?
                        How did you figure that out? I shall stop calling "bro" if that's the case.
                        • Would a guy name himself dandelion or any kind of flowers? I won't ever.
                          • 老红喜欢瞎猜,nice try,继续
                            • Logical thinking.
                              • Your logic is fooled around somehow at this moment. Ate too much chilli?
                                • Not my cup of tea though. Cheese.
                • 没关系的。俺确实弱化了一些东西,但还是捍卫了酱油哥想要表达的立场。
                  实际上,酱油哥的这句话 “So I would simply add "to and from" to avoid that clarification.” 的意思和他所要表达的意思恰好是相反的。
                  • 那是他的思维混乱(逻辑性不强)招致的。
                    • 他的几句话在结构上有点儿散,有些重复。
                      • He always tries to make it grammatically correct but often turns out to be superfluous.
                        • In my own humble opinion, he probably zooms into words and phrases too much so that he loses the big picture of sentences and paragraphs.
                          By the way, I think he's still struggling with minimizing the influence of Chinese language, as far as I can tell.
                          • For sure and big time. More often than not he struggles with impulse writing which is an indication that preparation and time are needed in order to form his thoughts and words.
                            • It is ok to translate words back and forth between English and Chinese. I often do that, so I can tell whether onlook does that or not.
                              • I don't think he use translators. Those words come out from his brain, obviously.
                                • JYG goes
                                  • here you go!
                                • A clarification --- what I meant was that he translated words in his mind. I do that too.
                    • 嫉贤妒能 -redneck(Cracker); 6.19 21:08 (#8833755@0)
                      • 除了实在有必要给他指出不宜被他以讹传讹的部分硬伤错误以外,俺并没有专门给他纠正错误的癖好。
                  • 逻辑连贯,没有矛盾,那个clarification指的就是前面的clarify
                    • to avoid clarification means ... ? and is there any difference between "to avoid that clarification..." and "to avoid making that clarification..." ?
                      • 避免澄清(指再补一句话)one way还是two way,意思是一句话说清楚,避免再跟一句解释
                        • ok, it is probably my misunderstanding though. However, let me tell you more about this "glitch":
                          To add "to and from" is to clarify the meaning the "commute". It is something that's already been done, how can he say that that clarification is avoided ?
                          • I think we have a very good discussion here.
                            • I doubt it, though.
                          • Agreed, quite confusing. Maybe he should say "to avoid excessive words“
                            • Yup, now we're on the same page. And what's your idea on the structure of his sentences?
                              • Structure? I think it is good. This one is more oral.
                                • I'm pretty sure that my version is better than his, and that you didn't really mean what you said. You can try to convince me, will you?
                                  • Well, I wouldn't bother convincing anyone. I think both versions are good, but I like onlook's one.
                                    • I'm totally fine with your viewpoint. I would be very glad if you make specific comments on my version, like usage of words, sentence structure, grammar, etc. It'll be even better if you re-structure my sentences. :-)
                                      • Here you go. I modified on your version...
                                        It's common to state whether the word "commute" refers to "one way" or "both way", which I do [quite] often/sometimes. I would also go with ""I spend 3 hours on daily commute", while the person I'm talking to is on the same page with me.
                                        • Good job! Thank you. BTW, can you modify onlook's version? Or, which one is better, yours or onlook's ?
                                          • I try my best. I modified on onlook's version. I believe the best is the most simplified one.
                                            It is common that one has to clarify whether "commute" refers to "one way" or "to and from", so I would simply add "to and from". ......【same】......
                                            • ok, I see. I'm convinced that you really think onlook's version is the way to go. Here is my version 2:
                                              Yes, you're right. And 'commute' can also mean one-way travel.
                                              • If I were to write one, I would go with this.
                                              • @dandelion1, I know you didn't mean my version 2, so you can delete your post. :-)
                    • A small request for you, dandelion1, can you discuss in English, please ?
              • 文字干净多了!很有语言敏感度的。
      • commute 本身就是指往来于住所和工作场所之间的。
    • A round trip between home and office takes about 3 hours. 另:您是谁的马甲?
      • 我的
        • seriously?
          • 哈哈哈
      • 且慢,刚才那个达春绿怎么不见了?
    • it takes me 3 hours to commute.
      • +1
    • Commuting takes me 3 hours or It takes me three hours commuting.
      • 少了每天,扣十分。偷欢主语,扣十五分。
        • 这些天偷欢还没够啊?
    • 看说话者的情绪倾向等因素,还可以把谓语动词用 waste (浪费)。
    • It takes me three hours on the way to work.
      • How about back home?
        • another 3 hours
      • 楼主说的是"上下班",亦即上班+下班,总共才3小时。
    • I commute 3 hours a day.
      • Good!
      • 请指正(#8845787@0)。谢谢。
        • 俺想看看兵哥,酱油哥的意见。lol
          • 啊?俺请您指正,俺又没有请他们。
            • 俺不敢指正,就来个“罗嗦”版的吧,热闹一下哈:
              I am forced to sit behind the wheel in my lonely car, which is meant to take me from my residence area to workplace in morning and back in afternoon, listening to whatever sound and/or noise that comes repetitively out of the thing called radio under the dashboard, with the goal of killing one-eighth of my workday, every day.
      • commute here is a vi, I think?
        • Yes. Something not right or ... ?
          • Then "commute 3 hours" isn't a correct/complete expression, I think?
            • I think it is correct, grammatically. '3 hours a day' is an adverb phrase that modifies the verb 'commute', isn't it?
              • I think there is missing preposition(s) somewhere in the sentence? otherwise '3 hours' sounds like an objective of 'commute'.
                • Not really. How about this sentence: "I eat 3 times a day."
                  • Yeah, similar to " I work 8 hours a day". They are common expressions but I still think there is certain form of omission in these sentences. You can't categorize "I spend 3 hours a day on commuting" as adverb phrase,right?
                    • No, I won't. '3hours' is an objective in "I spend 3 hours a day on commuting". I don't know what's omitted in "I commute 3 hours a day".
                      • I think to form a complete adverb phrase, adding a 'for' should make it. "I commute for 3 hours a day", " I work for 8 hours a day" look more formal, otherwise sound verbal. What do you think?
                        • Yup, that makes sense.
    • Me everyday flower on up and down class road surface 3 hours. TA要听还不懂,让TA go to hell。
    • 语言,是一个表征who you are的东东,不能象上面那些搞成标准化的样子。我是这样:for 3 f8king hours each day, i have to stare at the fat ass of the car in front of me and smell the stinky fart out from its exhaust ass pipe. and that drives me crazy big time.
      • 这是个典型的'what you are',not 'who you are'的例子。东东。呵呵。
      • 语言灰常生动。赞一个。
      • 您这么说完全没问题啊。LZ是不是这样"表达比较好"就不知道了。哈
      • 你还是太文绉绉了。我来帮你重复一便:fo' 3 f8king hours each day, ah gots ta stare at da fat ass o' da `64 in front o' me an' smell da stinky fart out from its exhaust ass pipe. an' dat drives me madness big tyme brace yo'self foo'!
        • 倒。。。是不是小留?LOL
          • Yo man!你是真不懂还是装不懂啊?哪个小留能说出如此地道的Jane/Finch地区的英语啊?Yo git ova it you know das right!
            • Now I can read your words, ha ha ha
            • 网游上的都是这样的哇~哈哈哈
        • 偶然瞥见 ------- 喔, 太找乐了(天津土话)
    • 我每天花在上下班路上 3 小时。为了上班,我每天要花3小时在路上。三个小时,这是我每天上下班路上要花的时间。我每天上下班通勤需要三个小时。我每天上下班要花三个小时来回。
      • 祥林嫂再世啊。
        • 我看上面讨论的就是这一套
          • LOL. 大多数人都在kill time, 还真探讨英文啊,像吗?
            • 哈哈哈,没错,楼主问一句翻译居然给整了这么多帖子。LOL
    • I spend 3 hours on commute each day
      • on commute ,有语病。
        • Why? I see some people sleeping on commute everyday.
          • 也谢谢您的指正。
            • Of course you're right in British English.
        • in the eyes of the Brits, "on commute" is not frequently used in their vernacular. But, "on commute" is rather popular in American English.
      • 抱歉,俺孤陋寡闻了。俺家里的也说on commute在口语中已经很常见。
    • 来个俏皮的: Every day,I'm forced to kill one-eighth of my workday,listening to the repetitious radio in my lonely car.("我每天花在上下班路上 3 小时’) -softface(探长); 6.25 22:30 (#8845787@0)
    • It takes me 3 hours each day traveling from home to workplace and from workplace to home, or every day I spend three hours on the ways from home to workplace and from workplace to home