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这个据说是Oakville 市长Rob Burton说的关于取消电厂的来龙去脉, 不知道真假,大家可以读一下,如果是真的,老胡比我们大家想的更有趣 总结一下,三党都同意取消,三党都知道取消会有费用

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://robburton.org/Home.aspx

Oakville mayor Rob Burton has just published a fascinating timeline on his website. If you care about Ontario politics – if you care about the truth – you should take a few minutes to read it. It provides facts about the gas plant controversy, not conjecture and bullshit. Among other things, it exposes the Opposition/media narrative about the gas plants to be wrong, wrong, wrong.

Among the revelations in Burton’s post:

In August 2009, Burton meets with Premier Dalton McGuinty to protest the plans of the Ontario Power Authority/Ford Canada/TransCanada Energy to locate a gas plant in a largely residential area. McGuinty listens to Burton, and starts an inquiry into Oakville’s concerns.
In February 2010, the Ontario PCs also come out against the OPA/Ford/TransCanada desired location for the plant.
In April 2010, all three parties in the Legislature vote for a Liberal private member’s bill to keep power plants away from neighbourhoods.
In June 2010, McGuinty’s inquiry releases its recommendations – and it recommends against what OPA/Ford/TransCanada want. McGuinty listens – and, three months later, cancels it.
In September 2010, the PCs appear to reverse themselves, and start advocating for the plant to go in Ward Four, which borders the QEW, a creek, and thousands of homes. (Why? See October 2012, below.)
In October 2010, McGuinty cancels the plant, and shuts down OPA/Ford/TransCanada. The decision is hugely popular in Oakville, and the local paper thanks McGuinty, saying they are glad he made the right decision.
In September 2011, PC leader Tim Hudak says he wants to cancel the Mississauga gas plant. For the government hopes to lead, the cost will be “one billion dollars,” quote unquote. He says Oakville’s cancellation, which he supports, was also a billion.
In the same month, his Mississauga candidate says “a Tim Hudak government will cancel this plant” – which, Burton dryly notes, “matches a Liberal promise” made earlier.
In October 2011, McGuinty wins re-election, one seat short of a majority.
A year later, in October 2012, the Toronto Sun reveals – as Burton puts it – “the Hudaks get a $40,900 pay-out from TransCanada.”
In March 2013, Burton appears before a legislative committee to talk about the gas plants. He writes: ”I point out all three political parties promise to kill the power plant during the fight and ask them how their cancellation costs would be different.”
At the end of his timeline, Burton places the blame for the gas plant mess – and the price tag – squarely on the OPA: “[they are] responsible for this costly mistake.” They were “reckless,” he writes.
To summarize: all of the political parties were against the gas plant locations. All acknowledged there’d be a cost for cancellation.

And the ultimate responsibility for the gas plant mess, and the costs?

It lies with bureaucrats. Not Dalton McGuinty, his staff, or his cabinet.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 这个据说是Oakville 市长Rob Burton说的关于取消电厂的来龙去脉, 不知道真假,大家可以读一下,如果是真的,老胡比我们大家想的更有趣 总结一下,三党都同意取消,三党都知道取消会有费用
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://robburton.org/Home.aspx

    Oakville mayor Rob Burton has just published a fascinating timeline on his website. If you care about Ontario politics – if you care about the truth – you should take a few minutes to read it. It provides facts about the gas plant controversy, not conjecture and bullshit. Among other things, it exposes the Opposition/media narrative about the gas plants to be wrong, wrong, wrong.

    Among the revelations in Burton’s post:

    In August 2009, Burton meets with Premier Dalton McGuinty to protest the plans of the Ontario Power Authority/Ford Canada/TransCanada Energy to locate a gas plant in a largely residential area. McGuinty listens to Burton, and starts an inquiry into Oakville’s concerns.
    In February 2010, the Ontario PCs also come out against the OPA/Ford/TransCanada desired location for the plant.
    In April 2010, all three parties in the Legislature vote for a Liberal private member’s bill to keep power plants away from neighbourhoods.
    In June 2010, McGuinty’s inquiry releases its recommendations – and it recommends against what OPA/Ford/TransCanada want. McGuinty listens – and, three months later, cancels it.
    In September 2010, the PCs appear to reverse themselves, and start advocating for the plant to go in Ward Four, which borders the QEW, a creek, and thousands of homes. (Why? See October 2012, below.)
    In October 2010, McGuinty cancels the plant, and shuts down OPA/Ford/TransCanada. The decision is hugely popular in Oakville, and the local paper thanks McGuinty, saying they are glad he made the right decision.
    In September 2011, PC leader Tim Hudak says he wants to cancel the Mississauga gas plant. For the government hopes to lead, the cost will be “one billion dollars,” quote unquote. He says Oakville’s cancellation, which he supports, was also a billion.
    In the same month, his Mississauga candidate says “a Tim Hudak government will cancel this plant” – which, Burton dryly notes, “matches a Liberal promise” made earlier.
    In October 2011, McGuinty wins re-election, one seat short of a majority.
    A year later, in October 2012, the Toronto Sun reveals – as Burton puts it – “the Hudaks get a $40,900 pay-out from TransCanada.”
    In March 2013, Burton appears before a legislative committee to talk about the gas plants. He writes: ”I point out all three political parties promise to kill the power plant during the fight and ask them how their cancellation costs would be different.”
    At the end of his timeline, Burton places the blame for the gas plant mess – and the price tag – squarely on the OPA: “[they are] responsible for this costly mistake.” They were “reckless,” he writes.
    To summarize: all of the political parties were against the gas plant locations. All acknowledged there’d be a cost for cancellation.

    And the ultimate responsibility for the gas plant mess, and the costs?

    It lies with bureaucrats. Not Dalton McGuinty, his staff, or his cabinet.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • If, it's "Not Dalton McGuinty, his staff, or his cabinet.", then WHY they destroyed the evidence data in the computers? Any WHY they refused to be cooperative with the police investigation?
      • 报纸报道说了至少到目前为止所有人都配合调查,特别是老麦,省长。至于为什么有些文件被销毁了,我也想知道,在明了之前,我只能猜测,有些文件可能提到了取消和选举有关,如果公开,自由党至少看起来形象不好,可是这一销毁,
        • ANOTHER MCGUINTY STAFF MEMBER REFUSES TO COOPERATE WITH OPP. --Aide to McGuinty’s Chief of Staff Refuses OPP Interview
          • This make sense and it's common sense, if i were him, i would do the same. As a guy having normal IQ, i know that you never voluntarily talk to the police because it can never help you but it can hurt you.
      • 销毁证据一定是 McGuinty 的主意,也是自由党高层的决策。或 McGuinty 或现任省长要承担刑事责任。
    • 提议建gas plants的是:the Ontario Power Authority/Ford Canada/TransCanada Energy 。McGuinty省府 starts an inquiry into Oakville’s concerns. 我最好奇的是这个 inquire,在这个inquire 上,一定是没有遭遇强力的反对,才通过这个plan的,对不对?
    • 表搅浑水,问题的焦点不是其他党的态度问题,自由党是多数党。问题的焦点是在最后的谈判上,自由党的错误直接增加了天量的赔偿。如果这里面没有猫腻,他们也用不着删邮件。
      • 我说过很多次了,我们就是讨论,谁上台和我们都没大关系。你这个论据在哪里 - “问题的焦点是在最后的谈判上,自由党的错误直接增加了天量的赔偿。如果这里面没有猫腻,他们也用不着删邮件。”
        • 你可以自行google.
          • 那我可以把你post,转贴到自由党的论坛吗
            • 可以阿。看来自由党的论坛你常去。
              • ok, 谢谢
        • 和每一位选民都有关系,关系到选民的税款被浪费还理直气壮。连自由党的韦恩都不好意思这么理直气壮。
          • 韦恩的竞选有很大问题
            • 伟恩不是有问题,而是问题相当地严重,甚至犯罪。
              • 这里讲证据,不是比口气硬,说狠话。至于说自由党的是不是丧失了大家的信任,不是你我决定,是大多数决定
        • 希望你不要在这里搅混水了,好不好?你一直在避重就轻,企图转移大家的注意力,我们不是傻子。如果你有充足的证据可以解脱自由党的责任,请你亮出来,我们会心服口服。
          • 我是摆事实,讲道理,大家都是知识分子,说狠话的不要
        • 你说错了,谁上台都可以,就是不让自由党上台,这是我们大家的目标。
          • 那是你的目标,一些人的目标,老胡的目标,保守党的目标,但不是我的目标,也不是其他人的目标,这点是显而易见的
          • 你只能代表你自己,不能代表大家。
        • 啥叫"谁上台和我们都没大关系"?谁上台和我们都没大关系这次干吗要省选?——你是在做研究论文?
          • 这次大选是多余的,只是党争的结果,也是大多数人的共识,结果也将证明,这次才是浪费纳税人的钱