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Lesson 20

One man in a boat

Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything ---- not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. ‘You must give up fishing!’ my friends say. ‘It's a waste of time. ’ But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not reallyinterested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!

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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 凑个热闹
    Lesson 20

    One man in a boat

    Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything ---- not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. ‘You must give up fishing!’ my friends say. ‘It's a waste of time. ’ But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not reallyinterested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!
    • 这个酱油打得好啊,很流畅清晰
    • 好听。大家好像对新概念情有独钟啊。
    • 很不错哦,谢谢
      • wincity(红卫兵)的?
        • 我的猜测
          • 刺哥就是喜欢瞎猜~~~俺哪能说这么好
            • 我辨音能力很差,
              我是拒不承认的啊。 兵哥这个马甲只用了两次吗?都是上音频,谢谢!
              • 如果我没记错,他上次的音频纯属胡闹,这次认真多了。
    • 真不错。太辣,小C不出面,我们几个老爷们就自娱自乐吧。
      • Super!
      • 1st time you opened golden mouth sine I have been here. Awesome voice and reading!
        • 你张嘴了,我们就可以shut up 了
      • 好好好。大家都来,这样才热闹有人气嘛!
      • 太辣怎么成老爷们了?老猫的口语非常流利~~~
      • 意群未被足够注意。在不该停顿那么长的地方停了,如my favourite sport中的my和favourite。
      • 听到‘You must give up fishing!’ 时,俺真是喜出望外,这个直接引语被表现得很有角色意识,但,很可惜的是后一句的‘It's a waste of time. ’ 又忘记了。
        • 一不小心又把自己当成导演了?导演在给演员说戏时,少不了亲自示范,就是因为很多表演方面的东西是说不清的。与其整天兜售那些空泛的理论,不如自己示范一次更有说服力。你该不会以为就你会讲那些大道理吧?
          • 酱油哥就不要逼探长了~~~他肯定是英语说不好,不敢上
            • 你也是
              • 俺早就承认了,没有什么不好意思的~~~可惜探长太爱面子
                • 强词夺理啊。
          • 晒一晒这种神评论。
          • 俺清清楚楚地点出了mikesmith(老猫)的瑕疵,而这是任何一位坛友也不会去装耳聋听不出来的事实啊。这跟导演与演员有神马可比性?
          • “空泛的理论”?—— 是说你没有角色意识(你的初中英语老师在你朗读直接引语的时候未能够提醒你)呢? 还是说另外的坛友的意群处理失当呢?
    • .
      读了 3 遍,录的是第四遍。

      • 声音也很好,应该单独开一贴。
      • 混混姐的口音极好,语感也不错。只是过于强调速度了。刺哥和老抽哥还有马甲姐 跟大家不一样的地方在于他们有重有轻,有缓有急,重要的词他们读的慢,读的重。这个方面大部分上音频的网友都没有注意到。
      • +1
      • 比我强太多了
    • 我猜这是红卫兵的马甲
    • 大家英文真是好啊,佩服的不得了!不过觉得俺敏锐的耳朵,还是能听出是自己的同胞,想问问,之前看过一个说法,就是母语把人的口腔肌肉结构修改成和其他语种的人不一样了,所以任何人都会永远带着母语的口音,难道是真的?
      • 绝对是真的。肌肉记忆(muscle memory)是改不掉的。
      • 是的,所以除了职业需要,没必要钻口音的牛角尖,说得流畅自然,听着舒服就可以了。
        • +1
      • 同感!听上去总觉得没有收音机里边native speaker说得那么底气十足
    • meow.
      • 背景噪音。但俺还是听完了,不错。sitting in a boat的降调用错了。
        • 不好意思,有很多噪音,录的很赶,尤其是后面,小孩等着要录他的talent show。
        • 谢谢。
      • 挺好,带点英音。好像网上有教学用的新概念课文朗读,还分英音美音两种。出版的原音都是英音的。
      • 重新来过吧,那么好的奥加音一都给你糟蹋了。本来可以得五分儿的。
        • Vocaroo | Voice message
          • Excellent. Beautiful voice with a touch of delicate southern accent.
            • 谢老师,第2次录音,不习惯,听自己的voice,怪怪的。
              • 因为你听到自己的声音是通过头骨传递的,和别人听到的声音不一样。
              • It's better than you think.
          • 赞!
            • 谢谢。
      • 皮姐的英语很棒~~~
        • 谢谢。
    • 我也凑个热闹

      Download this music

      Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything ---- not even old boots. After having spent the whole morning on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. ‘You must give up fishing!’ my friends say. ‘It's a waste of time. ’ But they don't realize one important thing. I'm not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!
      Thanks. 朗读比平常说话语速慢,听起来有些怪。试了一遍录的,把"after having spent whole mornings",错读成了"after having spent the whole morning". 将就了。
      • Excellent!
      • 这贴好,暴露这么多口音纯正的人
      • 有些网友的英语可以不用提高了,你就是其中之一,另外还有刺哥,老抽哥,马甲姐
      • 98分!扣两分的理由:1.does not worry me中的worry读音不够到位(当然,听得出来平时不是这样读的,仅属于临场时的一两个音节)。
        • 探长,您给这打分给那评价,听着貌似有些道理,但既无言传也无身教,似乎说服力差了点吧。尊重你的隐私权,但这样指点江山似乎有纸上谈兵之嫌吧?
          • 貌似有理,那还不错。
          • “既无言传也无身教”? 那些评论,不是“言”么?
      • 正如朗读者自己的声明“听起来有些怪”,那是因为篇章的整体感没有处理好。——尽管每一个句子的语音语调都很地道,但是未能够在上下文的连贯性上注意音调的衔接,所以“听起来有些怪”。
        • 可能是因为,朗读者平时的语速较快的,现在因为要录音而要特意放慢语速而造成了“飘忽感”,少了她习惯性的一气呵成。
        • 也可能是,朗读者在日常工作环境中受到一些非英美加的英语国家来的同事的语调的影响。
          • 探长这就有点像江湖郎中了
            • 闭上眼睛,多听一遍?
            • 兵哥上一段视频,探长肯定也会不甘示弱的。
      • 在直接引语中,角色意识的表现很到位。可以去演英语戏剧了!
        • 即兴读了一段儿,探长老师帮助点点穴。
          • 怎么敢当!
            • 口腔肌肉和舌头有时不管用。
          • +1
          • 韵味真是够劲。俺闭上眼睛,好像是在听旅游介绍短片的画外音!小瑕疵,1.是states的[st-]中的[-t-]不够到位;2.visit的第二个音节过轻; 3.是语调处理上,during the day之后的转承不够自然。
            • 探长真是专家,受教了!
              • 岂敢。俺只是纸上谈兵。
          • .
            In many American cities, there is a Chinatown, a section where people of Chinese background live. San francisco\'s Chinatown is one of the largest and best-known
            districts of its kind in the United States. In addition to the home, stores, schools, and
            churches that are typical of any neighborhood, China-town contains many restaurants and gift shops. Tourists visit the area during the day, and at night many people from other parts of the city come to dine in its restaurants.
            Thomas chung was born in Chinatown fifty years ago. His wife Sylvia was born in Chinatown, too and grew up there. Both of their parents spoke Chinese at home because they had arrived from China just a few years before and they knew only a little English.
            Thomas and Sylvia, however, speak fluent English because they were educated in the San Francisco public schools. Incidentally, they had the names Thomas and Sylvia given to them in school.
            • Modern American English by Robert James Dixson。
          • 其他人可以评吗?:)
            • 欢迎欢迎
      • 不错
    • 不错呀,现在流行新概念了?
    • 难得现在之人仍有此意境追求,送首小诗共勉: 鱼跃此时海,花开彼岸天,树影婆娑路,心感无意间。