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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1885,the Chinese Immigration Act, which stipulated that all Chinese entering Canada must first pay a $50 fee。

This was amended in 1887, 1892,and 1900,with the fee increasing to its maximum of $500 in 1903.

After Jean Chrétien (Right honourable,CC OM PC QC), in the same year, replaced Mulroney as prime minister, the Cabinet openly refused to provide an apology or redress.

Still, the CCNC and its supporters continued to raise the issue whenever they could, including a submission to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and eventually undertaking court action against the Crown-in-Council, arguing that the federal Crown should not be profiting from racism and that it had a responsibility under both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and international human rights law.

Paul Martin ( Right honourable, PC CC).When Paul Martin was appointed prime minister in 2003, there was a sense of urgency as it became clear that there were perhaps only a few dozen surviving Chinese Head Tax payers left and maybe a few hundred spouses or widows.

In 2004, Doudou Diène, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, concluded that Canada should redress the head tax to Chinese Canadians .

As they had done while campaigning for the federal election in 2004, the New Democratic Party and Bloc Québécois stated, during the leadup to the January 2006 election, their support for an apology and redress for the head tax.

Similarly, on December 8, 2005, Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper released a press statement expressing his support for an apology for the head tax.

On June 22, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered an apology and compensation only for the head tax once paid by Chinese immigrants. Survivors or their spouses were paid approximately CAD$20,000 ($22.5 thousand in 2014 dollars) in compensation. There were only an estimated 20 Chinese Canadians who paid the tax still alive in 2006.


感谢保守党历届政府!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 安省债务累积的主要原因是制造业的萎缩。给安省的制造业埋下最大祸根的是联邦保守政府签定的“北美三国自由贸易协议”。安省制造业的工作被转移到了用工低廉的墨西哥。托自由贸易的福,保守党政府和大财团联手,把工作转移出去,国内还再消减工作岗位,祸国秧民!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛安省债务累积的主要原因是制造业的萎缩。给安省的制造业埋下最大祸根的是联邦保守政府签定的“北美三国自由贸易协议”。安省制造业的工作被转移到了用工低廉的墨西哥。托自由贸易的福,保守党政府和大财团联手,把工作转移出去,国内还再消减工作岗位,祸国秧民!

    Martin Brian Mulroney (born March 20, 1939), PC, CC, GOQ, was the 18th Prime Minister of Canada from September 17, 1984 to June 25, 1993, and was leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada from 1983 to 1993. His tenure as Prime Minister was marked by the introduction of major economic reforms, such as the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and the Goods and Services Tax,。

    Following diplomatic negotiations dating back to 1986 among the three nations,

    the leaders met in San Antonio, Texas, on December 17, 1992, to sign NAFTA. U.S. President George H. W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Mexican President Carlos Salinas,

    each responsible for spearheading and promoting the agreement, ceremonially signed it.

    NAFTA has many disadvantages. First and foremost, is that NAFTA made it possible for many U.S. manufacturers to move jobs to lower-cost Mexico. This greatly impacts the manufactures of Ontario . The manufacturers that remained lowered wages to compete in those industries.

    The second disadvantage was that many of Mexico's farmers were put out of business by U.S.and Canada-subsidized farm products. NAFTA provisions for Mexican labor and environmental protection were not strong enough to prevent those workers from being exploited.

    NAFTA and FREE TRADE cooked up by Mulroney and company was the first nail in the coffin of the diversified industry satability which Ontario had been known for for over a century.


    保守党要贸易自由,要deregulations, 要小政府,免得政府捆住他们资金在全球流动的自由,把国家或省的工业基础来搞垮,然后让其他党来擦屁股? 这么容易?先搞垮一个省,然后就是整个国家,祸国秧民!在他们搞垮国家之前,左左们要不留情面的让保守党靠边站!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 才反应过来。自由贸易协议是联邦政府的事情,和省政府没有任何关系。请不要浑水摸鱼。
      • 耳朵最近花样繁多,突然开始反自贸了。看来是入了党了
    • 无耻的自由党为掩盖他们的挥霍,竟决定把安省最挣钱的博彩业(649彩票和赌场)全卖给美国黑社会!!现在正在准备标书, 并修改集中管理的系统,变成独立的系统,以便卖掉。 如果自由党当选,第一件事就是把安省最挣钱649彩票和赌场全卖给美国黑社会
      • 俺来加拿大18年,目睹自由党就是不为华人人头税道歉,坚决不与中国签旅游协议,保留赖昌星。安省年年走下坡路。正是保守党为华人人头税道歉,与中国签了旅游协议。自由党的劣迹有目共睹。再选他的人那就是头号SB!!
        • 感谢保守党历届政府!
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1885,the Chinese Immigration Act, which stipulated that all Chinese entering Canada must first pay a $50 fee。

          This was amended in 1887, 1892,and 1900,with the fee increasing to its maximum of $500 in 1903.

          After Jean Chrétien (Right honourable,CC OM PC QC), in the same year, replaced Mulroney as prime minister, the Cabinet openly refused to provide an apology or redress.

          Still, the CCNC and its supporters continued to raise the issue whenever they could, including a submission to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and eventually undertaking court action against the Crown-in-Council, arguing that the federal Crown should not be profiting from racism and that it had a responsibility under both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and international human rights law.

          Paul Martin ( Right honourable, PC CC).When Paul Martin was appointed prime minister in 2003, there was a sense of urgency as it became clear that there were perhaps only a few dozen surviving Chinese Head Tax payers left and maybe a few hundred spouses or widows.

          In 2004, Doudou Diène, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, concluded that Canada should redress the head tax to Chinese Canadians .

          As they had done while campaigning for the federal election in 2004, the New Democratic Party and Bloc Québécois stated, during the leadup to the January 2006 election, their support for an apology and redress for the head tax.

          Similarly, on December 8, 2005, Conservative Party leader Stephen Harper released a press statement expressing his support for an apology for the head tax.

          On June 22, 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered an apology and compensation only for the head tax once paid by Chinese immigrants. Survivors or their spouses were paid approximately CAD$20,000 ($22.5 thousand in 2014 dollars) in compensation. There were only an estimated 20 Chinese Canadians who paid the tax still alive in 2006.


          感谢保守党历届政府!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 骂人不好
      • relax, 加拿大迟早都是美国的.
        • 美国迟早都是墨西哥的
    • When the original Free Trade document was signed (the worst thing Candian government has ever done, thanks again Conservatives) it was the first of its kind, opening the door for the rampant globalization we are dealing with now.
      • I am not PC, nor NDP, I used to be a royal Libaral supporter. I helped Paul Martin and John McCallum (Markham PM) long time ago. But not this time. hotmoon(梵高的耳朵): can you tell if you are Libaral or not?
        • 主张闭关锁国,抵制自贸,寻求行业保护的应该是NDP. 如果在国内应该是乌有之乡那一类的信徒
          • 大多数加拿大人抵制free trade,当年的保守党Martin Brian Mulroney 就是因为签自贸协议被选下了台。
            • 没有自贸协议,加拿大连仅有的那点资源都卖不出价,就别说制造业了,呵呵。你们那个马丁总理跟美国人打软木官司,光律师费花了上亿.贸易保护行业保护,你是美国人的对手吗
              • 安省得制造业主要是汽车行业,如果没有自贸协定,大量的车厂会在墨西哥设厂,而不是加拿大。。。制造业萎缩的重要原因,是人工成本的上涨和加元汇率的问题。。
              • 左左们一直没搞明白加拿大到底处在个神马位置上,加美贸易加拿大一直是贸易顺差,美国可以把车厂设到墨西哥,中国越南,可以把所有加拿大产品设置高额关税,对美国一点影响没有.3000万人口,价格不便宜,又没有技术优势,还想着搞贸易行业壁垒,呵呵
              • 世界上有的是国家可以做贸易。澳大利亚在全球recession中,和中国做煤和铁矿石生意,西方发达国家中唯一躲过recession。北美自由贸易中,加最吃亏,蓝领工作跑到墨西哥,白领工作跑到美国,加拿大彻底开放贸易,就彻底玩完,像北电,黑莓全死翘翘。
                • 自己去统计局查查贸易数字,看看加拿大跟谁做生意最赚钱
                • 不是不要free trade, 是要会free trade. 保守党政府不会做生意,跟在美国屁股后面跑,自然资源卖美国,被美国压制,蓝领工作像鱼一样游走,白领能走的就走,剩下的二流人财留加拿大吃福利,mismatch,再引进工签,本地企业一做大,就被美国收购。我要美国绿卡!!! LOL.....
                  • 自然资源卖美国那是打早多年的事了,自由党一直干。
                  • 加拿大长期的左派思想根深蒂固,是造成今天加拿大人小富即安不思进取福利党众多的祸根.
                    • This is Canada!! 信社的资本主义! 信资的资本主义是美国,他们问题更大,而且跳的高,也会摔的狠,科技股泡沫,次贷危机,银行破产被国有化,庞大国债。。。。加拿大就是要慢,要稳定,要贫富差距不那么大。
                      • 加拿大有资源,有一定工业,科技基础,有种族歧最不严重的多元文化环境,在世界舞台上一直是和平,安静,不惹事生非的良好形像。加拿大为什么要像美国?
                      • 所以你想要这些就要牺牲你的另一面,不可兼得,懂吗?想杀富济贫就不要抱怨富人跑路,没有创造力就不要抱怨自己依附别人的工业。美国有各种问题,但是巨大的经济体,你的经济体小,又想搞社会主义,所以你没有任何优势,人才资金都会被吸引走,有没有开放都没用
                        • 和和。。。。美国的创造力很伟大,依靠巨大的石油资源和其他各种自然资源撑起来的美国创造力和美国生活方式,一旦能源紧缺,它会比加拿大变的更简单的农村生活。次贷危机的思维就是以为houses 可以永远的升,升,升。。。interesting.
                          • 表酸啦,美国有页岩气,地下石油都没咋用。现在人家google无人驾驶,特斯拉都上路了,你这边还想着怎么闭关锁国,杀富济贫,和和。差距太大啦.
                            • OK, 星条旗永不落! 我要美国绿卡。。。。。5555。
                • 铁矿石你没有澳大利亚近,煤你还没有中国自己的多和便宜,小鹏同志煤老板们现在都很捉急。天然气你没土库曼斯坦、哈萨克斯坦方便便宜,你还有啥,没有美国人照顾你,早死翘翘了?
                  • 和和。。。美国资金在全球流动,正在照顾全世界呢,加拿大能独善其身?。。。。。
        • I may switch to NDP......I am not sure.
          • So you are Libral, are you? No wonder.
            • What is wrong with it?
    • There needs to be strong leadership to confront the Harper machine’s zest to sell off Canada one piece at a time. ----省保守党的胡大可有可能是对抗联邦保守党哈伯的一个强有力的领导人吗?
      • Zero chance.
        • 想起一个成语:助zhou为虐。
          • Or even
            • This one is more appropriate.
          • 北美三国自由贸易协议和自由贸易也提供了加拿大人去美国工作的机会, 说老实话, 不是为了去美国, 这个鸟不拉屎的加拿大谁会来? 天气冷如冰柜.我申请加拿大前,都不知道他除了白大夫, 还有啥东西?
            • Oh,yeah. 这是实话。国人移民加,就是以加为跳板,跳到美国去。对于中国移民,美,加,澳,新都没区别,Then tell me what is Canada's identity? Who are we?
            • 来加拿大的目的不是为了去美国,来到加拿大后才感觉到应该去美国,不去美国找工作,我们一家就得困死,饿死,愁死,吵架死,一句话,死,死,死。大部分在加拿大的移民们意思不到这一点。
    • +1000.
    • 回顾一下加拿大的几个有名大公司是怎样终结的..花费高确又不出活,竞争力在国际市场上完败